Chapter 6 Month 1 Keanna's View

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                           My Hero    
Same Day, September 24th Thursday

I kept thinking about Sonic. He saw what they did to me. He now knew I was an orphan. Would we still be friends? Why was he watching? Did he really want to help me when he was at the window? Or did he want to help abuse me? I had no idea. "He wouldn't hurt me... Would he...?" I asked myself. My whole body hurt from the beatings. I now had a big bruise on my cheek, and on other places. I shivered in my cold, cell like room. The ground was concrete, and the walls were made out of iron. The door was also made out of iron and it had a little window with iron bars. My pillow was the ground, and the blanket was nothing. I had nothing that could even Be a blanket. I thought about all the times they abused me and I started to cry softly. If I cried loudly, they would abuse me even worse. Soon, I cried myself to sleep, and had a dream about Sonic.

                     *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

              Sonic's Point Of View

I snuck into the orphanage, careful not to let anybody see me. I eventually found a cell, deep in the orphanage. "...A cell..?" I asked, knocking on the door. I heard somebody move, but there was no reply. I looked through the small window on the door with iron bars, to see Keanna asleep and shivering. I spin dashed the door, making a big hole in it, and I ran over to Keanna. I saw bruises Everywhere on her, there was an Extremely big bruise on her cheek, and she was bleeding. I noticed tear stains on her face, and realized that she cried herself to sleep. I gently picked her up, and she woke up.

"Huh..?" She asked.

"Shh... it's me. I'm taking you to my house, where you'll be safe." I said.

"Thanks hedgehog." She said, giving me a weak smile. "You're My Hero..."

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