La La Lainey*: Nyo! Denmark x Fem! Reader

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Warnings: Gets a little heated. Just Warning you.

Date published: 6/12/17

Words: 842

Extra notes: Yes it is GirlxGirl! Don't like it don't read.

Author: Emo_Kitty350


She was in to hardcore, I was in to rock and roll

She was in to girls it was her own form of birth control

She was smoking cigarettes and drinking before five

She was wild, she was fine with being hungover all the time

Come on!

I sighed as the song started playing. It reminded me of my current situation. I was in love with a girl who was a party animal and probably didn't even know I existed. There were obvious diffrences between the two of us, she likes hardcore and well I rather stay in my comfort zone of rock and roll. I think that the only thing that was simaler between the two of us was that we were both very much gay. I'm pretty sure she uses her gayness as form of birth control. I laughed slightly at the thought and sat back in the chair. I was unfortnetly dragged to this stupid party by my friend Amelia. She knew of my crush on Michaela and always teased more for it.

"Hey dudette!" She called out to me from the dance floor. "Come dance!"

"No thanks," I responded, it's already bad enough my stomach was exposed from the black lacey crop top with a matching skirt and a pair of black boots. Hell she even managed to get me to wear red lipstick. She pouted slightly, "Why not?" She complained and walked over to me. "I'm exposed!" I exclaimed refering to my stomach and my low self esteem about my body. "Honey, you look fine! I mean have you seen the way I'm dressed!?" She asked she did have a point though... she was wearing her shirt tied up in the front and instead of her normal skirt she wore extremly short shorts. "Yea, well thats you though... you're comfortable in your body." I stated, "Yea, yea, whatever just-" She stopped as her eye caught something. "Just what?" I asked, "Hey, Michaela!" She shouted, "Amelia!" I hissed, "What are you doing?" "You'll thank me for this later." She winked and called Michaela over here. Did I tell you that they were friends? No. Ok well they are.

"Oh hi Y/N!" She greeted quiet loudly over the loud music. "Hi." I mumbled, my S/C cheeks turned red. "Sorry about her, she's shy." Amelia nudged me, "Quite cute too." Michaela smirked as she looked at me. I blushed a even darkeer shade of red and look down at my hands that were resting in my lap. "Let's go dance!" She cheered and grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my seat and dragged me to the dance floor. Her long blonde hair moved with her as she swayed her hips and I just sat there and watched her movement. "Watcha starin' at sweetcheeks?" She asked a smirk evident on her pink lips even in the dark of the club. I shake my head and blushed, "N-nothing." What I didn't see coming was her pulling me into her chest and swaying with me in her arms. "So I heard a little rumor." She purred in my ear, "What kind?" I asked scared of what it could be. "That you," She pauses and spins me so my back is against her chest and her hands now rest on my hips, "like me." She finished, "Where would you hear that from?" I asked, slowly growing more nervous than I already was. "Amelia, but I gotta say, that if thatwas true..." she trailed, "That I would want you to tell me." She purred again and gently began to bite my exposed neck. "Ngh, and if I said that the rumor was true, what would you say?" I asked with a sudden burst of confindence. "I would say that I feel the same way." She stoped sawying us and I turned around to look at her. He pale face didn't hold it's normal smirk and her blue eyes were filled with hope. Hope that a shy girl would be hers. I don't know if it was confidence or if it was because I was turned on but I pulled on the collar of her shirt and brought her lips to mine. Our lips danced together, although me being inexperinced in any way I was lost.

"It's ok sweetcheeks, just let me lead." She explained inbetween kisses before she gently bit my lower lip. Shocked, I opened my mouth slightly and she shoved her tongue in my mouth. I felt it move around my mouth and werstle with my own. She pulled away for air and smirked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" She asked, I nodded breathless, she smiled before attacking my exposed neck. I let out a moan when she found my sweet spot and she began the suck on it leaving a purple mark. She removed her lips from my neck once she was satisfied with the mark.

"What was that for?" I asked,

"I gotta show the world you're mine some how." She responded with a goofy smile. How I love my girlfriend.

Part two?

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