incorrect quotes #54

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Purge: *holding a biscuit towards a shadowy corner*

XPlode: ... What are you doing?

Purge: Wait for it.

A pair of red eyes opened, before Samara held Purge's hand and took a bite out of the biscuit.


Surge: *sitting in a field*

Furno: *runs up from behind and proceeds to tackle him to the ground*


Mission failed successfully. Kinda.

Bulk ran over and knocked Surge out of firing range, just for the later to fall throw a portal he accidentally created, which then closed.

Bulk: ... Where's Surge?

Nitroblast: You knocked him into a different dimension-


Surge: *accidentally scrapes a knife against a porcelain plate*

Plate: *makes the worst, high pitched "EGHH" sound in existence*

Surge: *literally paralyzed for ten full seconds*


The team was on a routine mission.
At some point Kibou went to chase a villain in hiding.
A distant explosion is heard.

Kibou: *covered in ashes along the villain* Knew that explosive would come in handy.

Surge looked at a wire that is sticking out and burning, before pinching it to stop the fire.


Rocka: *walks in carrying a small female ice dragon*

Lysander: *lifts up his head* Dad, you brought her home!

Rocka: Yeah, I thought it'll be easier to take care of her, since she's so sick from being outside her natural habitat for so long.


Bolt: *has a few baby dragons crawl all over him, looking like he has no clue what he's doing*

Rocka: *wheezing*

Bolt: I may be over 100 years old, but I'm not ready for parenthood-


BP: *comes to visit the gang*

Brainy: *hiding on his back, only peeking over his shoulder with it's eyes*


Breez: So, how many do you have now?

Rocka: See for yourself. But just know, there's like, a lot of dragon babies in there.

Breez: *walks in and sees around twenty piling around Bolt and Lysander* Oh my-


Purge: I just found out how canadian marble foxes look like and I'm obsessed. Husky, but cat version.


Rocka: So uhm. We went out for a flight and took a rest in a forest, when Lysander managed to dig up a dragon egg. Assuming from how the egg wasn't in a nest, covered in mud and also had a small crack, it was abandoned. And now he insists on taking care of it.

Rocka: *looks over to Lysander who's laying curled up around the scaly dark blue egg* I couldn't refuse.


Zib: *causally pulls out a gun and headshots a blank hero while talking to Thresher*


Zib: I'm going to go to bed early to catch up some sleep.


Zib: *wakes up and looks at his alarm clock*

Clock: 3.69 AM

Zib: w a t -


Villain Factory AU

Meltdown: Deine Mutter, lol. (German: Your mom, lol)

Thunder: Ugh, deine Dummheit geht mir langsam auf die Nerven. (Your stupidity is slowly starting to piss me off.)

Speeda: *recording* Hehe, ja! Kämpft kämpft kämpft! (Yeah! Fight fight fight!)

Voltix: How do you understand what they're saying? And I thought Meltdown is French and Thunder is Spanish?

Thunder: Wir haven die gleiche Mutter, Idiot! Hat dein verdammter Schleim dein Gehirn geschmolzen?! (We have the same mother, dumbass! Did your fucking sludge melt your brain?!)

Meltdown: Na dann, wow! Du fühlst dich wirklich intelligent, was, Thunder? (Well then, wow! You really feel so intelligent huh, Thunder?)

Thunder: Du hast die Frechheit zu widersprechen, was? Fick dich, Meltdown. (You really have the nerve to talk back, huh? F-ck you Meltdown.)

Speeda: Ja, ja! Kämpft weiter! Weiter so! (Yes, yes! Keep fighting! Go on!)

Voltix: Speeda, I don't know how you understand what they're saying but this is getting concerning-


Surge, stuck in the anti-void: F-ck my life.

Splitface (Red): Oh hey Mark, come here often?

Surge: How the f-ck are you here? ... Why are you completely red? Where's your grey half?

Splitface (Grey): *an individual person* Hi.

Surge: Dear god there's two of them-


Furno: Hey, check this out.

Stormer: Hm?

Furno: *throws a paper ball at Evo* Hey Evo! Evo! Evo! Evo!

Evo: *trying to meditate* I'd appreciate it if you could stop.

Furno: Damn, he didn't do it.

After a bit, Evo was able to clear his mind, when another paper ball his his head.

Furno: Evo! Evo! Evo! Evo!

Stormer: Uhh, kid?

Evo: *suddenly standing in front of Furno* ALRIGHT LISTEN HERE YOU MOTHERFUCKER-


Evo, in a fight: *holds up a hand for a pause* Wait, it came loose.

XPlode: What came loose?

Evo: *takes off his tank arm* This.

XPlode: *screams*


Nebula looked at the robot sitting on an operation table. The robot had a similar build to Purge, just it's eyes were currently black and lines spread across it's entire body, coming from the purple core with a black V. A pair of incomplete wings were on the back.

Nebula: *holds up a hand to poke it*

Boss: Wait, DON'T-

Upon contact, the robot's eyes turned red with a purple hue and the lines lit up in a light blue as it powered on. It grabbed Nebula by the wrist and threw him across the room, against a wall, of which he slid off and landed on the ground.

Boss: *cringes* Are you okay?

Nebula: My head is spinning and my back hurts-


Past AU

Desiderio: Focus!

Hunter: Focus!

Desiderio: Relax!

Hunter: Relax! Max!

Desiderio: Yes?

Hunter gave Desiderio a kiss on the cheek, leaving him stunned, before running off to his first mission.

Hunter: I'll be off!

Desiderio: ... *Smiles* I'll be waiting for you, darling!


Nex: *posts a pic* On a mission with the gang.

Meanwhile in the background: Kibou was chasing his own head, Evo is trying to murder Rotor, XPlode is trying to stop Evo, Furno and Corroder were recreating a rodeo, Purge is watching in the background with Stringer, Bulk and popcorn, Stormer's standing next to them and is just disappointed, Speeda and Surge are playing Rock Paper Scissors Shoot, Breez is hitting Meltdown with a broom, and Rocka is... Where is Rocka?


Zib: Okay, 5 6 7 8.

Zib: I. Am ready. To give. ✨Up✨


Evo: *lays down cardboard letters on the floor, before squatting behind them and doing a peace sign*

The words: Fight Me.


Samara: *kicks open the door*

Corroder: *screams*

XPlode: She got it from you, why are you screaming-


Overprotective sister

Person: *about to punch Stormer*

Nadia: *grabs them by the wrist, before throwing them over her shoulder and into the ground*

Stormer: Sweet Jesus-

Virus: I like her.

Stormer: Virus, SHUT UP.


Bolt, in his humanoid form: *trotting and looking around in the city*

Person: *pokes head out of parked car* Sir, are you looking for your car?

Bolt: Oh no, I'm looking for my little adoptive brother.


Speeda: Look! Long noodle!

Voltix: What-

Speeda held up a baby green grass snake. It looked at Voltix and opened it's mouth like a smile.

Voltix: Why are you picking up random wild animals nowadays...


Nebula: Hit or miss?

Purge: Depression is a b-tch, huh?


Guy at club: *"talking" to Zib*

Zib: ... *grabs a bottle from the table*

Mak: NO-

Rocka: Ah Jesus...


Highschool AU

Thresher: *doing online class*

Zib: *walks in, sleepy* Baaaabe, I want cuddles...

Thresher: Professor, I'm working, I'll cuddle with you later.


Stormer: YES!

Breez: Julius, you owe me 5 euros.

Nex: God damnit...


Breez: You wanna go toe-to-toe, pretty boy?

Male Hero: Sure. I'll give you the first shot~


Stormer: *ran in to stop Breez from choking out the other hero*


Purge: Get back here! You know you're not fully recovered yet!

Vortex: *about to go out to spite heroes* My god, just let me do my sh-t...

Purge: What did you say?

Vortex: Uh, nothing chief!


Past AU

Nero: I'm a straight trans man.

Person: Oh, so you can't have kids with your future wife then.

His trans gf: *smug face*


Boss: Giving birth to my daughter was the worst thing in my entire life and it's not because of the pain.

Speeda: How do you give birth if you're a guy though???


Zib: *loosing his sanity and about to commit murder*

Fortiss just being his bubbly self in the back.


Newbie Villain: What can he do with a book? Hit me over the head with it?

Bulk held the spell book by the cover to the side. A glow came from the "eye" on the book and it turned into a staff. The top of the staff was like branches that intertwined with each other around a floating orb.

Bulk: You were saying?


Zib: *makes a face like he's about to murder someone*

Nex: *pulls a deadpan face with a lowered gaze as the atmosphere became heavy*


Patricia: Hurry up Jeremy! We have to get back to mom!

Jeremy: Gimme a moment!

The Shadow Villain had stabbed Evo with a spear in the stomach and was now trying to pull it out.

Evo: It's stuck, B-TCH!

Evo lifted up his tankarm and blasted Jeremy's head clean off.


Thunder: Are you going to tell what's going on?

Speeda: *at 3 am, playing a puzzle game on a laptop, with Mr. Noodles on his shoulder while also sketching in a notebook*

Speeda: I would...

Thunder: *standing with his arms crossed* Mhm?

Speeda: But. I think explaining it. Might give us both. An aneurysm.


XPlode: Right hand on the bible, God can strike me down if I'm lying.

XPlode: *points at Kibou, Siren, and Surge* THOSE MOTHERF-CKERS ARE CHEATING!


Zib: He might not look like he gets b-tches, but honey that d-ck is 11 inches-

Mak quickly covered his mouth while blushing.

Mak: *quietly* Not in public, professor...


Zib: *walks into the kitchen at 2 am, just to see Surge running around without causing a ruckus while Rocka is just keeping an eye on him* ... How long has this been going on?


Lynn: The ultimate weapon.

Lynn: *takes off her slipper* The slipper. It was invented before physics and is good not just for short range, but also far ranged attacks.

Lynn threw the slipper and it hit Surge on the back of his head.


Boss: *walks in wearing a tight tanktop*

Speeda: Sheesh you're ripped.

Voltix: *chokes on soda at that*

Boss: ... Thanks?


Lynn: Once I learn not to cry and stutter in heated arguments then IT'S OVER FOR YOU B-TCHES! OVER!


Zib: Remember when you told me to go to the pharmacy?

Thresher: Yeah?

Zib: They're out of my Anti-Depressants for five days.

Thresher: ... Oh my god-

Zib: It's going to be a fun week :D

Thresher: I'm going back to my place-

Zib: Through sickness and mental health, MOTHERF-CKER!


Daniela: It's amazing. My skin is nice and smooth, my hair is shiny and sits perfectly, it's incredible. What's my secret? I was at the stylist one hour ago before this take and when I get come and wash everything off, then of course I also look like a piece of shi-


My recommendations and ideas are going to get me either cancelled or be the death of me one day-

Me: *tied up in a chair, struggling to get free*

Kidnapper: Scream and I'll kiss you.

The kidnapper: *is Surge*




Stringer: *singing* And who's going to kiss this white robot-

Breez: *kicks open the door and it comes off the hinges* I VOLUNTEER! I VOLUNTEER!

Bulk: I just fixed that-...

Stringer: *snorts, continues* Who's gonna wipe away his tears?

Breez: I volunteer as tribute.


Electric Elemental: I'm the god of electricity! You should fear me!

Surge didn't give a f-ck and grabbed them by the head and smashed them into the ground, while electricity zapped around his body.

Surge: If you're a god then act like it.


Nsfw warning

The team was playing hide & seek and Breez ended up in Zib's closet, while the mission chief was working on a laptop.
Breez watched from a gap between the doors and noticed how Zib was a bit fidgety, but that's probably because of stress or caffeine overdose.
At least until Thresher walked in.

Thresher: Hey baby, how are you?

Zib: *turns off his laptop and turns around* Could have been better. I didn't get any work done?

Thresher: Why that?

Zib: Because you wouldn't turn it off...

Thresher: *takes out a small remote* Oh, this?

Zib: Mhm..

Thresher just smiled and set, whatever the remote was for, on maximum. Zib let out a gasp and moaned, which he then quickly stiffled by putting a hand over his mouth.

Thresher: *gets down to his height* You like that, don't ya?

Zib: K-Kirk, please...

Zib whined when Thresher went for his neck while shaking a little.

Breez: *realizes, mentally* Where's my phone? I need Surge to get me out of here-


Highschool AU

It was at night and heavily raining, when the doorbell to Surge's house rang. Surge went over and opened the door, to see Grant standing there, beaten up and bruised. He didn't have an umbrella, nor a jacket, not even shoes on. Just a shirt and pants.

Surge: ... He got drunk again, huh?

Grant: *nods*

Surge: *pulls him inside and out of the rain* Are you okay?

Grant: *shakes head*

Surge: *puts a hand on his bruised cheek* Do you want to talk about it?

Grant: *takes his hand and shakes head*

Surge: ... Do you want a hug?

Grant: ... Yeah..

Surge pulled Grant into a hug, completely ignoring that his clothes are getting wet, while Grant buried his face into his shoulder.


Zib: *working*

Bulk: *kicks open his door, with a fake gun* THIS IS THE WORK POLICE. You're under arrest for doing too much work!

Zib: *holds up a ruler like a sword* YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE! I'm not going back to jail!!



Furno, Bulk, Evo: *training at an ungodly time again* We're dead.


Core Hunter: I have two cats. *Holds up a black kitten with a white spot on the chest* This is Pearl, her moods are destruction and disrespect like towards my clothes. She also invades my personal space on a daily basis.

CH: *holds up an identical kitten* This one is Moon. He may look like he's always on crack, but I assure you. He is.


Villain Factory AU

Stormer: Virus is such a pussy. He's against violence, he prefers to verbally assault someone and never engages in fights against the heroes.

Virus: You better shut up before I make you commit suicide.

Stormer: I'd love to see you try, BITCH-


Bulk: You know, the saying "be gay, do crimes" is historically actually rather accurate. Why? Pirates. Apparently there were a lot of gay pirates like Blackbeard (who in more modern terms would probably be considered more as bi/pan).


Zib: Okay, here are the ground rules. You can punch me, kick me, pull my hair, I am A-OKAY being stabbed. Biting and scratching are on the table. You can use fire.

Bot: These are the ground rules? Is there ANYTHING off-limits?


Zib: Dammmmn man, you got something really SICK you wanna do, huh? Ohh you little perv. Alright, I like it! Don't tell me, surprise me.

Bot: *Took a moment to realize what they were actually talking about and hides his face behind a hologram*

Bot: *looks up* Wait, should I be concerned about the fire and stabbing part?-


Surge's VF self is over for the day

Surge: *holding a bat in front of him*

VF: Take it easy.

Surge: *goes backwards and falls with a scream*

VF: Or, you know. Fall down and scream.

Surge: What are you doing here?!

VF: *points at an injury on his abdomen* Mostly bleeding.

Surge: *throws the bat at him*

VF: *catches it* Alright, enough with the bat! If I wanted to hurt you, I would've already done it! And if I'm being honest, you have a very punchable face. *Hisses* God that bullet went straight through.. that's a good pass...

Surge: Bullet? You were shot?!

VF: Oh no, actually no. I got stabbed. With a bullet. WHAT DO YOU THINK, MORON?

Surge: I'm a moron?! You're the one who got shot!

VF: Whatever. I need to go back to my universe.

Surge: So what's the plan?

VF: I'm not going to explain my plan to a childish 28 year old hero-

Surge: You don't have a plan.

VF: I don't have a plan.


Evo: *has a lemonade stand*

Person: Aren't you a bit too old for a lemonade stand?

Evo: Aren't you a bit too old to be alive?

Furno: *helping Evo with the stand, mentally* Rocka definitely rubbed off on him.


Demon Slayer Genya be like

Demon: Hah! You don't have a breathing style? That's weak.

Genya: *pulls out a shotgun* American breathing, 11th form-


Furno: Whatcha making?

Surge: Noodles. I got hungry.

Furno: Can I try?

Surge: Yeah, I can make another batch. But it's a little spicy, you sure?

Furno: I think I can handle a little bit of spice.


Furno put some noodles in his mouth, before he pretty much instantly ran to drink milk.


Surge: It's not that spicy though?


Surge: No the f-ck it's not-


There was a Recon Team meeting and Siren tagged along with Rocka.

Siren: *looks around* You're a lot less people than I thought.

Rocka: Eh, some aren't here yet, we're something around thirty heroes.

Another member walked in. It was the Captain Lieutenant Vic Tory.
He missed a step and face planted onto the ground and just laid there while the rest tried to hold back laughter.


The team: *on a mission*

Surge: *suddenly gets swapped out with his teenage HS self*

Corroder: ... That's a human. And a kid.

HS: Where the fuck am I.

Rotor: He's very short. I don't think he can fight us.


HS: *slowly pulls out a gun* What did you say, helicopter?

Furno: Where does he go to school, fucking America?-


Serena: *about to knock on Boss' door*

Boss: *kicks the door open and walks out with a clipboard tucked under his elbow*

Serena: Dad, what the fuck.

Boss: *has a broken left wrist and a broken right arm* No comments.



Zib: *sitting outside in the rain with coffee and without umbrella*


Renata: Brother-

Zib: Let me suffer.

Renata: ... Nathaniel, what the fuck-


Lynn: I've been a mouth breather for the majority of my life and I want to change that. But with summer arriving and my allergies acting up, my nose literally will not allow me.


I'm not dead on Wattpad after all! But therefore I'm dead on Discord now.
Why am I like this...

Biosector1001, I swear the next ask and dare WILL come out, my brain is just currently too dead for shiz. This chapter already took me over two months to get out (okay, that might be a bit exaggerated).
Another test phase is coming up and we're writing 3 tests per week this entire month.
This is going to be fun.
I need to sleep, it's 22:33 o'clock rn.

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