46. Good to have a honest enemy than a faking friend...

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Thanks for all the love and support...

Today not in a mood to blah blah...

Now to shot. 46:

"Its better to have an honest enemy than a fake friend, who back stabs and lies to you always ..."

Abhi and pragya are having their foods without a having a single word too... There is a pin drop silence prevailing between the two... This is the first time, they are sitting quietly like this...

Abhi is staring at Pragya, who is deeply engrossed only in having her food but abhi can clearly sense that she is facing a biggest storm inside her heart... Abhi is feeling really helpless at the moment and he doesn't know what he has to do...

It is a little odd between Abhi and Pragya to stay quiet for this much time when they are together... Both  like to pull each others legs always and they can't be silent even for a second too without fighting ...

They finish off the food quietly and the waiter comes there with a bill, breaking the silence in the place... Pragya looks for her clutch to pay, but then only she realized that she has kept it together with her mother's bag....

Abhi chuckles on seeing pragya and he pays the bill though pragya is sighing as she feels really embarrassed to eat without paying money...

Abhi: Hello devil... Don't give a horrible look... I only bring you here and this is my treat to you.... Don't start that you won't eat for free... Blah blahs okay...

Pragya: No monkey... Don't think high of yourself okay... I don't mind my enemy paying for me... After all its your duty as you took me just like that...

Abhi: Ahaan... So the devil is back to form... Not bad... Not bad .

Pragya: Think so... Anyways if you want, I can repay you monkey... Im not stingy like you...

Abhi: Phew... Pragya leave this silly matter... I wanna talk an important thing to you... Please if you don't mind, will you listen to me.... Can I have a word with you???

Pragya: Okay.... Go ahead... But remember I'm already pissed off and in a bad mood, so don't irritate me and talk upto the point okay....

Abhi: Alright... Pragya, tell me what are we going to do now???

Pragya: Means... I couldn't get you...

Abhi: Priya angel is back to home and Bulbul's issue too settled out... Sure she will ask about Arjun and his parents for sure...

What shall we do now??? How to make Priya aunty understand the situation and I'm scared to tell the truth too.... What will we do, if she gets sad???

Pragya: Abhi... Listen... Today or tomorrow, we have to say this to maa... But I don't know when or how... I think you can do this easily and convince maa... So, it's you who is going to tell this to maa... 😉😉😉😉😉.... Get ready Monkey to face your angel...

Abhi: Whaaattttt.... 😱😱😱😱..  Meeeee.... Impossible... You are purposely doing this na stupid heartless devil... You are taking revenge on me like this... Too bad.... 😞😞😞😞

Pragya: Of course monkey... Too late realization... How will I leave you, without getting your pay back hun... Think wisely and show your smartness to convince your Priya angel...

Anyways it's your head ache and All the best monkey.... Pass at least by grace mark okay... By the way, I forget to tell you...  Listen carefully and keep this in your thick head without forgetting okay...

I don't want to hear the bas***d Arjun's name ever in my life.... I hate to see his face and hear his name...  He and his funky looks... Just a rich clown with no values... Yuckkkk...

If I see him again, then no one can save him alive... I will surely kill him for sure... Haan... Dare to save him from my clutches, I don't mind to kill you too monkey...

Abhi's eyes popped out in shock: 😱😱😱😱😱... You are really a devil... Too dangerous... My goddd... I have to stay away from you.. Let's settle this issue now itself... Get up and come with me... 

Abhi drags pragya hurriedly to his car... Pragya couldn't understand where abhi is taking her... Abhi drives fast without saying anything to Pragya and halts the car near by a house...

Abhi: Step out Pragya... We have to go and see the inmates of this house and we will settle down the scores now itself... It's better not too late to regret ... Come let's go ..

Pragya: Have you gone nuts monkey... Where are we now??? Whose house is this??? Why  did you bring me here??? What issue we gonna settle now???

Abhi suddenly dumps a chocolate in Pragya's mouth to cut down her talks.... Pragya mumbles something giving a death glare to Abhi and gestures  as what he has given her....

Abhi: Shhhhh... Just eat it like a good girl... You are talking too much and  my ears are really bleeding to hear your annoying non stop radio... Too much talkative devil you are...

You wanna know what  this is na... This is a sweet love tablet to sweeten your tongue which knows only to spit bitter words na... If you didn't keep quiet, I will give you more....

Much to pragya's protest, abhi popped some more toffees inside her mouth making pragya's eyes to widen in shock... Abhi clutches his stomach and  start to laugh too hard....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂... Seriously.... 😂😂😂😂... You are... 😂😂😂😂... Looking like a blown  balloon... So I will call you fuggy again... 😂😂😂😂.... Come on let's have some fun time fuggy faced fuggy 😂😂😂😂...

Abhi didn't mind pragya's death glare and drags her inside the house... Pragya tries to eat the toffee hurriedly and coughs very hard... Abhi pats her back and gives her water to drink and gets inside a room...

Pragya is cursing abhi in-between and wanders her eyes here and there... Her eyes popped out to see Arjun's photo hanging in the wall... Pragya is hell furious and is feeling as if she is standing in the fire...

Abhi comes out quietly and sits near pragya as if nothing has happened... Pragya gritts her teeth in anger and slaps abhi hardly not aware that four pair of eyes are watching the scene with a shocked face...

Pragya: what the hell is your problem... 😬😬😬😬😬... You good for nothing monkey.... Why did you bring me here!?? I told you na that I don't want to see anyone or anything related to that heartless moron...

Why are you like this abhi???? Why are you pushing me in problems again and again.... Please allow me to live in peace... 😢😢😢😢... Im leaving and don't dare to stop me...

Abhi takes a deep breath and holds her hand tightly as she gets up to go out from there... Pragya jerks off abhi's hand and sits in the couch with a big thud startling the couch and jerking off abhi too...

Sarla and mohan Singh, the proud parents of Arjun Singh is staring at pragya as if she is some alien .... They are shocked to death to see pragya with full of arrogant behavior and attitude....

They never expected pragya will talk like this to abhi and slap him too just like that... Sarla and mohan couldn't believe their eyes...

This is not the girl they wished for their son and wanted as a bahu for them... They selected pragya for their son as they thought her to be a homely and calm girl...

But they are hell shocked to see a different avatar of pragya before their eyes...  Never in their dreams too they have thought pragya is like this....

Abhi: Pragya... Im sorry.. I bring you all of a sudden without informing  too... I don't know anything else to do other than this... Let's talk everything face to face pragya so that you can be happy....

I cant see you mourning and regretting all your life like this... You always say  na Im to be blamed for all your miseries... Lets finish off everything today... If you are okay, I will speak on your behalf...

Dont glare at me... Im the same enemy monkey of yours only... Don't worry I wont ask for a devil's friendship for sure... We are just enemies only... So, shall I???

Pragya nods her head and asks abhi to proceed... She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to calm her mind... She opens her eyes and spots sarla and mohan are gawking on her....

She shrugs her shoulder and gives an i don't care attitude though she never wish to do so as she respects elders a lot... Abhi gets up from his seat and moves near sarla and mohan ...

Abhi: Sarlama... Mohan uncle... I don't need to introduce who she is... She is the same pragya who you have wished to make as your bahu...

She is the same pragya whom your heartless son Arjun singh has ditched, insulted and hurted the most .... She is the same pragya whom Arjun taunted and mocked the most....

She is the type of girl whom your son wish to make as his wife but he is the one who insulted her saying that she is a behenji who doesn't know to dress up and who don't have the class to match his status and looks as she never allowed hin to touch her, kiss her and cross all limits before marriage...

Sarla: Abhi beta... What are you saying??? Is it real??? Did Arjun talked like this??? No.. no you are mistaken... Arjun is really a good boy and he won't talk to any girls like this....

Abhi: Even I would have not believed sarlama, if anyone said this to me... But I hear everything on my own ears and I have seen their convo with my own eyes... I know you trust your son but for that you cant say Im saying lie to you....

Mohan: Beta... Can you please explain me what all happened without hiding....

Abhi explains what all have happened between Arjun and pragya... Sarla and mohan really feels bad and they regret a lot as pragya suffered this much problems because of their son....

Abhi: Moreover, now only priya aunty has discharged from hospital and doctor has asked to keep her happy and stress free...  I don't know how to convince her....

Sarla and mohan folds hands before pragya and apologized on behalf of their son... Pragya gasps in shock and asks them not to do like this....

Pragya: Please aunty, uncle... You two are elders... Please don't embarrass me like this... Lets forget all this... At least ask your son to not ill treat any girls ever in his life....

And please if you can, allow him to choose his wife on his own and don't force your wish on him as his taste is way too different than your choice...

Sarla: Pragya beta... I don't know what to say... I really like you beta... Can you stay calm for sometime... I will talk to Arjun and convince him for marriage... Please...

Before pragya says anything abhi interrupted them and talks on behalf of pragya.... Pragya gasps in shock while sarla and Mohan can't believe what they are hearing... Never in their nightmare too they have thought abhi will talk like this to them....


After sometime,

Abhi and pragya are in car and there is only an eeric silence other than the rumbling sound of the car engine and the also the sound of a/c in the car... Both are sinking in different thoughts and they didn't understand what fate is playing in their lives...

Abhi halts the car in the lobby and comes out... He opens door for pragya and ask her to get down....

Pragya: Why did you bring me here abhi??? Take me to my home... I badly want to take rest...

Abhi: I know pragya... A lot happened today... You are not in a mentality to go to your house and face another horrible situation... So stop talking and come with me... you can take rest here too... Come inside...

Pragya: Abhi how can I come inside???

Abhi : Place your right leg first and move your left leg next... Simple... If you forget to walk, tell me.... I won't mind to take you in my arms.... 😉😉😉😉... Abhi has a big heart to carry a devil....

Pragya: What the hell... Don't day dream monkey... You will never get this chance...

Pragya stomps her feet in anger while abhi chuckles and holds her hand and brings her inside the house very proudly as if he is bringing his bride to the house.... Both abhi and pragya never knew that everything is going to happen very soon....

Abhi: Welcome to this Abhi's small paradise which has big, big hearts to care and love only....

Pragya: Hmm... But how on Earth you belong here... I wonder how you have born to a great person like prem uncle... I still doubt how you got a sweet sister like aaliya di and a very caring person like sid as jiju....

Abhi: Very simple....  Like you only devil ...  We too are same same... You are the odd person in your house, so do I....

Abhi and pragya starts to argue mindlessly not aware that prem mehra, aaliya and sid are watching them with shocked eyes as they  are fighting like kids....

Pragya is really pissed off and want to shut abhi's mouth... She turns her head and spots a big rod kept near by the door side... She grins evilly and picks up the rod with a mischievous smirk in her face....

Abhi gasps in shock and runs for his life without minding anything as pragya is looking at him evilly... Pragya chases abhi in full speed and is not in a mood to see who is watching them....

They both run and run without getting tired and their silly banters to continues ....

Suddenly, aaliya, prem and sid gasps in shock as they didn't expected such a thing would happen....


So, what has happened between abhigya???

What did Abhi talked with Arjun's parents????

Is it an end of Arjun from abhi and pragya's life or will he come as an intruder knowing that pragya is the  type of girl whom he wished to marry???

How is abhi going to convince priya????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2500+ words....

Sorry if there is any typing errors or grammatical mistakes....

Don't forget to cast your votes and pen down your views....

Silent readers expecting you all to open up too....


Yours buddy,


Signing off..,.

Will be


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