33. You can't understand the hell, I faced inside me...

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Happiness unbounds....

Wanna know what's the matter...

This story " Anything to make her smile" has won the second prize in Best Romantic story in Abhigya Awards 2018....

Thanks to everyone who have voted for this story and made me to win this honour...

Here is the certificate of appreciation and winning sticker in my cover...

Success didn't knock at your door without any efforts or hardwork... But the real fact is that rather than hardwork, people's love, support and  encouragement is needed to get succeeded in all your endeavors....

Thanks to each and everyone of my readers for making me to win these honours and dedicating this victory and happiness to all the lovely souls who is being part of this story by reading it, without fail and supporting me throughout....

Without your all love and support, this won't be possible for me.... I don't find words to show my gratitude to you all... I'm sort of words.... I will assure you all that I will try my level best to give all my updates to your likings....

Please do forgive me, if I can't come up on time or boring you anytime with my non stop blah blahs... My sincere apologies for giving cliffy updates and do accept my wholehearted sorry, if I behaved badly with anyone....

Now too Im boring you all na... Sorry again...

Thanks again for the love and support...


Words can't express what all I went through when I see you lifeless... You will never understand, the hell I went through...

I hide my tears when I see you in pain... I can feel your physical pain like that of mine but you will never understand the pain in my heart to see you in the worst phase....

Please try to become my peace... I have suffered enough pain in my life already... You too don't do the same to me....


Abhi is sitting like a lifeless person and is crying vigorously not able to bear all the pain... His heart is pricking him to the core and the tears in his eyes have become blood red as his heart is bleeding non stop....

Abhi is sitting like a tormented soul who is not able to tolerate why his fate is badly playing with him.... Why can't he be happy like a normal human...

Why he is being pushed to see the hell again and again and why he has go through bad phases only in his life.... Why he has to bear all these in his life and what sin he did to anyone to face such kind of tortures....

Abhi stares at his fuggy who is sleeping peacefully after a lot of struggle... Its not easy for abhi to see the pain his fuggy has went through for the past 8 hours.... Abhi just thinks of the worst time of his life....

⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪  🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙

Abhi is completely shocked and horrified to know that his fuggy is not with aaliya and bulbul and is  missing from there.... He roars in anger like a lion on hearing the girls stupid logic to send his fuggy alone....

Abhi is hell furious but rather than shouting at them, he just want to run and look for his fuggy... He  rushes to see where his fuggy has went... He is running like a maniac not minding the crowd in the mall too...

No one in their wild dreams too would have believed that The great business tycoon, The Abhishek Prem Mehra who makes everyone dance to his tunes with his arrogant attitude and egoistic behavior will be running like this not bothering about anything....

The love he has on his fuggy can't be explained in words... He neither cared about anything or least bothered about his image and reputation too..... All he want now is to see his fuggy's smiling face and to see her safe and sound without any dangers....

Abhi stopped breathing on seeing the site there when he reached the parking lot .. Never in his dreams did abhi thought that he will see his fuggy like this struggling hard for her life....

Abhi panicks and shouts aloud fuggy with the top of his lungs as if his voice will break the whole parking lot into ashes.... Even though he runs fast to rush near his fuggy, it took abhi ten seconds to reach near his fuggy...

That ten seconds, abhi had died more than many a times as his love, his life, his everything is struggling in front of his eyes completely lifeless.... He can't even breathe too before holding his fuggy in his tight embrace....

Tears were betraying him so much and overflowing non stop from his eyes without his control... Who are earth have termed that men are not supposed to cry... It doesn't mean that a man who cries is a weak person yet he is assuring through his cries to stay stronger rather than before....

Abhi took pragya in his embrace and starts to pat her back hardly so that she can breathe a little... He immediately gives CPR to pragya to make her to gain her lost breathe....

But nothing works in abhi's favour as pragya is really struggling hard to breathe and her tears shows abhi that she is in heavy pain and losing the hope to live.... Abhi got hold of pragya's clutch abruptly and made her to use her inhaler....

But all the things are betraying abhi a lot and the fate is mercilessly smiling on seeing the bad situation both abhi and pragya are going through.... As the problem is getting out of his hands, abhi finds it difficult to take a quick decision....

Pragya is gasping and struggling hard to breathe more and more with each passing second... The trembling lips, the lifeless eyes, the pale face and the uneven breathe of pragya is killing abhi to the core... He never wished to see his fuggy like this any a time....

Abhi without thinking anything scoops pragya in his arms and rushes towards the car in a jiff... Abhi unlocks the car with the keus with pragya and he places her inside the car and starts the engine as fast as he can....

On his way, he is being blocked by his security men to know the issue but abhi is not in a mood to talk to anyone... He just hands over his car keys and drives to the hospital like a racer....

Immediate medical aid is given to pragya and it took long hours to make pragya to come back to  normal... She is being injected in vein and medical treatments where given to  her but the crying voice of pragya in pain still echoes in  abhi's ears....

Much to everyone's protest abhi took pragya to their home as he can't stay in hospital anymore as he is finding hard to breathe remembering the same situation when he lost his mother... He is not in a mood to lose his fuggy at any cost...

Abhi used all his power and influence and made sure that a nurse should be there to look after pragya incase of emergency and the doctors were instructed and ordered by abhi to come and check his fuggy often....

Abhi didn't allowed anyone to enter his room too... Aaliya and bulbul are bashed by their respective husbands Arjun and purab for being so careless and for pulling up such stupid stunts.... They warned them not to do anything bothering abhi at any cost....


Abhi comes out of his thoughts when he hears the creaking sound of his room door open... He gets furious to see everyone in his family there and he screams out not wishing to see anyone there...

Aaliya and bulbul are dying in guilty as their negligence has pushed  pragya to face a tough situation and they really felt very bad to see abhi's devastated state....

All in the family want to go and console abhi and made sure to him that nothing will happen to pragya... But all are hell scared as they know the angry Abhishek  is way too dangerous than a ferocious volcanic fire...

But all knows that rather than daljeet dadi or aaliya, its always Indu dasi who makes abhi to come back to normal self with her chirpy nature... Indu dasi gathers all her courage and enters the room with shiver and fear in her body...

As soon as abhi spots dasi, he runs and hugs her tightly and cried his heart out... Dasi caressed abhi's head lovingly and consoles him a lot by her soothing words... It took a lot of time for dasi to calm down abhi finally...

Aaliya and bulbul too apologized to abhi many a times and with everyone's pleads he forgives them at last... Though abhi is hell angry on them, he couldn't able to tolerate to see his sister's cries anymore....


Its almost a week, since the drastic incident takes place.... The whole mehra mansion has lost its colours... The happiness spreaded in the mansion is gone in a blink because of the girls mere stupidity...

Pragya is not able to tolerate the cold behavior and silent protest of abhi at all... Pragya who is always used to abhi's naughtiness and cute antics is missing her husband abhi a lot who is no less than  a living robot....

Abhi never fails his duty as a husband and he protects pragya like his soul... He takes care of pragya more than a mother... He feeds her, makes sure she takes her medicines properly at time and not even moved away from her....

But abhi neither talked to her or even ready to hear anything from pragya at any time .. Even, if pragya tries to speak too, abhi's one dead glare is enough for pragya to shut her mouth tightly... Abhi behaves no less than a 24*7 nurse to pragya but she misses her husband a lot...

Pragya can't take this anymore... She is badly missing her husband abhi all these days... Though she is near him all the time, she feels a distance between the earth and sky... She can't tolerate abhi's behavior and she want to bring abhi back to normal at any cost....


Abhi brings food for pragya and about to feed her... Pragya protests not to open her mouth if abhi didn't talk with her... Abhi glares at pragya angrily but pragya is stubborn and hell adamant not to give up today...

Abhi: Stop irritating me pragya... Open your mouth and eat right now... I don't want to see you spoiling your health any more... You never cared about yourself but I care for you a lot...

Pragya: Stop lying Mr. Abhishek mehra... If you care for me, you would have never ignored me like this... Even you are calling me Pragya and not as fuggy anymore....

Abhi: Fuggy please.... Im with you only and Im not ignoring you anytime... Its you who is not understanding anything and is complicating everything and pushing you to face all problems and making me to worry a lot ...

Pragya: Then why are you not talking to me abhi 😭😭😭😭😭.... Did I lost you abhi??? 😭😭😭😭😭.... Im feeling very lonely abhi... 😭😭😭😭...

I can't take this anymore... I don't want to lose your love abhi... Will you stop loving me and won't I get my love back...

Abhi can't take this anymore... Abhi who always wished to see his fuggy's smile is not able to see her tears ... He cups her face lovingly and wipes her tears....

He kisses her forehead and starts to trail kisses on her face very slowly as if she is a fragile doll... His lips meet her carving lips finally after many days and pragya feels that she has regained her life finally...

The kiss conveys pragya the pain which her abhi has gone through all these days because of her mere stupidity... Pragya vows not to pull up any such stupid stunts which bothers her abhi at any cost....

The kiss deepens with full of love forgetting the pain they went through.... The kiss clearly explains them how much both missed each other a lot...


After sometime,

Abhi: Happy now... Stupid fuggy... Keep this in your thick head... There is no Abhishek mehra without his darling wife pragya... You are my heart beat fuggy... If anything happened to you, I will die too the very next second...

I can't bear the pain of seeing you like this fuggy... I am very selfish fuggy and I can't lose you for anything fuggy... Please don't hurt me fuggy... I can do anything for your happiness but I can't see you in pain anymore sweetheart....

Pragya: Sorry abhi... I wont do anything that bothers you ..  I promise you that I won't go anywhere without taking the security guards... I will inform you, if I need to go anywhere...

Abhi smiles and pulls pragya closer with full of love...  He gives a sound kiss in pragya's lips making pragya to giggle in happiness... Abhi tickles pragya to see her soulful smile after along time which he wants to drown all his life....

After many days, abhi and pragya's laughter echoes the whole mehra mansion bringing the lost colours again.... All were jumping in happiness as abhi with a smiling face comes out bringing his fuggy after many days to the dining hall to have food with everyone....

The whole family is rejoicing the moment and enjoying the food with a happy smile after a long time.... The dining hall echoes with bursting laughter and happy chattings and naughty teasings too....

Dadi and dasi prays to god to keep their family happy like this forever and prays that no one's bad eyes should fall on their family at any cost....


Abhi after a long time is sitting happily and chit chatting with purab and Arjun for a long time discussing some office stuffs....

Purab: Abhi... We need to finalize this deal man... But we are strucked up without knowing what to do....

Abhi: what happened??? I told you na purab to look after this issue wisely.... Jiju... What's going on???

Arjun: Abhi... We can't decide anything without you ... Moreover, we couldn't able to contact the business councilor anymore and we are strucked to quote for the deals... 

Abhi: whaaattttt the helllll... 😡😡😡😡😡... You are saying all this to me now.... Where the hell did that business councilor went out of nowhere...

Purab: We were trying all our might to contact but we are getting only no response for few days...

Abhi: Huh... What are we going to do now... We can't lose this deal anytime.... Its our prestige issue purab..... Jiju... Tell me what are we going to do now...

Pragya spots abhi, arjun and purab are sitting there with tension filled faces ... The worry in their faces explains pragya that something is beyond their control and they are in some sort of problem....

Pragya rushes over there and sits near them and questions them as what has happened... Abhi gestures purab and arjun not to spit out the matter to pragya at any cost... But a deadly glare from pragya makes the trio to spit the matter without hiding....

Pragya bursts out into laughter all of a sudden making them to gasp in shock and worry whether pragya has gone mad hearing the shocking news... Their eyes widens in surprise which they never expected....


So, what has happened???

Why is pragya laughing ????

What made the boys to get surprised???

Did nikhil spotted abhi and pragya together in the parking lot????

Will abhi be able to win the deal without any complications???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2735+ words...

Not proof read... Sorry for errors and mistakes, if any....

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail....


Yours buddy,


Signing off ..

Will be


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