Headcanons: Phobias

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Zib: Atelophobia, Cherophobia
Definition 1: Atelophobia is an obsessive fear of imperfection. Someone with this condition is terrified of making mistakes. They tend to avoid any situation where they feel they won't succeed. Atelophobia can lead to anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.
Additional: Zib is actually unaware that he has this fear. Hell he probably doesn't even know this fear exists.
Definition 2: Cherophobia is a phobia where a person has an irrational aversion to being happy. The term comes from the Greek word “chero,” which means “to rejoice.” When a person experiences cherophobia, they're often afraid to participate in activities that many would characterize as fun, or of being happy.
Additional: Zib is WELL AWARE that he has an aversion towards happiness due to a past event when he was still a freshmen mission chief.

Quadle: none

Stormer: Atychiphobia
Definition: In its extreme form, fear of failure is termed as atychiphobia. Individuals coping with atychiphobia can experience crippling self-doubt and extreme fear of failure due to the perceived ridicule one might face after a failure. Atychiphobia can severely affect the quality of life for the sufferer.
Additional: It was a whole lot worse in the past. Now he overcame most of it, but the fear is still there.

Bulk: Dystychiophobia, Arachnophobia
Definition 1: Dystychiphobia is a fear of accidents. With this specific phobia, you may feel anxious when you think about or see a place where you fear an accident may happen. Many people with this fear have had past traumatic experiences with accidents.
Additional: It's been there since the near accident in the episode "Core crisis" where Surge would've been crushed by iron girders if Bulk didn't save him.
Definition 2: Arachnophobia is an irrational fear of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions.
Additional: You may have read in one of the incorrect quotes chapters, but Bulk literally would literally climb up a wall to be far away from a spider on the floor. That's how bad his fear is.

Stringer: None

Furno: Athazagoraphobia
Definition: Athazagoraphobia is a fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten. For example, you or someone close to you may have anxiety or fear of developing Alzheimer's disease or memory loss. This might come from caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
Additional: It may not be an extreme fear as in going to have a breakdown because of it, but he's scared of forgetting someone or accidentally leaving them behind.

Breez: Trypanophobia
Definition: What is trypanophobia? Fittingly, the name combines the Greek term trypano — meaning puncturing or piercing — with phobia, meaning fear. This remarkably common condition is marked by irrational, extreme fear or aversion to blood or needles.
Additional: Breez doesn't have an aversion towards blood, but she really hates the thought of needles.

Surge: Somniphobia, Harm OCD (it can "sorta" get connects to a fear), Thanatophobia, Aquaphobia, Dystychiophobia
Definition 1: Somniphobia is an irrational fear of sleep. People may worry throughout the day about not being able to sleep. This worry can cause difficulties with focus or concentration. Often, somniphobia arises from a fear of having nightmares or experiencing sleep paralysis.
Additional: Surge has a reoccurring nightmare he's been having since like, 18 year every time he falls asleep.
Definition 2: Harm OCD is a term used to describe OCD when intrusive thoughts focus on the possibility of harming others. The thoughts can take the form of fear you'll harm someone close to you, a fear you'll harm a stranger, or a fear you've harmed someone in the past and didn't realize or don't remember it.
Additional: He has thoughts where he just wants to injure someone or even commit murder, making him sometimes scared of himself.
Definition 3: The anxiety of losing someone we love is called thanatophobia. Another meaning of thanatophobia is the fear of death, that is, when someone is afraid of death or their close one, they have thanatophobia. The Greek word thanto that means death and phobia means fear.
Additional: There was a close call in "Core crisis" where Bulk nearly needed a core transplant. And we all know Surge cares a lot for Bulk and the team.
Definition 4: Aquaphobia is a specific phobia. This is an irrational fear of something that doesn't cause much danger. You may have aquaphobia if you find that any source of water causes you an excessive amount of anxiety. This can include a swimming pool, a lake, an ocean, or even a bathtub.
Additional: Surge has this fear ever since he nearly drowned during a prank gone wrong a few years back.
Definition 5: Dystychiphobia is a fear of accidents. With this specific phobia, you may feel anxious when you think about or see a place where you fear an accident may happen. Many people with this fear have had past traumatic experiences with accidents.
Additional: One cause is the accident in "Core Crisis", the other is the prank gone wrong.
(Holy hell this boy has five fears)

Rocka: Skelephobia
Definition: The name is pretty self explanatory.
Additional: I wouldn't really call is a phobia as in an irrational fear, but Rocka feels uncomfortable around skeletons.

Evo: none

Nex: Coulrophobia
Definition: Coulrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear of clowns.
Additional: Nex never met a clown before so it's kinda hard to figure out why he has this fear. Or he watched "It". I think it's self explanatory.

Extra characters!!!

Grant: Emetophobia
Definition: Emetophobia, or the severe fear of vomiting or seeing others vomit, is surprisingly common. Kids who already tend to be anxious are more likely to develop it. It leads to fear of things they associate with vomiting.
Additional: It's still unclear what caused this phobia, maybe there isn't even a cause for Grant, we don't know.

Mr. Makuro: Thanatophobia
Definition: The anxiety of losing someone we love is called thanatophobia. Another meaning of thanatophobia is the fear of death, that is, when someone is afraid of death or their close one, they have thanatophobia. The Greek word thanto that means death and phobia means fear.
Additional: It is due because he has lost someone he cared for when he was around 40 or something.

Bot: Hemophobia
Definition: Hemophobia (also called hematophobia) is the fear of blood, wounds, and injuries. Hemophobia is categorized by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as a “blood-injection-injury” (BII) phobia.
Additional: It is more of an aversion towards blood, wounds and injuries. Which is kind of ironic considering the fact that the villains who get brought in to the VSU aren't exactly uninjured.

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