incorrect quotes #53

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Rocka: *with some baby dragons in his room*

Breez: *places another one down by his door*

Rocka: *opens the door and yoinks it*


1950: We will have flying cars!

2023: Do not eat the wrapper-


Furno: Girls like me and they're boyfriends love me.


Speeda: *for once ran out of energy and laid down flat on the ground*


Thunder: *picks him up and tucks him under his arm like a book*

Speeda: Yey.


Zib: Crap it's hot in here...

He was taking part in a meeting, ever so rarely wearing a suit. The meeting was held on pause for a bit as a break and Zib took off the jacket of his suit.

Bot: *walks in* Hey Zibby-

Zib: *jacket half off* Yeah?



Bot: *snaps a picture*

Zib: Eh-


(Human AU)

WD: I'm not a fan of nature walks.

WD: *pulls out Choco out of his pocket with one hand* At least I got this.


Zita: *throws a ball at Stormer*

Stormer: *throws it back* Not now Zita, I'm working.

Zita: *yeets it again and it hits Stormer's head*

Storme: Ow, gurl, stop.


Breez: *on the couch*

Surge: *pokes his head out of the shadow next to her* We've been trying to contact you about your cars extended warranty.



They're playing Scrabble

Stormer: *spells out a word*

Thresher: What's "yeet"?

Stormer: Yeet.

Bulk: *behind Stormer, yeets a water balloon into Thresher's face*


Thunder: My siblings keep asking me why I became mature after we adopted Speeda. Someone has got to be.

Thunder: And it's definitely not that puzzle addicted child.


Purge: A man with a book is more dangerous than a man with a gun.

Nebula: What do you mean?

Purge: *points at Bulk alone on the field with a book* If you guys want to deal with heaven's powers, go ahead. I'm outta here.


Lynn: *sends Surge the video above*

Surge: ... wat.


Speeda: *points at Purge sitting in a box* What is he doing?

Nebula: He goes after the motto "if it fits, I sits".


Not even ten seconds later

Speeda: *also sitting in a box*


Vortex: Infinity minus infinity is zero.

Thunder: Yes, but also no.

Vortex: What do you- *realizes* Wait.


Bulk: Let it be known to my care taker that mine stomach is filled with emptiness.

Zib: PLEASE, just say "Mom I'm hungry"!


Thresher: *doing something that can potentially piss off Zib*

Bulk: *copies him*



Boss: I have an army.

Stormer: We have a Bulk.

Speeda: I've got a jar of dirt!

Lynn (hero): I have scoliosis.

Corroder: I have osteoporosis.

Surge: I have crippling depression.

Thunder: I've got a blanket.

WD: I've got a cauliflower.

XPlode: I have- *realizes he ran out of ammo* nothing.

Vortex: I have a blade.

Samara: I have a rock!

Rotor: *propellers not working properly* I have been falling. For 30 MINUTES.

Kibou's body: *Points at Donovan holding his head* You have something I want.

Donovan: You got a big mouth, ya know that?



Rocka: I have dragons.

Furno: I have a feeling we're not even fighting anymore.


Speeda: *flops down on top of Thunder and falls asleep*

Thunder: ... Guess I'm stuck here now.

Voltix: I'm jealous.


Renata: You have how many partners?

Zib, with his four bfs and one gf: Total of five.


Renata: You're being greedy.

Zib: Bitch-?

The others: *wheeze*


Phantom visits Rocka at the bar

Rocka: Why won't you talk? Hm?

Phantom: *anxiety overload* Jelly beans.

Rocka: *sighs and pats his head* Jelly beans.


Stringer: Stringer here, can you hear me?

Zib's side: *static*

Stringer: ... *Takes out some tools* I need to update my audio equipment.


My hero-sona Brook Lynn

Lynn: *holding two Molotov bottles* DID SOMEBODY SAY KABOOM?!


Rocka and Furno: *arguing*

Evo: *covering Siren's ears while on the phone* Can you guys like stop having relationship issues while I'm on the phone with my dentist?


Furno: *trips over an obstacle and stays on the floor*

Breez: And would ya look at that. Furno has f-cking died.



Rotor: *hiding behind XPlode* Help meh. Save me from this gremlin.


Furno: *scared of his own son*


Villain Factory AU

Purge: I hate this. Why am I here. Why am I scared. What am I doing with my life.

Surge: *shows up next to him*

Purge: *turns around, screams and slaps him*


Kibou: *staring into nothingness while the training room is in shambles*


More of my hero-sona and Scorpio Team

Lynn: HASTA LA VISTA BABY!! *Yeets a total of five Molotov bottles and bails*

Jackson (mission chief): Remind me, how are you team leader again?

Lynn: *le shrug*

Lynn: I'm an idiot.

Raven: You're realising that just now?


Zib changed Bot's background picture to a spicy picture of himself

Bot: *gives him a kiss and takes his phone* Bye, love you.

Zib: Love you too.

Bot walked off and looked at his phone, before he paused and came back.

Bot: Boy, this all you?

Zib: *snorts* Yeah.

Bot stared at him for a brief second, before he smiled.

Bot: Can't wait to see that in person tonight~

Zib: Eh-


Harry Potter AU

Rocka: Expecto Patronum!

Surge: Eat slugs!

Furno: Bippity boppity bo!


Surge: That's not a spell.

Furno: Oh right right right. AVADA KEDA-


Thunder: The only scissors I possess are kid friendly scissors and I still managed to hurt myself with them.


Highschool AU

Quadle: *watches the students and teachers decorate the school with LGBT+ things* You weren't kidding when you said it's time to piss off some conservative straights by decorating the school.

Mr. Makuro: *wearing a gay flag pin on his jacket* Hey, it's Pride Month. Besides, with how 90% of the entire school is part of the community, it would be sad not to do something.

Zib: *has polysexual colour scheme based makeup on* We should keep the things up for the whole year just to piss of homophobes and transphobes all year round.

Nero: *wearing a trans flag like a cape*, You have read my mind.


Surge: You good?

Lynn: *currently having a crisis of having a crush on two different people and trying to figure out if it really is a crush or not* Oh yeah, totally.


Guy: Do you have a boyfriend?

Renata: Why? Do you want to ask me out in a date?

Guy: Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?

Renata: No.

Guy: That settled it-

The guy paused when Zib approached them with ice-cream. The twins exchanged a few sentences in Italian, before Renata walked off. Meanwhile Zib just looked the guy up and down, before leaving as well.


Virus: What did one tampoon say to the other tampoon?

Breez: What?

Virus: Nothing, cuz they're both stuck-up c-nts.


Breez: *wheezes*


Surge: Wanna see some real speed b-tch?

Surge: I'll show you some real speed.

Furno: Wait, Surge NO-

Surge already ran off to chase Speeda Demon who stole Furno's bike.


Zib walked down the mission control area, not registering the fact that everyone else was running away. It wasn't until blood splattered onto his face that he stopped. A worker who ran past him got their head decapitated by a sword and the blood got onto Zib.
A black and purple based robot was behind Zib, standing with his back facing him. The villain held a sword with a purple glowing blade, that had something similar to an eye in the middle of it.

Donovan: Imbeciles. We could have gotten the job done with this chaos.

Zib instinctively grabbed his gun knife, and fired a shot at the villain, just for the bullet to stop right behind his head and dropped to the ground.

Donovan: *turns around* You got quite the guts for a simple mission chief. I respect ya.

(Damn he's big compared to Zib. Sword reference at end)


Another day, another pain.
Shadowzone was back at it again.
Breez was just silently taking in what he's rambling, wanting it to end.

Nex: *walks up from behind and hits him over the head with an iron pole, maintaining a neutral face*

Breez: Sh-t's going down for real.


Highschool AU

Surge got cornered in the hall by an older high school bully.

Surge: *man f-ck my life*

Grant: *walks up* What's the prob, dog.

Grant grabbed the other student by the hair and slammed them against the lockers. The student fell to the ground, holding their bleeding nose, before the two went into a physical fight.
Surge was unfazed and watched while drinking his coffee.


Lynn: Scientists found a way to convert stress into electricity.

Zib: Where can I sign up? I'm gonna power the entire city.


Deal Accepted AU in a nutshell

Surge: I'm gonna end this man's career.

CH: I'm gonna give you my career.


Olivia: Mama, look! I found a friend!

Daniela: That's great! Who are they?

Olivia: Him!

Speeda: *waves* Hi!

Lizz: Ah, that's nice.

Daniela: *internally panicking*


Voltix: *wondering where Speeda wandered off to again*


This is the sword reference I made for Donovan.
Ask and Dare and character introduction chapters are in WiP (still).

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