02 | Stranger Danger

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"Can you like walk faster?"

"Guess what Annika Didi? Not everyone has a habit of walking fast, at least not me" Gauri narrowed her eyes, thinking about how hard it was going to walk back home after walking so much in a day. "If we don't hurry, we might miss the sunrise " Annika grabbed Gauri's arm, literally dragging her.

Gauri winced, taking her arm back from her sister's tight grip seemed next to impossible. "Haven't you heard from Nani that if on new year you see the sun raising, your whole year will go good. So keep moving"

"That's just a superstition, Nani believes in such stuff but you? I expected more from you"

"Can you shut it, if you keep talking, you might wake up all the wild animals" It was for a fact true that the both were going through the forest edge to see the sun raise and which each step they took, Gauri's heart heat increased. She felt like she was waking into the trap by herself, what if they get bitten by a snake or worse, what if they end up being an animal's meal? The thought itself scared her.

"Annika Didi, please, let's go back. If Maa or Dad notices that we aren't in our beds, sleeping, they will never allow us to step inside the house" Gauri tried her best to make Annika understand but looking at her determined face, she knew that there was utterly no use.

"Chutki, don't you worry, I am here. I will protect you" Annika's naive self spoke, even if that wasn't true and she could not protect Gauri, there was nothing wrong in saying those assuring words to Gauri. Whilst Gauri had refused to believe her elder sister.
"This isn't good Didi, we can still go back" Annika paid no attention to her words but rather went deep into the forest. She had discovered that the sun was visible from a particular point and that is where she was taking her sister. "We are almost there" Annika assured, her hold on Gauri's arm tight.

Gauri had decided to keep her mouth shut now, knowing she was just wasting her every. A sigh her released through her lips. It took them more ten minutes to walk until Annika stopped in her track. She could recognize this place even in her dreams, they were here. Gauri who was yawning and was rubbing her eyes was awestruck by the sight in front of her.

Annika had one huge proud smile on her face, it was like she had found a buried treasure that was hidden for years. Gauri shook her head at Annika who seemed to be giving no head to Gauri. It was the most pleasant feeling for Annika at that moment when she had sat down on the hard ground which was still moist because of yesterday night's rain. "Now that we are finally here, can we go back as soon as you see the sunrise?"

"Yeah, yeah, just take a chill pill. And sit down" Annika patted the place next to her and Gauri scrunched her nose, not wanting to sit down and ruin her clothes. But with Annika's one glare, she was down on the ground, sitting next to her elder sister.
"Who are you?" The anonymous voice startle both Gauri and Annika. It did not take Annika long enough to turn around and stand protectively in front of Gauri. There stood a boy who Annika assumed to be as same age as she was, fifteen years.

"Stranger Danger, didn't your mother tell you to not talk to strangers?" Annika questioned him in a mocking tone. "Haven't anyone taught you how to speak politely?" He answered back with a annoyance laced in his voice. Eventhough the girl in front of him looked cute, but her tongue was as sharp as a scissor which made him think against her cuteness.

"I am here to see the sunrise, can you move a bit away from this spot" He demanded but all Annika did was raise her eyebrows in surprise, how the hell was he to tell her to move? She refused to even move an inch. "Right, I forgot you are the abnormal girl, you are deaf now"

"Hello, I have no interest in talking to you. And for your information, I was the first one to take this spot, so move"

"I was the first to discover this place, so shut up"

"The hell you were, I have been coming here since a year, what about you? Did you discover this place two days ago or something?" Now Annika was clearly getting onto his nerves as he tightened his jaw. "I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi and nobody talks to me this way"

"Oh mister, kahi Aur jaake appna attitude dikhao, don't irritate me" Annika rolled her eyes, this particular specimen was really annoying to handle. "Didi, let's go, I have seen the sunrise" Gauri's voice came from behind Annika and her eyes immediately widened.

No, she had missed the sunrise and all because of the guy named Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Annika all the way back home cursed him and only him, if she would ever come across him again, it would be his last day.

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