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Akshara's POV

I found myself seated on a corner sofa, observing the intimate gathering of his close relatives at our marriage reception—a union that had been marked by its unconventional nature.

As I sat quietly in the corner of the room, a sudden introduction shattered the silence. A man approached me, his demeanor polite yet tinged with an air of familiarity.

"Hello, bhabhi," he greeted me warmly, extending his hand in greeting. "My name is Parth Goswami, Abhinav's one and only direct cousin, and your one and only brother-in-law."

Before I could react, my husband appeared beside me, his expression stern as he intercepted the handshake offered by Parth. "Stay away from her," he declared in a voice that brooked no argument, his words ringing with a hint of tension that hung in the air between them.

The tension between the cousins was palpable, it was clear that their relationship was fraught with unresolved conflicts, leaving me to wonder about the complicated dynamics that lingered beneath the surface of this family's ties.

Just moments ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Abhinav's maternal aunt, Parth's mother, who exuded simplicity and warmth. Abhinav's demeanor towards her was affectionate and welcoming, adding to the familial atmosphere of the gathering.

"Come on, brother, I'm just introducing myself to our new family member," Parth interjected with a peculiar smile, his words laced with an unsettling undertone that sent a shiver down my spine.

"F-f-family?" Abhinav's response was accompanied by a sardonic chuckle, hinting at a deeper animosity that lay beneath the surface.

With a hasty farewell, Parth departed abruptly, his sudden exit leaving an uneasy tension lingering in the air. As Abhinav turned towards me, his voice softened with concern.

"Please, stay away from him. He's not a good person," Abhinav urged, his words weighted with a gravity that spoke volumes about the troubled history between the cousins. Though the specifics of their discord remained a mystery, the caution in Abhinav's tone echoed my own instinctive wariness towards Parth, reinforcing the sense of potential danger lurking within Parth's enigmatic smile.


As I sat in the waiting room, anxiously awaiting Parth's emergence from Abhimanyu's room, memories of our first encounter flooded my mind. Despite his polite demeanor, there was an unsettling aura about Parth that left me feeling uneasy. Abhinav's warning only served to deepen my suspicions, casting a shadow of doubt over the true nature of his intentions.

Though I had reluctantly left Abhi alone with Parth in the room, my mind raced with thoughts of what might be transpiring behind closed doors. Lost in my thoughts, I was jolted back to reality by the arrival of a nurse, her presence signaling a potential development regarding Abhi's condition. With a sense of urgency, I followed her to Dr. Shashank's cabin, eager for any information regarding Parth's intentions.

When I was waiting outside his cabin, a nurse came to inform me, "Mrs. Birla, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to inform you that Mr. Goswami has requested to transfer Mr. Birla to an American clinic," she relayed, her expression one of concern.

My heart skipped a beat at the revelation. After receiving permission, I entered Dr. Shashank's cabin and explained hastily, "Doctor, I've been informed that Parth has applied for Abhi's transfer to an American clinic," my words tumbling out in a rush as I sought clarification on the matter.

"It's true," Dr. Shashank confirmed, his expression reflecting the seriousness of the situation . "Mr. Parth Goswami has submitted an application requesting the transfer of Mr.Birla to San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital, citing reasons for providing him with better treatment. However, I can assure you that we are already providing him with the best possible care here at Sanjeevani Hospital. With coma patients, patience is key, and our team is dedicated to ensuring his well-being. Ultimately, the final decision rests in the hands of the patient's family."

As Dr. Shashank spoke, I couldn't help but feel a surge of uncertainty coursing through me. While the idea of transferring Abhimanyu to a foreign hospital had crossed my mind before, knowing Sanjeevani Hospital's reputation as one of the best in India, and Dr. Shashank's expertise in coma cases, had led me to dismiss the notion.

Now, faced with Parth's unexpected offer to facilitate the same transfer, I realized I needed to confront him directly before jumping to any conclusions. There were too many unanswered questions swirling around his intentions, and I needed to unravel the truth before making any decisions that could impact Abhi's care and well-being.


As I made my way back to the waiting area, determination coursed through my veins, propelling me towards the inevitable confrontation with Parth. I found him standing in front of Abhi's room, talking to someone on the phone.

As he cut the call I called out "Parth," I began, my voice firm as I addressed him. "I need to talk to you." He turned towards me, a hint of surprise flickering in his eyes before being swiftly replaced by a facade of innocence.

"Of course, Akshara," he replied smoothly, his tone devoid of any hint of apprehension.

Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I plunged into the heart of the matter. "Why did you apply for Abhi's transfer to a foreign hospital?" I demanded, my words laced with accusation.

For a moment, Parth's facade wavered, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features before he quickly regained his composure. "I only want what's best for Abhimanyu," he insisted, his voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness. "And I believe that St. Bonaventure Hospital  can provide him with the specialized care he needs."

His response only fueled my suspicions, and I refused to back down. "But Sanjeevani Hospital and Dr. Shashank are renowned for their expertise in treating coma patients," I countered, refusing to be swayed by his smooth talk. "Why do you suddenly feel the need to transfer him elsewhere?"

"I assure you, my intentions are purely for Abhimanyu's well-being," he insisted, his voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness.

I narrowed my eyes, refusing to be swayed by his smooth talk. "If that were true, you would have consulted with me before making such a decision," I countered, my voice tinged with frustration. "But instead, you chose to act unilaterally, without considering the..."

Before I could complete my sentence, he stopped me with a mocking chuckle. "Consult you? Excuse me! Who are you to be consulted regarding his well-being? As far as I remember, you're nothing more than a stranger in his life. I've been his family all these years, and I believe I have the right to make decisions for his betterment. Don't tell me you suddenly plan to act like a wife or are you aiming to claim his property now that he's unconscious?" Parth bombarded me with accusations.

How could he say such things? My heart twisted with anguish. Since the moment Abhi had his accident, his well-being had been my only concern.
Suddenly, a wave of introspection washed over me. What if, amidst my doubts and suspicions about his intentions, he harbored similar mistrust towards me? The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, prompting me to consider the possibility that our mutual skepticism was rooted in a fundamental lack of understanding.

Before I could dwell further on these thoughts, another call interrupted our conversation, and Parth swiftly excused himself, disappearing down the corridor without another word.

Left alone with my thoughts, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that despite my constant presence by Abhimanyu's bedside, a palpable distance still lingered between us.Even if he were to awaken from his coma, would he continue to harbor resentment towards me? The thought pierced my heart with a pang of sorrow.

Yet amidst the turmoil of my thoughts, one truth remained unwavering—I longed for Abhi's recovery above all else. I pushed aside the uncertainties of our relationship and Parth's intentions, focusing solely on the fervent desire to see Abhi awaken and return to health. The rest could wait.


Here's a longer chapter, as asked by @Sups2288 in the previous update.

I hope you all enjoy it. I've noticed that with each new update, the number of votes has been decreasing, and there's a significant gap between the number of reads and votes. This disparity is quite demotivating, especially since I don't receive any constructive criticism in the comments, so I'm unsure where I might be going wrong.

Thank you for reading my story! If you enjoyed this chapter, please click on the star to vote. I look forward to your feedback.


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