Chapter 29

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On the way to Solaceon Town, we stop at the Pokemon Day Care, which is the house of Angie, a friend we made in the Summer Camp. We also learn the news of the Scarf Monster, which turns out to be a Lickilicky from her Day Care. This also worries Angie since a Day Care isn't supposed to help evolve a Pokemon, not only that, Team Rocket is trying to steal the Pokemon again, but with the help of us, they are blasting off again. In the end, the trainer likes to have the new Lickilikcy, which makes Angie better for the whole thing.

Then we meet the Elite Four member Aaron, who specializes in Bug Type, and he plans to challenge Cynthia for the top Trainer spot in Sinnoh, and the crowds are certainly impressed by his Vespiquen, Drapion, and Skorupi. When Aaron learns that we know Cynthia, he takes us to his private training center in the woods. Dawn notices a photo of Aaron and a Wurmple. This Wurmple was Aaron's greatest friend, but Aaron doesn't seem to have a Wurmple now.

Team Rocket comes and they try to steal our Pokemon once more, and Aaron reveals to us that when he was young, he was a poor loser who blamed Wurmple for his defeat, driving Wurmple away. Ever since that mistake, he's worked hard to understand Bug-types and vowed not to lose a Pokémon ever again.

When we arrive, we find that our Pokemon has already escaped, and Team Rocket tries to vacuum our Pokemon for the second time, but a Beautifly stops them with a powerful Solar Beam attack. The Beautifly is the Wurmple that Aaron used to have, and now he helps us send them flying.

And when we are back to Hearthome City, we find Barry once again, he says that he has lost to Fantina, so he wants to see my gym battle this time. The Gym Guide says, "Hey, there! How's it going, Champ? The Gym Leader here is a user of Ghost-type Pokemon. Beware, Normal-type moves have no effect at all on Ghost-type Pokemon! It's as if they weren't there! But you'll have to see for yourself. Go get 'em, challenger! I believe in you!"

And as I climb the elevator, I realize that there is a quiz in front of us. "Question: What is 3 plus 5 plus 7?"

The left door is 2, the middle door is 16, and the right door is 15. I know the answer is 15, but I just want to battle the other gym trainers, so I decide to pick the wrong ones first.

The left door leads to Youngster Donny, he says, "Don't you have a Poketch? Or did you screw up deliberately?"

"No, I just want to battle you." I say. He uses a Gastly and a Haunter, so I use Absol, having him defeat the Ghost Types with ease using Dark Pulse. "Gwaaah! I was done in!"

The middle door leads to Lass Molly, she says, "Ehehe! You threw the quiz so you'd get to battle with me, right?"

"Yeah, for experience." I say. She uses Misdreavus, so I go with Murkrow and defeat it with ease. "Don't you know how to take it easy or anything? Geesh!"

After getting to the third floor, there is another quiz. "Question: What is 12 plus 28?"

The middle door is 40, which is the correct answer, but I decide to go left first, which is 30 and there is a Camper Drew. "I've been to all sorts of places. That means I know tons of things!"

He uses three Gastly, and I use Drifblim's Phantom Force to knock them all with ease. "Yeah, whatever. You can battle, too..."

The right door is 50, and there is a Picnicker Cheyenne. "I'm not afraid of picnicking anywhere, so I've learned all sorts of things."

She uses a Drifloon and a Misdreavus, so I go with Murkrow again and defeat them with Payback and Pursuit. "Your toughness... It's something new to me."

The fourth floor has a quiz, "Question: What is 3 times 13?"

The answer is 39 that is the door to the left. The door to the middle has the answer of 93 and there is a School Kid named Chance. "I study subjects like Pokemon and history... You know, all the important things!"

He uses a Haunter, and I go with Absol to defeat him with ease. "Oh, what in the - ? I didn't study enough?"

The right door has the answer of 33 and there is a School Kid named Mackenzie. "I've probably studied more about Pokemon than you."

"Really?" I doubt it, and she uses two Drifloons. I have Pikachu handle this one and Thunderbolt is the move that takes them all out, but the Aftermath is really annoying. "Oh, you! I feel bad that I'm so angry!"

When I reach the fifth floor, there is the fourth quiz. "Question: What was the first room's answer?"

Really? I know that the answer is 15, so this is the same as the second-floor doors. The left door has an Ace Trainer Allen. "Seriously, kid, why don't you answer the quiz properly? You could get to the Gym Leader without a problem! Waste of my time."

"I just like to waste your time, what about it?" He uses the three Pokemon and all of them are Gastly's evolution line. I have Absol to defeat them swiftly. "I kinda deserved that, didn't I? I gotta stop mouthing off like that..."

And then the middle room leads to another Ace Trainer named Catherine, and she says, "Ooh, ooh! You want to battle me? OK then, I'll do the best I can!"

She uses Misdreavus and Drifblim, and I go with Drifblim to defeat them with ease. "I squeezed out all my power... You're one impressive challenger."

"I still think it is quite stupid to defeat all the trainers, Ash should have just reach Fantina without much trouble." Barry says.

"But our Pokemon really need experience after all." Lillie says.

After reaching Fantina, she says, "Ohohoho! Finally, you have arrived! Since I came to this country, I try to learn new things. They hold Contests in this city? I say to myself, enfin, I will excel. That is why I dress this way. C'est une performance! Also, I study Pokémon very much. I have come to be Gym Leader. And, uh, so it shall be that you challenge me. But I shall win. That is what a Gym Leader does, non?"

"We'll see about that." I say.

She sends out Gengar first, and I say, "I wonder if you're going to use Hypnosis soon. Floatzel! I choose you!"

I send out my first Pokemon and command Floatzel to use Aqua Jet which Gengar dodges with amazing speed.

"I've seen that. The way Fantina's Pokemon keeps floating all over the place by that makes it nearly impossible for a challenger to land on an attack." Barry says.

"You see, this is how a Ghost Type Pokemon moves. Let's see how you deal with it, Ash." Fantina says.

I order Sonic Boom, which misses Gengar and hits the wall.

"There's not much of a battle to see if this keeps up. It's show time! Starting with one and only Gengar the Great!"

Gengar intimately circles Buizel with incredible speed and shoots upwards. Fantina commands her Gengar to use Shadow Punch. Floatzel attempts to dodge the attack but as Fantina points out to Dawn, Shadow Punch always hits its target. Fantina tells Gengar to use Hypnosis.

"I knew it was here. Now spin and use Water Gun!" I yell. Floatzel forms whips of water flying in all directions, disabling Hypnosis and trapping Gengar.

"Woah, they really stop it." Barry says.

"Don't move, Gengar, or you'll take damage!" Fantina says. "And don't let the body touch the water!"

But Gengar can't stop being hit and I say, "I guess our special training proves the strongest defense and can be formed into an attack too."

"That is an impressive move from a Top Coordinator like you, I say this move should be called Counter Shield." Fantina says.

"Counter Shield? That's gotta nice ring to it." I say back as Gengar tries to use Night Shade, but Floatzel uses Water Pulse to knock Gengar out of the battle.

"We did it, Floatzel!" I say.

"Wow, Floatzel is strong." Dawn says.

"It sure is a nice strategy with that Counter Shield." Lillie says.

Barry yells, "Man I can't believe Ash didn't even break a sweat!"

I decide to return Floatzel and send out Bronzor, Fantina says, "So you can see who's next."

Her second is a Mismagius, which is the ace that she uses against Lillie. "Now Ash, let me tell you something. Please keep in mind that Mismagius can't learn Hypnosis, and now it's time for me to ask you something. Exactly how you plan to deal with this."

"She sure is not keeping any secret..." Gladion says.

I remember the battles with Zoey and Lillie, so I have Bronzor uses Gyro Ball, and the attack is about to hit Mismagius before a Psywave stops it from its tracks.

"Bronzor, are you okay?" I ask.

"Well, there is still more I'd like to show you." Fantina says.

I try to use Metal Burst and Psychic for a Counter Shield, and Mismagius tries to stop it with the Psywave, but we still hit the Mismagius. Mismagius goes for Magical Leaf, which breaks the Counter Shield.

"I have learned the Counter Shield before the match on Gengar." Fantina says, and that makes me frustrated since we have a hard time thinking about that strategy. "Use Gyro Ball again!"

Mismagius goes for Dark Pulse, but we decide to use Gyro Ball and Metal Burst for the Counter Shield, and then Misgmaius tries to stop the Counter Shield, but Gyro Ball lands, and Mismagius is knocked out.

"Now Ash has three of his Pokemon left, it's a Three-on-one battle!" Lillie says.

"Ash is too much I can't take it!" Barry yells in frustration.

I decide to recall Bronzor, and Fantina decides to go with Drifblim, I know this is going to be the Pokemon I'm going to face, so I go with Pikachu. I try to have Pikachu use Counter Shield, but Drifblim uses Will-O-Wisp and Psychic to use the Counter Counter Shield, then uses Hypnosis to make Pikachu asleep and knock him out using Ominous Wind. Floatzel also suffers the same fate. The Bronzor also going to share the same fate, but with my calling, it wakes up and defeats the Drifblim with a Shadow Ball.

"I am dumbfounded! So very, very strong! You, your Pokémon, so strong! Your power is admirable! I shall honor it with this Gym Badge!" I take the Relic Badge from her and cheer.

"That Badge will let you use the hidden move Surf outside of battle. Five Gym Badges... But you must not forget this. There are many other Trainers. Strong Trainers, too. There are many more in Sinnoh. Have patience! You must become stronger, one at a time."

We understand, and then after we go to the Pokemon Center, Barry says that he's going to Iron Island to train for the next Canalave Gym, I decide to go with Canalave City for my sixth gym, and Barry reveals that it is specialized in Steel Type.

And this is the fifth gym, I hope you like it and the next chapter is going to be more traveling and evolving Pokemon.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Lapras, Eevee, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Turtwig, Monferno, Piplup, Staravia, Bibarel, Kricketune, Shinx, Roserade, Cranidos, Shieldon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Shellos (West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Stunky, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Gabite, Hippopotas, Skorupi, Croagunk, Carnivine, Lumineon, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Gliscor, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Rotom, Manaphy

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Swinub, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Stunky, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzor

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