58. We are destined to become soulmates (part 2)

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However hard we fight, an invisible thread is connecting us always... We are destined to become soulmates, irrespective of the hard days, we have faced...

We are meant to become one... Fate made us to meet in an ugly encounter.. Yet our hearts started to beat together and we become couples, finally...

Before wiping away your tears, I wanna know the reason or the story behind your tears, so that I can stop your tears completely...


Abhi came out from his trance as Pragya stirred in her sleep... A smile creeps up in Abhi's lips uncontrollably, as Pragya buries herself completely in the embrace of him... He gently pats her back and caress her head with full of love...

He couldn't control himself and keeps on kissing her hairs, to compose himself... However his body and his mind are arguing too much, to proceed further and take a move in their relationship... But, Abhi quickly shook his head and takes a deep breath to control his desires...

He stares at their wedding photo in the side table with full of happiness and thinks of the dramatic happenings, which made them as soulmates...


Abhi is completely in a confusion and is thinking of what might be the reason... He just couldn't understand why his father Prem Mehra, has called Pragya all of a sudden, knowing very well that they are going to do an important dealership meeting and Pragya is the one to do the presentation...

However hard Abhi tried, he couldn't come up with any reasons, behind this sudden happenings... Moreover, he is all blank and is not in a state to think of anything clearly, as he is missing his fuggy so much... It's the worst day for him, as he didn't had a glimpse of his devil Pragya, the whole day...

Not able to tolerate his frustration any more, Abhi informs Sid and Purab to handle the unfinished works in the office and he drives quickly to the house of the Aroras... He is praying hard that no one should be there in the house, as he wished to open his heart to his fuggy...

To Abhi's happiness, the maid informed that Ram, Priya and Bulbul had went to temple and only Pragya is there in the house... Abhi with a bright smile, takes quick steps and reaches Pragya's room...

Abhi is feeling out of the world and he is imagining that a gentle wind is soothing him... But, he can hear the thunderous sound of his heart beats, which are panicking to propose Pragya and he is not in a state to hear a no from his fuggy, any a time...

Sweat beats started to form in Abhi's forehead... Abhi's body get chilled up in fear and he rubs his heart quickly, to control his tension and nervousness... He takes a deep breath and gathers up all his courage and enters the room of Pragya....

Shock is an understatement for Abhi, as the room is way too dark and slow whimpers of Pragya is echoing the whole room, like a big tornado... Startled heavily, Abhi switches on the light quickly... Abhi's heart stopped it beat to see Pragya pooled up in tears and hugging something in her hands...

Lots of unwanted negative thoughts, haunts Abhi's mind and he is standing, as if he has got panick attack.... It took Abhi a long time to come out from his shock and he slowly whispers Fuggy... Abhi couldn't understand what is happening too...

Abhi never in his wild dreams too had expected that Pragya will be crying like this... He is not in a condition to see Pragya's broken state and all he want at that time is to wipe away all her tears and make her happy always...

Abhi, who is in an inner turmoil, failed to see that Pragya has been hugging his photo and crying for a long time... His mind didn't registered that Pragya is in his embrace only and is blabbering that she wants only him and can't marry anyone other than him...

Poor Abhi in his shocked state, didn't heard that Pragya has confessed his love to him and is wishing to marry him... As his concentration is only on wiping away Pragya's tears, he missed out the beautiful moment of his life and the unexpected love confession from his love of life...

On the other hand, the attitude queen Pragya feels really hurted and defeated, as Abhi didn't said his love to her and not in a mood to reply to her too... Pragya is broken beyond repair, as Abhi too is not liking her...

Pragya takes a deep breath and she quickly composes herself... She quickly moves away from Abhi, as she doesn't want to be a laughing stock, in front of Abhi ever....

Pragya: Sorry, Monkey... I got carried away... What are you doing here haan... Don't you know to knock and ask permission, before entering the room haan... You are again and again proving me that you are a senseless monkey...

Abhi fumes in anger: You idiot devil is talking too much haan... I have all the rights to enter this room and  no one can dare to question me, okay...

Pragya: Voha... Showing too much attitude to me haan... This is not your office or your house... This is my room and I don't like anyone stepping inside it, without asking my permission...

Abhi: Stop irritating me, fuggy... Playing smart to divert me haan... But your tricks are not going to work today... The stupid attitude queen has to accept her defeat now and pour out what's in her heart...

Pragya chuckles and in a sarcastic tone: Is it a new thing, monkey??? All of you know na, Pragya is a biggest loser and she is always gifted to get defeated in her life again and again... 😂😂😂😂 😭😭😭😭... Happy now, Abhi...

Abhi panicks and wipes Pragya's tears quickly.... He quickly  makes her to sit in the bed and rushes out... He brings a glass of juice and a plate full of food and  forcefully feeds her, knowing very well that Pragya might be in some problem and he is damn sure that she wouldn't have eaten anything for sure....

Pragya: Abhi... Enough... Leave me...

Abhi: Stop irritating me again and again, devil... What do you think of yourself haan... Don't behave like a baby, fuggy... Why are behaving like this... What the hell has happened to you...

Pragya: What else left to happen... Everything is finished... Game over, Abhi... You can make a happy dance, as Pragya gonna be destroyed completely...

Abhi: What do you mean??? Stop drawing circles and shoot out what's going on... Why are you crying like this and why you didn't eat your lunch too??? Did papa said anything to you???

You heartless devil... Don't laugh and act in front of me.. Don't try to mask your helpless state to me... Answer me, fuggy... What's the problem... I swear, I will surely set everything right, fuggy... Trust me...

Pragya: Don't give unnecessary hopes to me and Don't promise anything, Abhi... It will create unwanted and unnecessary problems to you... Enough Abhi... You did a lot to me... (Sighs)

Leave it... It's my bad fate... I have to face it all alone... I can't drag you repeatedly and can't force you to face my problems... I'm not so heartless to do so... By the way, congratulations Abhi...

Abhi: You are confusing me, fuggy... You are not answering me properly and may I know, why this congratulations is for...

Pragya: Leave my matter... How can I leave you without congratulating... Soon to be a bride groom na... Why are you blinking this much haan??? Haven't you to go to your house, monkey???

Dumbo monkey... Go to home soon... Prem uncle is flying in happiness, as he has find out a wonderful girl for you, Abhi... You know what, Prem uncle has said to me that she is not going to be the bahu of the house, she is going to bring the lost glow and happiness of your house...

I'm so happy for you, Abhi... Really, I'm very eager to see the lucky girl, who gonna  marry you... Such a blessed girl to get you as a life partner, Abhi... But, inform her that she should me my friend and partner in crime, to fight and annoy you...

Abhi in an irritating voice: Cut down all your craps... Answer my questions first... Is this what Papa said to you??? Did papa called you to inform about my marriage??? Don't try to hide anything from me... Shoot out...

Pragya: Abhi... 😭😭😭😭..  ( Turns her face quickly, as she couldn't control her tears) Prem uncle, has find out a suitable match to me too, as promised by him and he asked me hopefully that will I marry the groom of his choice...

Abhi with an angered flared tone: What did you answer him haan... Don't say that you said yes to him and accepted his choice, like a great mahaan....

Pragya in a trembling and crying voice: What else shall I do, Abhi... I can't say no to Prem uncle... Even though, I didn't liked it, I accepted it knowing well that Prem uncle will be happy and my parents will get revealed... More over, I don't want to be a burden to anyone, Abhi...

Abhi pulls Pragya harshly: Even you didn't think to say this important matter to me and didn't thought of discussing this with me, before taking a biggest decision na... Are you a stupid, Pragya???

Don't repeat the mistakes again, Pragya... This is your life and no one other than you, has the right to decide what's good for you... Don't push yourself into a living hell...

Pragya shouts angrily: Enough, Abhi... You are talking too much... Elders have decided... I have agreed... Who the hell are you to question me haan... Don't poke your nose unnecessarily in this matter...

Go and concentrate in your wedding... I will feel happy at least, if you get a nice girl as your soulmate... Abhi, if you can, ask permission from your to be wife, so that I can prepare coffee and food to you, as I do usually...

Abhi broke out into heavy tears and he bangs on the wall hardly... He couldn't understand, why their fate is is so cruel and why it's playing with their emotions... It's obvious that they fight and argue a lot... But, it's also an unsaid truth that they both love each other uncontrollably...

Abhi can't take that anymore... Tears of Pragya is pricking like a big rod in his heart and he can't think of a life without Pragya... He can't pass few hours in a day too, without fighting and arguing with Pragya...

He wants Pragya for himself and he is not a fool to let Pragya to go away from him... Whether it's to love or to fight, he needs Pragya beside him always... He will surely die the next moment, if she become anyone's wife....

Abhi shouts noooo startling Pragya and he without minding about anything, dragged Pragya along with him... None of Pragya's shoutings, pleads, cries or her anger tone reaches his deaf ears...

Abhi is driving the car rashly and all he want is to put an end to the so called wedding drama, right now... He didn't wish to convey his love to Pragya and propose her for marriage... He want their marriage to happen at any cost...

He càlled Ram Arora and asked him to come to his house, along with Priya and Bulbul... He called Sid and Purab also to come to home... Abhi confirmed that Prem Mehra and Aaliya are  in home only and he said to Prem that he wanna take a biggest decision of his life....

The whole family is eagerly waiting for Abhi and Pragya and are praying that they should hear a happy news from them... All were shocked to the core, as they didn't expected that Abhi and Pragya will come up there, in a broken state...

Abhi makes Pragya to sit in the couch... He kneels down before everyone... He folds his hands and started to cry aloud.... He stops everyone and never let anyone to come near him...

Prem: Abhi beta... What happened to you??? Why are you crying like this haan???

Ram: Abhi beta... You are scaring us... Tell us, what has happened??? Why you two are crying like this???

Abhi: Why you all are doing like this??? What sin did Pragya do to all of you??? Why papa??? I didn't expect that you too will hurt Pragya...

Prem: What nonsense... What are you blabbering, Abhi... Why will I hurt Pragya beta... Pragya is more than a daughter to me... I wanna make her happy always... Keep this in your dumb head that I won't let anyone to hurt her...

Abhi: But, you have broken her heart, Papa... Pragya is in a helpless state... She doesn't want a forced marriage and she accepted it only for the happiness of you.. This idiot devil is ready to sacrifice her life too, thinking that she doesn't want to be a burden to anyone....

Please, papa... I beg you... Stop this marriage arrangements... Don't force, Pragya.. She may seem to be an arrogant and attitude filled girl... But she is way to gentle like a flower... Please... Don't crush her happinesss and push her in a living hell...

Priya: Abhi beta... Nothing like you think, will happen... Ahead of all of us, the groom we have chosen for Pragya will treat her like a queen and Pragya is so lucky to get him... Please beta... I beg you... Don't ask to stop the wedding...

Abhi: Fuggy... Stop crying and open your mouth, atleast now... Say to them that you don't want this wedding... (Pragya shooks her head negatively and the tears are drenching her completely)...

Why no one is understanding and are hell adamant to torture her??? How can you all think that the groom you have chosen for Pragya can keep her happy???

Prem: I have 1000% confidence in the groom... He will keep our Pragya happy... Abhi beta... Here is the photo of the groom... You show the photo to Pragya beta and ask her is to okay to marry him...

Haan... You are thinking na that we are spoiling Pragya's happiness and pushing her into a forced marriage... I will give you the right to decide, what's best for Pragya... See the groom's photo and answer me , whether my choice is good or not....

Prem hands over the snap to Abhi... Abhi doesn't know what to do next and he is completely confused and doesn't know how to stop the wedding... He opens the cover with trembling hands and he freaks out and throws the photo in shock...

The photo flies and lands in Pragya's lap... Pragya quickly wipes her tears and and rubs her eyes quickly, to have a clear vision... She keeps the snap very closely to her face and her lips curved to a big smile to see Abhi is smiling in that photo...

Pragya lifts her head and all the family members are smiling at her ... She hugs her maa and papa happily and got blessings from them... Prem blesses Pragya and all the younger ones teases her a lot...

Prem: So, Pragya beta..  what I said is correct only na... Shall I cancel the arrangements???

Pragya gasps in shock and shooks her head negatively: Nooo... Nooo uncle... Sorry... Please Prem papa... Did I said no to you??? I accepted your decision already na...

Prem: That I know beta... But your groom is not accepting it and is hell adamant to stop it na... Now too he is not opening his mouth... Tell me, what shall I do???

Pragya: You do the arrangements happily, Prem papa... Let me handle my monkey in my own style...

All left the place and goes to look after the arrangements... Other than Abhi and Pragya, no one is left in the room... Abhi, who is in terrible shock is not in a state to listen to anyone and he didn't noticed the happenings too...

He is dumb struck with happiness and his mind is not in a condition to make him understand the reality and he is thinking that he is dreaming only... Abhi shouts in pain and jumps up quickly....


Abhi is startled and came out from his past, as he heard a huge bang in the house door... He is confused, as who might be disturbing them at the odd hours of the night...

Abhi couldn't figure out who it is, as he doesn't know anyone in the area and he is not aware of the neighborhood people too... He carefully places the sleeping Pragya in the bed...

Abhi covers her with duvet and closes the room door carefully, so that Pragya's sleep didn't get disturbed ... He clutches the lock and opens it, after switching on the hall light...

Abhi is way too shocked, as he saw...  ❓❓❓❓❓❓


What's going to happen next???

Who is at the door???

What happened to Honey???

Will it be possible for Arjun to accept his mistakes or will Arjun create any more troubles to Abhi and Pragya ???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

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Just 2 more shots to go...

If the votes are higher, your updates will quicker...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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