Chapter 62: SCP-3883 "Dildos Have Dreams Too"

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Here we see you, Cherri Bomb, Angel Dust in the observation room and they see SCP-3883.

(Y/N): "Everyone this is SCP-3883, it's a green silicone dildo in the shape of a tentacle measuring at 16.5 cm in length."

Angel D: "About time I get to use of your magic sex toys, what can it do? Make you be in a lucid hallucination in a room full of tentacles and they do all over you?"

(Y/N): "Actually it has two anomalous properties that don't involve sexual use. If it's reflection is on a mirror then it's reflection is average. But other reflective surfaces such as water is a different story. Observe."

You then use a remote controlled mechanical hand to pick up SCP-3883 and hold it over a tank full of water. You and the others then see it's reflection as a common octopus.

Cherri: "Oh wow."

Angel D: " Uh so what does it mean? And use small words."

(Y/N): " The toy can have a different reflection based on the reflective surface."

Cherri: " What?"

(Y/N): " It can make different reflections on whatever it's reflecting from."

Angel D: " Ohh."

Cherri: "Man, this is freaky stuff. I knew hanging out with this guy was a good idea."

Angel D: "So what is the other superpower?"

(Y/N): "Well if you're asleep in a range of 1.5 meters of the SCP, you will have a dream that has SCP-3883-1 invading it. We theorized that 3883-1 is an alternative form of SCP-3883 and if the entity kills you in your dream, you will immediately wake up like it was a bad dream."

Cherri: "Oh let me be a test subject."

You then hand Charri a pillow and a blanket and she takes it.

Cherri: "Thanks genius."

Cherri then heads into the room and then takes SCP-3883 and then sits it next to her as she then sets up a spot next to the dildo and goes to sleep. In her dream, we see Cherri in Tokyo and she hears a large monster.

Cherri: "Huh?"

Cherri then turn to see a 10 meter giant monster and she scream in terror.

Cherri: " What the hell?!"

SCP-3883-1 then swings it's tentacle at Cherri and squishes her. We then see Cherri wake up screaming.

Cherri: "Oh man that was nuts! I got squished by a monster in my sleep."

(Y/N): "That was SCP-3883-1, according to some interviews. SCP-3883 uses dreams to escape reality and to scare people."

Cherri: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, apparently it doesn't accept the reality of being a dildo."

Cherri: "Well then I want to get even with it!"

Angel D: "How? By shoving it up in your pussy?"

Cherri: "That's the plan."

(Y/N): "I don't think that's-"*sees Cherri take off her pants and panties**covers eyes*" -oh no."

Cherri: " Let me show you reality, you kaiju movie reject!"*shoves SCP-3883 in her pussy*"Hey, not bad."*starts moving her hips* "Mmm, man this feels awesome!"

(Y/N): *while covering eyes*"That is Foundation property! If you keep doing that you might neutralize SCP-3883!"

Cherri: *while moving her hips*"Just wait until I'm done with it! Ahhh, I'm starting to like this!"

(Y/N): *while covering eyes*" Cherri please stop!"

Cherri: *while moving her hips*"Well here comes the boom!"*squirts*"Ahhh~."*pulls SCP-3883 out of her pussy*"Now we're even."

(Y/N): *while covering eyes*"Somebody please clean up the testing chamber and SCP-3883. And make sure that the anomalous properties survive. And Cherri, please clean yourself up and put your pants back on."

Cherri: "Okay nerd."

(Y/N): " Intellectual okay?"

Cherri: "Whatever."

Later at the breakroom, the girls heard what happened to SCP-3883.

Leshawna: "You put that thing up in your pleasure place?"

Cherri: " Yep and it felt awesome."

Gwen: "Good thing that 3883 still has its powers but why would you do that?!"

Cherri: "In my dream, that thing just squished me so a little payback is in order."

Gwen: " And you just-just-"

Leshawna: "Shove that poor dildo up your pussy?"

Cherri: "Yep."

Leshawna: "Dang girl, how did you take a monster that big in you?"

Cherri: "What? No, that dildo is 16.5 cm."

Ellody: "Which is 7 inches in length."

We then see you walk in and you sit with the girls.

Gwen: " How's 3883?"

(Y/N): "Well after an interview with 3883, it was a bit scarred but it recovered from what happened to it."

Ellody: " Because someone used it for its intended purpose?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Cherri: " How is that traumatizing?"

(Y/N): "Well some people find it traumatizing if they're saving themselves for the one they love, not some rando off of the street."

Ellody: "In other words, rape?"

(Y/N): "Exactly."

Gwen: " So Cherri raped an anomoly?"

(Y/N): "Seems like it."

Cherri: "That was payback for that toy doing things in my dream and squishing me."

Gwen: " So you squished it? Er him?"

Cherri: "No I use that dildo like any dildo, which was pretty awesome. I should get a tentacle shaped dildo of my own."

(Y/N): " And try not to use it in front of me."

Cherri: "Alright (Y/N), I'll just use it on my down time."

Leshawna: "Is there another dildo that is not normal?"

(Y/N): "There is but I'm not gonna tell you cause it's dangerous to use when it's at the highest setting."

Cherri: " Oh it's one of those vibrating toys huh?"

(Y/N): "Don't get any ideas. For that the next SCP we'll be dealing with is one from a video game."*to Cherri*"Both you and Angel Dust are forbidden to gain access to the vibrator SCP."

Cherri: "Dang it! Why?!"

(Y/N): "After your stunt with SCP-3883, I'm not gonna take any chances."

Leshawna: "I'm with baby cakes on this one, he knows this stuff more than us."

Cherri: "Alright. If I'm not gonna get action from that vibrator, then I suppose I'll need a different kind of action."

(Y/N): "We are working on an experimental Mobile Task Force, your anomalous properties could be proven useful, along with Angel Dust's abilities. We call it Pandora's Box, we have the candidates but what we need is the right leader for the job."

Cherri: " What?"

(Y/N): " You two are candidates for an upcoming MTF project that uses SCPs."

Cherri: "Oh cool."

(Y/N): "For now it's only in development, we just need a proper leader."

Cherri: "Hey you should check in at your strip club, the girls there haven't seen you in a while."

(Y/N): "Alright, but first I need to check on SCP-3288."

Later, we see you head to the cell of the Empress and you see that your daughters are raising their children.

Empress: "Your father is here children."

Miranda: "Father, we have children now."

(Y/N): "I can see that, did you reproduce within the required parameters?"

Miranda: " Yes we did and we are raising them well."

Elda: "We just wish that you join us in the breeding though."

Empress: " Girls remember the rules."

Elda: " No breeding with father, but mother I don't want father to be left out."

Empress: "I know sweetheart but like I said it would be strange for him if you breed with him."

Miranda: " I do not know what is unusual about it."

Elda: " He is our father and he is human and is unlike us."*to Empress*"But Miranda has a point mother, we have bred with you and so it won't be different with father."

Empress: "Neither of you are gonna breed with him, and that's final."*to you*"I'm sorry sweetie."

(Y/N): "It's fine."

Later, at the Strip club in hell, we see you enter the room and head to the office which is also a main bedroom.

(Y/N): "Let's see some files on what happened here."

You then look at the records and you see the records of Summer and Dia.

(Y/N): "Work for the right amount of time."*looks at the records*"Everything looks normal for the past few weeks."

You then head into the main area where you saw Summer and Dia on their break and they saw you.

Summer: *sees you* "Oh hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Greetings Summer and Dia, you two look lovely today."

Dia: " Oh heh thanks."

(Y/N): "Well how have things been here ever since Valentino gave the ownership of this club to the Foundation?"

Summer: "Pretty good, paychecks are nice and we put up a sign for new strippers since the boost in budget and now we got new strippers."

(Y/N): "What kind of strippers?"

Summer: "Different species of demons are here, there are futanari strippers, and moms that need some money to provide for their children."

(Y/N): "Well it does make sense cause most of the female workforce is made up of single mothers. It's good to be helping them to get money to pay for their everyday needs and for their children."

Dia: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "I see you two are doing good things."

Summer: "Oh uh, I forgot to mention we also have strippers that are expecting mothers. Some people have some weird kinks."

Dia: " Is that gonna be a problem?"

(Y/N): "Actually we have contingencies for pregnant strippers. Dance seminars provided by professional succubi erotic dancers to teach them how to dance properly without harming the baby."

Dia: "You always have a foolproof plan."

(Y/N): "We made modifications on the staff and included dance classes for new employees for new dancers and dancers that are a bit out of practice."

Summer: "Thanks for the help, (Y/N)."

Later, you set up an intervention for two people named Mayberry and Martha. You then see them come into the room and they sit in chairs away from each other.

(Y/N): "Glad that you both can make it."

Mayberry: "I'm not."

Martha: "Me neither."

(Y/N): "Let's go over the series of events that took place between you two. Mayberry, you were teaching a class and one of your students mentioned your ex-spouse's birthday and when you saw your ex husband with Martha you were driven to the breaking point of your sanity and killed him and nearly killed Martha and you killed yourself in the process. You hired assassins to kill Martha and it was successful."

Martha: "Now I have a mouth for an eye."

Mayberry: "Oh go eat someone's heart out you cannibal."

(Y/N): "Mayberry, please allow Martha to explain the story from her point of view."

Mayberry: "She banged my ex husband, end of story."

Martha: "Now hold on there teach. I did not bang your husband, he banged me."

Mayberry: "What!?"

Martha: "Shut up, let me tell you my side of my story. Anyways he was plum tired of waiting for you to do it with him so he came to me and he brought me to your house and we bang."

Mayberry: "It looked like you don't mind him."

Martha: "Well I use my charm to lure in men to feed my family. I was doing you a favor by charming him and making him food to feed my family cause he told me he was cheating on you. A good mother always keeps her family fed. I make a mean pot of cheater man stew, one spoonful of that stew will knock your socks off. My mama taught me her recipes. Well I do have to admit-"*bounces her breasts*"-his meat went to the right places."

Mayberry: "Wait, so in a way, you were making sure he gets his karma?"

Martha: "Yep and he tasted good."

Mayberry: "Then why haven't you been doing that here lately?"

Martha: "I was going on a diet."*rubs her chest and hips*"All of that human meat can go down to your hips and chest, I need to watch my figure."

Mayberry: "Oh...I'm sorry for what I did to you."

Martha: "Eh, all is forgiven. You know we could've been good friends, you and I, you should try the cannibal diet sometimes."

Mayberry: "I'll think about it."

We then see both Mayberry and Martha hug each other.

(Y/N): "Good to have you both getting along so well."

Mayberry: "Martha, you're thinking of eating (Y/N) are you?"

Martha: "Nah, he's too adorable to be dinner."

Mayberry: "I was thinking the same way too."

Next: Chapter 63: SCP-5167 "When The Imposter Is Sus"

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