incorrect quotes #26 (ft. short stories)

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Far into the Future AU

Purge was lying on his back as there was a hole in his chest where his core would be. During the second Villains Vs Heroes fight, of which he fought alongside the heroes, he got a sword rammed through him, destroying his core and letting his body slowly fall to dust. He looked up at his brother, Von Ness, who hovered over him as tears fell from his eyes.

Purge: After I die, I'll come back as a purple butterfly.

Ness: *shakily* Don't say that Dark, please. Just, hang in there for a bit longer, we'll get you a new core and then everything's going to be back to normal just please. Stay with me.

Purge: You know it's not possible for me to stay alive anymore, Von.

Ness: *takes hold of Purge's hand* Please... We'll get you fixed. Just don't.. leave me.

Purge gave Ness' hand a light squeeze as he weakily smiles at him.

Purge: *closes his eyes as a single black tear rolled down his face* Thank you. For everything.

With that, the rest of his body disintegrates and a gust of wind blew the dust away.
Ness looked at the last bit of dust that remained in his hand and leaned over the spot his brothers layed as he sobbed quietly.

A few days later, after the fight, Ness was still in recovery at the Hero Factory and gazed out of the open window. A purple emperor butterfly flew in and landed on his hand. His starred at it, remembering Purge's words and smiled as new tears started to fall.


A boy named Randy was heading towards the front door with his bag when his mother approached him.

Mother: Where'd you wanna go? How much you wanna risk?

Randy: I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts. Some superhero, some fairytale bliss. Just something I can turn to, somebody I can kiss..

Mother: ... You want to stay with your friend who's running away, huh?

Randy: Yes. I promised him I'll be by his side no matter what. A promise is a promise.

Mother: I know I won't be able to convince you otherwise... *Hands him an amulet with a yellow gemstone* Please. Be careful out there. And come back when you have the chance to.

Randy put the amulet around his neck and nodded. He hugged his mother one last time before he left.



Surge: *standing on a chair while fixing a lightbulb*

Nex: *defying gravity again* Hello.

Cue the moment Surge falls off the chair.


POV: Surge finally learns to put his powers to use

Furno walked into the training sphere with Stormer and saw Surge standing amongst a bunch of deactivated or destroyed blank heroes. Some were cut in half, others had arrows sticking out of their heads and some more had impalement holes and two had Surge's daggers in their chests. Some also seemed to be exploded to bits.

Furno: Bro, what are you doing?!

Surge: *blindfolded as he held his scythe* Practicing.

He flicked his hand upward, sending the last blank hero flying upwards and hitting the ceiling. He pointed his finger back down and the blank hero got bashed into the ground with an ugly cracking sound.
Surge made the scythe disappear and took the blindfold off as he looked around himself.

Surge: ... Okay I wasn't expecting this amount of damage.

Furno: I am scared of you.


Child AU

Surge (15)  finished school earlier and waited for Rocka (13).
After a while of Rocka not showing up, he got worried and went to look for him. Behind the school, he saw a few teens who seemed to be between 16 and 18, standing around his brother. One of them picked him up by the collar and threw him on the ground. Rocka himself was already pretty bruised but he refused to start crying and just gritted his teeth at the pain. He felt blood slowly dripping down from the back of his head.

Surge rushed over and stood in fron of Rocka, just to realize that the teens were also taller and tougher than him.

Teen (leader): Oh look, this guy is protecting the little b-tch!

Surge: *sounding calm* That's my brother. He ain't no b-tch.

Surge: *smiles sadistically as his eyes slowly turned red* But I am.

With that Surge clenched his fists and punched the leader of the gang in the stomach. He stumbled back, put hands to his stomach and bend forward. He gagged a few times before he threw up on the floor in front of him. His friends backed up in terror as they starred at Surge who still had his fist tightly clenched.

Surge: What? You guys want one too?

The teens quickly picked up they're leader and ran off. Surge watched them leave, before he picked up Rocka while his eyes turned back to blue.

Surge: Daniel, can you hear me?

Rocka: *nods weakily*

Surge: *bends down and collects Rocka's school stuff that fell out of his bag, before he picked it up* Does it hurt a lot?

Rocka nodded again and buried his face in Surge's chest as he sobbed quietly.

Surge: It's okay, big brother's here. I'll take you to the school nurse's office, okay?

Rocka: Mhm.


Zib was in his office flipping through some files when a sudden rush of dizziness came over him as he stumbled and held onto his table to keep himself up straight. It wasn't long until he fell on the ground and fainted.
Quadle, hearing the thud, floated in.

Quadle: [Zib?]

He was shocked to see Zib on the floor, but also surprised because he seemed unusually small.


Aria: *sees Quadle* Hey Quadle, where's Zib? Is he working from home today?

Quadle: [Ah well, no. You see, he had a small incident, not a bad one though!]

Aria: W-where is he then? Is he okay?

Quadle points at Mr. Makuro who is a bit down the hall. In his arm he was carrying the little child version of Zib.


POV: Someone pissed him off

Surge: Funny. But not funny "haha". Funny-

Surge: *voice deepens* If you do that again I will peel you like a f-cking banana.


Bulk: I'm not scared of lions or tigers or bears.

Bulk: *points at Zib with Websy* But I'm scared of that thing.


He can't handle spice

Furno's eating instant noodles in his room (since that's so far the only he manages to make).

Furno: This is pretty good.

Spice kicks in.

Furno: ...


Rocka was on the couch reading, when he heard someone run down the stairs. He turned and saw Furno running into the kitchen.

Rocka: You okay?

Furno: I ate spicy ramen!


Shadowzone: *enters HQ*

Quadle: [Zib, the b-tch is here.]


No one:

Me: *squats*

My knee: CRACK.


Psycho Surge AU

Surge: *shifts his hand into black claws and looks at them* ... Mother.

Zib: *writing notes behind the safety glass* What is it Surge?

Surge: Am... I a monster?

Zib put his things aside and entered the room. He sat down in front of Surge and smiled at him.

Zib: You're beauty never ever scared me.


Imagine this happened

Bulk is in a coma after getting freed from the girders. The team was near his bed.
Bulk suddenly opened his eyes, shifted the pillow and went back to being in a coma.

The team: *freaking out*


Rocka in a nutshell

Fortis: Focus.

Rocka: I'm focu-

Rocka sees a bird fly past and watches it. After it disappeared from sight he turned back to Fortis and laughed nervously.


Zib: ...

Stormer: Something wrong Zib?

Zib: No I'm just thinking. What would I look like if I let my hair grow out?

Stormer: ... I dunno.

Lynn: Don't worry, I got it.

Zib: Lynn no-

Boom. Zib now has long hair that reached to his waist.

Zib: ... *Takes off his glasses and pinches his nose bridge as he sighs*


Mafia AU

Furno's team were asked to do an assassination on one of the rich people in Makuhero City.
Furno and Breez watched, from a building, Surge getting rid of
two guards at the entrance and getting rid of they're bodies.

Furno: *through his earpiece* Surge, there are more inside. Think you can handle them?

Surge: *snorts as he cleaned the blood from his hands* Obviously, cap.

Surge threw a smoke grenade into the room where the rest of the guards seemed to be and got in. One of the guards immediately saw him and was about to call for his comrades, when Surge shot him in the head with his pistol that had a silencer on it. Some other guards turned around in alarm when they heard a thud.
Surge managed to snap the neck of one of them, slit the throat of the other and shot a third on in the chest. But now the smoke started to clear. As soon as the last two guards saw him, they were going to call for backup but Surge shot them dead at the same time with the two guns he always has by himself. He put one away and reloaded the other, before he took out his dagger and threw it at a guard who just walked in. The dagger embedded itself into his forehead and he dropped dead.
Surge went over and pulled it back out.
He scanned the room and saw some security cameras.

Surge: *smiles to himself* The cameras are off, just like the messenger said. *Through his earpiece* Alright, coast is clear. Y'all can come in now.


Zib is out shopping with Wolfie when the alarm went off.

Speaker: Everyone please leave the building. There is a shooter on the loose. Please evacuate the building immediately.

Zib: *sighs as he takes out a gun and a pair of cuffs from his bag and checked if he still had his pocket knife* I do this bullsh-t like eight times a week.


Every game needs a player

Game 1: PUBG Battlegrounds
Player: Duncan Bulk
Weapon: MA41

Game 2: Murder mystery
Player: Preston Stormer (Virus)
Weapon: knife

Game 3: Five nights at Freddy's
Player: Natalie Breez
Gear: Flashlight

Game 4: Backrooms
Player: Mark Surge
Weapon: Metal pole

Game 5: Slenderman
Player: Julius Nex
Weapon: Halogen lamp

Game 6: Flicker (Roblox)
Player: William Furno
Ability: Psychic

Game 7: Zombie Attack (Roblox)
Player: Jimi Stringer
Weapons: Uzi (gun), Fire brand (sword)

Game 8: Resident Evil
Player: Nathan Evo
Weapon: M1911, knife

Game 9: Granny
Player: Daniel Rocka
Weapon: shotgun


When your parent has fighting experience

Zib was walking home with Stringer and Bulk (both 5) on a rainy day while holding their hands.
Stringer and Bulk saw a puddle and proceeded to jump into it, still holding Zib's hand and accidently flip him over. Zib managed to land on his feet although he landed in a part of the puddle and got wet either way.


Child AU

Stormer had this one teacher during highschool, who would always compliment how cute he looks, his grades and occasionally wink at him. He felt uncomfortable but tried to shrug it off. It was fine until he suddenly failed a test out of the blue. The teacher asked him to talk with him after class about that.

Stormer: I don't get it... I studied weeks for this test! How can I fail it?

Teacher: I don't know. But I can offer you tutoring so that we can make sure you understood this subject. Come to my house ******-******-street at 6 pm, you'll be more than welcome.

Stormer: Uh... Okay...

6 pm

Stormer's teacher waited for him to arrive, when the doorbell rang. He smiled and got up to open it. He did not make the appearance as if he wants to tutor Stormer but more like teach him something else.

Teacher: *opens door* Hello Preston, glad that you could make it. Let's get down to business right away-

He trailed off when he realized who stood in front of him. It was Thresher and Zib. And behind them was Stormer, who told them about the incidents.


Creepypasta AU

Lynn: *locked herself in her room* Nuh-uh, ain't no way I'm going downstairs.

Surge: *from the living room* Oh Lynn!~



Nothing is stopping him at this point.

The team was having complications on a mission against Rotor, XPlode, Corroder, Meltdown and Thunder.

Stormer: *takes a breath* Here goes... SURGE! NOW!

The others, knowing what's going to happen, activated their particle separators and backed up. Surge put his weapons away and threw his hands up as electricity started to zap around his whole body and his eyes became bright white.

Surge: A lightning bolt can make the surrounding air get 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun and has the power of 300 MILLION VOLTS!

With that he put his hands on the ground and the electricity immediately spread to the surrounding areas, electrocuting everything in it's path.


Student AU

It was PE and the class got divided into boys vs girls basketball teams. The girls were falling behind with the scores.

Boy: Girls will always be losers!

Breez had the ball and charged towards the opponent's basketball hoop. The boy who said that earlier tried to stop her, but she got passed him and brought her team back into the lead with a slam dunk.


Shadowzone was bullying Aria again until Zib came and pulled her away and walked off with her.

Shadowzone: What? No fighting this time? Looks like you really are as pathetic as your so called hero team.

Zib stopped at that. His eye twitched as the markings on his face turned black. He pulled out a gun and directed it at Shadowzone, although Aria was holding him back from doing more.


Purge: DON'T pet me. If you pet me, I will rip your arm off!

Purge: *pulls Nebula down so that they're the same height* Unless it's this idiot doing it. Then it's fine.


It was in the middle of the night when someone stepped into a graveyard. They didn't look around, they headed straight to one of the graves. The person stopped in front of a grave with the name "Clara Robertson". It was the grave of a girl who died 10 years ago at the age of fourteen.
The grave itself looks like it hasn't been taken care of for a while now. The person standing in front of it took the dead flower out and planted a new one in and watered it. Not without complications since this guy. He doesn't have normal hands.
After he finished all that, he sat down in front of it.

Corroder: Hey sister. It's me, Chris. Or Corroder as I'm famously known as. It's been quite a while, hasn't it?


Backrooms AU

The whole team got clipped into the Backrooms (Lv 0) and none of their powers work. They decided to rest for a while before they continue searching for an exit.

Surge: *sits up* I hear a sound.

Furno: *half asleep next to him* It's prolly just a mouse.

Surge: I see them in the dark.

Furno: I only saw a spark.

Surge: I know there's something there.

Breez: Not as far as I'm aware.

Surge: Why don't you believe me?!

Surge: Maybe you're right.

Stormer: It's just another night.

Surge: But I heard a creak.

Bulk: Just go back to sleep.

Surge: I'm always quick to rage.

Zib: So go back to your place- Wait... Now I hear it.

Surge: Run.


Psycho Surge AU

Zib was in Surge's "room" talking to him when one of the science team members walked in.

Scientist: Zib, I need you to leave so that we can conduct the experiments on him.

Zib: ... *Slowly stands up* Experiments? Is that why he was in pain the last few days?

Scientist: What pain that thing doesn't show a thing like that.

Zib: Thing? You're calling him a THING?! Surge is a living being just like you and me. And you're treating him like an object that has no feelings and think it's okay?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!

Scientist: Look, just do me a damn favour and leave. I need to do my job and it would be a whole lot easier if you left. And even better if you stopped visiting him.

Zib: You know what? No. I won't leave until you give me a damn good reason why I should. I remember very clearly that Raven Su said that he will be put under observation and nothing else except harmless tests. And I also got permission to see Surge whenever I want. So tell me. Why should I leave?

The scientist has had enough and went to forcefully remove Zib from the room, when Surge stepped into action. A pair of black Wings formed from his back and he used them to knock the scientist back, making him hit the opposite wall and leave a bloody spot on where his head hit. He then put his arm around Zib and held him in a protective manner, glaring at the scientist.


Furno: ... I wonder how the basement looks like, I never went down there.

Furno goes down and checks it out.

Furno: Wow, it's huge. What's over here? Oh, empty boxes. A lot of empty boxes.

He noticed a shadow behind him and turned around.

Surge: *t-posing* The fitness gram pacer test-

Furno: *throws a box at his head* NOT TODAY SATAN!


Hero Factory in Demon Slayer

Surge: *listening to his brother's conversation*

Furno: *in the distant* MARK!

Surge: *turns around* Hm?

Surge: *sees Furno run towards him*

Furno jumped towards Surge, who ducked right on time, causing Furno to fly over him and face plant onto the ground.

Furno: Ow. *Looks up and sees Surge in front of him* Oh hi Mark!

Surge pats him on the head.


Serena went out to find food and already devoured a person, when a group of heroes blocked her way out. She starred at them before she smiled.

Hero: What are you smiling at?

Serena: You're in trouble~

Purge: *perched on a lantern* Sorry boys, but this is the end for y'all.


Thresher: You're really short. What if you had to deal with people of my size?

Zib looked up at Thresher who was also taller than Stormer.
Zib shrugged. He jumped and did a sideways spin kick in the air. He kicked Thresher on the side of his head, making him fall to the side, and landed on his feet again.

Him reacting to you saying: You're such a homophobe!

Furno: How can I be homophobic? I'm gay.


Child AU but it's Zib's generation

Zib was taking things out of his locker when he tilted his head and dodged a paper ball thrown at him. He picked it up and turned around to the person who threw it.

Zib: What do you want, Zed?

Zed: A decent fight is what I want Nathaniel.

Zib: *shrugs* So be it.

Zib threw the paper into the bin on the other side of the hall, put his backpack and hoodie away and tied his shoulder long hair into a messy ponytail.
He approached Zed as some other students already started to form a circle around them.

Zib: You sure you want this?

Zed: Oh I've been waiting for this my whole life I'll tell ya that.

Zed put his hands up in a combat fashion, when he saw some others shaking their heads.

Joe: Don't don't don't.

Aria: Don't don't don't!

Bot: Don't don't don't.

Zed shrugged it off and turned back to Zib. And felt a chill run down his spine. Zib was still the same, standing there with a slight smile, but his aura has changed. It felt different. More...


Heroes are good people, they say. Heroes don't kill others, they say.

Furno: What's wrong with Surge? He's acting all tensed up since training.

Bulk: I don't know. He won't tell us.

Zib: I believe he's reliving something that was traumatizing to him.

Rocka: Which is?

Breez: *to herself* Can't be the drowning one...

Bulk: What?

Breez: Nothing!

Zib hesitates to tell them, but sighed.

Zib: The trauma of killing someone.


Breez: *dealing with a homophobic person*

The whole team plus Wolfie and Lynn: *holding flags representing their sexualities* TASTE THE RAINBOW MOTHERF-CKER!!!


Just a Stormer Breez duo

Stormer got a good grip on his drumsticks, gave Breez a nod and hit the first beat. Breez immediately joined in with her flute. The two continued to play, while Stringer recorded the two from the recording room.


Nex: When I'm sad, I sit down and cry. But when my boyfriend is sad, he gets to the bottom of the pool and pretends to be a crab.

Nex: *leans over the pool edge* Babe! Do you want cuddles and affection?

Evo: *pokes his head out of the water* Yes please...


How these two became brothers (before Rocka existed)

Surge: *crying* AHHHHHH!

Bulk: *cries with him* AHHHHHH!

The two look at each other.

Both: *crying* AHHHHHH!


Thunder: We all know that Purge is basically a cat.

Nebula: Yup.

Thunder: Does he also have good balance?

Nebula: Not all cats have good balance.

Nebula gestures to Purge who is trying to walk in a straight line and repeatedly falls over while walking, to a point he just stayed on the floor and gave up.


Surge was making breakfast with Shadow and Meghan sitting by the table watching cause they wanted to.
The toast popped out of the toaster and Shadow fell off his chair.
Surge and Meghan looked at him and he gave a thumbs up.


But he's a kid.

Purge: *holding Nebula's hand with a blanket wrapped around his body as he seemed to be half asleep*

Nebula: *picks him up*

Purge: *purrs quietly as he snuggled into his chest, before he fell asleep completely*

Nebula: I might die at the end of the day because he's so damn adorable, but it'll be worth it.


Nebula: So we got a bed for Dark's room as soon as he moved in. And today, I found out-

Nebula: *points at a big box* That he sleeps inside the box instead of the actual bed!

Purge: *opens the box from the inside and pokes his head out* Okay one, I don't sleep I only take naps. And two, it's comfortable leave me alone!


Core Hunter: *falls asleep while leaning against a wall*

Purge: I know it's three in the morning but you gotta stay awake man.

Hunter starts to tip over.

Purge: *trying to hold him up* Hunter! Core Hunter! CH I swear to god!-

Hunter finally jolts wake but they already fell over, with Hunter on top of Purge.


Child AU

The family went out fishing. Rocka (6) was  pulling the line back, when Thresher bursted out of the water. Rocka screamed and ran to Zib.


Trying to calm Surge down be like

Surge: *sitting on the couch*

Furno: Is he angry or something?

Breez: He woke up and decided to have a bad mood.

Furno: Hm... Welp, only one way to calm him down.

Furno went over and reached out a hand to pet him, when Surge ducked out of his reach.

Surge: No.

Furno: *tries again*

Surge: *dodges again* No!

Furno: *tries again*

Surge: *lifts up a hand and hits him in the face* I said NO!

Furno put a hand to his nose for a few seconds before he lowered it again. There was blood on his hand from his bleeding nose.
When Surge realized what he has done, he scrambled off the couch and ran to get tissues.


Nebula: When you see a floof sleeping in it's natural habitat, do two things. Move to the floof. And then boop the floof.

Nebula approached the large box in which Purge was taking a nap. Purge was laying on his side, in a fetal position. Nebula leaned over and reached out. He gently poked his cheek. Purge stirred a bit but continued to sleep with a slight smile.


Purge: *sitting on the balcony terrain and leaned against the wall it connects to*

Corroder: *comes out* Oh heya Purge.

Purge: *lifts up a hand in a wave manner* Hey Corrod- AH!

Purge tipped to the side and fell off the balcony.

Corroder: *looks down* PURGE!!


Kiss your pet on their head and see how they react.

Raven: *kisses froggy on the head*

Froggy: *boops her nose*


Breez: *give Snowflake a kiss*

Snowflake: *rubs her head against Breez*


Zib: *literally doesn't know what to do and decides to just pet Websy on her head*

Websy: *reaches out to his finger when he stopped and pulls it back down*


Rocka: *kisses Bolt on the forehead*

Bolt: *gently presses his head against Rocka's*

Lysander: Hey I want kisses too!

Rocka: *snorts and gives Lysander a kiss on the head*

Lysander: *happily growls and snuggles his head against Rocka*


Purge: *gives Ginger a kiss on the head*

Ginger gives out a fox laugh and nuzzled him.


Bulk: *walks into the basement* Oh what's this?

Siren: *plotting revenge for the pranks he did on her* Oh it's just. *Grabs the door handle* Your demise!

Bulk: *high-pitched* AHH-

Siren slammed the door shut, silencing Bulk's scream.
Wolfie is wheezing at his cut-off scream.


Purge got cuffed by some heroes and was now on his knees in front of them.

Hero #1: Don't even think about trying to get away, we won't hesitate to shoot. Besides, they're power draining cuffs.

Purge: *scoffs and smiles at the hero* I may not be able to do anything, but they can.

The heroes turn around and stood face to face against Core Hunter and a gang of Shadow Villains.

Core Hunter: Another few hero cores to add to my collection.


CH: *looks at Purge wearing glasses* Four eyes.

Purge: You have six.


Another the boys meme cuz yes

Surge: *sitting on the couch while Rocka and Furno were arguing behind him again*

Cue the moment Surge lifts Furno and Rocka up and sends them flying to opposite sides of the room with his powers.


Far into the future AU
During the second Heroes Vs Villains fight

Rotor and XPlode were laying next to each other on the ground as they were slowly bleeding to death.

Rotor: Heh, guess this is our end then.

XPlode: Yup. Got that right.

Rotor: Hey, just so you know, I'm glad that we're married.

XPlode: I'm happy that we're a couple as well. Promise me that we'll meet again? In our next life?

Rotor: I promise. And you know that I never break promises.

They took each other's hands and smiled, as they both drew their last breath.


How Websy came into Zib's life

Spider: *picks up Websy* This kid is not my child!

Spider: *yeets her away* Woooo!

Websy: *now on Zib's hand; starts dancing* Because I am the one!


XPlode: *stands up and falls* F-CK!

Purge: What's wrong?

XPlode: Forgot I can't walk for a while.

Purge: Why not?

XPlode: Cause my helicopter boyfriend kept his promise for last night...


Stormer: Hey Siri.

Phone goes on.

Stormer: What is happiness?

Siri: Happiness is when you forget your homework and the teacher is absent the next day.


The brothers did this.

Bulk: Guys! Wolfie let me use her lipgloss so we can finally do it!

Rocka: She uses lipgloss?

Bulk: Well no, that's why she allowed us to use it.

Surge: Let's do it then!

Bulk took out the lipgloss and drew a half heart on both of Surge's cheeks. He and Rocka then out the side of their faces on Surge's, leaving an imprint of the half heart. They then got into a good position and took the picture. Between the three of them were now two hearts.


He's going feral

Rocka watched a fight between Shadowzone and Zib from a distant, when Zib got knocked back and hit his head pretty hard. With closer look, Rocka saw that he was bleeding. A lot. Zib couldn't even get up anymore like he usually does.
Shadowzone started to approach Zib, when Rocka ran up and hit him across the face.
Shadowzone yelped and covered his face. Blood was dripping down from three deep scratches. He glared at Rocka, just to find himself looking up at Rocka in his XL lion form, blood running down his claw hand.


Stormer: Siren, truth or dare?

Siren: Uhh truth.

Stormer: How many hours did you sleep this week?

Siren: ... I choose dare-

Stormer: I dare you to go to bed right now.


Corroder: Your bones would probably never touch another person's bones.



Purge: That sounds like a f-cking challenge.

Corroder: *mentally* What have I done-


These three in a nutshell

Surge: No one at school wants to be friends with me!

Bulk: Yeah totally can't relate to that problem. But you know who no one likes? HEY ROCKAAAAA!

Rocka: *pokes his head on* Okay, first of all, how dare you-


Virus: When life gives you lemons say "I don't want your damn lemons! I'll burn your house down with combustible lemons!"

Breez: ... Darling, do you crave destruction?

Virus: Yes.


Teleporting to your traumas.

Surge: *after reading that* Why is it in plural? Wait... No no no no no no NO NO!

Surge first gets teleported to when Core Hunter offered him a deal.
Next the scene where Bulk gets buried under the girders.
Then Surge nearly drowning in a lake.
The discovery of his new and deadly powers.
The cases where his nightmares seemed like reality.
And the last one is when he killed a civilian.


Child AU
Protective boyfriend

Stormer (19): Dude, leave me alone!

Guy: It's just one simple question. Will you be my partner for the ball?

Stormer: And my answer is still no!

Guy: Why?!

Stormer: Because I'm already taken!

Guy: Who could possibly want you, other than me?

Someone grabbed the guy by the neck and pinned him against the lockers.

Ness: That would be me.


Stormer: Ask me something specific that I normally wouldn't tell you.

Stringer: Okay uh does Breez ever peg you?

Stormer: Sometimes. Wait-

Stormer: *blushes* FVCK! WHY THAT?!

Breez and Bulk are laughing in the background.


Child AU

Student #1: Why do you look so nervous?

Student #2: I heard that a new kid is coming to our school. He's fine in general but if he's with his brothers, then they can be a deadly trio.

Student #1: Pffft, as if you believe that.

Student #2: Well, rumour has it that this kid disemboweled a man with a toy shovel when he was younger.

Student #1: I've heard of that rumour but I'm sure it's not true. I bet he's just a weakling.

Student #2: Well just make sure his brothers don't find out you said it cause there they are.

The student pointed to a group of three. Rocka (10), the new student,  got picked up by Bulk (18) while Surge (12) stood next to them, although he didn't watch them. Instead, he glared at student #1.


Future AU
Evo and Nex adopted a girl.

Max: I want to introduce everyone to my dad's!

Boy: Ugh... This is so embarrassing.

Teacher: Enough Billy.

Max: It's fine Miss Green. At least my dad's chose me. Your mother didn't have a choice.

Evo covered Nex's mouth so that he didn't laugh, while he surpressed his own laughter. The teacher was too stunned to speak.


Mafia AU
Surge and Furno's last argument ever.

Furno: GOD I wish I never knew you!

Surge: "Never knew you"? You wish you never knew me, huh?

Furno: *realizes what he just said* Surge I-

Surge: Well I wish that I never joined this team because I have to deal with YOUR ego! I wish I never joined the mafia because I have to deal with your overconfidence and stupidity! And you know what I hate?

Surge: The fact that I ever loved you. The fact, that I'm working my a** off for you to notice me and you only work me back down. And especially-

Surge: *shakily* The fact. That I still love you. Despite everything.

Furno: *reaches out to him* Surge please-

Surge: *turns away* No. I've had enough.

With that, he stormed out of the room they were in.


Zib: Hey Mak?

Megahertz: What's up?

Zib: How come I haven't heard of you for years? I mean, you didn't even release a new song or anything which you usually do.

Megahertz: Well uh-... Promise you won't freak out?

Zib: Depends but I'll try.

Megahertz: So I went on vacation.

Zib: Uh-huh.

Megahertz: I tried out rock climbing. Went pretty well in the beginning.

Zib: *getting worried* Uh-huh.

Megahertz: Then once I fell off.

Zib: *internally panicking* Uh-huh..

Megahertz: I couldn't react properly and fell quite a bit.

Zib: Oh god...

Megahertz: Shattered quite a few bones.

Zib: Mhm..

Megahertz: And by the time the safety team could stop my fall, I was already unconscious and then I proceeded to slip into a coma!

Zib didn't say anything but you could clearly see he's internally freaking out.


Actor AU

Surge: *gets thrown away by Meltdown during Breakout* I'm flying through the air. This is not good.

Splitface, Stringer and Meltdown: *laughing* You're suppose to scream!


Child AU

Zib: *blows a kazoo and then gives it to Stormer (5)* Your turn!

Stormer: *holds it in front of his mouth* Wuaaaaaah!


This is fine.

Mr. Makuro: Hey, how you doing?

Zib: Well I'm doing just fine.

Makuro gives him a sceptical look.

Zib: I lied I'm dying inside.

Mr. Makuro sighs and pulls Zib into a hug.


Raven and Splitface: *starring at each other*

Raven: *smiles* Ahh.

Splitface: AHHH-


Rocka: What does Y-E-S spell?

Phantom: Yes.

Rocka: And what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Phantom: Yes.

Rocka: *laughs* What does E-Y-E-S spell?

Phantom: E yes?

Rocka: *laughter worsens*

Phantom: ... What is happening?

Rocka: *calms down a bit* What does Y-E-S spell?

Phantom: Yes.

Rocka: And what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Phantom: E yes.

Rocka: *starts to cry laugh*

Phantom: What are you crying for?

Rocka: What does- *wheezes*

Phantom: What are you?

Rocka: Okay, let's try this again. What does Y-E-S spell?

Phantom: Yes.

Rocka: And what does e- *snorts* e-y-e-s spell?


Rocka: *proceeds to crack up once again*

Phantom: Ees?

Rocka: *keeps laughing*

Phantom: A yes?

Rocka: *snorts in laughter*

Phantom: *confusion written all over his face* You're making me-

Rocka: *on the floor* I CAN'T BREATH!

Phantom: E-Y-E-S... E yes!

Furno: *walks in; starts laughing*

Rocka: *stands up* Say it again, what does E-Y-E-S spell?


Rocka: *needed Furno to hold him up as he laughed*

Phantom: Yes?

Furno and Rocka: *both fall over as they laugh*

Phantom: WHAT?!

Rocka: *sits up* GOD! *keeps laughing*

Phantom: You're making me cry what?

Rocka: *takes a few breaths to calm down* E-Y-E-S.

Phantom: E... Y... E... S...

Rocka: *is on the floor laughing while holding his stomach*

Phantom: ... Eyes!

Furno: *bend over laughing while hitting the ground with his first*

Rocka: *literally dying right now*


God AU

Zib was welcoming a new outcast of a civilization, when they asked of the devil exists.

Zib: The devil is real. And he's not a little red man with horns and a tail.

Zib looked at Surge who was a bit far off. He still had his wings chained up. And with a curse, or seal in other words, placed upon him, he's unable to break the chains and can only use a minimal amount of his powers.

Zib: He can be beautiful. Cause he's a fallen angel, and used to be the gods' favourite.


God AU

Zib wandered through the forest when he saw a little boy, probably only 10 years old, sitting on the ground, crying.

Zib: Hey little one, what's wrong?

The boy looked up at him. He had a blindfold covering his eyes.

Boy: I-I g-got kicked out o-of my village...

Zib: Why?

Boy: B-because I h-have death e-y-e-s.

Zib: So everything you look at dies?

Boy: Y-yes.

Zib: That's okay. You can live with me and other people like you. What's your name?

Sam: S-Sam. Where are you g-going to take me?

Zib: *smiles* Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination. Come with me and you'll see, into your imagination.


Grant: Oi Surge. Heard ya came back from a mission. How badly did you fail-

Grant trailed off when Meghan and Shadow came out of Surge's shadow and towered over Grant.


XPlode was out in the forest when he heard crying. He looked around and found a baby in a basket with a note. He picked up the note and read it.

"Whoever finds my little daughter, please take her in and treat her well. As you may have noticed from her appearance, she's not exactly a normal robot and there is a group of scientists who take these sort of people away from their families. I've had the same fate and escaped, but they're looking for me. Don't bother searching for me as I will be in hiding. But I can't take care of my daughter. Please take her in and raise her, as I can't do it myself as her mother anymore. I named her Samara. She's born on the fourth of July, which makes her now almost two months old. Thank you."

After reading it, XPlode picked the child out of the basket and examined her closely. She had patches of what seemed to be scales on her body, horns, a tail and a pair of small wings. Her main colouration is light blue, but the scales are dark green. The wings were green that faded to blue.
Samara's crying calmed down slightly and she looked at him. Her eyes were yellow with slits as pupils. XPlode cradles the child and she calmed down more, as her pupils got a more rounder shape.


XPlode: *holding up the baby* This little sh-t is now my daughter!


Just let it all out.

Purge was doing the dishes when water started to leak from under the sink.

Purge: *panics, turns off the tab and looks for towels* Oh, f-cksh-t, b-tch, damn c-cksucker, p-ssy, a**hole, c*nt, mother f-ckin' dirty wh*re, sh-t onto my lunch
Pissc-nt, damn b*tch, suck my d-ck-

Nebula: *walked in with Ginger and is concerned*

Ginger: *confused*

Corroder: *trying not to laugh*

Purge: *wiping away the water* Jesus Harold Christ. Sh-t b-tch, c-cksucker, Goddamn motherf*cker, p*ssy.

More water leaks out.

Purge: A**HOLE C-NT!!


Surge was in the backyard during a storm.

Zib: *by the door* Surge! Get back in here!

Surge: But I like it out here!-

A bright flash appeared when he got struck by lightning. Zib was blinded for a moment and couldn't see well, but when he did, he saw that Surge was still standing. Although his core glowed brighter than usual and some sparks of electricity zapped around his body.

Surge: Wow. I really needed that supercharge.


Put your hand near your pet's head but don't pet them and see how they react.

Breez: *puts her hand near Snowflake's head*

Snowflake: *waits to be petted; realizes Breeze isn't coming closer so she just walks over and snuggles herself into her hand*


Zib: *puts his hand near Websy*

Websy: *waits for a moment before she reached out and held his finger with her two front legs*


Raven: *reaches out to Froggy but stops*

Froggy: *ribbits in protest*


Rocka: *has his hand hovering over Bolt's head*

Bolt: *lifted his head up just a little bit and it touched Rocks hand*


Rocka: *has his hand over Lysander's head (who needed to lower it since he's three times the size of Rocka)*

Lysander: *waited for Rocka to pet him, only to find out he's not going to and sits down in a corner sulking*


Purge: *has his hand near Ginger's head*

Ginger: *ears flattened when he didn't pet her and snuggles into him, thinking he was on a bad mood or something*


Bulk: You know what's better than 69?

Stringer: What?

Bulk: 88.

Stringer: ... What?

Bulk: 88! Why?

Stringer: Yeah..

Bulk: Because you 8 twice.

Stringer: ... *insert surprised Pikachu face*



Zib and Surge: *both drinking coffee*

Stormer: How many cups did you two drink today?

Both: Yes.

Stormer: Like please, it's an addiction at this point!

Both: *sipping intensifies*


If he had his own house.

Furno: *hears a noise* Hello?

Person: Heyyyy.

Furno: Where are you?

Person: The-... The kitchen?

Furno: Cool help yourself. Also, while you're at it, can you bring me a sandwich?


Surge: *cutting an avocado*

Wolfie: *pokes her head in* Whatcha making?

Surge: Avocado salad.

Wolfie: Cuz you're hungry?

Surge: Yes.

Wolfie: Right, be careful with the knife!

Surge: Roger.

Wolfie left and went back upstairs, when she heard a scream and ran back to the kitchen. Surge had dropped the knife and avocado halfs and was trying to stop a bleeding. He had split through the avocado pit and cut his palm and now blood was gushing out of it.

Surge: GET NEX!


Training with Purge be like

Purge ran up to XPlode with his sword. XPlode, holding his spiked club, raised it up and swung it at Purge. Purge dropped to the ground and skidded underneath it. He turned around facing XPlode as he skidded to a stop on all fours. XPlode picked his club back up from the ground, when a rope on which a kunai was attached to, wrapped around his neck and tightened as soon as he tried to pry it off. Purge tugged, the rope became tighter, XPlode gasped for air as he fell backwards. Only when he was desperately trying to loosen the rope, Purge let got and went to help him.

XPlode: *rubbing his neck on which were marks from the rope as he tried to catch his breath* Are you trying to kill me or something?!

Purge: I'm preparing you for a possible fight that's going to happen between you and the heroes.


Corroder tackled Purge from behind, just to get thrown onto the ground judo style.


The villains managed to get some robot dummies, similar to the blank heroes. The dummies were upgraded to a more violent and rapid but coordinated fighting style. Nebula and Meltdown were already having complications while the others are doing... Okay.
Purge dropped down from the ceiling and landed on the back of the dummy Nebula was dealing with, crushing it beneath him. He raised a hand and a black spike impaled the dummy Meltdown was fighting.


Merciless (warning: this is long one)

Purge encountered a small hero team on his killing spree and had to fight them. He already injured every single one of them, using his powers to his advantage. The leader called for retreating and they ran off. Except for one. A young male hero in a blue and turquoise colouration had his leg impaled, a cut across the left eye and he also had a slash across the stomach area. He called out for his team leader, but he got ignored. By the whole team. The leader was at the far back of the group, when a chain with a blade similar to a scythe attached to it, wrapped around his neck and pulled him back, making him gasp for air. Purge pulled the hero to him by the chain and didn't let go when he was just a feet away.

Purge: So tell me... What is this young hero to you?

Hero leader: A- a team member!

Purge: And is it a good idea to leave a team member who is close to dying with one of the most dangerous villains alone while the rest of the team ignored his calls and runs off?

Hero leader: I-... I-

Purge: *pulls harder* IS IT?!

The leader was running out of air and couldn't answer anymore. Purge scoffed and shoved him away, though the chains remained around his neck.

Purge: How heartless. Even a person like me who kills people for fun knows that you should never leave a teammate behind. Consider this as your punishment.

With that, Purge started to pull on the chains again. The leader, who regained some breath for a moment, screamed in pain as the chains started to cut through his neck. Metal creaking is heard as blood started to drip. The rest of the team watched in horror.


Purge paused and looked at the injured hero.

Purge: You want this guy to live? The same guy who left you to die?

Hero: I know he couldn't care less about me. I know what he did is wrong. But I can't let him die... Not now.

The young hero stopped and coughed up some blood.

Hero: *weakily* Please... I-I'll even join you in exchange for his life!

Purge's eyes widened at that. The young hero tried to stand up but sacked again due to his injuries. He tried again and managed to stand, although his legs were shaking.

Purge: ... You're determined. I can tell.

Hero: I don't care what you do to me... As long as you leave my team alone.

The hero remind Purge of his old self. He would have done the same if his ex team got attacked. Purge looked at the team leader sitting on front of him. Blood was dripping from his neck and mouth, but he was still alive. After a while, Purge gave in and took the chains off of his neck.

Purge: *to the rest* Get your leader and scram before I change my mind.

The other heroes quickly picked up their leader and made a run for it.
Purge looked at the young hero, who sat back down by now.

Purge: What's your name?

Waterwhirl: C-Christian Waterwhirl. S-sir...

Purge: Don't call me sir it's weird... Well Waterwhirl.

Purge: *walks up to him and lifts up his face by the chin* Welcome to the villains.


Criminal Surge

Guy: Y'know what else you shouldn't do when there's a masked killer on the loose?

Surge: *in a disguise* What?

Guy: Follow someone into a dark, creepy alleyway. Alone.

Guy: *leans against a wall* I mean... *Chuckles* How do you know I'm not the killer?

Surge: ...

Surge: Because I am.

The guy looked starred at him.

Surge: And for one I know you're not the killer because I know you're Furno.

The guy laughed and took off his disguise as well, revealing that he really is Furno.

Furno: You're good at this Surge, you're good at this.

Surge: Thank you. But you should leave now before someone sees us.

Furno: C'mon, I came here to see you!

Surge: You were with me the whole night. You need to go before the heroes get suspicious.


Hero Traitor AU (an alternate future AU)

The alarms were going off. Someone hijacked the security system and now the villains who were contained are escaping while others were starting to enter the Hero Factory. Heroes ran to get their weapons, mission chiefs and other workers ran to the safe rooms. Surge stood in mission control as he watched the chaos. He leaned against the control panel and smiled to himself. Stormer and Furno ran passed him, when they stopped, noticing how calm he is.

Furno: Why aren't you heading to armoury?

Surge: Because I don't need to.

Stormer: Reasonable but why aren't you heading to the VSU or fighting off the villains who already entered?

Surge suddenly started to laugh. Furno and Stormer looked at each other with a bad feeling in their cores.

Surge: Because I don't need to!

Stormer; What do you mean "you don't need to"?! You're a hero! It's your duty to-

Surge suddenly lifted Stormer up via his powers.

Surge: I don't need a lecture from you, Alpha leader. Because your not my leader anymore.

With that, he threw Stormer onto the ground. Upon impact, an ugly crack was heard and Stormer yelled out loud. The impact has broken his back and he's rendered useless. Furno starred at him. When he looked back, Surge already swung a sword at him. He would have given Furno a deadly cut if it got to his core, but instead Zib ran up in time and stood in front of him. The sword gave him a large slash across his face. Surge froze when he realized what had happened. Zib looked at him. The cut has blinded one of his eyes as the blood ran down his face and dripped onto the ground.

Surge: You shouldn't be here... Mother.

Zib: Well... Thought I should see you one last time as my son. Because afterwards. We're going to be enemies.


Men who don't cheat: What do you do?

Bulk and Stringer: Okay first of all, WHY WOULD WE-?!

Stormer: Spending time with Breeze or the family or training, I dunno.

Nex and Evo: ... Not much in particular actually. The usual?


They got no f-ck's to give at this point.

Bulk: *recording himself, slightly red faced* This is me after three shots.

Bulk: *moves the camera to Surge who is face down passed out on the couch* This is my younger brother after three shots. But my YOUNGEST brother-

Bulk: *camera moves to the kitchen where Rocka, Stringer, Furno and SOMEHOW Zib were doing a drinking game with shots while the rest watched or cheered* Is with these motherf-ckers-


Zib: Life is short. But also, terribly, insufferably and painfully long. At the same time.


Human child AU

Teacher: Ah uh, Mark? Could you please take off the hood?

Surge (9) reluctantly took off his hoodie and his hair, which he hid underneath it, immediately fluffed up.


Surge: *wants to end his life*

Purge: *is a part of him; wants to live*

What's the result?

Wolfie: ... So let me get this straight. You want to die, but whenever you're close to dying, you want to live?

Surge: Yes and it's a torture.


Nebula: ... So you're dealing with Surge's suicidal thoughts and you try to stop him from doing anything by temporarily taking over his mind but you also experience frequent suicidal thoughts yourself?

Purge: Yes and it's a torture.


Stringer: ... Since when did we have a pole in the dance studio? Like, a pole strippers use?

Lynn: I installed cuz why not? Thought it might be interesting to see who practices that.


Hiking be like

The team (without Zib and Quadle) went on a hike and had to cross a river. Evo was the last to cross and slipped. He fell into the water and got dragged away by it.

Nex: *turns around when he heard a splash and sees Evo floating away* NATHAN!

Evo had zero fucks to give and just floated on his back down the river.
MEANWHILE, Nex, being a panicked boyfriend, ran after him, quickly followed by the rest.


This is what they do home alone

Surge is recording Rocka building a pyramid out of Plastik cups. When he finished, he turned to the camera with a deadpans expression and gave a thumbs up.
And Bulk INSTANTLY launched himself at the pyramid and knocked everything over.

Camera is shaking cuz Surge is trying not to laugh.


Rocka was going home when he saw a police car speed by. It went over a bump and leapt up. It landed again and continued. But when it was about to go around the corner, the car swerved, tipped to one side and flipped over.

Rocka: *already running to the scene* Oh fu-


Video: *the woman put a tennis ball on top of a basketball* When dropped it jumps higher. WAY higher.

She drops the basketball with the tennis and the tennis ball went FLYING.

Bulk brought a basketball to the beach and jumped off the harbour into the water with it. The basketball FLEW into the sky.

Bulk: Science b-tch!


Ah yes. bRoTheRs

Rocka got hit by a truck and was in the hospital. He was alright and alive, so his brothers decided to mess with him.

Surge: *genuinely crying*

Bulk: *patting his head* Shh, it's okay, he's in a better place now, it's okay.

Rocka: *had his arm in a cast and a bandage around his head* Guys, I am right here.

Surge: I can still hear his voice...

Bulk: I know, I do too...

Rocka: ... I will kick you in the nuts.

That got Surge and Bulk to break and start laughing.


Zib: *from HQ* This is Nathaniel Zib calling Alpha-Team, Alpha-Team do you read me?

Stormer: *flying the ship* Loud and clear sir, we'll be back in a few minutes.

Zib: Roger that. I wanted to warn you that you'll hit some strong turbulences on the way.

Breez: *copilot* Roger that chief. We'll keep a lookout-

She got cutoff when the ship started to shake violently. The others in the back could be heard screaming and falling out of their seats. Because it happened so suddenly, Stormer and Breez couldn't control the ship and they crashed into a forest.

Amongst the wreckage of the hero craft, the screen flickered and Zib appeared again.

Zib: Nathaniel Zib to Alpha-Team, are you alright?

Surge: *pushes a piece of metal off of him as he limped over* Yup.

He looked down at himself and noticed that his leg was in a weird angle. He was also bleeding from a cut across the chest. The others were crawling out of the wreckage. Bulk was knocked out with blood running down his face from a cut in the forehead while Nex tried to help the badly injured ones, although he was bleeding himself and his left arm seemed to be completely useless and hanging down his side.

Surge: ... Or at least all alive. I hope.


Nex: I hate my sneeze...

Evo: Why?

Nex: Because it sounds like a-... A-

Nex stopped and sneezed. His sneeze sounded like a child sneezing.
Evo awed as Nex covered his face in embarrassment.


Quadle: [... So the cashier said "Have a nice day"]

Zib: *laying on the couch* Yes.

Quadle: [And you said "No thank you"?]

Zib: *has his head against the wall* Uh-huh.

Quadle: [... Because you thought she was going to ask if you wanted a receipt?]

Zib: Yes.


Student AU

Rocka took a part time job as a bartender so that he can pay for his studies.

Girl: Hello?

Rocka: *put the drink he was mixing away* Hey there, what can I get for you?

Girl: Uhm... An Angel Shot please.

Rocka: ... Who?

Girl: The guy in the corner with the blue shirt and red baseball hat.

Rocka: *walks around the bar* We'll take care of that, don't worry.

(Angel Shot Meaning: The Angel Shot isn't actually a shot – or a drink at all. Put simply, the Angel Shot is something that a patron can order to let staff at a bar or restaurant know that they feel unsafe. In this way, employees can intercede and potentially head off a dangerous encounter.)


Breez: ... Remind me, when did I give Lysander to you?

Rocka: A few weeks ago.

Breez: ... And he's already that big?

Rocka: *standing in the backyard with Lysander who is thrice his size* Yup.


Megahertz: *face timing Zib* Ayooo Nathaniel! Guess where I am?

Zib: I can clearly see the Hero Factory behind you.

Megahertz: Haha! Yup, got that ri-

Next moment Megahertz is seen falling into the water surrounding the Hero Factory. He scrambled out of it.

Megahertz: I fell into the water with my phone, can you still hear me?

Zib: *surpressing a laugh* Loud and clear.


Megahertz: *in podcast no. I forgot* Ah come on, Stormer and I go way back when! He's just a big teddy bear.

Breez: *relistening to it* Back then I thought that as weird since Stormer didn't seem like that. But now that I'm dating him, I agree with Megahertz.

Stormer: Baaaaabe...


Purge: *went out after a rainy day and slips on the steps outside*

Purge: *gets back up and fixes his cape* Welp. The stairs are very slippery.


Liz: Hey Daniela! You up for today?

Daniela: Most likely. I did plan on going to the gym again.


Daniela and her friend Liz were on the treadmills, when someone, who was driving recklessly or lost control over the car, crashed in through the window, right towards them.
Liz managed to save herself by running away before it came through, while Daniela's treadmill was already getting pushed back. She jumped off of it and did a tuck roll and remained unharmed.


Surge was making pancakes with Rocka. He tried to flip the pancake, when the pan broke off from the handle and hit Rocka straight in the face.
Surge covered his mouth and was scared because Rocka already woke up in a bad mood.
Rocka had a hand on the side of his face.
And started to laugh.
Surge, relieved, laughed with him.


Remember your seatbelts!

Furno sat on the passenger seat with his feet on the dashboard, while Stormer drove the car. Stormer suddenly slowed down and Furno slid into the gap between the seat and the dashboard because he didn't have his seatbelt on.

Stormer: Oh frick.

Furno: Sh-t. *Laughs* Oh god I'm stuck.


The oven was making a weird buzzing noise and nothing happens no matter how many knobs Furno turns or presses.
Zib went over and kicked the oven and the buzzing stopped. Furno tried to turn on the oven and it stil worked. It was back to normal.

Zib: Sometimes, violence is the answer.

Surge and Virus wheezed at that.


Zib had a coffee break as he had a somewhat pleasant look on his face.

Bot: ... Zibby.

Zib: Hm?

Bot: There's blood, seeping through your mask.

Zib touched the side of his face and felt the blood. He took of his mask and put his fingers on the cut he gave himself. It was bleeding again.

Zib: *looks at the blood on his fingers as it also ran down his face* And I thought it was just ghost pain or something. The scar popped open again.

Zib: *walks off* Right, see ya around Sam! I'm getting new stitches.


Road trip gone wrong.

The jeep they rented got washed away during a flash flood with the team inside it and then got stuck under a bridge.
They managed to all climb out.
Except Surge.
He fell into the water and dragged Furno along with him who tried to help him out.


Zib was in the training room fighting against blank heroes.
He used his twin katanas to cut the last two in half. After that, he looked at the damage he did. It wasn't enough. It will never be enough to let everything out. On top of that, the cut on his face was bleeding again, despite the new stitches he got. He couldn't even enjoy the pain like normally.
Zib put the katanas away and sighed.

???: Scream.

Zib: *looks around* Who was that?

???: I'm you. And you can't find me. I'm in your head.

Zib: What do you want?

???: I want you to scream. It will help.

Zib: I-I can't...

???: Then let me help. Not the first time I did.

Zib was about to say something, when he clutched his head and stumbled. The markings on his turned black and his pupils dilated. He gritted his teeth, trying to hold it back until he couldn't hold it anymore.
He opened his mouth and screamed so loud, it echoed through the room and even the halls.


New characters!

Name: Max Kuragari
Age: 12
Birthday: 28/10
Info: Max's father died when she was four and her mother put her into an orphanage because she couldn't finance their living anymore. She got bullied due to her eyes and horns, with things like "Only villains have red and green eyes and only demons have horns!" And stuffs like that, but she shrugs it off. But that's also the reason why no one adopted her, because she's apparently a "bad omen". It wasn't until in the future, Evo and Nex adopted her. Sometimes, as a joke, she would say her last name is "Nevo" which is a combination of her dad's last names. She will start appearing after some future events.

Name: Samara
Age: (in the pic) 1 year old, (currently) nearing two months old
Birthday: 04/07
Info: Due to the fact that she's a robot dragon (or human dragon in the pic) hybrid, her mother left her in the forest for her own safety, otherwise a science team would have taken her and her mother away. Just like dragons, she has a rapid growth and some dragon features such as wings, horns, tails and eyes. Samara also learn some dragon powers like changing her size once full grown and fire breath. She especially loves the forest as she's partially a forest dragon. When she's feeling negative emotions (or when growing up, sexuell arousal) her pupils become slits. But when she's calm, they become more round. Samara gets adopted by XPlode as he heard her crying and grows up with the villains.

Remember this guy from my previous chapter with the Creepypasta AU? That's a redesign based off of a backstory idea my friend gave me.

Name: Mark Surge
Age: 10 (physically), 28 (actually)

Backstory: Mark was playing hide and seek with a friend of his. His friend was the seeker and he went to hide. He decided to hide in a closet in the basement. Minutes passed. His friend didn't find him. Mark then decided to go back, when he realized the lock of the closet was shut. He was locked in. Mark banged against the door and screamed, but no one heard him. Then he started to cry uncontrollably and never stopped. He was reported missing and police searched him, but they never came to the idea to look in the basement. Eventually, Mark died of suffocation and is now a dead spirit (like Ben Drowned and Sally Williams). Mark himself didn't know and when he dropped out of the closet, he was happy and ran to his parents. But instead of welcoming him, they screamed in fear. The tears running down his face were now black and so were his eyes. He only had white pupils.  The rest of him was the same. His father tried to kill him with a gun, just for the shots to pass through him. Mark, filled with anger and close to a temper tantrum, grabbed a knife and brutally murdered him. The mother went to grab the gun when Mark blocked her way. "Let's play hide 'n seek!" He said with a smile. "You hide, and I seek!" Mark closed his eyes and started to count. Mrs. Surge ran off and hid in her room in the closet. Minutes passed. She thought she was safe when the doors got opened. Neighbors reported screaming sounds o f a guns shooting from the house and the police went to investigate. They found the deceased bodies of Mister and Mrs. Surge.
Mark himself, after killing his parents, found an odd pleasure in doing it. He wanted more, but first took a break because he still felt guilt for being responsible of his parents's deaths. Wandering into the forest, he realized with dread that he would be stuck on earth forever. He has gained a more physical appearance, being able to grab things and only passing through walls and similar a certain amount of times each day and levitating above the ground. He was later on found by Zib and then taken in into his new family.

Info: Mark is technically 28, but because he died at ten, he's stuck as a ten year old. He's rather playful and always seeks attention.

Zib: Not now honey, I'm busy.)

Since he's found a liking to killing people, he does it more often. At least four times a week. He would break into people's houses and play hide and seek with them. Sometimes he would also recite the song "Hide and Seek" By Lizz Robinette while playing. If the victim gets found, they die. If not, they survive. For the time being. He will hunt them down until they're dead. Currently, he's hunting down a teenage girl named Lynn who keeps slipping through his fingers. No, it's not the main universe Lynn. This Lynn doesn't have any powers and can only rely on her own survival instincts.
Mark has found a particular liking to join Zib on his assassinations. (He's shorter than Zib btw).

I really need to start making shorter chapters...

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