14. Trapping the arrogant fuggy....

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Thanks again for your love and concern towards me... Thanks for all your support n I  hope this continues further too....

Silent readers break your shells n come out... Expecting to see your votes n comments....

So, without further bak baks, lets move to chapter 14...

Abhi's pov.:

Itz an usual day for me..  I've lots of works to do in office.... But I've an important meeting in a Multi national company ...

I'm not at all interested to go there... I asked Sid jiju to look after that.... But Sid jiju pressurized me to go as it's an important deal...

I reluctantly agreed and starts there.... But after reaching, I thanked all my stars and I'm flying in cloud nine...

God has answered all my prayers.... Wow... I could not believe my eyes... My fate is very good... Today is the most blessed day for me..

Yup... I'm seeing the most arrogant, attitude devil pragya - my silly ego queen - my fuggy .. She is standing infront of the company dressed up very elegantly to welcome me...

Oh my god....!!! I'm seeing her after 3 damn years... Still I remember the unexpected kiss we had... 😉😉😉😉

I'm very happy that I'm going to break the ego of my arrogant devil... Now the ball is in my court... I know very well that pragya should have been instructed to grab this deal and has to please me..


😀😀😀😀 I know she will rock the presentation.... But is it possible to grab the deal???? Will this Abhishek mehra easily signs the deal????

Fuggy... Get ready to face a roaring lion... You are going to be a small rat trapped in a lion's den....

Now, the judgement is in my hands... You are going to dance to my tunes.... It's going to be fun...."

Abhi makes an evil smile and moves near the entrance.....

Pragya is very much horrified to see Abhi before her.... Never in her life, she has imagined that she has to stand before Abhi and also to welcome him, to take care of him and do a presentation and also to impress him...

Pragya gets irritated and bites her teeth as if she is tearing and eating Abhi.... She fakes a smile and hands the bouquet to Abhi, with an annoyed and creepy look, as if she is seeing some ugly monkey...

Abhi gets the bouquet and presents his usual sexy smile, but with his bossy and teasing smirk in his face... Pragya's heart skips a beat on seeing the breath taking smile which invokes some unknown feelings in her heart and her whole self ...

Pragya composed herself and scolds her wholeself for drooling a horrible monkey .... She brushed off her thoughts and with a professional tone, she starts to speak...

Pragya : We welcome you sir ...  We are pleased to have you in our midst... We are extremely happy to invite you here and we will be in a pleasure to fulfill all your expectations and pleased to do justification to sign up a deal with us...

Abhi: Thankyou... That so nice of you.... By the by miss.... You are????

Pragya: Sir... I'm miss. Pragya Arora - the team leader of this project and I'm here to take care of all your needs and I'm going to handle the presentation too sir...

Abhi: oh... You mean you are going to impress me by hook or crook right, to get the deal???

Pragya: Not like that sir... I will be very genuine and practical enough... Shall we get in sir???

Abhi: hmm... okay... By the by, nice meeting you miss. pragggggyyyya....

Abhi stresses the word pragya to irritate her... Pragya hides her anger amd gently fakes a smile, as everyone are looking at them keenly...

Abhi forwards his hand towards Pragya for a professional handshake.... Pragya has no other go and she reluctantly shakes her hands with Abhi....

Pragya gasps in shock as its not a formal hand shake .. She expects Abhi will make a wild hand shake and will crush her fingers for sure.... But she did not expect this at all...

Pragya tries as much as possible to pull her hands from Abhi... But Abhi's grip is getting more and more tighter which is  arousing some unknown feelings in Pragya ...

Abhi holds Pragya's hand gently in a seducing manner and traces it gently.... Pragya's body is not at all in her control... Her feelings are arousing out of nowhere but her arrogant attitude is making her to get wilder and angrier more...

After a looooonnnggg time, Abhi leaves Pragya's hand, as if he is satisfied by triggering her anger... Abhi is taken inside the conference hall in an elegant manner....

Before the meeting starts, Pragya is being instructed to provide Abhi with some refreshments... Pragya is getting irritated and she goes to serve Abhi, cursing him under her breath...

Pragya: What would you like to have sir????

Abhi: Anything my fuggy wishes... Oh my sweet fuggy... I love my fuggy's choice more than anything in this world......

The senior too is in the room... Pragya could not say anything or fight with Abhi as her senior is watching her.... She compresses and controls her anger, but attacked Abhi venomously through her eyes....

Senior: Abhishek Sir, sorry if I'm wrong... Can I ask you something??? Please don't mistake me...

Abhi: Yes why not??? You can ask me... Don't be formal....

Senior: Who is this fuggy sir??? Is it a nickname of your girl friend???.

Abhi :  😊😊😊😊 hmmm.... Yeah..  It's not my girl friend's nickname... It's my would be soulmate's (wife) name...

Pragya gasps in shock and chokes hardly....

Senior: Oh that's so nice sir... When is the marriage sir????

Abhi: We are engaged a week before and getting married in three months ... I will tell you a secret... Our family is thinking that it as an out and out, purely arranged marriage...

But it's a true love marriage and we are lovers from kg class itself... Great love story hey na...

We made a perfect plan to make it look like an arranged marriage... My fuggy is such a great actress.... She made everyone to believe that she has never met me before....

Pragya could not control her anger anymore .. She is fuming like a volcano... She wants to divert their talks and doesn't like the fake story is getting progressed more... She interrups their talks ...

Pragya: Sir, shall we start our meeting??.

Senior: Pragya, Serve Abhishek sir first...

Abhi: Won't you serve me miss. Pragggggyyyaaaa....

Pragya: Sorry sir... Here... You have it sir....

Abhi: wow... I'm very impressed... My fuggy too likes apple juice... I'm so happy you served me this....

When pragya hands over the glass, abhi purposely holds the glass tight and did not leave her hand at all....

Pragya struggled harder and at last she gets relieved from Abhi's grip...

After some time, pragya starts her presentation....

Never had pragya faced such a tough presentation... Abhi is getting on to her nerves..  

Pragya's pov.: .

What a horrible day it is!!!!.... Goddd.... Why im getting trapped like this????... Iv never imagined d stupid abhi is standing before me as d ceo of sm group of companies ..

Why my body is reacting to his smile n touches??? Im getting irritated by his talks n im going to kill him for sure...

How dare he calls me fuggy n is saying that he is engaged with me n we are getting married in 3 months.... He is making me angrier saying that we are in love...

Who d hell will love and marry this stupid monkey???

He is going to be a good actor.... Instead of business, he should hv tried  acting....

He is irritating me more... I agree that he is very handsome and is way too good in business line... He indeed has a very good reputation...

But this monkey abhi is doing it purposely to irritate me.... How many questions???. God... He is boiling my nerves... He is not at all allowing me to complete my presentations...

He asks too many doubts and if i clarifies a doubt, he asks more doubts from that too.... Huh... I know today he wont allow me to finish d presentation completely....

Today is going to be a last day in this compsny for me... I know he will make me fail n our company nd im sure they are going to terminate me.... God... Atleast iv to control  my anger...."

Pragya is being jerked by her senior's call....

Senior: pragya... Why cant you explain this????

Abhi: its okay.... Why not we continue this after an hour???? Im really tired...

Senior: sure sir... Take your own time sir... Have your lunch and take some rest sir... We will continue it when you are ready sir...

Abhi:.  Okay..

Senior: pragya take sir to d room we have arranged... Make sure that sir had his lunch and also wait for him till he returns....

Pragya gasps again n again in shock.... Abhi makes a villanous smirk on seeing pragya's helplessness.... He wants to tease her more...

Pragya took abhi to have his lunch... Abhi forced pragya to sit with him and pragya has no other choice but to have food with abhi....

What is going to happen next???

Will pragya n abhi fall in love???

Will their fights ends????....

Will pragya able to present her presentation successfully n grab d deal????

What is abhi going to do????

To know more stay tuned....

.quite a long one na... Almost 1450+ words...

Keep reading, voting n supporting....

Meet you all soon....

Yours buddy,


signing off....




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