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Romance results
I had brought some talented romance writers with me.buahahha. *checks the list*
Omg. I can see ShivangiPrajapati 0liviaRose436 HavenStiel thorns_or_roses Leolunah omlata18 priya_shady Eveleft13 Winx_29 littleasian1998 Shandy2416 -TanyaWrites- shiaraatooz wilmix14 gargkhushi02 TiffanyAWolfe softyhartz SheWrites120 riyasharmapranbirfan LyraSerpens -parvathi- halley_great1S jiyarani Sim_ply_me john_1290 and 17Mysery

Ooh, I have another list. Lemme check that

Thank you Soli-tude SnFusion Revasaru SINCERELYME236 Painkiller_16 starringastraea for judging. You had spent your precious time for judging amazing books. Sending gratitude ✉✉.
Special thanks to Soli-tude for helping me !!!

Give them a cheerful applause!!!!!

They all have a good heart so why not shower them with love!!

Here are the romance results:

3rd place - Looking Beyond - LyraSerpens with the score 51/60 in final round

2nd place - Hellcat - 17Mysery with a score of 52/60 in final round.

1st place - Highway of Lights - softyhartz with 53/60 in final round

Scores and reviews:

Looking Beyond:
Title: 5/5

Blurb: 4/5

First chapter: 8/10

Plot: 10/10

Grammar: 10/10

Writing skill: 10/10

Enjoyment while reading: 7/10

Total: 54/60


Looking Beyond is an enticing novel that is written beautifully and professionally.

Right off the bat, the title of this novel draws you in making you want to read more. When going

to read the blurb, it is grammatically correct and hits all the main portions of the story without being too

lengthy. It also poses a question for the reader, making them want to read the story. The only critique I

have is in the formatting. Instead of having three different parts to the blurb, make it all flow together or

only have one part.

The first chapter introduced the characters extraordinarily well, it had tension, and it immediately

jumped into the story. The only critique I have is that, like the blurb, it was rigid. There needed to be

points where the writing sounded more human. I love the first paragraph of this novel, however, the

following four paragraphs aren't as interesting and I would suggest putting them a little bit later in the

chapter simply so that you really make sure you have the reader's attention. You can't give them any

excuse to stop reading.

The plot of this story isn't predictable, cliche, or unreasonable. There are so many ways it could

go, letting the reader's mind come up with all sorts of questions as to what will happen next. It feels like

something that would happen in real life. Long story short: I love it.

As I have said before, both the writing skill and the grammar displayed in this book are absolutely

impeccable. It shows talent and understanding. Again, the only critique I have is to make it sound a little

more human. At points in this story, the writing sounded almost like a research paper.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and it deserves to get discovered. The characters are

well-thought-out and all have specific mannerisms which I love. The plot is interesting, and the writing

style is intriguing.

One last note I would add would be to make the author's notes and the end of the chapters seem

less professorial. Those are the points where you shouldn't be as formal because that's how you can build

a connection with your readers. If you actually talk to your readers in the author's notes, it will make you

seem more approachable which will then lead to more feedback, more comments, and maybe even some

new friends!

This book was amazing, keep up the good work!

Stuck With My Vampire Mate:
Title: 3/5

Blurb: 4/5

First chapter: 6/10

Plot: 5/10

Grammar: 9/10
Writing skill: 5/10

Enjoyment while reading: 4/10

Total: 36/60


Stuck With My Vampire Mate was a funny and enjoyable read.

The title of this book doesn't stand out all that much in my opinion. The blurb for this novel is

interesting and draws you into the story well. However, it is formatted a bit weird which is slightly

jarring. You want to do everything you can to make your readers want to read your story which includes

making it easy for them to read.

The first chapter of this book had a lot of tension which is really good because it makes your

readers want to continue reading. However, it could have done a lot more for the main character because I

didn't really feel bad for her at all, and she made choices that were cliche and unrealistic. I didn't connect

with her. Letting your readers connect with your characters is so important, whether that be with the

relationships they show or the little things they do that readers can laugh at because they do it too.

Overall I feel like the plot is kind of predictable and doesn't stand out from any other vampire

romance novel, however, sometimes predictability is exactly what a reader wants. It's comforting. If I was

dealing with something hard, this is something I would definitely be reading because it's like comfort

food. It's inviting.

The grammar of this novel was overall pretty good. There were a lot of places where there could

have been better wordings or formatting. There were also places where explanations of what was going on

in the story were confusing because of sentence structure and word choices. However, there wasn't

anything grammatically incorrect, per se.

The writing skill in this piece was pretty good for the most part, however, it felt less like a novel

and more like a play at some times. I liked the humor added into the writing, it really added something. I

would ask for more out of the descriptions. As a reader, I absolutely love it when authors can find unique

ways to describe things and really pull me into the world inside their head.

The main critique I would give would be on the main character. Within the beginning of the book,

she comes across as superficial and extremely focused on outer appearances. This made me disconnect

from her and as I said earlier, it's important to have really strong characters. That's another big thing I

look for as a reader. I want to laugh and cry with the characters of the book I'm reading. I want them to be

so three dimensional that I can practically have a conversation with them because I know their

personality, how they talk, and how they make connections with others. Every character should have very

specific voices, or ways of speaking, and a very specific well-thought-out personality.

I think with some editing, this already-good book could be made even better.

The Forbidden Love:
Title: 2/5

Blurb: 3/5

First chapter: 4/10

Plot: 9/10

Grammar: 6/10

Writing skill: 4/10

Enjoyment while reading: 5/10

Total: 33/60

The Forbidden Love is a humorous story full of tension and cliffhangers.

The title: The Forbidden Love is cliche and overused. There are so many books already called

this, you need a title that really makes your book stick out so that people will find it and it won't be

another face in the crowd.

The blurb for this novel is good for the most part, but there are grammatical errors. You want to

make sure that your blurb is grammatically correct because that is the first impression people have of your

story besides the title. I would also suggest not capitalizing BAD BOY because it doesn't really add

anything to the blurb and it's jarring for the reader. I would also suggest not asking so many questions to

your reader in all caps and on different lines. I would suggest putting them all into one paragraph.

The first chapter of this story does a good job of establishing the main character and her

relationship with her best friend, which I really love. One of the main things I look for as a reader is well

thought out characters which includes their personality and relationships. Having those good characters

makes the reader want to keep reading. However, the first chapter didn't add much tension and overall felt

like it was being sped-through. There were also a lot of places where things could have been worded

better and there could have been more attention to grammatical correctness.

Now, as I said in the previous paragraph, the first chapter of this book didn't add much tension,

but the other chapters did a really good job of adding tension and making the readers have questions

which would make them keep reading the book so that they could find the answers. The plot of this story

seems well thought out and not cliche. It makes me want to know what's going to happen next.

The overall writing skill of this book was good on paper and checked all the boxes- tension,

characters, humor, storyline- however, the execution of these elements could have been a lot better. This

affected my overall enjoyment as well because though this book had all the things I look for as a reader,

the execution made it hard to read at times. You always want to make everything as easy as you can for

your readers, and that just comes with practice. You're already halfway there. Keep up the good work!

You're PURE:
Title: 2/5

Blurb: 4/5

First chapter: 8/10

Plot: 7/10

Grammar: 8/10

Writing skill: 8/10

Enjoyment while reading: 8/10

Total: 45/60


You're PURE was an enjoyable read and had well-built, well-thought-out characters.

The title for this book I find a bit odd. The capitalizing of the word "pure" doesn't add anything

to the title in my opinion and is somewhat jarring rather than intriguing. I would suggest changing the title

so that pure isn't capitalized.

The blurb for this story is not formatted in a usual way, but it is intriguing. I think the first two

paragraphs are fine, but the rest of it I believe could be modified to be made better, and if help is needed

with that, I can be PM-ed and I'd be happy to help.

The first chapter of this book is written exceptionally well. It establishes what kind of person

Mayan is and some of the relationships he has with others. I always love to see a strong character right off

the bat, and it makes me want to keep reading. The writing skill that is displayed also made me want to

continue reading because of the good descriptions and the ability to explain things through characters.

The plot of this story seems like it could be really interesting. I think it is a storyline that people

will want to keep reading and if readers have to keep holding on for that one thing they want to happen,

then it will for sure keep them hooked. I also like that this story didn't jump right into the conflict and is

taking time to address characters, situations, and relationships because then when the conflict of the story

hits, the reader will feel more for the characters.

The grammar in You're PURE isn't wonderful, but it's also not extremely distracting. I would

still recommend getting a program to help identify grammatical errors because poor grammar is just

another reason for the reader to not read your writing. You need to give readers every reason to continue

reading. You need to pull them in and not let them leave, which involves making your writing as easy to

read as it can be.

Overall I really enjoyed reading this story, and I like how the characters interacted.

Train Love:
Title: 4/5

Blurb: 4/5

First chapter: 5/10

Plot: 6/10

Grammar: 5/10

Writing skill: 7/10

Enjoyment while reading: 7/10

Total: 38/60


Train Love is an extremely poetic novel that I really enjoyed reading.

The title of this book is extremely unique and, in my opinion, catches your eye. It makes you

wonder what the book is about. The blurb makes the story sound sweet and sentimental, though there

were a few small grammatical errors in it.

I'm not going to lie, I almost gave up on the first chapter of this book. The long strand of dialogue

that starts out the first chapter really doesn't draw the reader into the story, and it sounds awkward.

However, I'm extremely glad I kept reading because after the dialogue ended, there were these beautiful,

poetic, almost tangible descriptions. I could practically see everything that was being described and it was

amazing. There wasn't any tension or real reason for the reader to keep reading after this first chapter,

however, readers like me will keep reading just for those beautiful descriptions. I might advise adding

some sort of tension though, it will keep more readers interested.

The plot of this story, while it seems somewhat cliche and predictable, is comforting in a sense.

It's sweet and sentimental and makes you feel safe. However, that isn't going to do it for all readers so I

would suggest trying to add a few twists into the plot.

The grammar of this story was not that bad through most of it. However, the dialogue was very

grammatically incorrect, and considering that is what the book opens with I think it really needs to be

changed. I would like to say that when there wasn't dialogue the grammar wasn't perfect, but it also

wasn't super distracting and it allowed me to really enjoy the story. I would also very highly suggest not
ing abbreviations in novels. As I have said before, the writing style of Train Love was very poetic and

the skill it takes to pull something like that off is immense. I really enjoyed all the unique descriptions in

this book.

One Day
Title: 5/5

Blurb: 2/5

First chapter: 4/10

Plot: 8/10

Grammar: 1/10

Writing skill: 3/10

Enjoyment while reading: 5/10

Total: 28/60


One Day has a really good concept and really seems like it has a well planned out plot.

The title immediately draws you in; it's not cliche and it doesn't give anything away. The title is

poetic and the cover is beautiful. These two things should make people want to click on this story.

However, the blurb for this story is very short and it has a lot of grammatical errors. It's also not

formatted very well. It hits the main points of conflict and story which is really good, but it needs to hit

those points in such a way that makes people want to continue reading. Whenever I'm looking at a book

to read, if the blurb has poor grammar I usually don't end up reading it because the blurb is the first thing

you see from an author and if it's not as good as it can be then a reader might lose interest right off the

bat. You can't let them do that.

The first chapter of One Day jumps right into the story which I really appreciate. However, it

could use a better hook. Even though it jumps right into the story, there's nothing keeping the reader

there. There was good tension at the end of the chapter, which, on paper, should make the reader want to

continue in the story. Adding that bit of tension in the first chapter really helps get the reader hooked and

want to continue reading the story which is so important.

The plot of One Day I believe is a really good concept. It's something that people want to read

and has enough mystery to it that readers want to keep reading. I think it's really interesting how there are

really two storylines going in this book- the past and the present. I know for me at least, this added a level

of uniqueness and made the book stand out from other romance novels. I always look for the things that

make a writer unique, whether it be the format of their book, their writing style, or anything else. It makes

me want to continue reading their writing.

The grammar in One Day was poor. This may not bother everyone; however, in my opinion, the

grammar of this book gets in the way of reading. There was little use of capitalization, random spaces all

over the place, the paragraphs weren't formatted correctly, and there was lots of incorrect punctuation. I

highly suggest downloading Grammarly if that's possible because I find it extremely helpful. The writing

skill of this work was also simplistic, which while it can sometimes be useful if used sparingly, if used

throughout an entire work it gets bland. These two things greatly affected my enjoyment while reading,

because it made it much harder for me to get into the story and really hear what was being said.

I think if the grammar in this book could be improved would really go a long way to help their

readers become super immersed in their story.

. Julia - @ShivangiPrajapati

Title - 4 / 5

Blurb - 3 / 5

First chapter - 8 / 10

Plot - 8 / 10

Grammer - 8 / 10

Writing skill - 4 / 10

Enjoyment while reading - 9 / 10

Total - 44 / 60

Review - The story is good. The way you have made the female lead, determined to prove herself to be independent and not caring about what people speak about her, cause she comes from a poor family, is outstanding.

I really got intrigued and wanted to know how and what would happen next with her. How would she prove herself right? How would she fight against her problems? How she would manage her encounter with the jerk, as she calls him, of her past.

But, I would suggest you change the blurb. Add up a bit more and make it more catchy. As for the chapters, you really need to do a lot of editing. There are a tremendous amount of punctuation mistakes. You have left punctuations where it is needed to be added. And then, you have capitalized the words within a sentence, when it isn't needed, or decapitalized it, where it is needed. Look into this please....

Apart from this, I loved your plot and would be looking forward to the upcoming chapters.

Hope you do the required editing work.....

2. On the Edge of Tomorrow - @OliviaRose436

Title - 4 / 5

Blurb - 3 / 5

First chapter - 8/10

Plot - 8/10

Grammar - 9/10

Writing skill - 9/10

Enjoyment while reading - 9/10

Total - 50/60

Review - The title is good, but doesn't flow with the blurb. The scoring doesn't ask for cover marking yet I would say, change the cover. The cover doesn't go on well with the title. As for the blurb edit it. The blurb makes one feel that this story would be a typical girl falling in love with a rock star and having problems in life. But, your plot is something far better than that.

The plot is nice and is developing gradually. You have tried to keep the grammatical errors as less as possible and that's really awesome.

I would suggest you to use a bit of ornamental words at some places as it would help you to enhance the taste of your story. And there were some punctuation errors, do check them out.

Overall, I really enjoyed it and hope you would take my suggestions into consideration.

3. Young Retribution - @HavenStiel

Title - 4/5

Blurb - 5/5

First chapter - 10/10

Plot - 9 /10

Grammar - 9/10

Writing skill - 8/10

Enjoyment while reading - 9/10

Total - 54 / 60

Review - The title was great and nice and the blurb of yours is small, but intriguing, as it makes the reader think about various situations. The Prologue of yours was just wow! I liked it truly. You have given a nice flashback of what can be the cause of the events for the upcoming journey.

The plot was nicely built up and since it is an ongoing story there would be more twist and turns I hope. The Grammar was great, but I would suggest you to use some ornamental words too, since it would make the story more captivating.

I enjoyed reading the story, but yeah, at some places I cringed.

Overall nice job and keep going on!

4. Pride and Promises - @thorns_or_roses

Title - 5 / 5

Blurb - 5 / 5

First chapter - 9 / 10

Plot - 10 / 10

Grammar - 9 / 10

Writing skill - 9 / 10

Enjoyment while reading - 8 / 10

Total - 55 / 60

Review - A ten on ten or in this case a five on five title. I really loved it. It flows perfectly with your story. As for the blurb, accurate is the word I would use to define it. I really like how you have given a short glimpse about their character and given us an idea what the story might be.

I like your concept a lot. The prices of such successful people clashing and ignition of love. Great!

The best part of your story is the slow, but genuine pace character development. Something a lot of story lack about.

Overall, I enjoyed it! A classic Chick Lit... Trust me, me enjoying Chicklit is like once in a blue moon act...

5. Wrapped Around Her Finger - @Leoluah

Title - 5 / 5

Blurb - 4/5

First chapter - 9/10

Plot - 10/10

Grammar - 9/10

Writing skill - 10/10

Enjoyment while reading - 9/10

Total - 56 / 60

Review - A kind of spin off sequel to the original story, yet a standalone. Nice! I really liked the way you jolted down the blurb. I have read a story about student-teacher dating. But this one is kinda new for me. Cause, I like how you made him a parent. By the way, I really liked how our cute little girl in the story would get annoyed and jealous. And how all the problems would be trying to push them apart, but they still try to stay together. The way you have shown the meaning of your hook title everywhere is awesome. The possessiveness of Pax, jealousy of Abby and fear of Lina (I know, you would understand with fear I am talking about) is really fun to read. And the shock of him being a father was great. I laughed imagining his expressions.

And the pasts of the characters were nicely shown.

Moreover, I also liked how you used some ornamental words at some places in place of using common words.

Overall nicely written and I would like to say to the one reading this, do check out her other book for a better understanding.

. Premam (also known as) Kadhal by @Shandy2416

• Title: 5/5
• Blurb: 5/5
• First Chapter: 9/10
• Plot: 10/10
• Grammar: 9/10
• Writing Skill: 10/10
• Enjoyment while Reading: 10/10

TOTAL: 58/60

Remarks: It's a cute story. I loved the cute love story it depicts. The approach taken by the author for this story is wonderful. Definitely the kind to be read in a good mood.

2. The Player's Her Guardian by @-TanyaWrites-

• Title: 5/5
• Blurb: 4/5
• First Chapter: 9/10
• Plot: 10/10
• Grammar: 10/10
• Writing Skill: 8/10
• Enjoyment while Reading: 10/10

TOTAL: 56/60

Remarks: I loved this book, the writing style and plot. But it was a little difficult to understand the writing. Or else, the book is awesome.

3. Binding Hearts by @shiaratooz

• Title: 5/5
• Blurb: 4/5
• First Chapter: 8/10
• Plot: 9/10
• Grammar: 8/10
• Writing Skill: 7/10
• Enjoyment while Reading: 8/10

TOTAL: 49/60

Remarks: The story is good but I recommend the author to decrease the number of times conjunctions are used, and improve the writing style a bit. Others the book is fun.

4. The List To Freedom by @wilmix14

• Title: 5/5
• Blurb: 5/5
• First Chapter: 10/10
• Plot: 10/10
• Grammar: 10/10
• Writing Skill: 9/10
• Enjoyment while Reading: 10/10

TOTAL: 59/60

Remarks: This book is catchy due to the storyline. I loved how the author's writing has a combination of angst and humor. Quite an interesting story.

5. The Maiden by @gargkhushi02

(This book can't be judged in this genre.sorry)

Remarks: I really loved this book. I found it intriguing and beautiful. The writing style is efficient and capturing. In short, this book is awesome.

imperfect perfect life- @priya_shady

Title: 4/5

Blurb: 3 /5

First chapter: 9/10

Plot: 8/10

Grammar: 8 /10

Writing skill: 9 /10

Enjoyment while reading: 10/10

Total = 51/60


2. It is really good feeling of the main character. I am really really like the story.
Heyy! I am @Painkiller_16 and here are the results!!

1.the challenge - @shivangiPrajapati

Title: 5/5

Blurb: 4 /5

First chapter: 10/10

Plot: 9/10

Grammar: 10/10

Writing skill: 10/10

Enjoyment while reading: 10/10

Total = 53/60


2. This story make me cry, like so fantastic. I like this story and I love it so much.
Heyy! I am @Painkiller_16 and here are the results!!

1.drowning - @eveleft13

Title: 2/5

Blurb: 3/5

First chapter: 5/10

Plot: 5/10

Grammar: 7/10

Writing skill: 5/10

Enjoyment while reading: 5/10

Total = 32/60


2. It's not interesting bc I don't like sense like that.

1. My choice - winx_29


2. This story not in English. I don't understand what it was about and how it was ?

1.beyond words-Jacob diaries - @littleasian1998

Title: 5/5

Blurb: 4/5

First chapter: 6/10

Plot: 6/10

Grammar: 7/10

Writing skill: 7/10

Enjoyment while reading: 7/10

Total = 42/60


2. I like it bc it's about first love n friends. I hope it is more interesting in main character


Falling for Ms. Gray - TiffanyAWolfe
title: 3/5
blurb: 3/5
first chap: 7/10
plot: 7/10
grammar: 10/10
writing skill: 9/10
enjoyment: 7/10
Overall: 46/60

Perfect for Each Other - PragathiSuresh
title: 3/5
blurb: 3/5
first chap: 7/10
plot: 7/10
grammar: 8/10
writing skill: 7/10
enjoyment: 7/10
Overall: 42/60

Highway of Lights -softyhartz
title: 5/5
blurb: 5/5
first chap: 9/10
plot: 9/10
grammar: 10/10
writing skill: 10/10
enjoyment: 9/10
Overall: 57/60

Professor Cole - SheWrites120
title: 3/5
blurb: 3/5
first chap: 7/10
plot: 8/10
grammar: 9/10
writing skill: 8/10
enjoyment: 7/10
Overall: 45/60

Will we unite? - riyasharmapranbirfan
title: 3/5
blurb: 3/5
first chap: 7/10
plot: 8/10
grammar: 8/10
writing skill: 7/10
enjoyment: 7/10
Overall: 43/60

If I did not mention anyone here or their books. Inform me!!

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you participants and judges.

Mail me for prizes!

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