58. We are destined to become soulmates (Part 1)

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They are enemies yesterday, today and tomorrow.. But they are bonded in a peculiar relationship and they are soulmates forever...

However hard we fight, we are destined to become one.. After all, soulmates always ends up together...

Don't give up on someone, without whom your heart can't beat.. Go and claim them quickly, without bothering about the happenings...


Pragya teases Abhi and runs from his grip.. Abhi is not in a mood to leave Pragya, so easily.. He hates this word Bubby from his fuggy.. He is highly irritated with the new pet name bubby, as he is fond of hearing only Monkey King from Pragya...

A big Tom and Jerry chase goes on between Abhi and Pragya.. Pragya completely forget the fact that Arjun is there only and is watching everything with a hatred in his eyes... Abhi who is not aware of Arjun's presence, is smiling happily and is chasing Pragya, who is blushing and giggling happily..

All of a sudden, Abhi unknowingly dashes with Arjun.. As it's quite dark over there, Abhi didn't see, who it is clearly and he just give his hands to help Arjun and is asking sorry to him... Abhi is worrying whether he is fine or not..

When Abhi sees Arjun's face, a big roaring and fuming volcano started to erupt in Abhi's face and he is killing Arjun into pieces... Arjun casually smiles and calls Abhi bhai and tries to hug him...


Pragya stops her running and turns to see where is Abhi, as she didn't hear any movement near by her.. Just then, she remembers that Arjun is also there... She gasps in shock and mentally scolds herself for her stupidity, as she knows very well that Abhi is hell angry on Arjun...

Arjun has troubled his father Mohan and mother Sarla, all these days and is spreading unwanted rumour against the Mehra groups and is doing all kinds of dirty plays to tarnish their image in the business world.. Pragya knows very well that an ugly encounter gonna happen there for sure...

Not wasting much time. Pragya runs quickly and her blood drained, as she spots Abhi is holding the neck of Arjun tightly.. Understanding the situation is getting out of control, Pragya runs and tries to pull Abhi, who is in the verge to kill Arjun..

Pragya: Abhi.. What the hell are you doing??? Take your hands from him.. Do you understand, what you are up to???

Abhi roars angrily : Don't stop me, fuggy.. I know very well, what I'm upto... Let me kill this dirty creature, today itself.. How dare he 😡😡😡😡😡..

Do you know, what the hell is he saying to me... After doing all those dirty things, he is ill treating you fuggy and bad mouthing about you....

Pragya (interrupts) ; Abhi... (Shouts angrily) Enough... We can't expect this a****e to behave good with us... Knowing very well that it's a dirty and yucky puddle, we shouldn't fall on it, as it has dirtied us...

Whatever be the case, let it be.. Remove your hands right now and move away from here... It's a promise on your mom, Abhi... I said, Leave...

Abhi grits his teeth angrily and removes the hand from Arjun's neck.. He glared at Pragya angrily and walks away from there, without bothering to hear anything from Pragya... Arjun laughs hard with a dirty smirk in his face..

Without minding anything, Pragya kicks him hardly with her heels, making Arjun to yelp in pain and to fall in front of her... She warns Arjun not to show his face to them or else, he will see the worst kind of death.. She kicks him again and calls the security and asked him to throw out Arjun, from the party area...


Abhi is way too angry and is sitting quietly in the extreme corner of the party place.. As he is a teetotaler, he has never touched alcohol or even smoked too.. He is hell furious on Pragya and he just wanna vent out all his anger and frustrations, by any means..

But he doesn't know what to do and his mind is not ready to do anything, that will spoil his image and he never wish to do anything , against his morals and principles... He badly wants to distract his mind set and calm him down....

Sighing deeply, Abhi is staring at the orange juice angrily.. He blinks his eyes and couldn't register what's going on too.. His mind is getting calmed down slowly and he never thought such a medicine will come up, to soothe his anger...

His cheeks are turning way too dark red, not because of anger, but because of the unexpected kiss given by his fuggy, which is going on and on, for a long time... Abhi almost cried out, as he is gasping for breath and begging Pragya to leave him...

But poor soul couldn't do anything, as he knows very well that he is getting his punishment, for reacting unnecessarily.. Not able to hold her breathless state anymore, Pragya left Abhi and slaps him hardly in his both cheeks...

Abhi: You, blood sucking devil.. You punished me, by biting on my poor lips... Look here... My poor lips are swollen, paining and look how, blood is coming out.. You did, what you wished to do now... Then,Why did you slapped me, haan???

Pragya: You senseless monkey.. Feel happy that, I left you alive.. How dare you to do that haan...

Abhi: Hoye... Don't overact okay.. It's me, who has to get angry on you.. But you attitude queen is turning it aginst me haan... Why did you stopped me, fuggy??? I would have killed that moron..

Pragya: Shut up, you irritating monkey.. Keep your fingers on your lips.. I should never hear this word from your mouth.. Got it...

You didn't think of me, for a single minute too na.. I said keep quiet.. How easily you are saying, you will kill him.. Do you want to spend your whole life in jail??? Then why the hell you married me.. 😔😔😔😔

You never understand, what will I go through... Why Abhi??? 😭😭😭😭... Why can't we leave all these nonsense things and concentrate on our happiness????

Abhi (wipes Pragya's tears) : So sorry fuggy... Anger blinded my senses.. Sorry baba.. Never, I will do this mistake.. Arrey.. Stop it devil.. I can't talk much... See my lips, it's paining..

You are too bad fuggy.. How can we meet Mr. Anderson now??? What will we say, if he asks about our swollen lips??? Won't he think that we were romancing all these time.. God... what will happen to my image...

Pragya: You 😡😡😡😡.. Don't ever come before me and ssy to me, fuggy, I wanna do a mistake , blah blah blah... I'm cursing you... Die as a bach....

Before Pragya complete her curse fully, Abhi pulled her closer and makes Pragya to forget the fact that she too knows to speak ...


Abhi carefully lifts the sleeping Pragya in his arms and walks towards the lift... He is smiling like an insane man and all he feels at that time is, he is holding his world in his arms...

He hugs Pragya tightly in his embrace and inhales her aromatic natural scent, which drives him crazy always... He is staring at Pragya, without blinking his eyes too...

The ding sound from the lift, brought him back to earth and he with a blushy smile, walks towards their flat... Unknowingly, Abhi's gaze falls on the nearby flat and he feels something is going on odd for sure...

Brushing aside his thoughts, Abhi feels that it's not a good thing to poke into another person's issues, that too at late night ... He quickly opens the flat, using his keys, as Pragya is feeling uncomfortable to sleep....

Abhi pushes Pragya's room door to open and he places Pragya carefully in the bed... His gaze falls on Pragya, who is so alluring and tempting him, in her sleep too... Abhi takes a deep breath to control his hormonal urges and only he knows, how he is controlling himself, to be away from his wife....

Abhi left out a chuckle, as how he shamelessly said to Pragya, before marriage, that he will make love with his wife, in the first night itself... But to his poor fate, he couldn't sleep near his wife Pragya, even after their four months of marriage too...

He kisses the sleeping Pragya in her forehead... Though his hormones urges him to go ahead to fulfill his desires, he composes himself, as he knows very well that his wife Pragya, deserves the best always...

If it's not so, he would have made love with her long back, as they are all alone in this house... These two months of US life have made them way too closer and they could have did it long back... But he is staying away from her, to make it special for her...

Abhi knows pretty well that their kundalis have made them to postpone their wedding night and he didn't made a move till now, after the two months of the restricted time period too...

Abhi is always being teased by his jiju Sid, his elder sister Aaliya, his buddy Purab and his shali Bulbul, that he is scared of Pragya and that is why he is running away from her... Even the elders where much bothered about the distance between Abhi and Pragya...

On the contrary, Abhi doesn't want to start their relationship in a place, where they didn't truly belong and he wants to start their relationship, only after fulfilling the unsaid wish of his fuggy... A blushy smile creeps up in his face, as the wish of his fuggy gonna be fulfilled by him soon...

Taking a deep sigh, Abhi tries to move away from Pragya... But Pragya is holding his shirt tightly and didn't allowed him to move away from her... When Abhi tries to remove Pragya's hand, she suddenly wraps her hands around him and buries her face in his chest...

A heavy gasp echoes from Abhi and he doesn't know what to do, as the closeness is doing all kind of unwanted reactions inside him... Composing himself, Abhi kisses her hairs and inhales her sweet scent, which always make him to go weak... He closes his eyes and thinks how he got his fuggy as his soulmate...


After taking over the business from the Singh's , Abhi, Pragya, Sid and Purab started to work very hard... They grow up successfully in their career and cracked up many big deals too...

The Mehra group of companies, becomes a biggest sensation in the business world and the Goodwill of the company too started to grow higher and better, which earns them many international deals too...

Many big shots from the business world, wishes to get their daughters married to Abhi and many started to approach Prem Mehra and had a talk with him, to accept the marriage proposal ...

As decided by him earlier, Prem Mehra rejected all the proposals by saying that Abhi is already betrothed and he gonna get married very soon... Prem mehra made sure that no such things reaches Abhi's ears, till he officially announces, who is the bride of Abhi..


One such day,

Ram Arora and Priya Arora are seated tensedly in the living room of the Mehras... Prem Mehra has called them to his house, when no one is there in the house...

Prem: Ram, Priya... It's high time and we can't sit quietly like this... I don't think, they will open up and come and talk with us... These two are way too stubborn in this matter... Huh... Why not we proceed, as we decided earlier...

Ram: But Prem bhai... What about the decision of Abhi and Pragya??? They are still fighting, non stoppingly and they never said their love to each other... Seriously saying, I'm scared to proceed with this marriage ..

Priya: Haan Prem bhai... For making our daughter to get married, we are not ready to pawn the life of our son, Abhi... He did a lot for us and we can't risk anything and we wish to see him happy always...

Prem Mehra (sighs): Why you two are not at all understanding the situation??? Who said that Abhi and Pragya won't be happy together??? I know very well about our kids...

Abhi can't think a life without Pragya and only Pragya can give the love, which Abhi is carving for a long time... After my wife's death, I saw a genuine smile in my Abhi's face, only when Pragya is around him ...

You promised me, Ram and Priya, that I have all the right to choose Pragya's bride groom and you two agreed to give Pragya's hand, if I ask for my son Abhi... Hope you two haven't forgotten that...

Now, I'm asking you two directly... I want your daughter Pragya's hand for my son Abhi and I want this house to get back it's lost colours, by bringing the Lakshmi of this house...

Ram: We don't know, what goodness we did, to get you all as our family... Don't get angry, Bhai... As Abhi always says, will anyone say no to Prem Mehra's order...

Priya: But, do you two think that our kids will agree for this arranged or forced marriage... Sure, they will come up with wierd reasons, to stop this marriage... That's bothering me a lot....

Prem: Don't worry ... It's not going to be an arranged marriage at all... This marriage will surely happen, only with our kid's willingness... They two will come before us and ask us to fix their marriage...

Ram shouts: Whaaatttt.. Is that possible??? I don't think so...

Prem: Ram... All is possible... Just wait...

Prem calls Sid and Purab to come to home... As per Prem Mehra's guidance, Aaliya and Bulbul along with their husbands, made a big plan to trap Abhi and Pragya and the elders started to do the wedding preparations, as the wedding has to happen within a month, as per their kundali..


Abhi is completely confused and pacing too and forth in his office cabin.. He knows pretty well that something is going on, behind his back for sure.. It's too much confusing him, as Purab and Sid are doing something secretly..

He is hell bothered, as Aaliya is questioning him a lot, now a days and is purposely asking him about his favourite colours, interests, preferences and all.. He couldn't figure out, why Bulbul is coming up with some lame excuses and asked him to choose some best models in sherwani, sarees and lehengas and all..

Abhi's pov.;

Huh.. I think all have gone nuts.. All are becoming number one dramabeez, these days.. I couldn't understand what is going on in the house... They are trying to escape from me and is doing something secretly..

What could it be??? Phew.. Abhi, instead of banging your head, why not you go and ask your darling fuggy.. Ahem ahem.. What's it man.. Stop blushing, you fool.. Now a days, you are drooling at that devil shamelessly and who knows you gonna end up in jail for sure..

Yeah yeah.. I'm damn sure, I'm gonna jailed up in my fuggy's heart.. God.. You have become completely mad, Abhi.. Seriously, You want that devil for you .. Ofcourse, why not.. Whatever happens, I'm not letting anyone to snatch my devil from me..

I'm a great mahaan in this whole universe.. Only I can handle that devil and I feel pity on this whole men folks and I have saved them from this devil.. Alright alright.. Don't mock at me.. No... No bad words please...

Goddddd... Even my inner self is spitting on me... I thought of showing some attitude, but I am becoming like a puppy sick love.. Chee.. Why am I blabbering like this.. Say correctly Abhi.. Love sick puppy.. Hey na... 😊😊😊😊...

Fuggy.. Fuggy... You are making me, crazy... God, I'm losing all my control, now a days.. Enough is enough, Abhi.. Be a man and go and open your heart to your fuggy, today.. I know very well that papa won't say no to my wish..

If I say, I wanna marry Pragya, all will accept it and will surely show green signal only... The only big task I'm having is to propose Pragya and make her to nod her head as yes.. Will she accept me??? I know, my fuggy won't disappoint me.. Sure, she will say yes only..

Abhi.. Are you confident enough to do that???? What will you do, if she says no??? Hey hey.. I know very well.. That magical eyes of my fuggy is pouring all the love, she has on me and is pulling me, like a magnet.. So, I don't think any problem will come up..

Abhi.. Don't hurry up man.. Have you thought, why your Papa called Pragya all of a sudden to your home and that too in your absence.. Papa knows very well that you two have an important meeting, but he ordered Pragya to come soon, leaving the meeting too na..

God.. What's going on??? Oh no... Is papa planning for fuggy's marriage, as promised by him earlier??? No.. No.. Papa.. This is unfair.. Why can't you think that you too have a son and why can't you plan to get me married to my fuggy???

Phew.. How can papa think of our marriage??? I and My fuggy are the great fighter cocks and we always fights na.. How can I explain papa that these fights are our way of romancing and spreading the love between us...

Oh god Abhi!!!! Shameless fellow... You are revealing all your secrets... Thank god.. No one is here... Or else, all will surely tease me...

Abhi.. Your fuggy is slipping from your hands... Hold her tightly.. First meet her and confuse her.. Remember you are going to confuse her and not console her okay...

Then only she will get angry on you and say yes to you, without her knowledge too... Take a deep breath, Abhi.. Good boy.. Keep this mind... Fuggy is your soulmate and she is all yours...


After making a fool proof plan, Abhi moves towards the Aroras... Abhi is shocked to see Pragya hugging **** and crying vigorously... Abhi's face lost all it's colours and unknowingly his eyes too pooled with tears....

Composing himself, Abhi takes slow steps towards Pragya... A heavy cry echoes the whole room and Abhi never expected that he will hear the shocking news of his life...


Sorry guys...

This is a very big chapter...

So, I'm splitting it into two...

The next part of this chapter is all ready in my hands...

But, you will get the update, only if the stars shines brightly... Don't force me for update, till the chapter crosses 130-140 votes ....



What's going to happen next???

What are the plans done to unite Abhigya???

Why is Pragya crying like this???

Will Abhi propose Pragya for marriage????

How did the unexpected wedding happened???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


A very long update, as usual...

Words used: 3300+

Do pen down your valuable views, sweet comments and long reviews, without fail....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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