Chapter 18

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Officer Sparkleton walked through the halls towards Branch's cell, finally reaching the small room to see the little pop troll sitting in the corner, his legs hugged close to his chest, and hands over his head as he rocked slightly back and forth, muttering softly to himself...

Sparkleton had seen this several times... it was a common reaction to being in isolation for more than a few hours...

"Astinlake!" he shouted out, Branch looking up to see the officer on the other side of the bars.

His eyes looked lighter and more glossy than usual, and his ears were drooping down low.

The officer had never seen the little pop troll so miserable... not even when he was isolating himself from the world and everyone in it...

"Let's go, Astinlake," he stated firmly, unlocking the door and walking inside.

"Where... where are we going?" Branch asked as the red glitter troll yanked him up to his feet, feeling a little frightened by what was about to happen.

     He hoped he wasn't going back to the isolation room... what could he have possibly done wrong to be sent back there? Sent back to that awful place...

"You'll see..." Sparkleton answered blankly, hooking a pair of handcuffs around Branch's wrists before leading him out of the cell...


Branch held his head low as Sparkleton led him through the halls of the prison, his ears drooping and eyes closed in despair...

He had never felt so alone... at-least in his bunker days he had Poppy constantly barging in on him. At the time he found it annoying... but now he wanted that more than anything else in the world...


Finally, they arrived in the cafeteria, Branch opening his eyes as Sparkleton unlocked his handcuffs.

Once he was able to see his surroundings, Branch gasped softly, his eyes widening in shock once he saw... Poppy... Poppy was there!

"Poppy!" Branch shouted out, instantly running towards her.

The queen of pop looked up at the sound of her husband's voice, her large smile instantly fading away once she actually saw him...

"Oh, Branch..." she muttered softly, seeing his greyed skin, but she didn't deny his hug, when he wrapped his arms tightly around her...

"I'm so happy to see you..." he whispered softly into her ear, crying gently into her shoulder.

"Branch..." Poppy whispered, holding him close.

She was shocked when she found she could feel his ribs, realizing how skinny he was all of a sudden... had he not been eating?

"It... it's ok..." she said softly, comfortingly rubbing his back. She could see how much this place was affecting him... if she didn't act fast... she didn't even want to think about it... "I'm going to get you out of here..."

Branch shook his head, sniffling slightly as he wiped away his tear, Poppy gently pushing him down so that he was sitting at a table with her...

"I'm never getting out of here..." he muttered, looking away from the love of his life in despair.

"I'm going to fix this... I know you, Branch..." Poppy said, taking his hands gently in hers. "You didn't do what you're being accused of... and I'm going to prove it..."

He looked at her sadly, knowing she would never be able to do that...

"And if you can't?" he asked softly.
"Than... I'll visit you every day until you get out," she assured. "You won't be alone... and... ten years isn't that long..."

"40 years..." he whispered, looking away yet again. "They... they're keeping me here for 40 years..."

     Poppy gasped at Branch's words, her eyes widening in pure shock...

     "4... 40 years!?"

     Branch nodded in reply, his head low.

     "N... no..." she said in disbelief, shaking her head slowly. "This can't be right... they can't do this!"

     "I deserve it..." Branch muttered softly, not even looking up at the love of his life. "I deserve to rot away in here... forever..."

     "What?" Poppy questioned, shocked by her husband's words. "No, Branch... you don't deserve to be here! You didn't do anything wrong!"

     "Yes I did..." he muttered softly. "I should have never been out in those woods in the first place... I... I lied to you, Poppy... I'm a terrible troll... a terrible friend... a... a terrible husband..."

     Poppy couldn't believe her ears... had he really done what he was being accused of?

     "Branch..." she finally said softly, the little pop troll finally looking up at her with tear filled eyes. "What we're you doing in that forest..."

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