34. I'm still wearing the smile, you gave me..

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🌷 I fell in love with you madly because you loved me very dearly when I couldn't love myself...

🌷 My love for you has no boundaries... It has a never ending expansion of our beautiful love story...

🌷 You are my prince charming in my fairy tale...
You are my super hero in the fantasy movie...
You are my heart beat in my body...
You are my everything in this beautiful life...


Abhi, Purab and Arjun are discussing a serious topic about some business deal... Abhi is highly irritated to hear that they are lagging behind in filing the quotes as the surveyor is not reachable and his number too is switched off...

As it's an important deal and it will get them huge profits and a great name, Abhi didn't want to leave the deal at any cost without trying his luck... But they are unsure to quote the amount for their deal and is in a helpless state, due to shortage of time...

Abhi: 😱😱😱😱 God... What's this trouble again... How are we going to deal this??? Jiju, purab we have to grab this deal at any cost... Its the prestige issue and dignity of The Mehra group of companies... We cant make it slip off fron our hands at any cost...

Arjun: But, abhi we have only 18 hours left man... At least by the next afternoon, we have to quote the deal... Or else, we can't participate in this for sure.... We are in a do or die situation....

Purab: Abhi.. Its impossible to find a surveyor soon and we can't trust him easily too... A huge amount is going to be put into deal.... So, we have to take a wise decision that too in a short span of time...

Abhi: Huh... My mind has become completely blank... But I want this deal at any cost... Just give me few minutes... Let me think and find a solution how and what we can do to grab this deal...

Abhi closes his eyes and leans on the sofa to find a better solution... But his mind is not in a control and his heart beats are raising heavily as he can't put forth the biggest risk which has the lives of many families and their income...

The arrogant and attitude filled stubborn businessman Abhishek Prem Mehra doesn't want to lose the business deal as it's his prestige issue and he is a person who never gives up without fighting back... Anyone can visualize clearly that abhi is in a bigger turmoil on seeing his face alone....

Pragya who was chit chatting with the ladies of the house turns and spots her husband abhi is in some sort of worry and is thinking something deeply.... Pragya wonders what happened to abhi all of a sudden and the worry filled faces of arjun and purab brings a chill in pragya's spines unknowingly....

Pragya without minding anything rushes up and sits near abhi and caress his head... Abhi opens his eyes and when he sees his fuggy before him, a relief formed in his face unknowingly and his heart beats calms down...

Abhi smiles brightly and holds pragya's hands with full of love and makes her to sit closer with him... Abhi gestures Arjun and purab to calm down and not to show out anything to pragya as it will makes her to feel bad...

But pragya being pragya finds out the reason very easily and when they told that they are in a bigger turmoil, pragya bursts out into laughter making the trio to look at pragya as if she is an alien...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂... Oh my god... 😂😂😂😂... For this you three are reacting like this... 😂😂😂😂😂... Don't say that you three are big businessmen... This is a very simple matter and you three are behaving as if you gonna lift a big mountain....

Abhi fumes in anger with pragya's mockery and he is highly irritated with the teasing laughter of pragya... Before abhi reacts, arjun got hold of the situation knowing well about his abhi's reaction which may turn the matter into an ugly banter...

Arjun: Chotti... Its not any funny joke, we are cracking... This is really a very big deal and if we get succeeded, we will earn in millions... Even it may create job opportunities for many persons...

Purab: Haan chotti... We are in a helpless situation but you are teasing us a lot... Don't play with our helpless situation dear....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Im so sorry bhais... Im not teasing you all... Im saying the fact that its a simple matter and its not essential to bother and worry this much when your pragya is in your midst... I can very well help you, if you guys allow me to do so...

Abhi yells furiously: What the hell... Have you gone nuts fuggy... This is not a child's play... This is business and a lot of money, prestige, our company name, reputation and the lives of many people are being involved...

We can't take any decision just like that... You are saying as if its easy like buying grocery for home... Fuggy... please... Im not in a mood for all these childish plays and allow me to think some solution to solve this big problem....

Pragya: Abhi... Listen to me once... Im saying it again... This is a simple matter and I can very well help you... Trust me, we can crack the deal for sure.... Let me explain you clearly...

Abhi shouts: Will you please keep quiet.... Shut up and not a word more... I don't want you talk anything again regarding this... Is that clear???

Pragya's eyes welled up automatically... She wipes her tears and gets up from there... She takes a paper and pen from a desk and scribbles something and keep it in the table with a big thud...

Abhi is completely startled to see pragya in full rage and her teary face pricks his heart to the core... Abhi mentally scolds himself for talking with his fuggy like that and his helpless state blinds his eyes very badly...

Abhi pleads through his eyes asking for pragya's mercy but she gave a death glare on seeing abhi... The whole family is looking at the scenario and no one can talk anything as the world war is going on between abhi and pragya...

Abhi opens his mouth to ask sorry but he glues up his lips with the fire spitting out from pragya's eyes.... If abhi says even a word, no one can see abhi alive anymore as pragya will kill him for sure...

Pragya: Mr. Mehra... You can't trust me in this matter right... You showed me where my place is and what position you gave me in your heart... Saying I love you and romancing is not a marriage is all about but you have to trust your soulmate in everything in your life...

When you have trusted me to give your life, your love, your family, your everything to me, can't you keep a single trust on me in this matter... I may seem to be a naive and innocent girl but that doesn't mean that Im senseless and stupid or dumb headed....

Remember, Im not an uneducated fool or without any sort of knowledge too ... To your information, I have also graduated and I have even worked for my livelihood for many years.... So, before pointing finger on anyone, think twice whether they know about this or not....

Do whatever you want... Here, I have written the deal amount... Its upto you to decide, whether you are going to quote this amount or not... Don't come to me anymore...

Its none of my concern, if you participate, win or lose your so called ... I did my part correctly.... I hate you... Go to hell... Don't ever come before me asking for your forgiveness....

Pragya shouts angrily and rushes upstairs to her room and closes the room door with a big thud... The living room of Mehras is completely silent and only the rattling sound of the paper because of the air from the fan is heard...

Purab took the paper as it falls down near him... The heavy gasp of purab makes eveyone to look at purab eagerly... Without saying anything, he hands over the paper to Arjun and he too gasps in shock but with a bright smile lingering in his face...

Abhi wonders why this arjun and purab are smiling as if they have cracked the deal... He pulls the paper harshly from his jiju Arjun and his eyes popped out on seeing the quotations....

Shock is an understatement for abhi... He rubs his eyes and reads the figures again and again with all his might... Abhi can't control his smile anymore and his face is glowing brightly with happiness ...

He just want to run from there and shower his fuggy with as much love as he can but he completely forgets the fact that he has got into the nerves of his fuggy añd a huge volcano is awaiting to crumble him into ashes...

Abhi: Oh my God... What a brilliant quote na purab and jiju... Amazing and unbelievable... Wow... We are gonna crack this deal for sure and we will earn huge profits... See my fuggy is way too brilliant and she did this just like that...

Why you two didn't trust my fuggy??? Can't you two trust your sister in this matter??? This is what your love is all about haan...

Arjun: Says the one who spitted vemons on my chotti and hurted her with his arrogant words...

Purab: Abhi... I thought you guys hve settled all your issues today only and will have some romantic time... But you cleverly poured acid in your private momemts man... All the best... Your couch is getting ready...

Abhi: Whatt... 😨😨😨😨... Why you two are cursing me like this??? I know my fuggy pretty well... She will forgive me for sure... Dont mood off me please. .

Arjun: Ahaan... We too know our chotti.. 😂😂😂😂... Look at there... You are not blessed to sleep even in the couch too... Your blanket and pillow are thrown away mercilessly from the room and its flying in air like a trash...

Abhi: 😱😱😱😱... Did I digged my own grave???

Purab: Yes my dear abhi... You digged it mercilessly... Run man and coo your angry bird... Its going to be very tough to tame pragya for sure...

Abhi: This fuggy is having too much temper... Huh... She is mindlessly bashing me... Poor me have to get feared for his anger always...

Arjun: Get used to it abhi... In home, our wife is the boss... We have to listen to them and do what they say... We have to obey them properly... If not, we have to face their wrath foe sure...

Abhi: Phew...Really a tough thing... Alright.. You two quote this amount tomorrow and I will come there at the right time okay... No one please disturb me or my fuggy till we come out on our own from the room...

Arjun: What are you going to do abhi..l

Abhi: Mission making my fuggy to smile..

All showed thumbs up to abhi and he rushes up the stairs... He picks his pillow and blanket and moves near his room... To abhi's pleasure, the room door is not bolted inwardly... He slowly sneaks inside the room and locked it up...

He sees his fuggy has covered her face from head to toe and pretending to be asleep... But abhi knows that his fuggy is fuming in anger and acting very well... Abhi has a biggest weapon named as love to turn the situations in his favour...

Abhi slowly pulls the blanket and starts to trail soft and soothing kisses on the frowns in pragya's face... Pragya is boiling in full rage but the fire inside her is completely calmed down with the cool kisses and love from her husband abhi....

Pragya can't control her smile when abhi is very close to her lips and asked can we love sweet heart??? Though pragya is hell angry on abhi, she completely forgets her anger as the love she has on abhi makes her to get away the issues they had....

Every touch of abhi is a promise to pragya that he trust her very much... His each actions conveys his sorry to her and pragya is drowning in abhi's love as it gave her the much needed soothing relief to control her anger...

The love abhi is showering on her makes Pragya to understand that only abhi can bring happiness and smile in her face whatever the situations may be and any odd situations or bad phases of their life can be overcomed with their love...

All through the night, abhi with all his love assures pragya that he is the queen of his heart and he will trust her in all the matter without any doubt... The room is filled with all their love with passion engulfing the souls making them to drown completely in their love....


The next day,

Arjun and purab quoted the deal amount at the correct time... They were waiting for the results and all the business people reached the venue at right time... Time is going on but abhi is no where to be found....

Arjun with a tensed face calls Abhi but to his dismay, his number is switched off... He is highly irritated and called pragya to know about abhi.. But to his dismay, pragya informs arjun that abhi has left an hour before...

Arjun gasps in shock but he composes himself as he knows very well that pragya will get tensed and he is worried that it should not deteriorate her health at any cost... Arjun suddenly says that abhi has come there and cuts the call saying that he will talk to her later ..

Pragya knows pretty well that Arjun is surely lying to her... Sweat beads formed in pragya's face and she takes deep breath to calm herself down.... She rushes and stands before the idol to pray for her husband's well being...

Just then, pragya thinks of something... She rushes to dadi and informs the matter to dadi... Dadi too agrees to pragya's wishes but she asked pragya not to go alone any where....

Much to dadi's insistense, Pragya goes along with aaliya and bulbul together with their personal body guards... All through the way, the girls where praying that their husbands should crack the deal without any problems...


so, what's going on???

Where is abhi and will he reach the venue on time???

Will the Mehra group of companies crack the deal???

Will pragya's assumptions and figures makes the Mehra group of companies to earn more profit????

Where are the girls going all of a sudden???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual, a long update of 2550+ words....

Sorry for errors and mistakes, if any...

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail...


Yours buddy,



will be


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