Chapter 8

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Jack: I just swallowed a huge piece of bubblegum. Is that bad?

June: Oh no, I've swallowed loads of cum in my life and I'm still here.

Jack: Ew mom TMI! O.o

June: I meant gum I swear!

Jack: Sure you did :P


Bulkhead: Where the frag is everyone?

Miko: Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Raf are playing GTA V...

Miko: Jack is jizzing on the couch...

Bulkhead: Ew are you serious?

Miko: on the couch jizzing

Miko: Jiggling

Miko: Chilling dammit!

Bulkhead: How often do you write jizzing o.O


Breakdown: What are you talking about?

Knockout: I hate auto-erection!

Breakdown: Do you mean auto-correct?

Knockout: Yeah auto-erection

Knockout: T.T Do you know how to turn it off

Breakdown: Nope, that sounds like a personal problem


Wheeljack: I'm heading to the store-room, need anything sexual?

Wheeljack: *special

Arcee: I could think of a few things!

Arcee: Lol


Agent Fowler: Do ducks have jackets

Agent Fowler: Did muck save maggots

Agent Fowler: !

Agent Fowler: Does husk make gaggles

Agent Fowler: Never Mind

Ratchet: What. The. Serious. Frag


Wheeljack: When are you gonna ask her?

Smokescreen: Tonight. I'm really nervous!

Wheeljack: We hop it goes well

Wheeljack: We hopping

Wheeljack: Wawa skittletits

Wheeljack: WE HOPE

Smokescreen: That did not just happen! XD

Smokescreen: Wawa skittletits!?


Miko: I'm sorry you didn't get the collage you wanted Jack

Jack: Erection is hard!

Jack: Ugh REJECTION is hard haha


Bulkhead: So how big is your new hooker?

Bulkhead: Homo

Bulkhead: Homer

Bulkhead: How big is your house dammit!

Raf: XD I'll send you pics


Miko: Yo I'm so horny I could eat a dong rite now ;)

Miko: Horny for dong!

Miko: Hungry for dong!

Miko: DONG not dong!

Miko: DOG

Miko: Fridge Auto cucumber!

Miko: Ferret!

Miko: Dude you there?

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