5.The Kiss

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"Soul meets soul on lover's lip
don't know how long mine have to wait.."

I was waiting for him.

My head was spinning badly so I tried to take some rest, which was impossible without convincing him.

I closed my eyes and to sleep on rocking chair, as I closed my eyes. I could see the same office, My mind was imagining weird things, or I should call it disgusting.

She was in Avdhesh ji's lap, in his arms; he was caressing her cheek gently,

"Don't worry Simple, She have to leave us, I will not let her ruin our world" he comforted her while his arm went around her waist, and he started kissing her all over assuring her to get rid of me.

"No!" I woke up with shock as if it actually happened in front of my eyes.

"No, I will not let it happen" I assured myself again. How can I let him go ? He was my life even his silence was my life, now I was confirm that he didn't love me at all. But I love him, and he was the only person on whole earth for whom I could live or die.

I spent whole night in wait but he didn't return.

I was anxious to see him, from the day we met I never stayed away from him for this longer. I never thought that life could be so painful without seeing him even for a day.

I asked Kaka about him or his call, as if he called and I missed, though I was up whole night. I called him many times but he didn't pick my call nor he cut anyone of it. I was getting worried now, as it was almost evening, more then 24 hours; I didn't see him. I was feeling suffocated I needed to breathe if I want to live I had to see him.

"You may hate me Avdhesh ji, but all I want is your happiness and wellbeing, Please God! everything has to be fine, He has to be safe." I prayed to my god for his well being and was about to step out of my room for Office when someone knocked at door.

"Yes, Kaka you don't need to knock!"

"Ahuummm! Sorry but it's me , not Kaka.." it was not kaka but some guy in black coat with some papers in his hand, I hesitated a bit, who was he? I never saw him before, and how can he came directly to someone's bedroom.

"Sorry, but I don't know you. Don't you think you should wait outside!" I didn't hide my anger on his act.

"Ahh' I am really very sorry but I didn't realized. we didn't met earlier, actually I'm not new to this house and I forget that you don't know me. I never asked for any thing in this house, Avdhesh never mind for that by the way, I am Ranvijay,"

He tried to cover up his mistake.

"Ranvijay" the name seems heard before, suddenly I realized I heard it from Kaka, he supposed to be Avdhesh ji's childhood friend.

"Aww I am sorry for my behavior actually, I was thinking something else and I didn't know you.." I tried to cover my condition by a fickle smile and gestured him to take seat.

"it's Ok, actually ..(He took a long pause) you don't need to hide your disappointment, I was out of town for a few months when you guys got married. I just returned today and what Avdhesh asked me for , I am really shocked."

I was surprised at his words what did he meant by don't need to hide my disappointment.

"I mean how can he just spoil your life by marrying and divorcing you in just few months,( I looked at him with surprise, how can Avdhesh ji share this with him) ahh I didn't mean to hurt you, actually am a lawyer. He wants me to prepare these documents for him... for you both. He wants it to be on mutual understanding, but as its only three months you guys have to stay together for few more months. Don't worry, I will make it possible by showing you guys married for last one year. And you will get everything what you deserve in alimony.

Man! I can't believe mera friend itna neeche gir sakta hai."
(My friend can stoop so low.)

I can't understand what he wanted to say, all I get was that he was accusing my Avdhesh ji for spoiling my life.

"Will you please stop your nonsense," I shouted at him in anger.

"you call yourself, his friend, but I don't think so. How dare you to utter anything against him in front of me? What ever happening between us is our personal matter. If he asked you to..( I can't say it) do whatever he said, you don't need to worry about me, I am nothing to you."
He was amazed at my words, he just placed few papers on table and hand a letter to me.

"I have prepared you divorce papers, all you need to do is to sign it. Here, Avdhesh wants me to deliver it to you. He wants me to convey and convince you for what he said but I think I should leave now." He said it with a down gaze and left the room.

All I couldn't believe that he was in so much hurry to get rid off me, that in a single day he managed divorce papers. I couldn't dare to touch it, I unfolded the letter he had send for me.



I know you must be wondering why I am not coming home, but I don't think you need to think anything in this regard.

         As I told you, I want Divorce. Ranvijay will explain it all to you,
And it's not that I didn't think about you. It may sound rude but I have talked to Ranvijay and he is agree with my proposal.

He is a good guy. He will marry you, and take good care of you.

I know, I don't have any right to decide your destiny but as I have seen, how childish you were in your decisions like continuing the pregnancy. I thought It's my moral responsibility to suggest you a good name for your future companion.

I don't have much to say, just sign the papers and trust me you will have everything, which you deserve. Let us live our lives as we want.


Those were his words, how could he decide it all?

How could he think that I could think about anyone except him? Did that mean he never felt anything for me?

And here, I was dying of imagining him with someone else and he is sending a guy for his pregnant wife!

"Disgusting" that's what came on my lips.

"I don't know anything Avdhesh ji, Now you have to answer me" I determined and reached his office.

When I reached there, it was all most 9 pm. Whole staff was gone as usual, except his beloved. Her bag was still on her table and she was not there, where else I could expect her, with him in his cabin.

"What! What are you saying Avdhesh? How can you think that? You are just impossible'" Simple was shouting on him when I opened the door.

Room was all in dark; only light source in room was the moonlight from the window next to couch. She noticed me and left the room in hurry as I caught them first time! huuh!

Avdhesh ji was sitting in his chair, but I couldn't see his face but it was clear that he was resting his head on the  back support.

"So you are hidden here." I started without any care. After reading his letter how could I control myself?

"How can you do this to me Avdhesh ji? Do you think I'm a doll or something which you can play and pass on to your friend?
You just send these papers by that guy and thought I will sign them and let you go like this, for that woman!
No I will not!!"

I was waiting for his reply, or I should say I wanted his reply I want to break that silence which was love for me but actually It was distance for him,

"Be Practical Arpita!" he replied as nothing has happened.

"Be practical! That's all you want to explain for your deed, is it Avdhesh ji? You are sending a guy for me, want me to marry him, just because you want to marry someone else and don't want your name as the one who spoilt my life."

"yes" he replied in just one word.

"really Avdhesh ji? do you know what the meaning of marrying someone, I don't think so, ok let me explain it in your way, what is marriage for you,
Ok ..( It was like hell to voice what I was about to say, but I did it) just close your eyes and imagine me in his arms, as I was in your's, all those nights, in last few months. How does it feel? Can't you feel anything?" I said it with disgust to my own self.

He just get up from his chair and stand in front of his window showing me back, I thought it worked and he couldn't bear the thought.

"No!... I didn't feel anything" that was his reply which broke me.

I shouldn't be angry on him, if he didn't felt bad of what I said, what I explained him then it mean he never felt anything for me. One can feel bad for one only if he has feelings for that person and he said he didn't felt anything.

But what about me?

I felt bad to think him with someone else, I get close to him, I want to see his face, I want to feel his touch, I wanted to feel his love though I knew it was always in my imaginations only.

I wanted to live in that mirage.

I stood next to him but he turned his face to other side, as he didn't want to see me. His gesture broke me badly and I fell on my knees, in his feet.

"Please Avdhesh ji, Don't leave me, I can't live without you." I was crying badly by now, couldn't dare to look at him if he again turned face I wouldn't be able to bear it again.

"Please Avdhesh ji, Stay with me, even if you don't love me. I love you. You are everything to me..(my sobs were chocking my voice but I had to say it all to him, I had to convince him at any cost, it might be my last chance) everything to me, Please stay with me.

Ok! if you want to marry that girl, go ahead I will not say a word. I will sign these papers with pleasure, but you have to promise me that you will stay with me. I don't care what world will call me, Keep, Second lady whatever.. all I want is you. I will not ask anything for me and my baby, I promise, I promise. If you go away from me I can't live I will die Avdhesh ji. I can't breathe when I think myself without you.."

I was crying and saying all of my heart I didn't noticed when he turned to me and got on knees in front of me.

All I realized was his touch, His warm palm on my cheek. He wiped my tears and next second I was in his strong arms, his hand were at the back of my neck, my words were stopped by his lips.

He kissed me lightly and then he kissed me again this time a bit more passionate, It was out of my imagination I took some time to understand what was happening but when I realized, by that time he had kissed me a lot of times.

And now his hold was turning loose around my waist but this time when his lips touched mine I kissed him back and it was a different feeling to be kissed by one whom you always desired for.

His kiss turn more passionate and his hold more firm, my arms went around his neck and start playing with his silky hairs.

Don't know how long we were like that on our knees, kissing each other, lost in each other, it was me who pushed him back as I realized he needed me that time, but why? Out of love or again it was just need.

"Avdhesh ji, you said you didn't felt anything for me, so what was this?  was it because your beloved denied to stay with you tonight" and my tears again start rolling on my cheeks.

I said it but when I looked at his face, it was shining in moonlight. I could see his eyes; those were red as he didn't slept from several nights or cried a lot. Those were filled with some kind of fear as he feared to lose something very special.

He set back on floor; again he wiped my tear and said

"Arpita you should not cry like this, you have to be strong."

"This world is not a good place, and I can't be there with you always to protect you from evils of this world. You need someone to protect you, Ranvijay is good guy I know him since our childhood, you know he was so happy to know about your pregnancy, .. he will take good care of our baby Arpita"

Tamanna hai tere daman me so jane ki
Simte rahen tere pehlu me tere,
Kuch yun ke khabar bhi na ho tujhe,
aur tujhme Fanaa ho jane ki

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