quotes to think about

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Stormer: Only the ones you give your heart to, can break it.


Stringer: Sometimes silence is the loudest noise.


Traumatized child AU

Grant: *to Surge* Hey, let's be friends forever!

Surge: *looking at a missing poster a few months later* I still kept the promise. But it would be so much easier if you were here.


V.Boss: I don't need company. Just a wall, to keep them away.


Criminal!Surge: Is it wrong to kill killers?


Nebula: Born during war and fallen. During a war.


Suicide!Surge: I thought death would give me peace. Eh... How naiv...


Traitor Surge AU

Furno: Some mistakes, just can't be done twice.


Royal AU

Stormer: Sometimes a cold heart just needs a warm smile.


Zib: When people ask me how I am I usually answer with "like sh-t". But I can't say I feel like sh-t because I don't have a reason! But when I say "I feel like sh-t" then they'll ask "Why? What's wrong?". Then I'll have to say "Uhm, I don't know, everything." So instead, when someone asks me how I am, I'll answer with "Oh I'm super".


Human AU

Dew: You did everything, just to be loved by your dad.

Grant: And yet, it was never enough.


Mr. Makuro: We can never get used to someone leaving, that you loved. I don't think we'll be able to accept it. Ever.


Surge: Depression doesn't mean you're constantly crying. I can have the loudest laugh. I can act like an extrovert and seem like I'm the happiest person alive. And then the next second you feel like you forgot how to live, how to be alive. You can't take care of the smallest things in your daily life, especially yourself. You don't lack the desire, but the will. You just don't see the use in things. Then you have to tell yourself that you have to get up. Just laugh and do it. As if we want to...


Daniela: When you lose someone you loved, then no candle and no prayer is able to replace the fact that the only thing left, is a hole in your life where this person, who meant something to you, once was.


XPlode: You should never pick a flower, if you're just going to play with it. You should just let it keep growing.


Nex: Happiness is not the absence of problems. It's the ability of dealing with them.


Rotor: Feeling sad after making a decision, doesn't mean it's the wrong decision.


Rocka: You're not stressed because you're doing too much. You're stressed because you're doing too little of what makes you feel alive.


Evo: The lesson you struggle with, will repeat itself, until you learn from it.


Breez: Death is like drowning. So I will swim as well as I can, until I can swim no more.


Bulk: Your biggest fan is a stranger. Your biggest hater, is someone you know.


Furno: I've always told myself this in life. What if... Everything you're going through right now, is preparing you for what you asked for?


Quadle: [This is a really deep quote I heard. It goes: "When you get what you want, that's God's direction. When you don't get what you want, that's God's protection." Think about that.]


Thunder: Kindness is a language which blind people can see and deaf people can hear.


Corroder: Sometimes to save someone, you must fight them.


Purge: I was in pain. I was hungry. I was depressed. I felt empty. I was lonely. Everything hurted. Every day was the same. But then, all of a sudden. I felt how something cracked inside of me.


Cheated Child AU

Zib: *after his divorce* It takes one minute to like someone, one hour to fall in love with someone, but to forget someone, you need your whole life.


Megahertz: It's hard to pretend you love someone when you don't, but even harder to pretend you don't love someone when you do.


Future AU

Surge: *watches Purge play with his adopted son* A person who is constantly laughing, has a backstory that can make you cry.


Fire Lord: Let go. Or be dragged.


Stringer: Do you listen or just wait to speak.


Nebula: You might be the sweetest peach on a tree. But some people just don't like peaches.


Witch Doctor: Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today.


Bot: Living in the future is anxiety. Living in the past is depression. Only good way is to live in the present moment.


Furno: You don't notice your progress in life because you're always raising the bar.


Quadle: [Don't set yourself on fire just to keep others warm]


Stormer: Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes it's a quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow".


Lynn: Human memory is completely unreliable. What we remember is distorted to conform our biases.


Rocka: Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I hate you. And conversely, just because I agree with you doesn't mean I like you.


Purge: Admitting to a mistake is not a weakness. Bending your back over it to cover it up and pretending like it never happened, is.


Stormer: Being in a job for a long time doesn't mean someone is good at their job. There's a difference between 10 years of experience and 1 year of experience repeated 10 times.


Wolfie: Humans overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year.


Thresher: You can't keep blaming yourself. Blame yourself once and keep moving on.


Nex: How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.


Evo: Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.


Zib: I wish there was a way of knowing you're in the good old days, before you've actually left them.


Mr. Makuro: What is the most important step mankind can make? Always the next step.


Breez: Accept your pain, but do not accept that you deserved it.


Bulk: When you've done things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.


Rocka: Not everything's a lesson. Sometimes you just fail and that's okay.


Stringer: It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.


Corroder: The circumstances of one's birth is irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life, that determines who you are.


All quotes used are from Reddit, other social platforms, cartoons, video games and real life people

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