Chapter 63: SCP-5167 "When The Imposter Is Sus"

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Among Us lobby roster:









9.Anne Maria







Here we see Kitty playing a game called Among Us and she is waiting for other players to get to the lobby. She then sees other players and they're TD girls and Alex was there too and they were a lobby of 14.

Kitty: *suing the chat box*"Hey girls, can't wait to play Among Us>"

Jasmine: *from the chat box*"This will be fun."

Heather: *from the chat box*"This game suits me."

Beth: *from the chat box*"Make sense cause you lie a lot."

Anne Maria: *from the chat box*"This is a girls only lobby, so how many imposters did you put in Kitty?"

Kitty: *using the chat box*"Well I put in 3 imposters."

And then a 15th player named Phthonus entered the lobby and Kitty took notice of this.

Kitty: *using the chat box*"Izzy, don't fool us with that name. We know it's you."

Izzy: *using the chat box*"But that's not me."

Amy: *using the chat box*"Hey Phthonus! Get lost!"

Phthonus: *using the chat box*"Lost? What's lost? The Spartans' grasp over their land, the unstoppable force of the Kraken's might, or the Amazon's hold over men of Greece?"

Alex: *using the chat box*"Um what?"

Kitty: *using the chat box*"Whatever, let's just start the game. The arena will be on the Airship."

Sierra: *using the chat box*"That's the best one!"

When the game starts we see that Heather, Phthonus, and Amy are the imposters.

Heather: "Better get to taking out the weak links." they don't

We see Heather choose Vault and she appears in the Vault. She then sees Sierra cleaning up the ruby.

Sierra: "Hey Heather, can you put the clothes on the mannequin?"

Heather: "Meh, I'll do this instead."

Heather then kills Sierra and then leaves the Vault. Heather then sees other players leaving the game and then the Imposters won. Later, we see Kitty in the living room being very paranoid and when Emma comes into the room, she sees Kitty.

Emma: "Hey you okay?"

Kitty: *sees Emma*"Who are you!?!"

Emma: "Kitty what's wrong?"

Kitty: "Get away from me you imposter!"

Sometime later, we see the girls in the medical wing of the Foundation and they wake up and they don't remember the round of Among Us.

Kitty: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "You all encountered SCP-5167, an entity that takes the form of a player in the game named Phthonus. The anomalous property comes from the initial encounter causing any witnesses of SCP-5167 to go through paranoia and Capgras Delusion, which is when the human mind thinks that the person that they know the most is an imposter who is identical to the person they know."

Emma: "Like when Kitty called me an imposter."

(Y/N): "Precisely, and when the SCP uses the chat box function on the game. It will make lengthy conversations on some topics. We tried tracking the SCP's location but the address was in a rural part of Greece. But the SCP's abilities as an anomaly will become inert within one year. We give the amnestics to witnesses of the SCP and say it was a mental breakdown."

Emma: "Okay, wait you say rural Greece right? So the SCP might've come from Greece?"

Jasmine: "I'll go ask Diana about that."

Later, at lunch, we see Jasmine eating lunch with Diana.

Jasmine: "Diana, do you know Phthonus?"

Diana: "Of course, in my studies Phthonus is the God of Envy, the other half of the goddess of retribution, Nemesis. And the son of Nyx and Dionysus. Why?"

Jasmine: "The Foundation found SCP-5167's address in rural Greece, it's from a video game called Among Us."

Diana: " Among who?"

Jasmine: "Among Us, it's a game where a group of players play as crewmates and one or more people play as imposters. Crewmates do tasks across the maps while the imposters kill the crewmates. Crewmates win either by finishing all the tasks or finding out who's the imposter. And the imposter wins by killing all the crewmates."

Diana: " Oh, I see."

Jasmine: "There are now SCPs in our video games now. What are the odds of that?"

Diana: "I do not know."

Jasmine: "The things that are happening on this planet."

Later, we see Jasmine heading to an address that you gave her and by the time she gets to it, she sees it was a flower shop in her name. When she gets into the shop she sees that it has an entire collection of flora from all over the world and when she gets to the back of the shop she sees an arena for a caged match, set to design for any opponent.

Jasmine: " What the?"

???: "Surprise."

Jasmine then turns to you and sees you enter the shop.

(Y/N): "Exotic flora from all over the planet and beyond and multiple caged arenas built for anyone who goes in them. Vibranium cages that have a micro field in the holes to make sure that the audience don't get hit by bullets."

Jasmine: "You did all of this for me?"

(Y/N): "Yep, on the shop's opening day will feature some debut matches. The boxes are for low level fights, and the cage is for the main event."*hands the list of names for the matches*"Here are the names."

Jasmine: " Wow, uh thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Let's get ready for opening day."

On Opening day, we see Jasmine at the register selling flora for a lot of gardeners.

Jasmine: "Come again soon."

Customer: "I'm here for the cage match ma'am."

Jasmine: "Buy a ticket and follow the signs."

In the cage match, we see Zee in the caged arena facing off against Dr. Strange.

Zee: "I'm facing off against a master Magician!?!"

Dr. Strange: "Nervous?"

Zee: "Nope."

Zee then cast magic at Dr. Strange as we see him make a portal to launch Zee's magic back at her and put herself to sleep.

Dr. Strange: "She is an undisciplined child."

In a boxed arena, we see Loona fighting off Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: " And me without a chew toy."

We then see Loona bite Spider-Man on the leg and throw him at a wall.

Spider-Man: "Please tell me you had a rabies shot?"

Loona: "Well duh, we're not animals."

Spider-Man then shoots webs at Loona's face. In the caged arena, we see General Zod facing off against Hawkeye.

Zod: "A mere human fighting General Zod, how pathetic."

Clint: "You say that now, but think again."

We see Clint pull out an arrow and then shoot it at Zod as he catches it with one hand.

Zod: "Pathetic shot."

Clint: "I was planning on it."

The arrow head opened up to reveal Gold Kryptonite.

Clint: "Gold Kryptonite, now we can fight on equal terms."

We then see Clint kick Zod in the chest and launch him to the wall of the arena and get up and turn to Clint.

Zod: "With or without the kryptonite, I am still stronger than you."

Clint: "Agree to disagree."

In another Caged match, we see Hulk fighting Scarlet Witch and we see them fighting at their peak.

Wanda: *pushes Hulk back*"Try punching your way out of this."

We then see Hulk throw a fist at Wanda as she then makes a portal to make Hulk punch himself in the face and knock him out.

Wanda: "Score one for the witch."

Later, at closing time, we see all the fighters in the locker rooms as we see you and Jasmine enter the room.

(Y/N): "Good work everyone."

Tony: "Yeah it feels good to keep our skills sharp."

Tony then sees Genos missing a few parts of himself from his fight with Tony.

Tony: "Sorry about that bud, I kinda went overboard. How about this, I will give you some repairs on your everything and we will call it even."

Genos: "Thank you."

Bruce: "Hey Wanda, how did you make that wormhole thing?"

Wanda: " I've been practicing."

Bruce: "Oh cool."

We later see Jasmine counting all of her money.

Jasmine: "I made 80 thousand dollars on opening day, both 40 thousand form the flower shop and 40 thousand from the matches."

(Y/N): "Not bad for your first day."

Jasmine: "Thanks for the help (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "No problem."

Jasmine: *kisses you on the cheek*"Thanks for making my dreams a reality."

(Y/N): " You're welcome. I planned a sleepover at Taylor's house to celebrate."

Jasmine: "Why her house?"

(Y/N): "Because my house doesn't have enough space for all of you."

Jasmine: "That makes sense."

Later at Taylor's house, we see you and the girls watching a horror movie and there was a jump scare on screen and it scared everyone but you.

Kitty: "AHHH!!!" *hugs you* "I hate JSCs!"

(Y/N): " JSCs?"

Kitty: " JumpScares, I made up the acronym."

The girls then see a really gory scene which scares everyone.

Ellody: "Oh please, those are just special effects. I'm not scared of that."

Gwen: "Then why are you hanging onto (Y/N) for dear life?"

Ellody: *sees that she's hugging you*"The effects look very realistic."

Lindsay: "Um (Y/N), why are you sitting on Jasmine's lap?"

(Y/N): "There aren't any more spots on the couch. Plus she insisted on it."

Jasmine: " It's true, there aren't any more spots on the couch."

Jasmine then sees another really gory and bloody scene in the movie and she screams in fear.

Jasmine: *hugs you tightly* "AAHHHHH!!!!"

Gwen: "Oh man the budget on the special effects is really high. It looks so realistic."

Leshawna: "That's Grade A nightmare fuel."

Ellody: *while hugging you* " No kidding, I estimate I will have 4 weeks worth of no sleep."

(Y/N): "Ellody, if you hug me too hard you might crush my rib cage."

Lindsay: " No, I think Jasmine would do that."

Jasmine: *let's go* "Sorry."

Crimson: "The cannibal family in the movie reminds me of my childhood friend. Her family are cannibals too."

Gwen: " Wow, wait how are you alive?"

Crimson: "They don't eat friends or neighbors."

We then see another gory scene and we see Heather and Jo hugging each other in fear.

Heather and Jo: "AAAHHHHHH!!!!!"

Jasmine: "Can we watch something else?"

One movie change later.

We see you and the girls watching a romantic comedy movie and a lot of the girls were crying, especially Jo, Amy, and Heather.

Ellody: " I see the mean girls of the group are crying."

Samey: "My sister always cries at weddings, even ones in movies."

Amy: "No! Maybe. Don't judge me!"*cries and hugs Samey*"Hold me!"

Samey: *hugs back*"It's okay Amy, I got you. Let it all out."

Heather: "The dress looks amazing on her."

The movie then shows a man crashing the wedding.

Anne Maria: "What is he doing there?"

Man: *on tv*"I object! She had an affair with me!"

All the girls gasped in shock from hearing that.

(Y/N): " I don't get why he waited that long to get there and to say that."

Samey: "You don't get it, affairs are serious things."

Man: *on tv*"She's marrying you because her family needs the money!"

Taylor: "Typical arranged marriages, they only want your money and not your love. Like between my mom and dad."

(Y/N): " But why did the guy wait that long to say she was having that affair? Couldn't he just show up before the priest asked about any objections?"

Lindsay: *whispers to Beth*"He doesn't get romance."

One movie change later

We see you and the girls are watching a documentary on microscopic organisms.

(Y/N): "Now this is a good choice of a movie."

Ellody: " It truly is."

Leshawna: *yawns* " Yeah for you two."

Lindsay: "It's sooooo boring."

Taylor: "After this, we're playing board games."*sees Anne Maria fall asleep on her shoulder*"And she fell asleep."

Some time later, we see the girls playing twister and you are operating the spinner.

Lindsay: " What did the spinny thing land on?"

(Y/N): "Left hand blue."

We then see all the girls fall down on the lost the game, but Lindsay was the only one who won.

Lindsay: "Yay I won!"

Heather: *in pain* " How?!"

(Y/N): " Lindsay took a few yoga classes."

Lindsay: " It's true. I took some yoga classes to get ready for swimsuit season."

Gwen: "Lindsay, you get the spinner and (Y/N) you're playing."

Some time later we see Lindsay with the spinner and you on the board.

(Y/N): " What did the spinner land on?"

Lindsay: "Right foot red."

We see you put your right foot on the red spot as we see that you were surrounded by a twisted pile of girl bodies.

Gwen: " Dang it!"

Heather: *feels your elbow on her rear*"Who's elbowing my trunk?"

Jasmine: *feels your foot around her chest*"Who's foot is in my chest?"

(Y/N): *in pain* " Sorry."

Leshawna: "It's okay baby cakes."

We then see all the girls fall down and you were left standing.

(Y/N): "Those yoga classes really come in handy."*stands up*"Always keep your body limber."

Lindsay: " Like me."

In the next game, you and the girls play monopoly and you have the most money you are winning.

(Y/N): "Courtney, I'll trade you a get out of jail free card for your Vermont Avenue."

Courtney: "Oh fine, deal."

We see you hand the get out of jail free card to Courtney and she gives you her Vermont Avenue which results in you winning the game.

(Y/N): "Guess I won."

Courtney: " Oh no fair! You got into our heads!"

Leshawna: "He was in my head!"

Ellody: "He is very persuasive."

Jasmine: "And we all needed that get out of jail free card."

Courtney: "Ugh, you're right."

Jasmine: "So what game should we play now?"

Kitty: "I think we're done with games."

Courtney: " Yeah the last thing I want is losing my marbles."

(Y/N): "Any ideas?"

Lindsay: " Watch another movie?"

Gwen: "I have a better idea."

Sometime later, we see Lindsay applying nail polish on your fingers.

Lindsay: "This is fun."*finishes the nail polish*"And done, now you have nice fingernails."

(Y/N): "Can someone explain to me why you're putting makeup on me?"

Gwen: "We thought it would be more fun to do it on you."

(Y/N): " And not on yourselves?"

Leshawna: "We put on our makeup 24/7, time for a man to get fabulous."

Lindsay: "Heather, can you wax his legs?"

Heather: "With pleasure."

Anne Maria: "I'll get the blush and lipstick on him."

(Y/N): " Wait what?"

One makeup session later, we see you looking like an actual woman with blush, lipstick, eyeliner, etc. You also have fake Triple D breasts and a butt to match.

Taylor: "We're so good."*high fives Heather*

(Y/N): " You made me look like Leshawna?"

Leshawna: "It's like looking at a mirror, a white woman mirror."

Taylor: "I pictured what you look like as a girl and you would look like a plus size girl cause you're old as dirt and I thought to myself where would that age go, so your age would go into your body and you will start out with a Lindsay bod during the time of inventing the wheel and now you have a Leshawna bod in the now."

(Y/N): "I can see the logic in that."

Taylor: "Plus you look amazing in that Leshawna bod."

Leshawna: "If I had a white sister, she would be like you."

(Y/N): "Oh thanks."

Kitty: "Can we tell scary stories? (Y/N) has a lot of good ones."

Samey: "Um I don't think that's a good idea. The last time (Y/N) told scary stories, we couldn't sleep all night."

(Y/N): " Samey has a good point."

Leshawna: "Guess we can just call it a night."

Jo: *yawns* " Sounds good to me all that twister got me tired."

(Y/N): "I'll get out of this makeup."

Kitty: "wait before you do that."*takes a selfie with you*"And there."

Later, after getting out of the makeup, we see you set up a sleeping bag.

Heather: " Uh you know that we're not camping right?"

(Y/N): "I know, I thought sleeping bags would be essential for a sleepover. Wait, didn't you get a sleeping bag?"

Heather: " Uh no."

(Y/N): "Am I the only one who brought a sleeping bag?"

Leshawna: " Yeah pretty much."

(Y/N): " Alright then, where are you girls gonna sleep?"

Leshawna: " On the floor with the mat."

(Y/N): "Why would you want to do that? Sleeping bags are much more comfortable than those mats."

Leshawna: "Well you ain't wrong about that."

(Y/N): " Yeah, well if any of you didn't bring a bag mine has plenty of room. It has a spatial displacement field in the bag itself."

Courtney: " Uh what?"

Ellody: " It has a lot of room."

(Y/N): "I can fit a whole car in this sleeping bag."

Leshawna: " Alright bag it is."

We then see you and the girls all in the bag sleeping.

Next: Chapter 64: SCP-137 "The Real Toy"

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