incorrect quotes #37

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Zib: *sighs* Huh.. I just want to get this done..

Bulk: *suddenly standing next to him* Mommy!



Mattia: I feel bad, for not giving you a normal childhood.

Zib: So you're apologising?

Mattia: Yes. I'm sorry.

Zib: Okay, I don't forgive you.

Mattia: Matteo, I said I was sorry.

Zib: And I don't forgive you.


Fantasy AU

Kid: *grabs (child!) Phantom by his horn* Look at these tiny horns! You're probably the weakest demon I know!

Years later

???: Hey, remember me?

The demon turned around and froze, as he starred up at Black Phantom. Phantom's may have grown, but they weren't bigger than the demon's. On the other hand, he had two sets of horns, so he was still more powerful than the demon and played a much more important role than him.

Phantom: *smiles* Missed me?


Future AU

Furno: *points out of the window* Look Mark! A shooting star! Did you wish?

Surge: *grips his blanket of his hospital cot* Oh, I didn't have time..

Furno: Then is there something you want to wish for?

Surge: Yes..

Furno: *sits down enxt to his cot and puts a hand on his knee* What did you want to wish?

Surge: I was wishing that... We were two other people. Two people who did not need to say "goodbye" so soon...


Stringer: Where's Zib? He said he would be home almost an two hours ago!

Quadle: [I don't know, but I'm going to call him]

Like on cue, Zib walked in through the front door, flopped face first onto the couch and screamed into the cushion.

Bulk: Jesus Mom, what is wrong?!


Sttormer: What happened?

Zib: *sits up and inhales* I was arrested on my way back, because the damn police have mistaken me for my father. You'd think they would be smarter but apparently no! I only managed to get released because the police chief helped me.

Bulk: Isn't your dad Mr. Makuro?

Zib gave Bulk a look that read "I know you're stupid but not that stupid".

Zib: My biological father, Bulk. As if it wasn't enough that people look at me weirdly! I'm already half a celebrity, because I'm the son of a god damn serial killer!

Zib paused when he noticed the other four looking at him weirdly.

Zib: *groans* Not you too!


Creepypasta AU

Police: Damn, this killer is really good. We couldn't get one step closer to them over the past two years.

Stormer: Thank you very much.

The police starred at him. Stormer looked up and held his phone up.

Stormer: I was on a call, chill out.

Police: Oh, sorry... Paranoia..

Stormer: It's fine.

Stormer resumed his phone call.

Zib: *on the other line* That was a close one, Stormer.

Stormer: I know.


Shadow: What's one thing on your house that's broke, but you can't afford to fix it, so it just sits there broke?

Shadow: *snorts, while he's hanging upside down from the ceiling* ME.

Surge was in panicking mom mode, whe Meghan stood next to him, questioning her brother.


Creepypasta AU

Surge was floating in mid air, as he was talking to Rocka, when the door suddenly slammed open and Zib tumbled in, a hand over his stomach area. He was bleeding heavily and blood dropped from his mouth.

Zib: *looks up at them* Get... Nex-

Zib collapsed in the door way. Surge got back to the ground and ran off, while Rocka took care of Zib.


Rocka: Welcome, thanks for coming to out bar! What can I get you?

Zib: Rocka?!

Rocka: *looks up* Zib?!

Zib: What are you doing here?

Rocka: I work here!

Zib: You never told me you got a second job!

Rocka: I didn't?

Zib: No!

Rocka: Oh!


Pirate AU

There was a new woman in town and she immediately had all the men wrapped around her fingers. She had fair skin and a little rosy colouration in her cheeks, her eyes were as red as rubies and she had long purple hair which had some blue tint at the ends. She wore a matching purple short dress and over it a long red hooded robe. Her name is Marlene and she took a particular interest in the pirates.

Marlene: You must be one of the famous pirates I hear people talk about. Furno, am I right?

Furno: That's me.

Marlene: My name is Marlene, pleased to meet you!

Furno: You too.

Marlene: So, do you have anything planned for the day?

Furno: Well I'm going to collect goods for our next voyage and then help load the ship. I'm planning on meeting friends later in the afternoon.

Marlene: Is that so? Isn't one of your friends this blue haired boy?

Furno: That young lad? Well, yes.

Marlene: Tell me about him.

Furno: *sceptical* I don't see the need to tell you much about him, I don't know you. Why are you so interested in him?

Marlene: *slightly taken aback* Oh, it's nothing, I just thought I'd get to know you and your people.

Furno: Uh-huh.


Quick change

I changed Bulk from the Fantasy AU from a rock golem to a werewolf, because that's what I initially planned, but forgot. It would also fit his wolf form from Savage Planet


Fantasy AU

Evo reached up and touched one of Nex's antennas. Nex flinched a bit at that and Evo quickly retracted his hand.

Evo: Oh sorry.. did that hurt?

Nex: *laughs a bit* Not at all. It only tickles.


Thresher: Stormer. Your girlfriend's a Yandere!

Stormer: I know, she knows, everyone knows. And somehow I just love it when she's like that.


Joe: *starring at Su*

Bot: What are you doing you oaf?

Joe: She's pretty.

Bot: And you're ugly. *Drags him away as Su looked at them confused* Now let's get back to work.


Zib: Father why, do I feel sad, should I leave him alone or feel this bad?

Mr. Makuro: No no no, don't you choke.

Mr. Makuro walked over to Zib and out a hand on his shoulder.

Mr. Makuro: Go for the throat.

Zib: For the throat?..

Mr. Makuro: For the throat. Go for the throat next time you fight him.

Zib: *stares up at him, before he shook his head and looked off to the side* I... Don't think I should do that...


Zib: My highschool bully always told me I was gay and all I gotta ask is...

Zib: How the hell did he know before I did?!


Pirate AU

Rocka: Bulk.

Bulk: Hm?

They looked at each other, before Bulk realized what the problem is.

Bulk: Where is he?

The two got out of the water and onto the land, looking around.



Furno: Does anybody else like wake up in the morning and think...


Furno: Burn it all down.


Purge: I feel like if god wanted to make me mentally stable, he would've made me mentally stable. But he didn't, sooo.

Purge: *grins* Lock your f-cking doors!


Surge: If you ever need help then I-

Surge: Am not the person you should call because I need help as well.


Evo: You... Gave your "second personality" a name?

Zib: I didn't. Lynn did. His name is Biz.

Evo: Why?

Zib: I don't know, I don't see "him" as a split personality, because whenever "he" takes over, I'm also in control and the things I do are technically out of my own will, unlike Stormer and Virus. But oh well.


Biz: I know violence is not the answer but... Yes it is.


Furno: *throws an onion at Surge* Surge! Quick thinking!

Surge was preparing lunch when Furno said that. Without looking up, he caught the onion with one hand, took out a knife with the other and started cutting the onion.

Surge: Thanks.


Quadle: [Hey Zib, do you have any hobbies?]

Zib: Swimming..

Quadle: [Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to-]

Zib: In a pool of self hatred and regret.


Creepypasta AU

Thresher: *kicks down the door and walks in* Guess who's back!? It is I!

Stormer: ... Really dad?

Zib: You're the one who's paying for the door.


Creepypasta AU (again)

Person: I need you to kill someone for me.

Zib: *leaning against a wall* Tell me their name and show me a picture of them.

Person: *pulls out a picture and hands it to Zib* I believe you know him.

Zib: Mak Megahertz? The DJ?

Person: He's not just a DJ. I recently found out that he's also a killer in disguise. I want you to get rid of him.

Zib looked at them, before he smiled and crumbled up the picture. He pushed himself off the wall and took a few steps towards the person. They stepped back and tripped and fell, when Zib pulled his katana out at them.

Zib: Over my. Dead. Body.


Boss: *standing at the top of the stairs* What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase?

Thunder: I accidentally fell down.

Rotor: NITROBLAST PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay HIS part of our rent!

Jetbug: Thunder bet me fifty bucks that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than they did falling down it, so I slide down the banister to get my money.

Purge: I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by Rotor.


Aria: *at Bot's place* Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops!

Bot: *loads shotgun* I got this.

Aria: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-

Purge: *appears at the open window* Hai!

Bot: I should've expected it...

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