47. I've made a biggest decision to save pragya's dignity...

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You are the reason for my happiness .. you made me to laugh a little harder, cry a little lesser and smile a lot more with your crazy behaviour....

Even though we are masked and hidden in the name of enemies and rivals, I like you a lot as you always join me in all my wierd acts and impress me in many ways...

My life will become too boring, if you are not with me to put up a fight always...

My life becomes very special and unique when you show your attitude to me and Im ready all my life to bear your attitude, because you are mine....

Abhi brings pragya inside his house with a happy smile in his face as if he is bringing his newly married bride inside his house... The same glow and happiness which a groom has when he brings his bride is unknowingly reflected in abhi's face....

Pragya is highly annoyed and irritated as abhi has brought him to his house... His teasings on her irks her to the core and the arrogant, attitude queen is not in mood to slap or bite abhi at the time as she is really exhausted with the unforeseen happenings of that day...

She rolls her eyes, here and there to find something which will stop his non stop rants and highly boring chuck chucks... Pragya's face brightens on seeing a heavy rod placed on the corner near the door...

Pragya makes a devilish smirk and picks up the rod with a murderous glare in her eyes... Abhi gasps in shock and jumps up in his place and runs in a jiff to save his beautiful life from the devil fuggy's hand... He is not at all in a mood to get beaten by the rod....

Abhi runs faster and faster not minding anything and he failed to notice that Prem Mehra, Sid and aaliya are watching the funny run and chase game played by abhi and Pragya... Pragya too didn't mind their presence as she doesn't want to miss her target for anything...

Both keeps on running the whole house and no one is ready to give up as their egos are way too high than anything... Abhi rushes inside his room and about to lock it but shrieks in horror as pragya peeps inside, out of no where...

Abhi jumps in bed to escape from pragya and pragya too did the same not to give up before beating abhi... The poor bed is shaking and vibrating because of their tom and jerry, chase and run game and all of a sudden both loses their balance and fell down...

Author's pov. : Oh my god... Both fall down in bed... 🙈🙈🙈🙈😊😊😊😊... Ahem ahem... Finally is it happening...

Are we going to see an eyelock or if any unexpected kissing scenes happened or going to happen... If it so, how will these two react... Are you all excited like me... Come lets go and see what has happened...

The heavy thud sound startles the inmates of the house who are sitting in the living room watching the chasing game as silent spectators... Prem mehra, sid with the help of aaliya moves towards abhi's room to see what's going on...

They bursts out into laughter to see both abhi and pragya has fallen down from the bed in the opposite sides and are whining in pain as their backs are aching very badly ...

Abhi and pragya really felt embarrassed on seeing the teasing look of the trio and they were ashamed of themselves as how they behaved silly like kids without minding anything...

Pragya doesn't know what to do... She mentally curses abhi for creating such an embarrassing situation in front of his whole family and that too when she came there for the first time... Aaliya gives a warm smile and helps pragya to get up from the floor...

Abhi looks at everyone helplessly but none showed pity on his condition... Sid sits in the bed and starts to laugh hard irking abhi to the core... Prem Mehra too laughs joining along with sid teasing abhi a lot...

Abhi: What kind of family is this??? Here Im dying in pain... But you stupid jiju is laughing on seeing my condition .. I didn't expected this from you papa... You too joined this traitor jiju na...

Haan... Where is my lovely sister... the great aaliya... She doesn't even care that Im also existing in this world .. God... Why you have made me helpless like this???

I brought pragya here very proudly saying that I've a wonderful, loving and caring family... But won't she tease me now, saying that I have a family which neither cares for me and laughing on seeing my bad state...

Sid: Ahaan... So tell me abhi... What's bothering you now... Are you feeling bad that we didn't helped you or are you got hurted that pragya will insult you... To your information mister Abhishek mehra, pragya has went with aaliya already...

Prem: Enough of your dramas abhi... Get up .. what happened??? Where is purab and bulbul??? What happened in hospital??? Why is pragya looking very sad??? How did she agreed to come with you not minding to be with her mother at this time???

Abhi: These many questions... Huh... Will answer one by one papa... One thing, I will tell you two now... Ram uncle and priya aunty has forgiven purab and bulbul and accepted them happily... They went together with them to their home....

Pragya is here with me for some reasons .. I have made a big decision papa... But I want to talk everything before pragya... The final decision is going to be made by you only papa... So, shall we discuss everything before pragya and aaliya di ..

All nods their head and they went to the living room after helping abhi to get up... Abhi is praying inwardly that no one should scold him for his behaviour with the Singhs and he is way too panicked to know what will their reaction for the decision he has made...



Abhi, sid and prem are seated in the dining table to have their evening tea and snacks... Abhi admires pragya from far without anyone's knowledge and her carefree smile flutters his heart to feel heaven at that time....

Sid: Abhi... Prem papa is watching you man... Close your water falls for sometime... Behave properly abhi...

Abhi: What the hell... what are you saying jiju??? I didn't do anything... I can't understand what are you saying....

Sid: You don't know what Im saying... You are eating pragya with your looks itself man... Close your mouth... A huge water ways is over flowing uncontrollably from your mouth....

Be a bold man and propose pragya soon... Then you can sit as much you want and look at her lovingly like this... No one is going to stop you or question you...

Abhi: Jiju .. you have gone completely mad... Remember there is Nothing between me and pragya... For heavens sake, Please believe me that we are enemies and poles apart....

Don't have such wierd thoughts please... We cant stay a single second without fighting... Even in my wild dreams too, I can't love pragya and marry her and all...

Sid: 😂😂😂😂😂... Lie as much you want abhi... Days are not far that you are going to say that you are madly in  love with pragya and accept it man you can't pass a day without fighting with her right....

Abhi and sid's talks were distracted when aaliya comes with their evening tea....

Abhi: Aaliya di..  I don't want tea... Please... You know na I like only coffee than tea... Don't force me to drink tea please...

Aaliya: Here have your coffee chottu ..  Its a special coffee made by a special person to you...

Abhi sips the coffee and his face glowed and brightened in happiness ..

Abhi: Hmmm... Magical and divine coffee ..  No one can beat pragya in making coffee... She has some magic in her hands .. Any one can beg to become her slave, just to drink her coffee alone.... Mmmm... Lovely....

Sid whispers : so when are you planning to become pragya's slave abhi... Already you are her slave... Tell me soon... so that we can officially announce that you are your fuggy's slave...

Abhi glares at sid but a small smile creeps in his face unknowingly... Prem mehra and aaliya too noticed the looks of abhi and they clearly understands that pragya means a lot to abhi and he can go to any extent to make pragya happy..

They all badly wished to make pragya to get married with abhi hoping that pragya will care for abhi like a mother.... Though they fight like kids always, they clearly understands that they won't leave each others hands in any problems....

Prem: Abhi... Will you please tell me now what decision you have made??? Why you took pragya to sarla and mohan's house all of a sudden??? No issues right.... Did Arjun did anything wrong again???

Abhi: No papa... I took  pragya there on  my own will as I want to sort the issues finally today as I can't see pragya being targeted again and again... When pragya is not at fault, why she has to suffer....

As you all know, Arjun behaved very badly with pragya and hurted her a lot .. No girls should face a situation like pragya... Knowingly or unknowingly, I have become a culprit before pragya's eyes...

Now pragya is in a very bad state... She is helpless and she doesn't know what to say to Priya aunty... I'm really scared how will priya aunty react to this but I want pragya to regain her lost dignity before that stupid arjun and his family...

So, I took pragya with me and informed all the happenings to sarlama and mohan uncle... They really felt bad for pragya's Condition...

They apologized on behalf of arjun and asked pragya to wait patiently till they change arjun's mind.... But isn't it wrong on their part to force pragya to accept arjun, after all things happened...

So, I asked them to not to force pragya ever again in their lives and I warned them not to talk to Priya aunty regarding this as I will handle and inform priya aunty on my own... But papa, I need you to come along with me, when I talk with priya aunty....

Prem: Sure abhi... I will come with you... Arjun is really a big fool to lose a girl like pragya... Sure he will regret for his behaviour one day... Don't worry pragya beta... You will get a best man who care for you a lot...

Pragya smiles: I don't know what to say uncle... But one thing is clear for me... No men will be ready to marry a girl who has attitude and self respect and no family will welcome an arrogant girl like me as their bahu...

I know, Im not blessed to be loved by a man crazily and marriage and all is not going to happen in my life... Thank god... At least my sister bulbul got married before me... She too has known that I will not get married ever in my life ...

Prem: Pragya beta... Why are you talking hopelessly like this??? You will get all the happiness in your life beta... I swear, its my responsibility to make your life happy....

You all agree with me na... Its our duty to make pragya happy and we are going to see pragya happily married right...

Pragya: Uncle please... You don't need to stress like this... Im not blessed enough for all this....

Prem: Like aaliya, you are also a daughter to me pragya... When I accept bulbul as my daughter, won't I accept you too... Its a father's promise to make you to get married happily... Will you accept to get married, if I choose a nice groom for you...

Pragya nods her head and smiles happily...

Abhi: Papa... I ... I made... I made a big decision without consulting anyone... But I think this is the best decision.... Sorry if Im wrong means....

Prem: What's it abhi???

Abhi: Papa... I've decided not to continue my work in SM group of companies anymore....

Sid shouts in fury: Whaaatttt.... 😨😨😨😨😨... What the hell are you saying abhi... What you have done...  Isn't it our hardwork??? Its you and me who worked hard to built the biggest empire the SM group of companies....

How can you just like that say that you are not going to continue to work there??? Did you ever think about me??? Rather than being the owner of SM group of companies, what the hell did that Arjun did for our company...

Only the land and property in that stupid Arjun's name... This much bigger name and all the deals we got is because of our hard work... Why we have to leave our company for that stupid Arjun... Im not accepting your decision abhi.... Ridiculous...

Abhi: Jiju... Jiju... Just calm down.,. Allow me to say it fully... Im not a fool to leave our hardwork just like that ..

Prem: Abhi... I didn't expected that you will do like this... Why you took such drastic step without consulting us??? At least you said have consulted with sid beta right...

Pragya interrupts: Im really sorry to interrupt you uncle... Sorry sid bhai... All is happening because of me only... Abhi is not at all at fault...

I know how much your family is close to the singhs... Now all the problems and rifts happened because of me only... 

Abhi: Stop blaming yourself pragya... Its my decision and you have nothing to do in this matter... I cant work anymore with that heartless moron Arjun who wants to enjoy only our hardwork...

Papa... I have talked to sarlama and mohan uncle regarding this... Its better to part apart so that
at least our relationship with them wont get broken at any time...

Jiju... Don't worry... Im not a fool to leave our company to that Arjun who don't know the value of our company... Its our company jiju... Its going to be run only by us...

The thing is I've decided to terminate the partnership with the singhs and I'm willing to change the property in our family name, The Mehras...

So, there wont be  SM group of companies anymore... Its going to be The Mehra group of companies which is going to come under the control of my loving jiju Siddharth Roy... If you wish, you can allow me to hold the same CEO post again jiju...

Sid and aaliya smiles on hearing abhi... But to everyone's surprise, Prem Mehra didn't say a word... He keeps on thinking something and abhi is staring at prem to know what he is going to say in this matter...

Abhi: Papa... You didn't say anything to this....

Prem: Im ready to accept your decision abhi... But before that... I want you to do a thing before that so that I can wholeheartedly accept your decision....

Aaliya and sid are completely taken aback by prem's words while abhi can't understand anything whether his hearing sense is gone bad or is he  hearing properly what his papa is saying....

Pragya on the other side is stunned on hearing prem mehra and is sitting like a statue... The first time ever in her life, the great attitude queen Pragya Arora is completely tongue tied and didn't find words to talk anything...


So, what's going on???

What is the decision of prem mehra???

Will abhi's decision to part apart from the singhs create a blow in his life and will arjun takes his revenge on pragya misunderstanding that she being the reason for their separation????

Will abhi realize his love on pragya???

Will prem mehra asks for pragya's hands for abhi from the aroras???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Just 13 more chapters to go... Get ready to see the spicy twists and turns...

As usual came up with a long update of 2730+ words..

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any...

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail...


Yours buddy,



Will be


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