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༛༛ ༛ ༛༺♔༻༛ ༛ ༛༛

The tears sliding down my face made no sense. I swiped at them aggressively. Stupid. Everything was so damn stupid. My distress had turned into fury at this point. I had spent most nights praying to the heavens that a marriage contract wasn't real. That I wouldn't be stuck with Henry, but if Henry emailed it to the Queen, it must be real. This was really real. My denial of this whole situation had been too real. Everyone mentioned it and I didn't want to believe it.


This was it. I had to either step up and do what my grandmother wanted or leave United Greecia and be on the run for the rest of my life. How were those the two options that I was stuck with?

I slammed into a solid body when I raced around the corner out of the loggia corridor.

"Ouch, son of a-"

"Bad day?" Emilio cut in, smiling down at me as I laid sprawled flat on the floor.

"Something like that," I grumbled when he effortlessly pulled me up from the ground. Emilio's smile dropped and a look of uncertainty etched itself into his forehead when he took notice of the tears threatening to spill over in my eyes.

My chin quivered. Sniffing, I used the collar of my shirt to blot at my eyes.

"Wait, are you cr-"

"I'm fine," I said firmly. "Sorry for barreling into you." I pulled my shoulders back and pasted a smile on my face with more confidence than I felt. "Hey, I have a great idea... want to hide away in my room with me? I'll invite Alice." I quirked my eyebrow knowingly. I was fairly positive his feelings for her went deeper than just mere friendship.

Emilio still looked uncertain about whatever emotions were playing out on my face, but he chuckled at my teasing. "I'd love nothing more than to hide away with you and Goldie. Maybe not today, though. The king has asked me to stop you from leaving."

With my nose wrinkled, I glanced over at Knox. He was pacing back and forth in a heated conversation near a peacock water fountain. It looked like he was talking to himself, so odds were he was on the phone.

"Is he mad at me? Did I push too many buttons?" I crossed my arms and looked back at Emilio.

"Not for me to say. You should know it generally takes a lot to piss him off."

"Huh... well, I'd love to wait around, but I can't. I have plans that need to be set in motion, and I'd share them with you, but I have no clue if you're any good at keeping a secret."

I skirted around Emilio. There was no point in telling him that I planned on going to my room to pack. I was leaving United Greece. My mind was made up, and I knew he would just try to stop me.

"I'm great at keeping secrets," Emilio yelled after me.

Laughing, I spun around and walked backwards. Emilio still stood on the crushed seashell path in the hyacinth garden where I left him.
"Yeah sure... Knox's secrets," I called back before turning and trudging inside the palace through the south gallery.

Leaving the Queen behind after meeting her wouldn't be easy. She made me feel right at home. She would even stop by my room most nights just to hang out and get to know me. She wiggled her way into the tattered pieces of my heart, and I didn't even see it coming. Maybe I could find a way to send her messages once I was safe from Henry. I'd hide somewhere he could never find me. My parents taught me how to live discreetly, and if it weren't for my rebellious streak, I'd still be hidden and living a perfectly okay life. It wouldn't have been a fulfilling life, but at least it would have been mine.

"Hey, Callie, wait a second. I have a serious question about Goldie."

Stopping at the spiral staircase in the back foyer, I turned toward Emilio.
"This better not be some ploy to get me to go back outside and wait on Knox. I'm not in the mood to wait on anyone right now.

"No, no, no. Not at all. I want to know if Alice has asked about me? I know she doesn't have a boyfriend, but is she interested in me?"

That question brought a genuine smile to my face. I shrugged. "I don't know, Em. You'll have to ask her. Go straight to the source. I'm sure your ego can take the hit if she's not interested."

She was, but she made me swear not to tell anyone about the crush she's had on him for years. For some reason, she thought he was out of her league because of his status.

"That's true, it can. Doesn't mean it won't hurt if she sees she is too good for me."

"Aww... Em. Alice is a sweet angel, which is why I think she is perfect for you. If she says no, which I don't think she will, but if she does, I'll help you bandage your bruised heart. Maybe another all-night movie marathon would help dull the pain?"

I scrunched up my face, then sighed when I realized I had just told him a lie.
"Actually, I won't be here to help you. I'm leaving. Tonight."

Emilio frowned.
"It's fine. This is good. Bye," I said, quickly turning away so I didn't get emotional and talk myself out of my decision.

Emilio leaned closer and whispered, "You know this palace has cameras, right? It'd be basically impossible. Your grandmother has strict orders that when you talk about leaving to alert her."

"Are you going to tell her?"

"Hell no. Your secret's safe with me. Especially since I'm coming with you. We could backpack around the world for a few months. Where are you heading? Back to Freedom?"

"Nice try." I laughed. "No, I wouldn't bring you with me. Nor am I telling you where I'm going."
I only had a vague outline of what I needed to do in order to make it out of this kingdom secretly. This time I'd make sure I had enough money with me. No matter where I went, anywhere would be better than entrapment with Henry.

"Callie," Emilio said sternly, throwing an arm around my shoulders with a smile. "Just talk to the King before you make any hasty decisions."

"Am I interrupting?" Knox asked, his voice laced with amusement.

"Nah, just looking out for our girl here." Emilio popped a loud kiss on my cheek and flashed a goading smile at Knox before slinking back into the distance, snapping into guard mode.

"So you want to leave?" Knox asked.
"No," I said too quickly and forcefully. He raised his eyebrows.

He knew, but how?
Emilio, that snake!

"Are you kidding me," I asked Emilio through gritted teeth. "Did you have your two-way radio on the whole time?" I point to his wristwatch. "You couldn't just wait until I was out of the room to tell him I'm leaving-"

"Callie, stop spilling your guts with all that piss and vinegar. I haven't told anyone how flighty you are-"
The words Emilio had intended to speak hung suspended in the air, silenced by the weight of Knox's sharp intense gaze. There was a sudden shift in the atmosphere. It was almost stifling when Knox turned toward Emilio.

The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the tension to break, for someone to speak and release the pressure that hung heavy in the room.
Knox walked just out of my hearing range, Emilio followed him.
Some invisible line had been crossed. I just didn't understand why.

Too curious and shocked by the anger Knox was directing at Emilio, his friend, I scurried over to them. It wouldn't be fair to let Emilio take the hit alone.
"-never again." Knox declared in Spanish.

"Hey," I interrupted them.

Knox turned, his eyes focused intently on me. A jolt of awareness shot through me like a jolt of electricity.
"Calina." My name on his lips sounded like a warning, a threat, and a promise.
Flames of arousal spread through me at lightning speed. I felt my knees growing weaker at his authoritative presence.

Somehow, without breaking eye contact, I found my voice.
"If you're upset at Emilio telling me to be quiet, you should know, I'm not offended. He was simply quoting a movie we watched. It was funny. Emilio is my dearest friend. You don't have to go all authoritarian on him."

Knox remained silent, the muscles in his jaw working. "Do you want to elaborate on what Emilio was silencing you over?"

I opened my mouth to answer, then hesitated, running my fingers along the hemline of my shirt to smooth out non-existent wrinkles.

"It's nothing."

I wanted to explain that I was leaving. How I desperately wanted out of this marriage and yes, please, I wished he would use his kingly magic to set me free from Henry, but I couldn't. Pride wouldn't let me. Pride was a bitch like that. The words were there, ready to spill over, but I could not say them.

His eyes smoldered with annoyance, and he dragged his hand through his beautiful dark hair. He was obviously frustrated with me, borderline pissed.
I bit the inside of my cheek so hard I tasted blood. I couldn't ask him for help, not after being so rude to him earlier. I'd fix my problems by myself. Somehow.

Changing tactics, I glanced up at Knox and smiled softly.
"I owe you an apology." I might not want to discuss with him what I told Emilio, but I did want one more meaningful conversation with him before I left United Greecia.

"Possibly, I was a little short-tempered earlier today. Lately, it is sort of my default emotion and you don't deserve that. You've been nothing but kind. I'm not usually so on edge all the time, but I've been through hell...I think..." My voice trailed off, tears coating the back of my throat.

My world had been spinning out of control. Just when I thought it was in my grasp, it slipped through my fingers like quicksand.

"Anger is a lot easier to deal with than grief." I shrugged. It felt like an inadequate explanation, but it was my truth.

"You don't have to apologize, Calina. I actually only wanted to stop you from going to your room so that I could steal your attention for a little longer."

His words sent warmth rushing to my cheeks.

"Well, either way, I am sorry. My grandmother would be ashamed if I didn't. I lash out at everyone; it's nothing personal against you. Mostly, it's him," I muttered the last part under my breath.

Knox's curiosity piqued as he probed further. "Why are you so angry with the prince? I'm curious."

"I guess because of how I was brought here."

"How were you?" he asked, his minty gaze fixed on mine.

"You don't know? The Queen didn't tell you?"

Knox shook his head, his expression a mix of concern and confusion.

Perhaps I had exaggerating the situation in my mind. After all, even my own grandmother didn't see a problem with the way I was ambushed and forcibly taken from Freedom. But the thought of what could have happened while I was drugged and defenseless filled me with anger. The vulnerability I experienced in that state haunted me.

"It doesn't matter. At least I'm not alone; I'm with family now," I said, waving my hand through the air to physically dispel my bitterness.

"Have you talked to anyone about them?"


"Your parents."

I frowned, looking down and picking at my cuticles. "No. Why would I?"

"Because talking through your grief can be helpful," he explained, his voice rumbling with a soothing tone that drew me in. I found comfort in his words and realized that I could listen to him talk for hours. However, the topic of my parents remained off-limits.

"I don't like to talk about it. I'm fine, and I try really hard not to think about it." Crossing my arms, I avoided his gaze. I really wanted to leave, it would be a little rude to walk away in annoyance right after apologizing for my earlier attitude.

Silence lingered in the air, and I was at a total loss for words for how to bridge the gap between us.

"Do you like to hike?" Knox asked, breaking the silence while he text something into his holographic phone.

Caught off guard, I stumbled over my response. "I, um... yeah, sure. It's been a while since I've hiked, but it's fun."

"Alright, get changed. Let's get out of here, and if you want to talk, I'm an excellent listener."

"Go? Like away from my gilded cage?"

Knox smiled, and it started at his eyes before traveling down to his mouth. "Yes."

I bit my bottom lip, trying to contain my excitement.
"Okay. I'll go get changed."

I stepped around Knox, grabbing Emilio's thick wrist and pulling him aside. Well, he allowed me to pull him away and out of guard mode. I genuinely appreciated how quickly he could switch gears.

I poked his ribs, and he let out a startled chuckle.
"I'm so sorry for getting you in trouble with your king. Please, forgive me. I thought you said it took a lot to piss Knox off."

"Cal, there's nothing to forgive. Generally speaking, it does take a lot. I once yelled at a woman he had been dating for years. He didn't say shit other than to tell me to go somewhere to cool off. But he was pissed at what I said to you. Even though we knew it was a joke meant to calm the other person down, my king demanded that I apologize, therefore, Princess Cal-"

I slapped my hand over his mouth, cutting off his words. "Em, shut up. If you actually apologize to me, I'm not talking to you for like a month. Eww..." I squealed with laughter, wiping the spit from my hand on my shorts from where Emilio had licked my palm.

I glared up at him and a mischievous grin spread across his face. "That's what you get for trying to silence me. Now, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"You're impossible," I said, rolling my eyes playfully.
"Impossible? Or impossibly charming?" he asked, puffing out his chest dramatically.

"Oh, definitely the first one," I teased, flicking his arm before walking away.

Knox, who had tried to seem more interested in his phone than what was going on between me and Emilio, cleared his throat. "I'll meet you at your room in an hour," he said, his voice calm and composed.

I nodded. "Okay, see you then." My curiosity flared back up and I was left grappling with my thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder what had just transpired.

Was this a date? Did I even want this to be a date?
Were we just hanging out as friends? Was he only being kind because I almost cried in front of him?
Ugh, I hoped it wasn't a pity thing.

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