6. The terror meet...

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Thank you all for the enormous support guys....

Hope you will continue the support like this always...

Silent readers itz your turn to come out of yoir shells n support me with your votes n comments... Your crazy is waiting.....

Now to chapter 6:

Pragya and bulbul arrives the xyz college very late where the youth festival is conducted... They checks the time... Only two minutes are left for registration to close...

(The same college in which abhi, purab n sid are studying)

They checked the board in the entrance and rushes to the registration desk...

They run in a lightning speed.... way faster than a cheethah... as if they are going to get an olympic gold medal....

They runs and reaches the registration desk exactly a second later...

They gasps for breathe and saw two handsome hunks looking deeply into them as if they have seen some ghosts...😀😀😀😀😀

Pragya and bulbul composed themselves.... They cant breathe properly...

Purab n sid does not understand why these girls are running this much faster towards them....

Pragya gasps n speaks: hu... Hu.. so...

Sid: miss... Relax... Breathe first... Have some water ...

Both gulps the water in a single breath....

Bulbul: hu... Th.. thank... Thank you....

Purab: Hi... Im purab and this is sid... We are the event organisers...

Any problem??? Why you both are running like this????

( This purab is way faster na...😀😀😁

- Avasaratha paaru purab ku....)

Bulbul: Hi... Im Bulbul arora... This is pragya arora my sister....

Sid: Hi miss. bulbul....
Hi miss. pragya....
What happened???. Why are you both in a rush???

Pragya: actually mr.sid...

Sid: Dnt be formal... Call me sid... How can i help you??.

Bulbul: Actually we are late today... We missed our college bus and our team too left us...

Pragya: we are participating in many competitions... But we are late for registration....

Purab: But sorry to say... The registration is already closed... We cant help you...

Bulbul: please... Please... Please... Purab.... Please help us.... ..

Bulbul made a cute pout... Purab is completely impressed by bulbul's antics...

(😁😁😁😁😁 Purab you are trapped for life long)

Sid: But... Bulbul n pragya...

Its quite impossible... We cant do anything in this and we cant break the rules...

Sorry... We cant help you in this...

Pragya: oh... Is it so???

You two are the event organisers na.... Cant you help us??? If we did nt participate our college will lose...

Purab: we have a head other than us... Only he has the right to decide....

sid.... Can we ask him???

Sid: hmm... May be he can help them??? But....

Bulbul: what but??? Tell us na we will do it...

Purab: Its not possible to convince him... He is the chairman of our cultural committee and he is very strict in this...

Pragya: oh... Can we meet him??? Who is he???

Sid: He is our friend... See... He is there....

(Sid points the hands where abhi is standing)

Bulbul: Then come di... We will go n ask him...

Purab: wait... I will come with you... I too will help you to convince him...

( Ho... Ho... Purab you are playing a good game man.... - purab ippavae lover ku help panna aarambuchitta.... Gud boy... Keep it up)

Purab, pragya n bulbul goes near abhi... Purab moves a step ahead and come near abhi...

Purab (whispers) : Abhi... You are going to help me... Dnt say no... Nod your head as i say... Plz... Her name is bulbul.... Keep it in mind okay...

Abhi smiles and turns...

Bulbul and pragya are impressed to see a handsome guy standing before them with a cute smile, mischievious captivating eyes n a drool worthy physique ... ( Hope my darlus karthi,  nivi n srithu n all abhi fans r happy.... Now come on praise this crazy.... 😀😀😀😀)

Bulbul (whispers) : Di.. i like this college very much... All hot and sexy young men are here only...

Aah... I love this college... Gonna love anyone of these three....

.(bulbul... Only purab is for you... Leave sid n abhi okay. ... Sid is already in love... Who knows??? In future, abhi can become your jiju....)

Pragya hits bulbul n asked her to keep quiet ..

Purab: dude... This is pragya n this is bulbul (stresses bulbul's name)...

They are late for registration... But they are in many competitions...

Can you help them to participate in these??? Please do something...

Abhi: purab... Can you show me the list??? I will check n tell you if it is possible or not....

Abhi checks the list and the name '"pragya arora" strikes abhi's eyes... He gasps to see his fuggy is standing before him looking way pretty than his imagination...

Abhi with a naughty smirk checks the list and watches pragya with a mischievous smile .... He decides to play his cards toward his fuggy and also decides to take revenge...

Abhi: hmm... Miss. Bulbul you are lucky .. you can participate... Purab you take her there n help her if anything she needs... Inform to the members too okay...

Abhi winks on purab n purab with a blushy smile nods his head. .

Bulbul: But what about di??. Cant she participate??? Im not going...

Abhi: Its getting late... You go... I will take care... Dnt worry....

Bulbul assures pragya... Purab drags bulbul from there....

Leaving the two terrifying bulls to face the war field alone...

Pragya: Excuse me... Is it possible for me to participate??. Please check mr...

Im in more than five competitions... Can you please permit me??.

Abhi: wow... Its so nice to hear you speak politely...

Pragya: what??? Im always polite...

( Joke of the year 🏆goes to pragya)

Abhi: oh is it so...???

Pragya: yes... Please its getting late... Please... Check soon...

Abhi: Can you impress me???

Pragya: whaaaattttt?.??.???

Abhi: hmm.. how can i know you are good at participating and winning the competitions???

Pragya: Mr.... Im a best performer in my college n iv won many prizes to my credit...

Abhi: hmm... Okay... I will allow you... Its not Mr....  Fuggy... This is Abhishekh prem mehra or Abhi....

Pragya stuns and could not believe her eyes... The word fuggy after long years irritates her though but her heart is feeling some unknown happiness after seeing her abhi after a long time...

Abhi: So fuggy... Im permitting you to participate as you have begged me so much... Pity on you... Go.. go...

Pragya: Oye monkey abhi... Dnt feel proud of yourself okay... If i hv known earlier, i would have never been here...

Abhi: woha... Got afraid of me haan.... ??? 😉😉😉😉

Pragya: afraid??? Me???. Never in my life im afraid of anyone...

Have you forgotten my beatings n haan you have the scar of my bite still...

Abhi: You devil... You never changed...

They starts to argue...

Sid rushes there and is shocked by their fight...

Sid: whats happening guys???

Abhi: nothing... Im allowing her to participate... If she has guts she can participate... If she is afraid of me, she can leave right now... The ball is in her court...

Abhi said with a naughty smile in his face...

Pragya: No one is there to threaten this pragya... Im gonna participate n win for sure...

Sid... Can you show me where we have to go???

Abhi: Hmm..  Lets see the loser fuggy soon... 😀😀😀😀😀😀

Pragya: hmm... You loser monkey abhi wait to put black ink in your face... Im going to see your crying monkey face soon... 😀😀😀😀😀

Sid cant believe what these two are talking... He is completely shocked with the arrogant attitude of both abhi and pragya...

Pragya: sid... Can you please guide me??.

Sid: ya sure come...

Pragya n sid moves towards competitions... Abhi smiles to execute his plan.....

Almost 1375 words... Long one na...

Its time to vote, suggest, criticise n comment....

What is abhi's plans???

Will pragya win???

Will rabul fall in love???

Will abhigya's fights ends or continues???

To know more stay tuned....

Keep reading, voting n supporting...

Will be 🔙🔜🔙🔜🔙🔜🔙🔜🔙🔜

Yours cliffy buddy,


Winding off....


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