48. Blue Hair

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Emara Stone



"Oh my Godzilla! I can't believe this."

"I know, right? Lol. My kidney hurts so much. Hahaha."

I sit there in heartbreak as I see Daniel and Drake rolling on my bed with mere laughter. Laughing on my misery. On my eccentric bad luck.

Share with us it will lessen your pain, they said. And now these fuckers are laughing their asses off the bed. I really want to rip all of their hair off, how Ryan tolerates them on daily basis I wonder? I personally feel like to murder them every minute.

"Thank you? Alpha said thank you to your love confession. Oh my fucking god." Drake says amusingly as he laughs continuously. I should have never told them. Bitches.

"Hahaha hahhaha ha! Damn, I can feel my new abs developing." Daniels says surprisingly as he pokes his belly.

"Firstly, I still can't believe you confessed to Alpha and secondly that Alpha dumped you. Hahahah!" Drake laughs at me. Why god why? Why me? I bury my face more into my pillow as I feel super embarrassed as I remember the incident.

"Shut up. He just didn't know what I was talking about. He didn't dump me." I argue in return. Ryan is just innocent to deal with anything rightnow. He is like a cute deer in between stupid hyenas.

"Well thank the goddess, he didn't say he loves Roger." Daniel laughs out loud.

"Hahahah! Also he didn't call the police." Drake laughs with Daniel.

"Or at least he didn't pepper sprayed you." Daniels as he rolls on my bed with laughter like a dog. God!

"Shut up you both. Do you even know how difficult it is to even confess?" I snarl at them. I am so tired of them, I can't believe these blockhead dummies are the top commanders of Dark MawSnow pack.

"Oh please!" Drake interevens as he says proudly "I have done much more dangerous stunts than just confessing."

"Ahaan! Like what?" Daniel asks skeptically.

"Like rescuing old ladies' purses." Drake smirks.

"What?!" I ask him amusingly.

"Yeah, you don't know? I was a mugger before Alpha Brad took me in the pack. I was a rogue." Drake explains. Oh yes! I remember now. Daniel is an Omega and Drake is adopted.

"Didn't the Beta and Delta bloodline werewolves fought for their position when Ryan recruited you both?" I ask  the controversial question as it pops in my head.

"Haha!! No. Alpha itself belongs to a Delta bloodline." Drake replies as he comb his hair with his fingers to set them back. Daniel intervenes our conversation as he says "Anyway, back to the main topic. I think you should dress like girls or wear some wigs."

Now I wonder do I really need to dress up sexily to catch Ryan's attention? But back then in office he liked me the way I was. A woman in pants.

"Also you shouldn't have jumped to the 'Love' word so fast. You should begin with some mild starters like flirting or pick up lines." Daniel continues. Huh! Bullshit.

"Like this one, Did you just fart? Coz you blew me away." Daniel smirks wide while straight looking at me.

What non-sense is thi-
Wait!! Why do I feel like Deja Vu? Like this has already happened.

"Oh wait I have another one, Are you a 90 degree angle? coz you are looking right." Daniel purrs at me.

Did he? No, he can't. But what if?

"Did you taught any of your pickup lines to Ryan?" I ask him as I doubt that there is no way Ryan has such a potty taste in pickup lines.

Daniel gravely stares at me as he arrogantly says "Of course!! How do you think Alpha has such an awesome collection?" This  motherfuckerrrrrrrrr.

"Youuuuuu!!" I rub my palms on my face as I hiss in anger "Daniel. Get. Out." I can't believe this if he wasn't there things would have been much better. I wouldn't have thought that Hotty is such a moron.

"Oh C'mon Chica! Don't be jealous. I'll teach you better pickup li-" Before Daniel could complete I burst out at him "Daniel for fuck's sake Get Out or I'll murder you I swear." My head is really fuming in anger. I feel like my life is trolling with me. Everyone is laughing at me. At my misery.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Dino. Are you in there?" Suddenly we hear Ryan's voice outside my room. Daniel immediately gets up from my bed to open the door but not before giving me an evil wicked smile. What is he upto now? 

As soon as Daniel opens the door he instantly hugs Hotty by spreading his tarantula arms around him and screams in a petite voice "Rhino, I love you." This motherfucking bitch.

I fist my hands in anger and jealousy as I look at the site infront of me. My mate hugging the most hideous soul in the world. Why god why? 

Someone please tell me that Daniel is straight. Tell me!

Tell me author that Daniel is straight please, that he doesn't love Ryan romantically. Please author or find another female main character, I am leaving this book.

"Oh, Thank you, Dino. I love you." Ryan says with a smile as he hugs back Daniel. I look at them without even blinking. Oh my god! Why? Drake immediately gets up from the bed as he run towards them as he screams "Even I love you too Rhino."

"Thank you, Drakeo. I love you too." Ryan says happily at Drake who is smiling wide like he just had the best moment of his life. Completely awestruck.

These two idiots are taking the maximum benefit of Ryan's disease. Its like a game for them whereas my heart feels like a cycle ran over it. Completely crushed.

I bury my face more into my pillow as I cry silently, my drool makes a wet circle on the pillow as I press my face more into the pillow. I want to disappear, my eyes hurt so much. I want to be deported to another planet. Earth is hell.

After a while when I was done with my crying and drop my plan to go to Pluto, Drake comes inside my room as he asks worryingly "Luna, what happened? Are you alright?"

I shake my head as I sit on my bed and rub my eyes as I ask "Where are Ryan and Daniel?" What is he doing with my man! "Beta Daniel took Alpha to the hospital to check his rape nerve." Drake says as he sits infront of me while playing with his fingers.

Rape nerve? I bet he means Rhapsody nerve.

"Luna, I hope you don't mind Beta Daniel's words. He is a very straight forward and jovial person. So please don't feel bad when he told you to look more like other girls because I think you look already pretty than anyone here." Drake says as he looks away from me while scratching the back of his hair in a cute way. Also, the pink tint on his cheeks doesn't go unnoticed by me.

Does he have a crush on me?? On ME?

"Drake, you know I am Ryan's mate." I speak softly but in a warning way. I don't want to create any misunderstanding between us and Ryan. It was Ryan, it is Ryan and it will always be Ryan for me. Even if he never remembers me.

"Of-f cours-se Luna-a." Drake shutters as he shakes his head and say "It's just I didn't want you to think you are not good enough. Coz you are the most cutest one I have ever seen. Infact, I love your hair, you kinda look like someone I really adore." Drake says as he takes out his phone and types in superfast speed. Does he mean ex-lover?

"See... I think you two look alike." Drake says as he hyper-excitedly shows his phone to me.

I take his phone and see the picture. The girl in the picture has blue hair too but they are longer than mine and her skin looks flawless like a glass skin. So shiny and glowing. So pretty. So enchanting.

I couldn't help but scroll down to look at her more pictures.

Cool like cucumber.

WOW! Her makeup is flawless. And the hair color looks more vibrant than mine. Her skin! Omg. "Who is she?" I ask Drake curiously. So beautiful, me so jealous.

"Ahem! That's a boy, Luna. His name is Tae-hyung, he is a very famous singer of my favorite band BTS from South Korea." Drake says dreamily as he talks about the blue-haired guy.

He said that I and this guy look alike!! Me and a guy!! WTF! Does he indirectly want to say that I look like a guy too? The same thing that Daniel said. No doubt the guy in pictures looks immensely beautiful but I can't stop thinking that I might look like a guy too. Errr!! Now my self-esteem have reached the underworld. So low.

"Drake. Get. Out." I say as I control my anger. I want my long hair back. I miss them. I miss being called a pretty girl not a pretty boy.

"Okey but don't forget to look at his performance, you gonna love it. Also, I can suggest you some of my fav songs." Drake says as he slowly gets up from my bed. "G E T  O U T." I again say but this time grimly.

"Okeyyyy! I'll be in this area only. If you need me just scream. I'll be there to help, talk or to watch any song with you." Drake nervously says as he stands up straight rubbing his palms together.

"OUT! NOW!" I roar at him and he immediately walk out of my room. I take a deep breath of relief and fall on my bed tiredly. I just want to sit by the window and curse at all the people walking by. I am so pissed.

I pick and phone and search 'Tae-Hyung' and stare at his pictures.

He is so cute and hot at the same time. I can't believe within a minute I became a fan of him. His features make him look utter cute. So cute.

His hair color and mine are 99% similar but it suits him way better than me.


I couldn't help but compare myself with him. His skin is better than mine, his hair is longer than mine infact, his hair color is better than mine. And his smile... Oh god!! (♡ε♡)

{Ryan and Emara in College version story is available to read on wattpad, name- His Evil Ways}

I didn't leave my room for the whole day instead, I was listening to BTS songs and watching their performance on repeat. I didn't even realize when it became dark. I walk out to the kitchen as I hear someone cooking there. Must be Dory.

"Hi. What are you cooking?" I ask Dory as I spot her boiling some veggies in a bowl. "Oh, hey Emara. I am making some pasta for us as Ryan will be having dinner with his pack wolves." She says as she stirs the pot.

Ryan is having dinner outside! That's good. I won't have to face him today as I already feel so embarrassed for my confession. Sometimes distance is good.

After a good chat and tasty dinner, Dory leaves the penthouse and I go back to my old darkroom where my laptop is kept on charging. I am going to run all BTS songs from the starting. I love their dance, expressions, and damn their skin. So good.

Suddenly I hear some noise coming from the living room, I immediately stand up from my bed and take the steel hanger from the cupboard and slowly walk out. I hear a person's slipper noise, no it's two. I think it's three.

I immediately stop and listen to what they are talking about. "He was so wasted and then he asked me if he has three eyes because he was seeing three me. Haha! I told that dufus that I am one of the triplets." I hear them talking in a childish voice. Very immaturely.

I couldn't believe the sight before me. I see Ryan with severe intense face standing in between two teenage boys who hardly reach his shoulders. They immediately stop talking as they see me standing infront of them with a steel hanger in my hand in a defensive posture.

"Wow! So cool hair." One of the boys speaks.

"Yeah! Fucking cool. I am gonna get this color tomorrow." The other one says as both of them stare at me. I mean my hair.

I can feel the murderous aura around Ryan, I notice his eyes have a little tint of redness as he stares at me lethally. "Yeah, me too. I'll get this color too." The first boy says. I notice that the boys' eyes are little red too and their eyelids are a little swollen.

"Are you high?" I ask as I skeptically observe them.

"What?" The other boy asks innocently.

"High!" I reply gravely. Their eyes are hardly opening half as they look at me dreamily.

"Oh Hi. I am Shawn and this is my friend Mendes. We came to drop Alpha but we forgot the way so we had to ask-" The boy keeps talking about how they reach here as Ryan walks past me ignoring me to his room with a deadly expression that I couldn't read.

Is Ryan high too? No way!! Who could have done that? He is suffering from a severe disease, this would harm his health to a greater extent.

Daniel? Motherfucking Daniel????

"Where is Daniel rightnow?" I ask the boys in anger. I am going to break his skull today. "Beta Daniel sir is probably at the patrolling over the north-east borders. He is very strong and dedicated to his duties. When I grow up I wanna be-" I immediately cut off the guy as I ask him confusingly "Then who was with you people?"

"Delta Drake sir. He is like the best bro I have ever had. He let us download PUBG that was banned in our territory. Even Alpha played with us for two hours straight. But then Alpha got pissed so Delta Drake sir ordered us to drop Alpha to the Alpha house." The boy Shawn tells me. So Drake is the motherfuckerrr now. Did Drake got them high too??

I immediately turn around and walk after Ryan to his room. I wonder why he looked so pissed? As I enter the room I see darkness, al lights are switched off and the only light present in the room is of moonlight coming from the balcony. I walk up to the light and see Hotty standing close to the railing of the balcony and gazing at the stars. His shoulders look broader than ever, he looks like a knight waiting for his queen under the moonlight. So mesmerizing.

I wonder what happened to him?? He purposely ignored me.

"Hey. Did you have your dinner? Should I bring your medicines?" I ask Ryan as I walk close to him. He doesn't look at me and keep staring at the stars which is more confusing me now. Is he high or is he ignoring me? Veins are popping out from his hands as he holds the railing firmly.

Did he lose in the PUBG match? That's why he is mad.

"Do you know what I hate the most, Amara?" Ryan is still looking up in the sky as he asks me. This voice sounds thick and stern. I keep wondering why he asked me that? What he hates the most?




Burger King?

"I hate lies." Ryan says as he turns to face me. Raw, predator eyes, anger dripping from them like lava from a volcano. I would be lying if I say that I am not scared. His intense deep eyes are peeking inside my soul to look for an answer as I stand there dumbfounded.

Why is he telling me this?

Ryan runs his hand in his hair in a mere frustrating way as he says "Drakeo told me something today," my heart beats immediately pick up a pace as I stare at him frighteningly. What did Drake tell him? That he is a werewolf? That my brother hit him in the head that's why he lost his memory? Oh god please no. Not about Ethan.

"Wh-what he said-d?" I didn't even realize that I was shuttering miserably. The cool breeze is making me shiver not worse than Ryan's eyes. I really don't want to hear what he knows and what made him this angry. So scary.

Ryan slowly takes a step towards me, dangerously close. I gulp down nervously as he stands in my personal space hovering over me like a wild animal. Ryan's eyes look down at me in an absolute sinister way as he says in a low raspy voice "That you are not a nurse,

But my girlfriend."


I love TaeTae, not insulting or offending anyone here. If you still feel let me know it.. I'll remove the pictures and his name.

Well, Drake saved a few chapters :P Good thing now Alpha knows he has a gf ;)

Within a few months, this book is going to touch 1 MILLION VIEWS. OMGOMGOMG!!

Please vote on other chapters also if you forgot as my goal is to reach 35K+ votes before it reaches a million.

Remember this- I'll think to write intense smut in future chapters if I see much more votes ;)

Shoutout to these lovely readers for showering Alpha with votes ❤️
pm6230 , Adimaddy , Alexis10483 , @OluwatomiAdio , Wannabe_goodgirl , nancymhesi

Here is a meme


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