57. Attitude King is jailed by the Arrogant Queen...

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All are completely in a big confusion na.... Whether Pragya is saying a lie to Arjun  or is she really married to Abhi or not...

Just think of this...

How come Pragya, who values her customs and beliefs, would have agreed to go to US along with Abhi and also to be with him in the same house and how it is possible for the family too to send them together, if they are not married...

If you guys have noted, I have said earlier that Pragya wished to be in the same room, as that of Abhi...
She holds his hand in the flight, leans to his shoulder all through their journey and even longed for his love, after they were all alone in the flat...

Irrespective of their fights, Abhi always wish to give everything best for Pragya and he caress her a lot.... They had some romantic moments too in between... Pragya too tricks Abhi and have a heavy discussion with their family to make Abhi to accept his love for her...

Moreover, Abhi's jealousy and possessiveness, Pragya's motive to tease and seduce Abhi, their longiness to convey their love are already said by me right...

Even Abhi scolded Pragya for teasing him with his PA (karthi) and didn't like the fact that she didn't get jealous of Karthi and encouraged her to drool at him, after their marriage too ...

I have left many clues in the previous chapters, but none find out that they are really a married couples only... 😂😂😂😂😂

It's true guys... Our beloved Fighter cocks, The Monkey king (Abhi) and the Devil fuggy (Pragya) are married legally and ritually, with the blessings of their family... The arrogant, attitude king and queen are officially a married couples...

Wanna know how this miracle has happened???

Unbelievable and Shocking Twist in this story na... 😂😂😂😂😂

Will reveal it soon...

This is the first time ever that I have been nagged by many to update this story....

Really very sorry for coming up very late... Even though I have recovered from my ill health, I couldn't update this story, as I'm in a tough situation and I'm in a pressure to update my other stories too...

Okay all... I am here with the update finally.... Please forgive for making you all to wait...


Let me tell you a happy news first....

This story  "Arrogancy Vs Attitude" has become my Third ever story to cross the massive 6000+ votes with a maximum of 141 votes to it's credit....

Thanks to all my voting buddies for making it possible and expecting your support, till I finish off this story....

Just 3 more parts to end this fighter cock story and  a Long Epilogue too is on the way....

Many shocking twists awaits too 😉😉😉😉...


We fight...
We argue...
We laugh...
We scold..
We tease...
We mock...
We smile...
We talk...
We text...
We hug...
We kiss...
We love..
That's us...

The more we fight, the closer we are to each other...

The most desired gift of love is not diamonds or roses or chocolates.... It's trust, care, understanding and focused attention from your love...


Abhi is searching for Pragya here and there.... His eyes are not at all in his control and is longing to have a glimpse of his fuggy, who had vanished from there, out of nowhere... Though he knows very well that Pragya can protect her from those lusty jerks, the lover boy inside him is panicking much...

The big shot of the city, Mr. Anderson wishes to meet Pragya, as Abhi's partner in business Mr. Richardson praises her a lot... Abhi is so proud of his fuggy and he feels so lucky to get a such a talented girl as his wife.... He inwardly thanked his whole family for making the miracle to happen...

Abhi asked his friend Mr. Parker to bring Pragya soon... Though he knows very well that Pragya wouldn't like  that at all, he badly want to witness the scene, which is a really a big appreciation for all the hardworks, she put forth....

He is holding a juice glass and thinking of the day's happenings... His lips curved to a blushy smile as he imagined their passionate kiss, the way they comes up hand in hand to the party and the way smiled together with a blush in their faces, when they were praised by everyone as made for each other couples... But not to forget the jealousy feeling , he got when the men eyes at his fuggy..

He is hell angry on Pragya for dressing up like this.. Though she looks like a golden doll in that gown, Abhi couldn’t resist all men are gawking at his fuggy , which is reserved only for him.. Much to his reverie, Pragya being a cultured girl, politely avoided the formal hugs and kisses from men, which is a very casual thing in US...

Pragya didn’t let any girl to kiss Abhi too and even pulled him aside, when any girl wishes to give friendly hug him too.. Hardly she allowed Abhi to do handshake, but not more than a second too.. But what made Abhi beam in happiness is that Pragya crushed those men’s hand who tried to behave badly with her, in the name of handshake..

Abhi lost all his patience as
Mr. Parker didn’t turn up for a long time.. Sweat beads pooled up in Abhi’s forehead and he excuses and comes out in search of his fuggy.. He politely avoids the offer to dance by many hot chicks and all he want is to have a look of his attitude queen, his sweet devil, his fuggy only at that time..


Pragya smirks and laughs hardly on seeing the shocking face of Arjun, who is not at all in the mind set to hear the unbelievable truth... He couldn't believe the fact that the same behenji Pragya, whom he rejected is looking way too different than his thoughts and what makes him to get confused is that how come he is not aware of his cousin Abhi’s marriage too..

Arjun  can’t take that lightly.. Though he is angry on Abhi for terminating the partnership with the Singhs and took the charge of the business to his ownself, Arjun always had treated Abhi like his elder brother... They are best of the best friends and partners in crime to tease Sid and they are the real cupid in Sid and Aaliya's love story...

Arjun is hell furious on Abhi for not even inviting him for his big day and he thought wrongly that Pragya is a reason behind all that.. Moreover, he didn’t liked Pragya’s arrogant behaviour and her attitude is making him to boil in anger....

Arjun came to a big conclusion that Pragya is saying a biggest lie to him and is using his brother Abhi’s name for her selfish needs... He is damn sure that Abhi wouldn't have married  a girl like Pragya and that too by avoiding him...

Arjun smirks and spits the word angrily; Mrs. Abhishekh Prem Mehra??? Seriously Pragya.. I’m not a fool to believe all your lies just like that.. Chee... What a disgusting girl you are....

Aren't you ashamed to say such a big lie???? How dare you to use my Abhi Bhai's name like this and how can you stoop low and is shamelessly saying that you are my bhabhi ...

Haan... Now I understand... You are such a shameless b***h... As I rejected you, you are trying to trap my brother na.... Never and ever... I won't let such a characterless girl even to near my Abhi bhai....

Pragya: Mind your tongue, you stupid, swineless moron.... Seriously are you talking about stooping low, marriage, character and all... 😂😂😂😂... Don't be so funny... I know you very well, you bl***y womanizer....

I’m not a disgusting person like you to make a mockery on marriage.. What proof do you want.. Here look at this... ( Pragya moves her hair in her forehead, where she had kept kumkum).. This is our engagement ring.. Can you see Abhigya written on it.. It means Abhi and Pragya...

Haan.. You wanna know na where my mangalsutra is.. Here it is.. If you have doubt now too, call your parents and ask them.. Mr. Parker.. You have the wedding snaps and videos na.. Will you show it to this creepy worm... Proofs... My foot... 😤😤😤😤😤

Arjun is dumb struck to see the wedding snaps of Abhi and Pragya.... He couldn’t believe his eyes at all and the way they are smiling and posing for the photos, shows how much they are in love with each other... Arjun is even shocked to see that even his parents too are happily blessing them....

Just the Arjun’s world collapsed and he frozes in shock to hear Abhi calling aloud Fuggy from far, with a panick and tensed voice.... Arjun knows very about this peculiar name Fuggy and he started to shiver like anything and his mind flashes with many instances, when Abhi said this name to him....

Arjun stammers: Fu... Fug... Fuggy...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... The same Fuggy of your Abhi bhai only.... How is it mister... Nice twist na.... Your head is spinning haan... Confused to hell right...

How come the same behenji, who doesn't know even to dress up, blah blah blah, the same girl you rejected saying the unbelievable reason is the terror Devil Fuggy, whom your Abhi bhai is always scared of....

😂😂😂😂😂... Aww... I like your face losing all it's colours... Fireflies are running in your head na... Why my husband Abhi is taking this much time to come near me...  I would have showed you a big demo to you, who this Pragya really is...

I think you know about the scars in Abhi's body... What else can I say... Haan... You would have known this... Abhi's one month business trip with his fuggy... Yeah.. I'm the same girl, who made your company to get lot of profits... 

😂😂😂😂😂... Super na... Aww... I forget my favourite song which my cute monkey, Abhi used to sing to woo me... "Fuggy... Fuggy... Oh my cookie... " 😂😂😂😂😂...

So it's obvious na... That I'm the arrogant, attitude Queen, Pragya / Fuggy, who always fights with your Abhi Bhai and you would have heard a lot about my beatings and bitings too...

Look at you... 😂😂😂😂... A small mouse in front of this Roaring Tigress .... If you wish to be alive, fall down on my feet, beg for your mercy and apologize to me for the sins you did, by calling me as Bhabhi....

Let me think what to do to punish you by discussing with my husband.... Nice revenge and a biggest punch to blacken your face and tarnish your stupid ego na...


Abhi is not aware that Arjun is standing there in a big shock, near his fuggy... Abhi spots Mr. Parker. near the garden area and he waves his hand to gain his attention.... Parker starts to sweat hard on seeing Abhi nearing them....

Abhi's lips curved to a big smile to see his attitude Queen Pragya is sitting stylishly, like a royal empress in the chair... He keeps his finger on his lips and gestures Parker not to say anything about his arrival and  asked him to leave the place ...

Mr. Parker with much worry, moves from there and prays to God to avoid an ugly encounter between Abhi and Arjun.... Abhi takes slow steps and nears Pragya.... He is about to shout hardly in Pragya's ears, but he started to scream aloudz as Pragya twists his ears hardly and gives a big punch on his stomach....

Abhi: Aaaahhhhh... You devil... Leave me.... Shhhhh... Aaahh.... Sorry fuggy... My mistake only.... Leave me please...

Pragya: What's it monkey... You are surrendering to me so easily today... What's the matter haan....

Abhi: Today is the happiest day for us fuggy.... So, let's have our fighting session later... Mr. Anderson wanna meet you... He is impressed in our works and wishing to tie up with us.... Aww... We did it fuggy... We did it... Oohooo...

Pragya hits on Abhi's back, while he started to whine like a kid... Pragya bursts out into laughter, ruffles his hair, jumps and gives a long kiss in his cheeks, startling Abhi to the core, as a sort of saying her congratulations to him...

Pragya bites her trembling lips and turns her face quickly, as she is not able to tolerate the gaze of Abhi... Abhi turns her towards him and lifts her chin....  Their eyes mingled and unknowingly Abhi traces his fingers on Pragya's rosy lips, which sends shiver in her spines...

Abhi in a husky voice: Fu... Fuggy... I wanna repeat the mistake again... Ready to get all your beatings, bites and punishments too... But, I badly want to do  it.... Will my darling wife, gives me the honour to do so???

Pragya blushes too hard and nods her head as no... Abhi pulls Pragya closer and pleads through his eyes... The love waves sparkling from Abhi's eyes is making Pragya to lose her senses completely and the closeness is making her to melt, forgetting their surroundings too....

Pragya in a shivering and stammering voice whispers: Ab... Abhi.. Nooo... We... Are in party... Don't look at me like that.... I'm saying na... Leave me please.... What will all think of us???

Abhi pouts: Fuggy.... Just one... You are my wife... Don't I have the right to kiss my wife??? Is any one dare to question me other than you, Fuggy??? I fear for you only and not for anyone...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Trying to be romantic haan... Not bad... I'm impressed Mr. Monkey King... I think you are wasting much time in flirting with me... Shall we go bubby???

Abhi glares at Pragya angrily and barks at her: Fuggy... Don't call me bubby, again... Monkey is far better for this.... Can't you say, hubby properly??? Don't laugh like this devil... I gonna kill you...

Pragya: Haan haan bubby... You call me fuggy... So I'm calling you bubby... Bubby, bubby, oh my chubby.... Aww... My cute, bubby monkey....

Pragya shows her tongue out and started to run out from the hold of Abhi, irking him to the core... She completely forget the fact that Arjun is there only and watching their nok jhoks, teasings and their lovey dovey moments with utter shock and hatred in his eyes....

Arjun saw Pragya as that of a bad omen, who has separated his Abhi bhai from him, with some black magic... The chasing of Abhi and Pragya continues, with their laughters and shoutings echoing the place and no one is in a mood to give up...

Unknowingly Abhi dashes with Arjun hardly, making Arjun to come out from his trance... Abhi's eyes which is filled with happiness, naughtiness and full of love, turns dark all of a sudden and his eyes started to spit fire, which will burn Arjun into ashes...

Pragya who is running with a blushy smile in her face, didn't hear the foot steps of Abhi and she is startled to the core that she forget the fact that Arjun is near them only... She gasps in shock and runs as fast as she could and spots Abhi.... ❓❓❓❓❓


Arjun is gulping the liquor bottle hardly and throws it on the floor, making Honey to gasp in shock.... The fire in Arjun's face makes Honey's breathe to hitch and she trembles in fear, as Arjun nears her, like a roaring beast....

Hot tears rolled  down from her eyes and her gaze fall on her swollen belly... She traces her baby bump gently and is praying hard that Arjun shouldn't force her to please him in the bed, which is quite risky for the baby and her life....

But Honey starts to cry aloud, as Arjun is not in a mood to hear any of her pleads... He is like a deadly monster and all he want at that time is to pour out all his frustrations and anger and wanna relax himself... He forget the fact that Honey is pregnant and she is carrying his baby only....

The evil beast inside him makes the human in him to vanish and he forces and man handles Honey, by turning too wild... Poor girl's pleadings and cries didn't reach his ears, till he gets satiated.... He sighs and collapses in the bed, after the deadly counter.... When he turns his gaze towards honey, he is startled to see Honey ❓❓❓❓❓


Abhi is caressing the head of his fuggy, who is sleeping like an angel in his arms... However hard they fight, Abhi madly falls in love with Pragya uncontrollably, as she is a greatest blessing in his life....

No one, other than Pragya can change his mood easily and if she is not there with him, he doesn't know how he could have faced all the hard days of his life... Though they have not conveyed their love, consummated their marriage, Abhi is in cloud nine and happy with the way, their life is going on....

He places the sleeping Pragya in her bed and kisses her forehead... Abhi tries really hard to move away from Pragya, who is clutching his shirt tightly... With no other go, Abhi joins Pragya in the bed and thinks of the twisty moments, which makes their impossible marriage to happen...



What's going to happen next????

How and when did Abhi and Pragya got married????

Why didn't they consummated their marriage???

What has happened between Arjun and Abhi, which makes Arjun to boil in anger????

Will Arjuñ understands his mistakes or will he take revenge on Abhi and Pragya????

What happened to Honey???? Will she survive and will the baby be saved????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


As usual a long update given...

Words used: 3100+

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Catch me soon with your votes... The stories which are receiving more votes will be updated first....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



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