47. Satan's Blue Planet

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Emara Stone




I stand there depressed as I see Pinky drinking water from the bottle that Hotty had brought for me. For me. I look around for any traces of Daniel and Drake in the park but other than unknown people I see none.

"Are you okay now?" Hotty asks as he keeps his hand on Pinky's shoulder in a comforting manner. "Hmm, thank you." Pinky nods as he clutches the bottle in his hands and takes deep breaths to calm himself. What a wuss!!

"He appears completely fine. Nothing has happened to him." I finally speak intervening their comforting moment. I can't bear to see Hotty consoling someone else. It was supposed to be me. He should have fought for me. I should have been in his arms right now, not Pinky.

"It's all because of you that he is in this position." Hotty's crude voice resonates as he turns around to face me. "Look at him, how scared he looks." Hotty says while pointing towards Pinky who is sitting on the bench like a wet drenched cat. Completely terrified.

What on Satan's blue planet is happening!!

"I told you nothing happened to him. It was a misunderstanding." This whole situation seems so messed up. I don't know how to explain to him. "And he doesn't even like girls. He is gay." Gay. GAY.

"Look who is talking." Pinky spats in attitude as he looks at me up and down. "Why don't you get it? I don't like you, move on." He says annoyingly as he abruptly stands up from the bench.

"Ah!! You old fart. I DON'T EVEN WANT YOU. I already have a guy who likes me like crazy." I snarl at him in return. Though that guy is Ryan who currently doesn't remember me, he still counts. 

"Huh! In that case either he is a crossdresser too or he is your dad." Pinky says as he humorously laughs at me. This piece of shit. I am going to slap him or kick him or maybe both.

"Enough!" Ryan's grim thick voice booms as he intervenes between our argument. His voice is so authoritative that mine and Pinky's mouth instantly drop in our stomach. He then looks at me with knitted eyebrows which show a clear hint of irritation. Why me? I did nothing.

The whole situation suddenly turns fifty shades serious, his face shows raw expression as he says "Even if he doesn't like girls that don't mean you will force him and raid his privacy." His eyes are narrowed at me in a judging way and are devoid of any emotion other than anger as he bitterly spats "And I didn't know you were such lewd types, Amara."

AHhhhhh !!! LEWDD TYPES?? Does he think that I am obscene and vulgar?? Why god why?? And again what he called me?

"Its Emara. WITH AN E." I scream at Ryan as I feel disgusted after hearing such filthy comments from him. This was not how it supposed to be. This whole thing is a misunderstanding. A stupid ass mistake. It was not even my plan.

"OK fine. Amara WIDANY!! Apologize to him. Right here. Right now." Ryan's commands me in his thick stern voice. His eyes show complete seriousness like he would snap my head if I made him angrier. So scary.

I can't believe I am in this situation and left alone by my partners-in-crime. My vision gets blur as my eyes get filled with tears. He is not Hotty. Hotty would never talk to me like that. He is someone else.

Why I even agreed to do this stupid act? What if Ryan kicked me out from his house, where will I go? I don't wanna go back to my mother's. I don't wanna give exams. I don't wanna work in Mc Donald's or KFC or Dominos. 

"Apologize now." Ryan orders me again. His voice sounds like he's speaking straight from a horse's mouth. So harsh.

Only if Hotty was Hotty, I would be in his arms right now. He probably would have treated me better and spoiled me with kisses. Now that I think, I wish I had tried to know him better before. I wish that fight had never happened. I wish his wolf had never left him. I wish-

I could help but start to cry miserably. Other than regretting my poor judgment and actions I really regret cutting my hair. My hips long and thick beautiful hair. I regret getting admission in engineering college. I wanted to do art.

I am such a loser. I cry harder thinking about every mistake I have done in my life. I am the most useless piece on Earth. I don't even know how to make pancakes, even a bottle opener is more useful than me. I cry even harder this time.

"Hey, hey!! Why are you leaking?" Ryan asks confusingly as he looks at my tears flowing down my cheeks.

I look at him surprisingly, he doesn't even have his memories. Why god why? Tears keep falling out from my eyes as I sob "I... I am not leaking." My eyes are just peeing. 

"Are you crying? Why are you crying without giving any prior warnings?" Ryan asks me professionally like we are in a Climate Change meeting.

I don't like this life. I want to die right now, but I don't want to die alone. Damn it! I should have studied to be a pilot.

"Oh my God! What you did to her?" Suddenly I hear Daniel's voice coming from the front. Drake immediately drags Pinky away as Daniel walks in between me and Ryan. This motherfucker is going to die today, this all happened because of him. I'll make it look like a suicide.

"I don't know! She suddenly started to cry. I did nothing." Ryan explains innocently to Daniel as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Rhino, a real man never makes a girl cry." Daniel says with a serious face. Is he really Daniel?

"Oh! I didn't know. What should I do now?" Ryan asks being slightly alarmed while looking at me. He looks so cute. Daniel thinks for a moment as he looks at my gloomy face. Oh! no..no. Not another of his ideas. They are shitty as fuck. God please no.

"Hug her."

Huh!? What? Did I hear right?
Did he really say that or my ears are playing games with my mind?

Suddenly my face is pressed to a hard chest as two strong arms surround me squeeing from all sides. I instantly feel sparks running all over my skin as my face is further pressed into Hotty's cozy chest "Shhh! Stop crying, Amara." His chest vibrates as he speaks softly in a raspy voice.

It's Emara, not Amara, Emara with an E.

I can't believe Hotty is hugging me. His arms around me are holding me tightly in a place, If this isn't heaven I don't know what is. It feels like I am a Unicorn. A unicorn riding on rainbows.

Though his t-shirt is drenched in sweat, I can still smell his lavender and cedar scent. The warmth from his chest is soothing my scenes and in an instant, I calm down. Suddenly I sense his heartbeats, they are beating uncontrollably fast and loud. I instantly look up at him and see him gravely staring at me but this time with soft eyes. Is this Hotty? 

"Are you alright now?" Ryan asks me worriedly but with a calm face. Though his heart is beating crazily, his face shows no hint of restlessness. "I guess I am fine now." I shyly reply as Hotty takes a step back from me. No!! I want round two.

There is a strange and unusual look in Daniel's eyes as he stares at Ryan, severity is dripping from his face as he keenly observes Hotty like an eagle. What fishy thing is going on his mind now? "Let's go now. I am so hungry." Ryan says tiredly as he starts to walk towards the parking.

"Yeah!! Dory must be waiting." Drake says as he walks after Ryan leaving me and Daniel behind. "Where were you when Ryan was scolding me, Daniel?" Though my voice sounds calm, there is a war going on in my head rightnow. These two bugs left me to deal with mad Ryan alone.

"Behind the tree. We were waiting for some action." Daniels says casually as he starts to walk too. So all this time when I needed them, they were watching us from afar. These bitches.

I instantly grab Daniel's t-shirt as I make him face me "Do you even know how serious the situation got? You didn't even come to help me when Ryan was fighting with me for Roger. And you call yourself Beta?" I am highly disappointed with them, especially with daniel. I won't ever listen to him. He is no better than a piece of shit.

"Hey, hey. Drake screwed up the whole plan. He didn't know that you know Roger. But the plan didn't completely fail. You got to hug Alpha after all." Daniel smirks as he playfully pokes me "Lucky you. Alpha touched you."

I couldn't help but blush remembering our little embrace. Well yeah, it's true. Ryan did hug me, I am happy for now. "Why were you staring at Ryan like that?" I ask Daniel as I suddenly remember his serious skeptical face. "Oh well, I thought Alpha will change after getting close to you. But don't worry emo, I got more plans on my shelf." Daniel says with uttermost confidence. 

"No, no. I don't want any of your plans. You will not use your brain now." I clearly warn him as we walk towards the parking. It's not even 8 o'clock and I already feel exhausted. I wanna sleep again.

"Hell-NO! I promised you to bring back Alpha. And giving up is not in my dictionary." Daniel barks back.

"I'll give you a new dictionary. C'mon walk fast, you short leg wolf." I start to jog as I see Ryan and Drake waiting for us in the parking lot. My handsome hulk's skin is literally glowing in the sun. Sun-kissed bae.

Daniel walks past me towards Ryan as he asks him amusingly "Rhino, do you feel like to pee on my car?" Why he is like this? He is so stupid.

Ryan looks at Daniel weirdly like my debit card looks at me every time I swipe it. "Um.. No." Ryan replies confusedly. "Not even a little?" This time Daniel asks being a little serious. 

I don't even have words to describe my reaction to Daniel's shit.

Ryan completely ignores Daniel and walk towards the other side to sit beside me. Yeah, right! Come to mama. I am the only one who is sane here.

As we drive back to the packhouse Daniel played Britney Spears playlist and sang to it all the way. The whole drive was torture. Ryan was quiet and all this time he was just looking outside the window whereas Daniel was squealing in a high pitch girlish voice 'Hit me baby one more time.'

I wonder was Hotty thinking about the hug just like me? Did he feel something?


After I take a long shower I dress up in casual as now I am going to stay at home to take care of Hotty. Drake will handle the company's work and Daniel will handle the pack's work. As I walk out I see Daniel and Drake already eating breakfast. Great, there goes my plan.

I wanted a private and peaceful breakfast with Hotty but now I have to tolerate them too. "Where is Ryan?" I ask them as I pour myself orange juice in a glass. "In his room." Drake replies nonchalantly as he types on his phone. 

Suddenly Ryan walks in with grey and black stripe tee and track. My heart flips like pancakes as I see him walking like a Greek god with a chiseled jawline and wet hair falling roughly on his forehead. His bandage is unsophisticatedly tied on his head making him look super-duper-wuper cute. 

"Dino, Do you know anything about the tattoo on my arm?" Ryan asks confusedly as he shows Daniel the tattoo by rolling up the sleeves. "I don't know. I guess you got matching tattoos on a tinder date." Daniel replies as he smirks at me. This bitch.

"Whats a tinder date?" Ryan asks as he tries to adjust the bandage on his forehead. "Oh! It's a dating app where you get hot chicks to slee-" I immediately slap my hand on Drake's mouth to shut him up. I don't want Ryan to learn anything about such apps or try them.

"Ry-Rhino, I'll change your bandage, it is very loosely tied and wet also." It's been a week since the fight, I don't know if his stitches are healed by now or not. "Okay. Bandages are in the room. I'll wait for you then." Ryan says as he removes the bandage and throws it in the dustbin.

"Was it just me or Alpha actually smelled like chocolates?" Drake asks being completely baffled. Oh, God!! That's my shower gel's scent.

Daniel passes me an evil flirtatious smirk but I completely ignore him and walk to the washbasin to wash my hands thoroughly. I am going to tie the bandage on Ryan's head. Yay!! I will get to touch him. Yay!! 

As I walk past Daniel to follow Ryan to his room, Daniel suddenly screams "Don't forget to use a condom, kids." This asshoe.

"Shut up Daniel." I hiss in return.

As I enter Ryan's room, I see him going through the first aid box while sitting at the corner of his bed. His bed. Bed. My brain suddenly starts to show all kinds of intimate positions we can get into on this bed.

I take the towel from the chair and walk towards Ryan slowly. Should I walk sexily? Should I try to seduce him? What if he cases on me for harassment? No. no.

"I need to first dry your hair or bandages will get wet again." I say smoothly as I look at him. Hotty nods as he lets me rub his hair with the towel. I couldn't help but steal a few sniffs of the scent of his shampoo coming from his hair. So good.

I gently touch his silky soft and wet hair with my fingers and I make sure I don't touch his stitches which are in the lower back above the neck.    

There are a total of 12 stitches at the back of his head where Ethan had hit him with an iron pole. I gulp down the regret from my throat as I remember the whole scene. I was so terrified by looking at the pool of blood in my lap that I couldn't even fight for Ryan's justice that day. Ryan was the clear winner but being hated by most of the pack Alphas, nobody stood up for him. 

"Does it still hurt?" I ask him worriedly as I carefully separate the side hair from the stitches. The skin is still a little swollen and pinkish where the stitches are. I bite my lips hard so I don't cry looking at him. He didn't deserve this. 

"A little now. Better than before." Ryan replies as he hands me the ointment. I take the petroleum jelly from him and cautiously rub it on the area. The little sparks dancing on my skin wherever our skin touch are giving me bigass butterflies in my stomach. I want to touch his broad shoulders and feel their hardness. Rightnow, innocence is a foreign concept for me. I am literally floating in my own spellbound world the more I think about him.

Stop it or he is going to literally sue for sexual harassment.

I feel this sudden strange pull towards him that is blocking my rational mind. I control my thoughts and I carefully start to wrap the bandage around his head, but my hands suddenly stop as I hear him say "I am sorry." in a very low voice. Huh!  Did he just-

"I am really sorry, Amara. I didn't know girls are very sensitive and unintentionally I made you cry. So, sorry." Hotty again apologizes to me as I stand there frozen. Completely awestruck. He actually felt bad for shouting at me and seeing me crying. OMG! He is so cute. And considerate of my feelings.

"Rya- Rhino, I wanna tell you something." I nervously speak, I don't know how he is going to react after hearing me but I have to say it. Right now. It's a perfect time to tell him as there is no Daniel or Drake, no Ethan or my mother to disturb us. It's just me and Hotty. How it should have been from the start.

Hotty turns around to face me as he smiles slightly and say "Yeah, what is it?" Hotty's whiskey brown color eyes are penetrating my hazel eyes in a mere intimate way that I can't move or speak anything. 

Oh my heart, it just got attacked. Hotty's smile could melt the entire polar ice cap. That smile should be illegal.

Iceberg melting smile.

C'mon say it Emara. It's now or never. It's a do or die. It's life or death. It's a dog or a cat. It's T-series or PewDiePie. It's Nike or Adidas. It's Snickers or Mars. It's Colgate or Pepsodent. It's Instagram or TikTok.

It's my only chance. Yes! I can do this, I take a deep breath to collect the universe's energy in me and finally say it what I was dying to from so many days,

"I think I am in love with you."


Forgive this writer to update late, my lord. I am glad to find you here again. 

For the readers who are asking when the story will end, I would just like to say that- Enjoy the journey because the end will eventually come anyway.

This book crossed 18K+ views. It feels so good to see the result of my hard work. You readers are amazing. Muuaahhhh 😽😽

I have so many people to tag for the shoutout ❤️. I'll try to cover all of them:  NyasaG , KimHyunMi9 , futureloved , azondrea , Rosnyy , PreciousOluseyi , MIAthePHOENIX , user67886061 , ell-bon

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And don't forget, I love you people️❤️ you are my motivation to write.

Here is a meme


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