27. Report

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Emara Stone

I regret.

I regret cutting my long thick hair.

I regret not going to gym and being lazy to workout.

I regret not having enough pretty dresses and makeup kits.

But the thing that I regret the most is not having a degree. If I had a degree I might be working here as Emara. I would have worn pencil skirt and pencil heels too. I might have caught hotty's eye in a different way not like a troublesome kid.

I look at all the project reports in front of me which needs CEO's sign for their implementation. I really want to kick all these papers off my table and scream fuck this shit. But the only thing that is stopping me is the image of dollars. I am only working here for my salary.

I know hotty always comes early as he takes his work very seriously, that is something I really admire about him. I take all the 11 files in my hand and walk inside the cabin. But to my surprise I see Rose sitting on hotty's chair and typing something on her phone with her manicured fingers. Even her fingers are beautiful.

I feel an evil spirit entering inside my body gradually as I see her beautiful shiny long hair and her exemplary smile. I want to snap her neck and scream at her asking why is she sitting on hotty's chair and where is he "Hi Ethan. Good Morning." She says in a sweet diabetes voice which is just adding fuel to my jealousy.

"Where is Ryan sir? Is he coming late?" I ask in a monotonous tone ignoring her good morning. There is nothing good about this morning. I see her smile fading a little but she covers it soon "Oh! No. Ryan's office has been renovated so he is back in his cabin." She says while catwalking towards me as she checks my clothes and hair.

"Okey! I'll take your leave then." As I was about to turn she stops me by holding my arm. Her grip is really strong for a girl, her face expressions completely drops as she leaves my arm. "Umm.. I'll take few files, it looks heavy." Her voice slacks low, she smiles but it doesn't reaches her eyes. "No it's fine. I can't let a lady lift heavy files." She giggles and her radiant smile appears again.

We walk to the elevator and I immediately regret not taking her help. These files are really heavy but I have to show my manliness. "How old are you Ethan?" She asks me as we enter inside the elevator. "I am going to be twenty two soon." I am literally counting T minus seconds in which this lift will reach 7th floor. "Ohh! I am twenty three." She says to which I simply nod. None of my business, girl.

"I like your hair color, it suits you." She says looking at them. "Thank you Rose." I say politely as I find her really sweet, she is not that bad. The doors of elevator opens in time. As we walk towards hotty's cabin I can feel Rose staring at me continuously. I open the door by pushing my shoulder as my hands are full of heavy files.

"I was waiting for you." Hotty's voice is filled with excitement as he says looking in my direction. I can feel little butterflies colliding in my stomach. I press my lips together as I try not to smile and blush. "Sorry If I kept you waiting." Rose says as she walks in front of me from my behind. I see hotty looking at her incessantly as both of them smile at each other.

I take everything back, she is not sweet and I don't like hotty now. All those butterflies in my stomach instantly suicides. My mouth suddenly feels dry as I feel a lump growing in my throat. I hear them asking each other about their day as I walk towards the mini table near the couch and keep all those heavy files on it with a loud thud. Don't cry. Don't cry. Not now. Not now.

"What are those, Ethan?" Ryan asks me as soon as he hears the noise. "These are the project files which needs your signature for their implementation. There are total eleven-" Hotty cuts me off by asking "You were in analysis group, right?" I simply nod wondering what is he thinking.

"Do one thing, make a report of every project including it's production and implementation cost. Keep both of them separately. Along with that find its market's opportunity cost if it is lacked." I try to remember all the new words which I have to google later. "You can do this much right?" I notice the thickness and severity in his voice as if he is throwing a challenge at me.

Emara knows everything except giving up. I'll work till night if I have to but I will definitely complete the report and will throw it on his smug face. I keep my head high, look directly in his eyes and nod in confidence. Challenge accepted.

"Good." He says then immediately turns towards Rose. I feel like a third wheel standing in front of them as they laugh while talking about their holidays and memories. I feel like an unwanted person in their personal time, just like how I have felt all these years. My brother always lived in the limelight where as I was just a side wheel in my family, an unwanted child. The lump in my throat is growing which is suffocating me and my tears inside me. And I know they need a release soon. I pick those heavy files again and leave his cabin without looking at anyone.

I slam those files on my desk and start to cry. Hotty has never treated me like this even when I was working as Ethan. Hot tears roll down on my cheeks making them wet. All the feelings I thought I had for him is emptying through my tears, he is a jerk. I wonder if he is finding ways to fire me, trying to prove that I am incapable.

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and get seated on my chair as I start to google all those economics words and their formulas. I will prove this bastard what an angry female can do.


It's already five thiry and only 4 reports have been completed out of 11. I have clearly lost the motivation to do it anymore. I realized that people have their personal life and they can like anyone they want. My prime focus should be on money not on my boss. Anyway all bosses are jerks.

After getting the enlightment I check the schedule if there is any meeting or forum. I note down tomorrow's schedule and walk inside hotty's cabin to inform him about next day's meetings. I see hotty and Rose eating icecream from one large bowl. They both stop their hands in middle as they notice me enter in. I can feel my jaw paining as I clench and grit my teeth with force in anger.

You don't care. Focus on money. Money. MONEY

I take a deep breath and remind myself that I am just a secretary, I don't like him, he can do anything he wants, I don't give a fuck. Seeing those two sharing an icecream reminds me of Ethan, I miss fighting for icecream then sharing with him. "I am taking this." Rose says while grabbing the bowl of dark chocolate icecream. Hotty smiles at her as he licks his spoon clean. His tongue rolls over the spoon's curve to its tip then he licks his lips where some icecream was left. I unintentionally lick my lips too following his actions.

He is ugly and fat and yucky. Ugly, fat, yucky. Ugly Fat Yucky.

I tell myself not to look at his lips or his eyes or his chest. Those things are my major weaknesses. I clear my throat and my head then look around to act like I am checking his new furniture. I notice Rose has already left leaving Him and I alone in his cabin. Hotty stands up from his chair and throws the tissues in the bin close to the table.

He lifts his dark lashes to look at a useless piece like me, his eyes shows coldness and are devoid of any emotions. I gulp nervously as he walks around the table and stands in front of me just three steps away keeping his hands in his pockets. Do not look into his eyes. Don't look there.

I clear my throat as I remember why I came here. I tell him about tomorrow's schedule and synopsis of upcoming meetings. But he keeps staring at me like a police officer stare at his suspect, his eyes are scrutinizing my every action and muscle.

There is a moment of silence in the cabin, none of us made a move or any noise. His eyebrows are in line as he bluntly stare at me, I simply stand in front of him waiting for him to say anything but he doesn't. He takes out his hands from his pocket and takes two steps in my direction. My throat automatically clenches itself stopping my saliva from gulping down. Oh boy!

I try to step back to create some professional space in between us but I abruptly stop as my ass touches the table's edge. He narrows his eyes at me as if he is scolding me, my heartbeat increases in a superfast speed as I observe him bending towards me. He keeps his both hands on either sides of me, locking me in between him and the table, minimizing my escape options. This time I gulp loudly. Nggg.

I really feel like to sprint pepperspray on his eyes and run away from him but I neither have pepperspray nor I have balls to do that. His eyes roll down to my lips then to my neck and chest area. I uncomfortably shift under him, he notices my discomfort but doesn't back off. He moves forward pressing himself a little on me as he says my name "Emara."

His hot breath fans on my sensitive ear which sends shiver in between my legs. I unintentionally squeeze my thighs as I fell butterflies in my lower abdomen. Very lower. His suit is touching my shirt reminding me how close he is. I again feel his breath but this time near my lips, my eyes automatically closes as he whispers my name densely "Emara..." I bite my lower lip in between my teeth so that no moan or voice escapes my mouth.

His scent is making me drunk on him, he smells like an explosion of cardamom with fresh lavender and cedar making me arch towards him. His smell is doing chemical reaction in my head and it's result is felt in between my legs as I inhale deeply filling my lungs with his godly smell. Oh god! He smells sooo goood.

He presses himself more on me as his lips touches my ear lobe while he whispers softly "Is the report ready?" I couldn't understand a thing as my body have its own brain and a low moan releases from my lips. Suddenly, I no more feel warm and in an instant my brain start to process what he just said. My eyes immediately opens as the realization strucks my brain-dead head.

I see hotty picking up his phone from beside me as he straightens up and moves a step back from me. He puts his phone in his pocket while whole time his eyes not leaving my face. His expression is again stern and devoid of any emotions. He was just picking his phone, not trying to make a move Emara. He just care for his work, his bloody reports. That's it.

I stand up straightening my shirt and pants awkwardly, I look down on the floor as I feel so embarrassed, I really thought he was going to kiss me. I forgot that he is my boss and I am just his secretary, I expected a lot and forgot that he is a billionaire and I don't even have a degree.

The lump in my throat is getting strong every second. I dare not to look into his eyes as I know I will start crying for the third time in past 24 hours. I never felt this embarrassed in my whole life, I feel like an attention whore who seduces her boss. I take a deep breath and beg myself not to shed a tear, atleast not now, not in front of him. "I'll just complete it." I try not to speak anything extra as my voice already sounds like a dying cat.

Tears filling my eyes till the brim, I shut my eyes so the tears won't fall out and walk towards the door to run from hotty far.. far away. But my legs abruptly stops as I feel a strong hold of a palm on my arm jerking me back where I was before.

My legs disbalances as I am pulled backwards suddenly but muscular arms hold my waist from sides so I don't fall on the hard floor. In an instance warm lips crashes over mine in rough and desperate way, sucking my lower lip ruthlessly. I didnt open my eyes to see who is kissing me because I know there is only one person besides me in this room and that is..



I promised you guyz for a kiss and here you go. I might write the whole next chapter on their little moment if I see enough likes on this chapter ;)

I'll upload instantly if I see more than 50 votes on this chapter and 1.1K votes overall on the book. If not then wait for days. 😈

Special shoutout to DridiMariem and eliizabeth1993 for showering with votes

Here is a meme


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