12 | ninety nine problems and i sure as hell am one

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I walked into the house the next morning, plopping my bag on the couch.

"Evie? Where were you?" Jenna asked in exasperation, Stefan and Elena behind her.

"I just needed air, I'm sorry. I should have called but my phone died."

Jenna sighed before nodding, "Next time, find a charger please."

Ever since she found out about everything, she's been extra protective and I couldn't blame her.

"I will," I smiled softly before walking towards the stairs, Stefan and Elena following me.

I got to my room and stopped before entering, facing them, "Yes?"

"What happened last night?" Elena asked.

Obviously I knew this conversation was going to come but honestly I wasn't ready. I would never be ready.

"Nothing happened last night."

"Damon said you guys were talking and with no reason you started screaming at him to shut up. Of course he is Damon after all, he could have easily been lying."

"I wasn't screaming at him."

"Who were you screaming at then?" Stefan asked, sharing a confused look with Elena.

"El, remember in middle school, when I used to get those really bad dreams?" I asked, hoping she remembered.

"The ones that were pitch black with the voice?"

"Yes, that one. It was like that, only I was awake," I explained, "It was saying awful things and I told it to stop in my head and when I did scream shut up, I guess it was out loud."

"Have you talked to your doctor?" Elena asked.

"Not in awhile no," I shook my head, "The circumstances have, well, kind of changed."

"Maybe just try," she suggested. "I know you were hoping that when you became a vampire, all of this would go away but clearly it hasn't. Give her a call, it might just help."

"Okay, I will. I'll call her tonight," I agreed. "Right now I need to go apologize to Damon."


"Damon!" I shouted into the empty boarding house, "Hello?"

"John's back and I'm avoiding him and we need to talk," I stated, entering the library but stopped talking when I saw Rose.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said quickly, "I didn't realize you were still here. I'll come back later."

"No, it's actually perfect that you're here," Damon said, standing up.

"It is?" Rose and I said in unison.

"If you could just play nurse for awhile," Damon gestured to Rose's arm, "I can go figure out another one of our many issues."

My eyes widened at the mark on her amr, "What on earth happened to you?"

"Long story short. Werewolf bite + vampire = well, this," she gestured to the wound, "You don't need to babysit me. It's not necessary."

"It is necessary," Damon argued, "Evelyn is a do-gooder. It's in her nature, she just can't resist."

He exited the room and I looked at Rose for a moment before following Damon out.

"Damon, we need to talk," I tried again, but he simply kept walking to the door before turning around.

"I know, and we will, but right now I need you to watch Rose."

"She's going to die Damon, you can't leave her alone."

"She's not alone," he shrugged, "You're here."

I tilted my head to the side and let out a sigh, "Alright, I'll stay but if she gets worse, you're coming back here and staying with her."

"Fine," Damon answered before walking out.


"I hate this," Rose groaned as I laid a blanket over her, "I'm a vampire, I haven't had a cold in five centuries."

"Lay down. Rest," I suggested.

"We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden and it's certainly not drawn out in illness."

"You're not gonna die," I lied.

"Such a naive thing to say."

I surveyed the room in thought.

"You've never been in Damon's room before, have you?" Rose asked.

I picked up a book off the side table, Gone with the Wind. I put it down before answering, "I have been here before, I was just...distracted."

She laughed but let it drop, "Not what you expected?"

"It's just a room with a bed," I shrugged, "Maybe I expected there to be silk sheets."

She smiled and I smiled back before she said something I never thought I would hear someone say about me, "You're lucky, you know. No one's ever loved me the way you're loved."

My eyes widened slightly but I quickly covered the surprise, "I doubt that."

"Trevor was my best friend. Nothing more. I spent all those years on the run from Elijah. I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots. The whole idea of family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire," Rose pointed out, "Why is your sister so eager to give up?"

I cleared my throat uncomfortably, handing her a glass of blood, "She's not giving up on anything. Here."

"What do you call this whole deal with Elijah?"

I looked at her and sighed, "It's the easiest option for her. I guess she's tired of waiting."

"Do you really think that your witch friend destroyed the moonstone?"

"I spoke with Bonnie. I know that she had the help of another witch. Unless you mean it's Elijah's witch, so no, I don't."

She nodded, laying her head back. Shutting her eyes, she spoke softly, "I'm so tired."

I frowned down at her before walking to the door when Rose spoke, "No, stop, wait. Tell them to prepare the horses."

"It's okay Rose," I responded, realizing she was talking in her sleep, "Just get some sleep. You'll feel better when you wake up."

"Trevor, don't be so stupid," Rose said, this time in a harsher tone, "You're never going to make it there before the sun."

Suddenly she shot up, clearly in pain, "I need blood."

"Right, yeah, of course, here," I nodded, handing her the glass of blood.

Rose took it gratefully before taking a sip. She barely got the chance to swallow it when she was throwing it all up.

"It's okay," I tried, "everything's gonna be alright."

I rushed to the bathroom and found towels and quickly made my way back out to find Rose not there. I turned around slowly when Rose pinned me against the wall.

"It's all your fault, Katerina," Rose hissed, "You Katerina, you did this."

"It's Evelyn," I tried prying her hand off but I couldn't, "Rose! I'm Evelyn!"

"You betrayed us!"

"I'm not Katherine!"

Rose released me and backed up, looking around in confusion, "Evelyn?"

"It's me, it's Evelyn," I said calmly.

Rose seemed to process the information and her vampire face disappeared, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm sorry."

"You're gonna be alright," I nodded.

"My mind, I'm..." she trailed off.

"It was just for a second."

"I'm sorry, don't be scared of me," she begged.

"I'm not," I answered, walking her over to the bed, "I'm not, but you need to rest."

Rose laid down and looked up at me, "I'm scared."

"You're not alone," I responded simply, "I'm right here."

"Here," she looked around slightly, "Where's here?"

"Damon's bedroom, you're in Damon's bedroom."

"I want to go home."

"Tell me about it," I said, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"St. Austell, thirty kilometers south of London. With fields and trees and horses."

"Sounds beautiful," I said with a soft smile.

"When you live long enough, everything disappears. So much time wasted, I just wish I wouldn't have been so afraid."

"I'll be right back," I said before walking out.

The sheets of Damon's bed were covered in blood and I figured getting a clean set was the best way to get out of there.

I clicked Damon's name and waited for him to answer. Voicemail.

"Damon, I think you need to come home," I spoke, opening the closet door, "She's only getting worse. She keeps thinking I'm Katherine and even when she's severely injured, she's still stronger than me. You need to get here, and soon."

I pulled a set of clean bed sheets out of the closet before heading back to the bedroom.

"I brought clean sheets," I said as I entered but Rose wasn't there.

"Rose!" I shouted into the seemingly empty house when the smell of blood invaded my senses. The basement.

I walked down quietly as to not to disturb whatever she was doing. I found Rose drinking from a blood bag, empty bags scattered all around her, "Oh god..."

"Katerina," she growled, her eyes trained on me, veins prominent under her eyes and blood dripping down her chin.

My eyes widened when I realized what was most likely to happen, "No."

Rose came after me and I bolted, "Rose, stop, it's Evelyn. I'm not Katherine."

Rose stopped and I turned for a moment, "You're hallucinating. I'm not Katherine. I'm not Katherine."

Rose grabbed me and threw me to the floor under the window. I quickly reached up and yanked the curtain down. The sun burned Rose's skin giving me ample opportunity to run.

I was close to the door when Rose tried to bite me. Fight back, the voice spoke loud and clear, She wants to hurt you, you hurt her first.

I'm not going to hurt her, I thought, holding Rose off.

Do it!

"No!" I shouted before launching Rose off of me and bolting out the door. I didn't stop running until the voice in my head stopped.

I finally stopped and took in my surroundings, I was on the cliff where everything changed. Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't turned. If I had just let well enough alone. I should have died here. And now I'm losing my mind.

I pulled out my phone and called Damon, before he could speak, I spoke, "Boarding house, now!"

I hung up the phone and saw that the sun was down before vamp speeding back to the boarding house.

The front door was completely opened and I entered but no one was inside.

"Rose?" I shouted into the empty house, "Damn it."

I turned back toward the door where Damon stood, jumping slightly at the new presence, "Where's Rose?"

"I don't know," I sighed.

"You were supposed to be watching her."

"I'm aware of what I was supposed to be doing but something happened. We don't have time to figure that out now because we need to find Rose. Now."


"Rose, stop!" Damon shouted. She rushed toward him but he easily grabbed her and pinned her to the ground.

"Rose, Rose! It's me, it's Damon. It's Damon."

Her face returned to normal and she turned to the girl's body in tears, "Did I do this? I never meant to hurt anyone. I never wanted to hurt anyone."

"I know," Damon nodded sincerely.

As Damon took care of Rose, I surveyed the scene. The girl was bleeding from her neck but she would ultimately be fine.

The boy though, he was gone. He's dead you know, a little taste won't do anybody any harm.

I couldn't help but think that the voice in my head was right, he was dead. It wouldn't hurt him. I slowly walked toward the car and admired how the blood dripped down the hood and on to the road. I slowly dragged two fingers across it and brought my hand to face, admiring the blood.

It was like I was entranced and couldn't stop myself as I brought my fingers to my mouth and I let out a satisfactory moan as the blood made its way down my throat.

"Evelyn," a voice echoed in my head but I pushed it back as I made my way over to the innocent girl who sat on the floor in tears over the death of her boyfriend.

"Evelyn!" he shouted once more and I snapped out of it, turning to see him and Rose both looking at her with confused expressions.

"Uh, I, uh," I began, looking down at my blood stained fingers and the girl who would probably have died if I drank any of her blood, "I have to go."

And then I was gone.

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