32. I'm missing you and its killing me...

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Happiness Unbounds...

Again it happened...

No words to explain how much Im feeling now...

Thanks to all my supporting voting buddies for making this happen...

Very happy to inform you all that this story " Anything to make her smile" has become my 4th ever story to cross 4000+ votes after loving husband, Arrogancy vs Attitude and From the day I met you....

Thanks to everyone who made this possible in just 31chapters and expecting all your support to grow further too....

A quick survey:

Anything to make her smile...

No. Of chapters written: 31

Total chapters : Probably 45 - 50

Total reads: 23, 800+ reads

Total votes : 4150+ votes

Maximum votes for a single chapter:
145 Votes

Hope its grows more and more....


Now to shot. 32:

Abhi is feeling a pain in his heart and is hell furious as he is not able to tolerate the fact that the girls have left the home without minding to take the body guards with them and also not at all informing them too....

Abhi knows very well that his elder sister Aaliya is way too bold to handle any bad situation... He also very well aware that bulbul is also a rebellious girl who can fight and face anything.... But abhi is hell scared of his sweet and innocent wife pragya who is way too naive to understand anything...

Abhi's pov.:

Where are you fuggy??? Why did you go out without informing me??? Do you know how much Im scared??? Its a living hell for me without you...

My heart beat is not in its control as its missing the reason for its beatings.... I am missing you terribly fuggy and its killing me like death... I can't fuggy...

I just can't breathe too... Im feeling suffocated... My heart is bleeding and Im feeling the same pain and symptoms which you get when you suffer from wheezing and breathing issues...

I don't know how to console myself... Why are you not at all listening to me properly fuggy.. Do you know how much it hurts me when you do anything drastic against my wish....

Don't think Im dominating you and controlling you with the superiority power of a husband... Fuggy... You are my better half... My soulmate... My love... My everything....

You don't know what exactly you mean to me... You are my everything fuggy and my life revolves around you only... You are a blessed angel in my dark life fuggy....

You are not only my love of life and my wife, you are the one who brought back the chirpy and happy Abhi in me after many years... You are no less than my mother and to be frank you have shown the same love and care, the same warnings and anger which my mother used to show me...

Come back to me fuggy... I can't live even a second without you fuggy... See my heart is beating so I know very well that you are also fine... But don't make me worry and come soon to me please...

Abhi's eyes are adamantly flowing the precious tears which is not at all in his control and is just pouring out non stop as the simple separation from his fuggy is making him hell sick and he is feeling as if he is being punished brutally and he is feeling as if his soul is taken away by him...

Abhi comes out of his trance when he felt a pat on his back... He wipes his tears and shruggs off his shoulder.... He takes a deep breath to calm himself down and also to think what they are going to do next...

Arjun and purab are looking at abhi with a worried face as they don't know what they are going to do next.... They too are scared and is in a complete confusion...

Arjun: Abhi... Say something man... What are we going to do next... I'm scared abhi... Nothing should happen to them...

Purab: Ya tell me man... Today only we were discussing that some of our rivals are targeting our family women to trouble us... Why these three did like this??? Irresponsible girls...

Abhi: I can't understand what the hell happened to these girls... Why these three have done like this... What is their bloody problem and what crown they are going to lose, if they take the bodyguards with them..

These three are boiling my nerves and making me furious... Can't they understand that we are in a big problem... And this stupid pragya... Didn't she know that we have even hidden our wedding news for her safety only....

God... Stupid pragya.... Don't know when she is going to grow up .. Only in getting angry and punishing me, she will act way too matured... But other times, she won't act to her age.... Idiotic fool....

Arjun: Abhi.. Relax... Just calm down man... I know pretty well my chotti pragya will be not at all fault... She won't do anything that bothers you... Im damn sure, she will be forced to do this by your sisters... I think it's the great aaliya's work only...

Purab: Ajju bhai... Don't forget... This bulbul is also with them na... Sure she would be the mastermind behind all these.... Abhi .. my chotti wont do such things and please don't get angry on her man...

Abhi: Whatever... Let's not waste our time anymore... It's almost evening and these stupid three not even attending our calls too... Where the hell they kept their phones and what rubbish they are doing....

Let them come... I will punish them for sure for pulling up such stupid stunts.... Come lets alert our security team to rush up and we too also will search them what the important good for nothing these three are doing without minding anything..

Im pretty sure that they would have gone to that XYZ MALL only and is doing all those worthless and nonsense stuffs without caring what mess they have created... These three are pushing us in troubles again and again and worrying us too much...

Abhi calls the security team and informs them to go in search of Aaliya, pragya and bulbul... Abhi takes his car and purab and Arjun joins in that and they drove to the xyz mall praying for their wives safety...


In the meantime, Aaliya, Bulbul and pragya had a nice girls time in the xyz mall... They went to the parlour and relaxed themselves by doing many treatments...

Then they did some shopping and they buy some stuffs for the orphanage kids too... They spend their girly time by enjoying a lot and now and then they had something to eat not aware of the fact some men are following them and is watching all their moves and informing about them to someone through phone...

The girls without minding anything goes to watch movie but pragya is hell scared knowing well that abhi will surely get mad if he returns home and found her missing... She knows about abhi's anger and she is worried too much....

She pleads aaliya and bulbul to go back to home but they convinced pragya and pleads her that they will go after watching the movie as it's their favourite actor's latest released movie...

Pragya gives up with lot of hesitancy but her inner self keeps on warning her that something is going to happen for wrong... She feels suffocated inside but she didn't bothered to say to aaliya and bulbul as it might surely make them worry....

Pragya without their knowledge uses her inhaler to steady her breath and she took the tablet too excusing herself as she want to use restroom... Pragya joins them after settling her breaths and joins them to watch the movie...

Three hours passes and the girls finally comes out after watching the movie... Just then, aaliya notices that some men are keep on following them without their knowledge....

Aaliya holds bulbul and pragya's hands and pulls them down and whispers...

Aaliya: Girls... We are in a big trouble .. Don't get panic.. Just relax as if we don't know anything... some men are following us .. So , bulbul where is the phone... Lets call abhi or the security men to come soon here before anything happens...

Bulbul horrifies and gasps in shock... She hits her forehead and looks the the duo apologizingly...

Bulbul: 😱😱😱😱😱.... Sorry... Really we are in big trouble aaliya di... Im so sorry pragya... Today we are going to face The Abhishek mehra's wrath for sure... Bhai will rip us into pieces for sure.... Sure this purab and arjun jiju gonna dance on our heads...

Pragya: Don't tense me bulbul... Where are the mobiles??? You only had them with you na when we were in parlour... Stop playing... Give the phone bulbul...

Bulbul: Im so sorry... I kept the mobiles together with the shopping bags and kept it in the locker when we entered the theatre.... I completely forgotten that... 😔😔😔😔

Aaliya: Oh shit... 😱😱😱😱.... What have you done bulbul... Okay girls... lets not waste the time okay... Pragya here is our car key... Go and sit in the car... Let me and bulbul go and collect the bags...

No one knows that you are abhi's wife... If any men target us means, we can handle them so for safety reasons you go and sit in the car... We will come soon.. dont worry okay.... Come on pragya... Quick...

Aaliya and bulbul went to pick up the bags while Pragya with a worried face moves away from them... She senses that someone is following her and she rushes up her steps... Her breath started to hitch suddenly and she felts a sudden pain in her chest.....


Much to the bad fate of pragya, Nikhil who is in the mall finishes off his meeting with the producer to model in a fashion show as that producer's wife is completely smitten by him... Nikhil promised the producer's wife that he will surely please her with what she want from him as she has made him the model...

Nikhil with a happy smile after signing the documents and contracts walks down from there... His face brightens all of a sudden... His desired eyes which is carving to fulfill his long term lust, spots his prey Pragya who dashed with his body all of a sudden pleasing the inner monster in him...

His body freezed in a moment with the happy shock and his lusty body is tempted like anything with the mere touch.. The suddenly felt closeness with her made him to want more and he turns to see pragya who is rushing up her steps....

Nikhil starts to follow her with his lusty eyes feeling her body but to his dismay, pragya took the lift and moves down... Nikhil fists his arms in fury and rushes down but the heavy crowd in the mall is not at all allowing him to move fast...

Nikhil is not at all in a mood to give up without fulfilling his long term wish.... His lust is turning him very mad and he searches pragya here and there....


Pragya is sweating too much and she cant walk a bit too... Her head is spinning, her chest is paining very badly, her breathes are choking and her feet is stumbling... The heavy crowd is suffocating her too much and the fear that someone is following her is making her to get scared to death..

All pragya want at that time is to safe herself without getting caught by anyone and she wants to run to her abhi as soon as possible... She mentally curses herself for agreeing to aaliya and bulbul's wishes and joining them...

She panicks thinking what will be abhi's condition now.... She knows very well that abhi will be facing an inner turmoil without her... She mentally asks sorry to abhi for her stupidity and she vows to return to him soon and is ready to accept any punishment whichever abhi gives to her ..


Abhi, Purab and Arjun enters the mall and keep on searching their wives... The security team is also searching the mall in full swing and they got some suspected men who works for abhi's rivals....

Abhi spots Bulbul and Aaliya in a far away place, struggling hard with some men to escape... He alerts purab and arjun and the trio rushes to save them... The security men too arrive at the same time and they beat those men hardly....

Abhi just noticed that his love of life, his soulmate pragya is missing in the scene.... Abhi is hell angry to know that the girls has left pragya alone... He roars in fury and looked at the girls murderously....

Abhi asks purab and arjun to look after the situation and he without minding or listening to anyone rushes to the parking lot... He keeps on praying to god to keep his fuggy safe....


On the other side, nikhil is not at all giving up and he is searching pragya in full swing...

Pragya is rushing up her steps and she is stumbling way too hard as her breathe is ditching her and she is completely suffocating a lot... She started to take deep breaths and she is not a state to open her clutch and take the inhaler and use it...

All of a sudden, pragya felt a heavy pain in her chest and the uneven breath didn't allowed her to move an inch at all... Her eyes blurred and she stumbles completely... She falls unconscious all of a sudden....


So what's going to happen next???

What Happened to pragya???

Will abhi reach pragya on time???

Will pragya be caught by the rival's men???

What will happen to pragya if nikhil spots her???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail...

As usual came up with a long update of 2400+ words...

Sorry for errors and mistakes, if any as I've not proof read it...

Wanna have quick update, vote soon....

The maximum the vote crosses (145-150), you will surely get the next update soon... If not, wait till I find time to update after finishing my rotation of my other stories ....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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