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Erosion: Erosion can be caused by many things, but one of the most common is water. Water stripes away parts of rock, leaving a cave or canyon.

The rest of the day went by way to quickly for Sorrel. One minute she was making copies, the next the bell rang. Sorrel walked to her locker and grabbed her stuff, careful not to step on anyone. She made it to the tree last, and sat down with her backpack under the sweeping willow branches. 

"I still don't get it" Mike said. 

"The molecules!" Cassia said slightly exasperated. Sorrel nodded. 

"How about we go on a walk to the Ravine?" She asked. The Ravine was only half a mile away, and it was the most scenic view in the entire town.

"Sure."  Cassia replied, and the three of them began to walk towards the river. On the way there, Sorrel did her best to explain. 

"Imagine that the molecules are rearranging..." Sorrel spoke about how she's discovered it, and what she'd managed to do. When she was done, they'd reached the Ravine. 

"It was made from water. Erosion" Mike commented. Sorrel nodded.

"Try." She said, and handed a rock to Mike.

"What?" He asked confusedly.

"Turn it to water." Sorrel replied. Mike focused on it, and eventually the rock faded into water.

"You shouldn't tell it to anyone else." Mike said.

"Why?" Asked Sorrel.

"Carmen Jon" Sorrel shuddered. Carmin had been elected as president exactly eight years ago,  and he put an end to anyone who opposed him. They sat in silence.

"Well, I'd better get home." Cassia said, and stood up. 

"Me too" Mike said. They walked away.

"Bye" Sorrel said, and sat by the canyon. She sighed, and walked down the path to the water. The rebels were doing all they could, but living conditions for the unprivileged were getting worse and worse. Carmin Jon kept the money for himself. Sorrel climbed back up the ravine and walked home, grabbing her backpack on her way. The house was locked, but Sorrel picked up the key that hung from a Aspen tree and unlocked it. She dropped of her backpack in the closet and wrote a note to Mom.

"I can't do this." She muttered. At the moment she wanted to be alone. She walked out of the house, locking it, Before heading down to the woods nearby. She wandered around, watching birds. Sorrel found a pool reflected the sky above, and sat down on a log. Tears began to stream down her face, landing in the water.

"Why..." She cried. Jon had ruined every life. The east side of Acair was rich, with towering skyscrapers and fumes from factories. They were in favor of Carmen, who kept pouring more and more money into the city, draining it from the west side, where woods and fields were only occasionally interrupted by a house or town. Thats why the rebels had started, which drained even more money from the West side as Jon raised taxes to the breaking. Sorrel's tears splashed in the water, one by one, and she wished she could do more. If only she was old enough to join the rebellion, or help her mother. Sorrel cried for a while, and then pulled herself together.

"I need to be strong" She said, and walked over to a tree, where she climbed and sat.  Her long, brown braided hair snagged against a branch, and Sorrel pulled it off. She sat up there, when she had the feeling she was being watched. Turning, she noticed that the birds were gathering together, in a swirl of wings. Sorrel quickly climbed down the tree. As she walked towards the source of the commotion, the sun almost blinded her in the west. It would set soon enough. Every twig that cracked made her jump, and every leaf falling made her heart race. She pushed her way past the birds, that seemed to clear a path for her. Emerging in a clearing, the birds surrounding her, Sorrel gasped in awe. 

"Sorrel Wood" Said the magnificent eagle.


Terrible cliffhanger, I know. xD Don't worry, I have to go back to Sarin before you can find out what happened. (: Its a long chapter, as well.

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