Chapter 64: SCP-137 "The Real Toy"

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Here we see the girls in your sleeping bag and when they wake up they see how big your sleeping bag really is.

Lindsay: "Wow, it's really big in here."

Heather: "No kidding."

Jasmine: "Where's (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): *muffled*"Look no further girls cause I am under Leshawna, also running out of oxygen."

Courtney: " Ah! Leshawna, get up quick!"

Leshawna: "Huh what?"

Courtney: "You're suffocating him!"

Leshawna: "Oh."*gets off of you*"Sorry about that."

(Y/N): " It's okay, I know it was an accident."

Courtney: "You could have killed him, Leshawna!"

Leshawna: " Hey now I said I was sorry, besides dying while under my triple Ds or my booty will make any man die happy."

(Y/N): "Either by suffocation or a heart attack caused by over-stimulation."

Leshawna: "Even he gets it."

Courtney: " Still though, if (Y/N) died who would run the Foundation?"

(Y/N): "I always come back when you least expect it. Either in one form or another."

You then unravel the tail that acts as your belt and the girls see that you still have your tail.

Leshawna: "I straight up forgot about that tail."

(Y/N): "Even death itself has made a deal with the Foundation. I might even say we sometimes cheat death and at one point control Death itself."

Lindsay: "The dead guy?"

(Y/N): "It's Dead Man, a humanoid capable of being a remote control of death. I killed the O5 Council and myself included and I ended up in Hell, not because of my actions but for a higher purpose."

Courtney: " Wow, uh that's reassuring."

Later at the Foundation, we see Ella walk by and she looks through the window of one of the cells for the SCPs and she sees an actual princess all locked up.

Ella: "My goodness, what is a princess doing in there all locked up?"

We then see guards appear and she looks at them.

Guard: "Do you have any toys or objects that resemble toys?"

Ella: " Of course not, why sir?"

Guard: " SCP-137 can possess any toy and take on the characteristics of said toy, so far the Princess Blossom doll is the safest form that the SCP can take. Are you gonna do any experiments with the SCP, ma'am?"

Ella: "I merely want to talk to her."

Guard: "Well SCP-137's current possession of Princess Blossom makes her think she's in a castle and thinks that all male Foundation staff are her princes."

Guard: "We have to keep our eye out for bronies cause when someone brought a Twilight Sparkle toy in the presence of the SCP, weird things happened."

Meanwhile, in Canterlot City at the mall, we see Sunset walking in the toy store looking for something for Apple Bloom's birthday and then she comes across My Little Pony toys and she was weirded out from looking at them.

Sunset: "Weird... who would buy this stuff?"

Back to Ella.

Ella: " I see, well I don't have any toys on me."

Guard: " Better do a cavity search just in case."

We then see the guards doing a cavity search on Ella and they check under her dress.

Ella: "Oh!"

Guard: "Alright you're clean, you may enter."*gets slapped by Ella*"Ow."

Ella: "Ruffian. Hmph!"

We then see Ella walk away into the cell and she sees SCP-137 aka Princess Blossom.

Ella: "Hello Princess Blossom, it's nice to meet you."

Blossom: "It's nice to meet you too. Are you a fellow princess?"

Ella: "Indeed I am."

Blossom: " Well it's nice to meet a fellow princess, I do apologize for the guards. They always want to make sure I'm safe."

Ella: " I understand but did they have to inspect my..." *blushes*" You know what spot."

Blossom: "Oh dear."

Blossom then sees you enter the room.

(Y/N): "Okay why do they need to keep checking that spot, you have to be crazy to put a barbie doll up there."*sees the girls*"Greetings."

Ella: " Hey (Y/N) what's going on?"

(Y/N): "Apparently the guards started doing rectal searches to make sure no toys were in there."

Ella: " I would never put a teddy bear up there. I wouldn't even know how to put it in there."

(Y/N): "The only thing I brought with me is a disk that has recorded video of the experiments of SCP-137."

Ella: " Oh, you recorded experiments with 137?"

You then set up a tv and then put the disk in and play the video.

(Y/N): "We conducted several tests with SCP-137."

Ella: *sees a toy plane turn into an actual plane*" My goodness, that happened."*sees the plane crashed*"Oh dear."

(Y/N): "We have spares of princess blossom, we tested an american soldier toy which caused a lot of casualties, unintentionally a crocodile keychain fob turned into a real croc. We tested the SCP on a yo-yo and it does a lot of tricks even when it's not on a finger."

Ella: "Anything else?"

(Y/N): "Well there was this one time when one of our researchers was a brony and he brought in a Twilight Sparkle toy within 137's proximity to fulfill his fantasies."

Ella: " Um, okay I do not want to know what his desires were."

Blossom: " Neither do I."

(Y/N): "Good, cause it's physically impossible for me to explain it without vomiting my lunch."

We later see Ella having a tea party with you and Blossom.

Ella: "This is nice to have some tea with friends."

(Y/N): "I prefer hot chocolate myself, but this is nice."

Blossom: " Agreed, nothing more relaxing than a tea party."

Ella: "Of course, it is more fun when (Y/N) is around."

(Y/N): "Well Princess Blossom, out of all the foundation personnel you have met so far, which one of them do you like the most?"

Blossom: " Easy, Ella, I can relate to her since we are princesses."

Ella: " It's true, we are princesses."

(Y/N): "Well I better get going, better get to that paperwork."

Ella: " Okay."

We see you leave the room as both Ella and Blossom talk to each other.

Ella: "So what else do you want to talk about?"

Blossom: "Well throughout my time here in this castle, I have met many princes but none of them would like to be my king."

Ella: " Me too, while I am a princess it is hard to find that knight in shining armor."

Blossom: "Yeah."

Meanwhile, we see you doing some paperwork as we see Ella enter the room and she sees you working on paperwork.

Ella: " Hello (Y/N), I see you're busy."

(Y/N): "Yeah I am, so how was your time with SCP-137?"

Ella: " It was splendid, how's your work?"

(Y/N): "I approved the new protocols to SCP-5031 and everything is fine and dandy."

Then the alarms went off as a sign of a containment breach.

(Y/N): "Now what?" *grabs the phone*"What's going down there?"

Guard: *over the phone*"SCP-137 possessed a Huggy Wuggy toy and-AHHH!!"*gets his head bitten off*

(Y/N): "Oh great."

Meanwhile, we see researchers getting killed by SCP-137 as we see you and Ella run by as it sees you both.

Ella: " Oh my! Blossom stop!"

(Y/N): "That's not Princess Blossom, SCP-137 doesn't carry out any memories of past forms."

We see one of Ella's slippers fall off while you two were running and by the time you got to a spare Princess Blossom doll, you throw it at Huggy Wuggy and you see it turn into the life sized Princess Blossom.

Blossom: "Greetings, I am Princess Blossom. Who are you two?"

Ella: " (Y/N) what in the world happened?"

(Y/N): "Let me think."

You then pull out a gun and shoot a guard in the head and kill him.

(Y/N): "A spy."

You then head to the body and you rip the sleeve off to reveal a tattoo of the symbol of the Chaos Insurgency.

(Y/N): "Chaos Insurgency, just as I thought."

Ella: "Chaos Insurgency?"

You then look at the ring on the spy's ring finger.

(Y/N): "Married man with a Huggy Wuggy toy in his pocket and was on a mission to get one of our SCPs. Just trying to get his kid something for his birthday."

Ella: "Oh dear."

(Y/N): "Someone get 137 back to her cell please."

We then see guards head to Princess Blossom and she sees them.

Guard: "Come on your highness, you need to get back to your room before any other monsters or invaders storm the castle."

Blossom: "Why thank you kind sir."

Ella: " Kind sir my glass slipper he almost defiled me."

(Y/N): "Speaking of slippers."*picks up Ella's slipper*"Try different footwear Ella, like sneakers or something that has laces on them. Cause you dropped one of your slippers while we were being chased by Elmo's ugly cousin 1006 times removed."

You then put the missing slipper on Ella's foot and she sees it happen.

(Y/N): "The next time you go to the mall, grab some footwear that has shoes with velcro or laces."

Ella: *blushes* "Oh um, yes sir."

(Y/N): "By the way I pulled some strings at the mall in Metropolis and convinced them to let you back in and allow you full permission to sing there."

Ella: "Thank you so much."

Later, we see you and other scientists like Dr. Gears, Dr. Clef, Professor Crow, Dr. Kondraki, and Dr. Cimmerian in a room with Dr. Bright and it was an intervention.

(Y/N): "Dr. Bright, it has come to our attention that you have been telling dad jokes for the past 20 weeks."

Dr. Bright: "Right, I'll get some new material."

Dr. Kondraki: "No, they need to stop."

Dr. Gears: "They're becoming lame even by lame father standards."

Dr. Kondraki: "Indeed."

Dr. Cimmerian: "As a member of the ethics committee we decided to put this rule on the things that Dr. Bright is not allowed to do at the Foundation: Telling Dad Jokes, even by lame dad standards."

Prof. Crow: "It is an addiction, Bright."

Dr. Bright: "Well I was addicted to Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around."

Everyone: *groans in annoyance and cringe*

Dr. Clef: "Welp once again he deserves to be shot in the head."

(Y/N): "No Dr. Clef, it won't kill Bright. He'll just get a new body."

Dr. Clef: "Seems fun though."

Dr. Bright: "Well at least some of you guys are dads. Gears back up here."

Dr. Gears: "I don't do jokes."

Dr. Bright: " Ugh, you're no fun."

(Y/N): "Bright please, for the love of all of creation please don't break the rules on that poster."

You then point to the poster that has all the things that Bright is not allowed to do at the Foundation.

(Y/N): "And stop with the dad jokes too while you're at it."

Dr. Bright: "When will a joke become a dad joke?"

Dr. Cimmerian: "Now that you-"*realizes*"Oh no."

Dr. Bright: "When it becomes a parent."

Everyone: *groans in annoyance*

Dr. Kondraki: "That is extremely lame."

Dr. Clef: "I told you this wouldn't work."

Dr. Clef then pulls out a pistol and points it at Dr. Bright as we see Jessica enter the and see Dr. Clef shot Dr. Bright in the head.

Dr. Clef: "That will shut him up."

Jessica: " Dr. Bright!" *to Clef* " What is wrong with you?!"

Dr. Clef: "What, we find a D-Class for him to possess and he's good as new. Preferably one without vocal chords."

(Y/N): "Dr. Bright has been doing Dad Jokes for weeks and they were getting lame even by lame dad standards. Everything that is Dr. Bright is in the necklace around his neck. He's immortal."

Jessica: " Alright, but that is not right just to shoot him in the face!"

Dr. Clef: "Still fun though."

Jessica: " It's not fun!"

Later, we see you place Dr. Bright's necklace on a male D-Class and you see that Dr. Bright has taken over the D-Class.

Dr. Bright: *tries to talk but can't*

(Y/N): "We gave you a body without vocal chords. See ya."

We then see you leave the room and you see Ella in the hall.

Ella: "Hello (Y/N), I have great news."

(Y/N): "New shoes?"

Ella: "No, I found my Prince Charming."

(Y/N): "You found a guy you like the most or a humanoid Cognitohazardous entity that can make any woman go bonkers crazy for the entity no matter their current sexual orientation."

Ella: " No, It's not an anomaly. You are my prince charming."*hugs your arm*

(Y/N): "Um what are you-"*gets kissed by Ella* "What was that for?"

Ella: " You are my Prince Charming, when you gave me my slipper back. You became my one and only Prince Charming, it's a moment where I found my true love."

(Y/N): " And it's me?"

Ella: "Yes (Y/N), you are my prince and I am your princess and we'll be together forever."

(Y/N): " So you want to join the group too?"

Ella: " Yep."

(Y/N): " Well let's hope there are no other Chaos Insurgency spies in the Foundation."

Ella then sees a small robin land on your hand and she giggled.

Ella: "Hello little friend."

(Y/N): "Birds followed you, correct?"

Ella: *spreads her arms out* "They always follow me around."*sees birds land on her arms*"Hello little friends."

(Y/N): " I- how?"

Ella: "I'm a friend to all animals big and small."

(Y/N): "Just don't push your luck around SCP-682."

Ella: " Why?"

(Y/N): " 682 is anything but friendly, we have the funeral expenses and piles of dead bodies to prove that."

Ella: " Is there any way to tame that beast?"

(Y/N): " Well Fernand did have a history with 682, he did ride on 682's back a while back and we did temporarily pacify him and if 999 is around he could calm him down. But that gave 682 the ability to emit a wave of laughter to make everyone laugh uncontrollably."

Ella: " Oh dear."

(Y/N): "Well if you want to meet much friendlier SCPs, hang out with SCP-999 or any of the safe class SCPs. Speaking of Safe Class SCPs, we got some pills that arrived at site-92 from a guy who had killed someone because we found blood on a large pile of unpeeled bananas. I'll be heading to Site-92 for testing."

Ella: " Okay, be safe."

We later see you eating lunch at the park with Barbi and Selina as we see Barbi and Selina are curious about you.

Barbi: "Um (Y/N), you are anomalous yourself, can you hop into different dimensions?"

(Y/N): "Sometimes I do. It's a lot better than using a scroll to go all over the multiverse without growing feathers."

Selina: "Can you take us to a place?"

(Y/N): "Well of course, all you have to do is walk with me."

We see you and the girls walk on the path of the park and the girls then see a lot of things changing like trees becoming power lines and the architecture of the city changed into a japanese style architecture.

Selina: "How long do we have to keep walking?"

(Y/N): "We just arrived."

Barbi: "How can we tell?"

The girls then see a small girl with a cycloptic eye and blue hair named Manako walk by.

(Y/N): "Love the new contacts ma'am."

Manako: " O-o-oh uh, thanks."

Barbi: *sees Manako*" Who's she?"

(Y/N): "A cycloptic humanoid called a Cyclops, or you can just call her a Monoeye. In our reality people like her would be in a cell of the Foundation or be mounted on the wall over a fireplace of the Global Occult Coalition. But harming people like her is against the law."*picks up a newspaper*"Still don't believe me, just read the paper."

Barbi and Selina then read the newspaper and they see an article about an Interspecies Exchange Bill in its 3rd year.

Barbi: " Oh my, this never happened in Metropolis."

(Y/N): "Not in our reality. I don't know how I became a dimension hopper. I could've been given this power by the Department of Abnormalities, or I was born with them, or maybe I was bitten by a dimension hopping spider. Who knows?"

Selina: "Why don't we look around and see what we can find."

(Y/N): "I have a house not far from here."

Barbi: "You own a house here?"

(Y/N): " Yep, follow me."

Later, we see you and the girls at a normal house in Tokyo.

Barbi: " I thought you would be living in a mansion?"

(Y/N): "I don't try to be the center of attention."

Selina: "That makes sense."

(Y/N): "Besides, you would've robbed me blind Selina."

Selina: "I would never-"*sees Barbi take your wallet out her purse*"Uhh...."

Barbi: "This does not belong to you."

Selina: "That was one time."*sees Barbi take out your watch, your Level 6 clearance, and a gold bar from her purse*"I...don't know how those things got in there."

(Y/N): "I was about to send that Gold Bar to the bank to make a deposit."

Selina: " Why do you keep a Gold Bar in your bag?"

(Y/N): "When you go to other worlds you have got some money, that gold bar you have there is worth 50 billion dollars."

The girls were shocked by how much money that gold bar is worth.

Selina: " Wow! That much!?!"

(Y/N): " Yep."

Barbi: *fanning herself with her hand*"That's enough to buy my house!"

(Y/N): *grab your stuff*"Well now that's out of the way. Let's grab some food here, one of the sushi restaurants back at home closed down and I want to try it here."

You and the girls hear a knock at your door.

(Y/N): "Probably the mailman or someone who needs me to sign a petition for a good cause."

You then head to the door and when you open it you see a woman on the porch and her name is Kuroko Smith.

(Y/N): "Greetings ma'am, can I help you with anything?"

Kuroko: " Hello sir, I am Kuroko Smith and I'm here to give you your home arrangements for several people."

We then see a large group of construction workers go into your house and start remodeling your house.

(Y/N): "What's going on here?"

Kuroko: "Do you have a fear of snakes or spiders?"

(Y/N): "I used to have a fear of them when I was a kid but over time I understand those creatures. The scales of a snake creates the illusion of the feel of slime and as for spiders they're harmless unless they're provoked, why?"

Kuroko: "Do you have Aquaphobia?"

(Y/N): "Not really, my folks took a vacation in the middle of the ocean just to interact with the world underneath the water and it turns out it's a fascinating world from a small clown fish to a large whale."

Kuroko: " Do you-"

Selina: " Hang on, what's going on? What's with the renovations? And what's with the phobia questions?"

(Y/N): "Don't interrupt Selina."

Barbi: " Apologies but I'm with Selina on this one, what is with the weird questions?"

(Y/N): "If she has questions then I'll give her answers."*to Kuroko*"Please continue."

Kuroko: "What is your take on zombies depicted in pop culture?"

(Y/N): "I don't fear the undead, but rather the cause of such a world-ending event. Men of science trying to play god, finding a cure for cancer, or a monster from another dimension. But the worst path for the undead to rule the world is paved by the world's greatest defenders turned into the monsters that destroy their world out of hunger."

Kuroko: " Um okay, very philosophical right there."

Barbi: " Yeah,he read a lot of philosophy books."

Selina: " Like a lot."

Kuroko: "Anyways, the reason why I'm asking these questions because-"

We then see the construction crew leave the house.

Worker: "Renovations are done ma'am."

Kuroko: " Excellent, now the girls have a place to stay."

(Y/N): "Wait."

You then head into the house and you look around to see that the house has been remodeled to support a lot of people, the door frames are taller and wider, there's an indoor pool, the attic is much bigger, the bathtub is big enough to fit 10 people. You then head back to the living room and turn to Kuroko.

(Y/N): "Why did you do this?"

Kuroko: "Isn't it obvious?"

Selina: " No it isn't!"

Kuroko: "You're gonna have roommates."

(Y/N): "Who are they?"

You and the girls hear a knock at the front door.

Kuroko: "There they are."

Barbi: " Now hang on, what gives you the right to do all of this?"

You then head to the door and when you open it there are a large group of demi-human girls on your doorstep with Manako being one of them.

Selina: " What is going on?"

Kuroko: "They're moving into this house."

Barbi: " What?! Now hang on since when do you have the right to move in here? You can't just barge in here like this."

Selina: " Yeah, I bet (Y/N) doesn't even remember agreeing to this."

(Y/N): "I think I remember signing something like that."

Barbi: " What? When?"

Kuroko: "About a year ago, when he was doing paperwork."

(Y/N): "And you just slipped it to me."

Barbi: " She what?! And you just signed it without looking at it?"

(Y/N): "Sometimes I go with the flow."

Selina: " Alright and just how are you gonna watch over a bunch of monster girls and be in charge of a big organization huh mr. Administrator?"

???: "Like in the multiverse, I'm always in two places at once."

The girls in the room turn to see another you in the room.

Barbi: " Oh right."

Zombina: *looks at the different yous*"What the heck!?"

Manako: " Smith I'm confused."

(Y/N) 2: "Allow me to explain, what you see here is (Y/N) from a different universe. We sound the same."

(Y/N): "Look the same."

(Y/N) 2: "Think the same."

(Y/N): "Just like these guys."

The girl then turns to see 5 other variants of you from 5 different universes.

All the girls: "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"

(Y/N): "Who wants sushi?"

All yous: "I do! Jinx! Double-jinx! Rutabaga! Chinchilla farm!"*looks at each other*"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard / and they're like-"

Barbi: " ENOUGH!!!"

Papi: *gets a headache*"My head hurts."

Kuroko: " is this...possible?"

???: "We used the door."

The girls then see another you come out of a door that just disappeared. The girls see that this version of you has reptilian-like features such as scales, claws, and a tail.

(Y/N) 6: "The multiverse is a strange place."*sees a fly and then hit it with his tongue and swallow the fly*"Not bad."

(Y/N) 4: "Yeah we should go home."

Then all versions of you pop out of the room and you just sit on the couch.

Selina: *sighs* " Finally, that's dealt with."

(Y/N): *to the demi-humans*"Well as the owner of this house, you are officially welcomed."

Miia: "Thanks for having us."

(Y/N): "I always welcome new friends."

Next: Chapter 65: SCP-3521 "forced banana equivalent dose by dado"

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