Chapter 04 - Tragedy at the Walls

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My name is Cocoro Yazawa. 9 years old. I am the second eldest sister amongst four siblings. We were at our house playing when we suddenly lost balance after a sudden tremor.

"What was that?!!"

"Big sister!! I saw a lightning!!", said Cotaro.


After that, the three of us went outside and saw a giant Alpaca peeking over the Wall. The three of us were shocked by what we saw.

Moments later, the Wall exploded and we saw a large boulder that came towards us. We were terrified and tried to dodge it by running away from our house. Luckily, the boulder crashed on our house and we were just outside it.

"Oh my god!!", screamed Cocoa.

"Papa?!! Mama!!?", said Cotaro as he started feeling uneasy.

I ran away with my siblings as we saw a lot of scary Alpacas coming from the Wall going all over the place.

"Come with me!! We have to go!!! We have to find big sister Nico, mom and dad!!", I said as I took off my necklace and left it on the ground, hoping that dad and Nico noticed.

The three of us ran for our lives. I led the way. I assumed that Nico and dad are still at the inner gate of Akihabara. So I knew what to do: get to the inner gate where I will find dad and big sister Nico!


Less than hour after the Colossal Alpaca created a hole in the Wall, hordes of Alpacas quickly entered the hole and began eating the inhabitants of Akihabara.



I flew through the air to search for my children. I ran and jumped from one house to another to find them. Asking others where they are is pointless (they are too busy running away). I acted as quickly as possible - it is only a matter of time before the dreaded Abnormal Alpacas started coming in. I hate them - their behaviors are unpredictable. Some like to jump a lot. Others love to charge into buildings. There are even Alpacas who ignore some people they see and pass by to move on to another prey - as if they are actually choosy as to who to eat.

Damn it. I was right. No matter what the Love Live Corps does, eventually something like this is bound to happen.

I kept flying. I could not find my children anywhere. But I know that I should not give up. It is my responsibility to search for them.

I flew and landed onto a tall tower. For now, all I could see are the Alpacas causing havoc. Some buildings are being destroyed by those "charging" Abnormals. A lot of people screaming - makes me sick. So far, it looks like they have not yet reached the inner gate.


Shit!! Moments ago, a blue Alpaca suddenly started sprinting towards us and hit one of the houses. Phew! I am glad it missed.

I kept running. I did whatever I could to focus on getting to the inner gate. I have to follow my dad's advice to ignore everything and keep moving to my goal.

It is hard for me. Hearing people screaming just makes me want to close my eyes or ears - their deaths make me feel so scared.

I also saw injured people as I ran. At one point, I found a woman trapped in the debris of her crushed house. Two kids - probably her children - are trying to get her out. I could only look at them. I wanted to help them so badly but my dad told me to ignore everyone and keep running. I should not distract myself into helping someone - Alpacas are closing in quick and I have to get to safety as soon as possible.

It hurts. But I have to keep running. My dad will be waiting for me at the inner wall. I have to set aside all my fears and worries.


We ran towards one street when we saw a small Alpaca eating other people. It was scary, but I kept telling my siblings to be quiet and stay strong. We kept running from one block to another.

"Sis, I am so scared....."

"Relax Cocoa. We will be fine!"

As we kept running, we found ourself at least two blocks away in front of a section of the Walls. I looked over to find that west of us is a straight path towards the inner gate. However, it is still miles away from the inner gate.

"I could see the exit! It is still far away though.", said Cotaro.

"Let's go!!", I said as we started running through this path. We quickened our pace to get to safety.

However, as we kept running, I heard the voice of a building crashing down behind us. Soon, a furry, black Alpaca came out. It looked at us with it's terrible eyes.

"Oh no.....RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!"

We hurried up our pace. We kept running - knowing that our little feet can only carry us so far. We had to escape from the Alpaca that is now about to chase us.

I kept looking to my left side for another route to go to (my right side has nothing but Walls in this view). There is no route anywhere. Only lots of houses. This is bad.

The Alpaca suddenly charged at us at full speed. It is catching up to us!!

It got closer and closer!! Only a few seconds left till it reaches us!! The three of us are starting to panick!


"We're gonna die!!!"


Then.....we heard a scream. A scream that seemed to be coming from in front of us.


Suddenly, I saw a, a person!! Flying in midair towards us!!!

It was dad!!! He is flying straight towards the Alpaca that is charging at us!!

Wait a minute - why the front? Dad should have turned around and aimed for the nape of the neck! Why here?!!

Maybe he is in a hurry to get he be aiming for....

That's right!! Dad is aiming for the Alpaca's eyes to blind it!!!

"Eat this!!!", dad charged in with his swords raised up, ready to slash.

He and the Alpaca started getting closer to each other. We kept running!! Dad releashed a hook and aimed it at the Alpaca's nose.

However, the Alpaca noticed and pulled back - dodging dad's attack!

"What!!!? Noooo!!!"

Then the Alpaca opened it's mouth and bit my dad!


"Dad, nooo!!!!"

It was horrible! We were scared! Dad got bitten by the Alpaca. His left arm is hanging on inside the Alpaca's mouth. I thought it was over! I thought my dad is gonna die!!

But my dad is too stubborn.

"Uggghhh.....get.....LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKER!!!"

Dad pulled himself and used his right hand to stab the Alpaca's right eye with his other blade, blinding the Alpaca partially. His stab, however, caused the Alpaca to scream in pain and throw my father away. The force of the throw was so much that my father's left arm got cut off and blood poured out. My dad fell to the ground and screamed in pain as he lost his arm.

"Aaaaahh!!! I...It....hurts!!!"

"Dad!!!", I screamed as I rushed to dad. He just lost his arm.

My voice caught my dad's attention. Rather than giving in to the pain, he got up and quickly ran to us, grabbing my arm.

"Cocoro....uggghh....grab your siblings with your other arm. We will fly away from here!!"

Immediately, he took my arm and prepared to fly. I grabbed Cocoa's arm and she grabbed Cotaro's arm. Dad flew and we all felt like we are gonna fall as we flew in midair. Dad could not handle the weight of carrying all of us with one arm so he quickly landed onto a nearby road. It was a rough landing.

"Dad!! You alright?!!"

"You three are just too heavy - ouch!!!"

"Dad, your arm is gone!! We need to bring you to the Garrison!!"

"S-sorry.....we need to walk this time....."

Dad grabbed us as we walked then ran to the inner gate (we are now close to it thanks to dad's short flight). The area where he lost his arm is really painful - I could see blood coming out. We hurried before dad lost more blood.

"H-hurry....Nico is waiting for us...."

Cotaro looked behind. The Alpaca that chased us couldn't move as it waited for it's eyes to heal. It never tried to chase us again.

Dad saved us and lived. He did not let fear overwhelm him. His actions today are still as sharp as they were then when he was formerly a Legionnaire.

Thank god, all of us are still alive. Everything that happened was so scary. I almost fainted.


As the Alpacas closed in, the Garrison prepared to defend the inner gate. Guardians readied their cannons and fired at any Alpaca that started coming in. That was all they could do.

Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to evacuate the city of Akihabara. They hurried to board ships that served as escape vessels for emergencies like this. These small ships moved along an artificial river that will carry these evacuees to safer cities. Rin, Hanayo, and their parents scrambled to board the ships.



I stayed at the gate and waited for my dad and siblings. I told the lieutenant why I am here.

In front of me, I saw how the Guardians fought the Alpacas. They loaded their cannons with balls that took out the coming Alpacas. But the cannons are noisy that I had to cover my ears.

It is not going well. The Guardians are unable to hit their targets accurately. They are nervous and scared. The lieutenant is the only one keeping them together.

"Close the gates!!!"

"Wait!! This little girl is waiting for someone!! Keep the gates open!!"

"What?! More civilians?!! We have little time!!!"

More Alpacas started coming in. Moments later, I see my dad and siblings at the horizon.

"Nico!!!!", screamed my dad.

I and the other soldiers looked left to see them coming. I was so relieved.

"What the?!!", said the lieutenant.

"Dad!! Everyone!!!"

"Big sister!!!"

"Dad, are you!!!!"

My dad is tired. He lost his left arm.

"Someone get a medic here, quick!!", said the lieutenant as he called in soldiers to bandage my dad.

At last, all five of us are still alive. Dad is now a bit better with his arm bandaged.

"Cocoro, here is your necklace. Good thing you dropped it.", I said.

"Thanks sis. I actually dropped it on purpose - "

The soldiers checked to see if we are okay.

"So that's the last of them?"

"Yes, sir.", I said.

"Alright! All of you need to get out now!! We are closing the gates - "

Then again, the ground trembled again. Soldiers heard footsteps which grew louder and louder.

Then, something terrifying appeared before us.....

A large Alpaca, probably more than ten meters tall, started walking slowly towards us. It looked very different - it had things that looked like plates that covered itself.

"What....the...hell?!!", said everyone in disbelief.

"Papa.....what alpaca is that?!", asked Cotaro.

This alpaca started getting closer. The lieutenant ordered us to leave.

"Hey!!! All four of you, get away from here!! Leave this one to us!!"

I held my siblings hands as we are about to leave. But dad said:

"Nico, Cocoro, Cocoa, Cotaro, GOOO!!! I WILL CATCH UP!!!"

"What!!?", I said. He explained why he had to stay for a while.

"Hey!! You need to go too - "

"I am a former soldier of Love Live Corps!! I need to take a look at this new abnormal!!"

Dad decided to stay for a moment. He wanted to take a look at this unusual Alpaca - his observations will become valuable information for the Military. I just listened: I took my siblings with me then we left to board the ship.


Fuck. I still feel the pain of losing my arm. But I am strong enough to endure it this long. At least, Nico and her siblings are alright now.

This new alpaca walked at us, slowly. I wondered what it is capable of. I assume that it is a charger Abnormal like the other one earlier. I have my 3DMG ready to escape when it gets closer. The soldiers loaded their cannons.

Then......after stomping the ground with it's back legs, the Alpaca pushed itself and started dashing towards us!

"What the!!!? It is coming here really fast!!! FIRE!!!"

Cannonballs hit the Alpaca - they just bounced off or exploded when they touched the Alpaca. The Alpaca is armored - it did not flinch to any cannonball that hit it. It kept sprinting towards us.

All of us are shocked in disbelief. What we saw is unbelievable. At this point, the lieutenant said:





Everyone ran away. I quickly activated my gear to get out of the entrance.

Momrnts later, the Armored Alpaca crashed through the gate. The force of impact sent soldiers flying. I narrowly managed to get away from the radius of the blast, but I ended up landing on an open field and lost my balance. Then, I just witnessed the Wall crashing down and the Alpaca ended it's sprint. It stopped by just in front of me.

I was terrified. The Armored Alpaca looked at me. The distance between us was about 20 meters yet it still felt so close. However, it just looked at me....then it left. Without even trying to kill me or anyone else......

The soldiers around me who survived the blast are terrified. The gate has been destroyed - Wall Aya has been breached. Humanity loses.

After witnessing all these horrors, I fell on the ground, tired and in pain. The lost of my left arm is painful, but I was too tired to give it attention. I just laid down and looked at the purple and orange sky.

I thought: "Thank god, did I live through this horror so that I could witness humanity's downfall?"

Eventually, the Garrison would come pick me up to safety....


I just saw what happened. From this ship, I could see in the horizon that an Armored Alpaca broke through the gate.

Everyone else did see it too. They all cowered in fear. They knew what it meant.

"We are doomed....", that is what everyone thought. I felt the same way.

I felt so useless as I saw something like this. I did not know what to do.

"....mankind loses...", Hanayo said as she cried in fear.

" is not the end yet.....", I whispered. But Hanayo still looked too frightened. one knows what will happen next. Wall Aya falls. Two new Alpacas (the Colossal and Armored)have appeared - showing once agin the terror that Alpacas brought to this world.

Is this really the end?


A/N: Okey, guys, it looks like I am going to go ahead and publish the next chapters without needing to put pictures - or I might just add one pic per chapter published. Then I will come back to add more later probably next month.

I want to complete this volume as soon as possible, so that I can move on to fixing Volume 02 (a bloody volume FYI) and see how many people are reading this book in total.

Anyway, thanks for your further support so move on to the next chapters!

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