Task Two: Awards and Rankings

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Here are the awards handed out this round:

First 3 people to hand in -

First - RondaRayl,

Second - JesterheadJohnSnow

Third - ariel_paiment1

You all 3 win: 5 extra Knowledge Points, 1 point added onto your overall score, and a hint about a task of your choice - PM me for that last one!

Handed in before December 4th - ariel_paiment1, RondaRayl, JesterheadJohnSnow, jesusfreak202

You all receive 3 extra Knowledge Points, 0.5 added onto your overall score, a 24 hour extension for Task 3's deadline, and an automatic 11 to use on Task 3 or Task 4, as long as you still hand in an entry. PM me for the last one!

Drama - ariel_paiment1, Several7s, RondaRayl, JesterheadJohnSnow, jesusfreak202, Sara_R_Stark, Shermanblook, MusicgirlXD, ZSB2000, TheCrazyMeifwaGirl

You all are allowed to pick another character from any of the empires you went to for Task 2 and make an 8th character to become part of your group. This character has to be original - no historical characters. Your form for them must be handed in either before your Task 3 entry or with it - but you don't have to make it overly detailed; just the basics and you have an extra 24 hours extention of the deadline for Task 3 IF you choose to make the 8th character!

Wrong For the Greater Good - ariel_paiment1, Several7s, JesterheadJohnSnow, jesusfreak202, Sara_R_Stark, Shermanblook.

You all may pick a historical character from the empires you went to, create a character form for them, and add them to your group as your 8th (or 9th, if you won the Drama award) character. Like with it, your form for this character must be handed in either before your Task 3 entry or with it - but you don't have to make it overly detailed; just the basics. You have an extra 24 hour extension of the deadline for Task 3 IF you choose to make the 8th (or 9th) character.

ATTENTION: If you choose to make both characters from the award Drama and Wrong for the Greater Good, you still only have ONE 24-hour extention for that. If you won the earlier award that gave you a 24 hour extention, this will be ON TOP of any extention you use to create characters - details of this will be explained in detail in Task 3.


TheCrazyMeifwaGirl - Wins this because she included Jesus in her entry. It was heartwarming.

JesterheadJohnSnow also wins this because I caught the star wars quote, "I hate sand." Smooth!

You both may PM me and request an award to give you - anything you want, within reason. I must approve it first!

Here are the scores for Task Two alone:

1. ariel_paiement1 SCORE: 11.7

2. Several7s SCORE: 11.5

3. RondaRayl SCORE: 11.2

4. JesterheadJohnSnow SCORE: 11

5. jesusfreak202 SCORE: 10.8

6. Sara_R_Stark SCORE: 10.7

7. Shermanblook SCORE: 9.6

8. MusicgirlXDSCORE: 8.5

9. ZSB2000SCORE: 7.4

10. TheCrazyMeifwaGirl SCORE: 6.2

Here are the overall rankings:

1. ariel_paiement1 [25]

2. JesterheadJohnSnow [24.1]

3. Several7s [23.5]

4. Sara_R_Stark [22.4]

5. RondaRayl [22.2]

6. jesusfreak202 [21.4]

7. Shermanblook [21]

8. MusicgirlXD [18.9]

9. ZSB2000 [17]

10. TheCrazyMeifwaGirl [16.2]

Here are the Knowledge Points received for Task Two:

ariel_paiement1 recieved: 10 Knowledge Points for 2 clues answered correctly, 18 from extra details, 8 from two awards for a total of 36 Knowledge Points won this round.

Several7s received: 10 Knowledge Points from 2 clues answered correctly, 14 from extra details, 10 from including a historical event for a total of 34 Knowledge Points won this round.

RondaRayl received: 10 Knowledge Points from 2 clues answered correctly, 6 from extra details, 10 from including a historical event, and 8 from two awards for a total of 34 Knowledge Points won this round.

JesterheadJohnSnow received: 15 Knowledge Points from 3 clues answered correctly, 57 from extra details, 20 for including two historical events, and 8 from two awards for a grand total of 100 Knowledge Points won this round (IN ONE ROUND O...O).

jesusfreak202 received: 15 Knowledge Points from 3 clues answered correctly (thanks to Shermanblook), 17 extra details, 20 for including two historical events, and 8 from two awards for a total of 60 Knowledge Points won this round (I thought this was really amazing until I saw Jester's... LOL).

Sara_R_Stark received: 10 Knowledge Points from 2 clues answered correctly, and 3 extra details for a total of 13 Knowledge Points won this round.

Shermanblook received: 0 Knowledge Points won this round

MusicgirlXD received: 5 Knowledge Points from 1 clue answered correctly, and 1 extra detail for a total of 6 Knowledge Points won this round.

ZSB2000 received: 5 Knowledge Points for 1 clue answered correctly, 20 from 2 historical events, and 3 extra details for a total of 28 Knowledge Points won this round.

TheCrazyMeifwaGirl received: 5 Knowledge Points for 1 clue answered correctly for a total of 5 Knowledge Points won this round.

If you answered your clues correctly, remember:

- If you answered the Egyptian clue your characters keep Egyptian clothes as the artifact

- If you answered the Roman clue your characters keep a Roman soldier uniform as the artifact

- If you answered the Chinese clue your characters keep an ancient Chinese scroll with caligraphy as the artifact

- If you answered the Greece clue your characters find scrolls from a Greek poet as the artifact

- If you answered the Persian clue your characters find and keep a Persian sword as the artifact

- If you answered the Aztec or Mayan clue your characters find and keep an Aztec death whistle as the artifact

Here are the Knowledge Points Rankings:

1. JesterheadJohnSnow [137]

2. ariel_paiment1 [56]

3. jesusfreak202 [68]

4. Several7s [43]

5. RondaRayl [40]

6. ZSB2000 [33]

7. Sara_R_Stark [24]

8. TheCrazyMeifwaGirl [10]

9. Shermanblook [10]

10. MusicgirlXD [6]

Here are the ballot rankings:

1. JesterheadJohnSnow - 4

1. jesusfreak202 - 4

1. ariel_paiment1 - 4

2. Several7s - 3

3. Sara_R_Stark - 2

4. ZSB2000 - 1

4. MusicgirlXD - 1

Here are the characters who were killed off and the writers who own them. This may or may not have a good, bad, or neutral effect on you next round (hehe).

Hamon - MusicgirlXD

Viktor - JesterheadJohnSnow

Akhenaten - JesterheadJohnSnow

Cassius - Sara_R_Stark

William - jesufreak202 TWICE. O.o

Esther - ariel_paiment1

Maurice - Shermanblook

Ching Shih - wordsmith-

If I forgot anyone or anything, let me know! Task 3 will be up in a jiffy! 

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