12. the moment

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C H A P T E R  T W E L V E | A Little Likeness

"I'M GOING TO BREAK OUT of this orphanage," I decided to myself as I sat there on the bed on the verge of breakdown. There was a page infront of me. It was out of a fairy tale book. It held the image of a redhead mermaid who had become a human and was feeling the earth for the first time.

"That's stupid," someone who I didn't know jumped infront of my bunker. His head full of muddy brown hair and eyes filled with child like wonder, eyed me curiously. He appeared to be more taller than me although he had a babyish face. I was only fifteen when they sent me here.

"Get the fuck away from me," I spat, getting defensive. My eyes glittered with hatred but they softened when I noticed Holly behind the boy. She came forward.

"SJ," she called out to me as she came to stand by me. The boy casted a cheery smirk to Holly who began to blush. Resentment filled me up and my chest tightened. I clenched my fist and hardened my jaw. How dare he?

"You're Holly," he announced. "Nice to meet you. I'm Anthony but you can call me Anton."

Holly simply gazed at him, unable to look away from his charming face. "Hey, Anton."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "We will NOT talk to him and besides-" I turned to glare at him. "We can't trust him."

He raised an eyebrow amusedly.

Picking up the page from the fairy tale book, I crumbled it and threw it at his amused face. My anger grew when he only laughed in response. Throwing off the comforter, I forced myself out of my bed. I was about to go outside and let out my anger on inanimate things when I felt his hand wrap around my bicep.

"Savannah?" His voice had softened. A terrible spark jolted through me and I flinched, my body convulsing by his single touch. Immediately a rush of memories swept through my mind and I gritted my teeth. His touch revolted me especially how tight he was holding my arm. Slight fear rocketed my heart and I pulled back my arm only to punch him straight in the jaw. His touch loosened and he retreated from me.

"Don't you dare touch me, asshole. Do not ever call me by my name," I growled out, rage piling up in me.

Everyone began to surround us. "Is everything okay, Anton?" A guy called out to him, slowly approaching us. Anton put his hands up. "Stay away. I can handle this."

Blood was oozing out of his nose but he told them he could handle this. I shook my head, disgusted by him. Men and their awful pride...

"This is nothing," he yelled to them. "You can all go."

When they were dispersing away, he almly stood his ground before looking at me. "I just wanted to say that I wanted to help you escape this hellhole."


"You would help me," I muttered. He nodded. "I know a way but trust me, this place is the safest. You're safe in here, SJ."

"Just tell me," I retorted, not in the mood for any preaching. I've done way too many sins to even find my way back to preaching and all that good shit.

He nodded. "I'll help you, James."

If complexity and innocence were moulded together, they would form somebody like Sebastion Myers. There was a strangeness around his aura that only confused me. Pure determination flickered in his eyes but more then that, I could see fear in his eyes. Raw fear. He was afraid of me. His jaws were clenched and hands sweating buckets, fingers shaking.

This only made me smirk. So, I beckoned him closer.

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

My index finger twitched and the ash poured down on the ground. "Don't make me wait," I growled, my calmness slipping away with a newfound anger residing in me.

He placed one foot forward. "I have a c-class right now with Cora-"

I snapped my eyes to him. "You don't learn, do you?" Why did I found pleasure in scaring him? His fear was so exhilarating for somebody like me who feeds on darkness and pain.

"You don't talk back," I mumbled and than sashayed myself to his trembling frame. Like an obedient puppy, he nodded and then gulped. Suddenly, I crouched down. He jumped back in shock, afraid I was going to do something to him. My head was at his waist level as I calmly produced a dagger out of my black net stockings. His hands immediately flew to protect his crotch from me.

Biting back a little smirk, I stood upright. The only unfortunate thing was his towering height. Albeit his introverted personality, he could easily intimidate anyone by just his height but he was a wimp from inside.

His eyes wandered to the dagger on my hands. "Look, please don't kill me. I have a family that's in prison and a baby sister who's in the day care programme. She doesn't even know me yet-"

The dagger was right on his neck where I could feel his annoying voice vibrating. My eyes were red and teeth gritted in anger. It was pressed against his neck and I could see how pale he had become. "Are you afraid of me?" I hissed as I tightened my hold on the dagger, pushing it further into his neck. He shut his eyes.

My eyes begin to glaze over effecting my vision. The edges of his face began to blur in and out until I could see dark spots forming in my vision. I could feel myself swaying side to side, my control slipping away.

You're being weak.

Stop being pathetic.

Show dominance .

I tried to struggle with my vision, clutching on the dagger with dear life. My fingers begin to melt into the blurriness as I moved my gaze from his face to my hands. What was happening?

"What did you do?" I seethed at him. I could sense his face moving from side to side as if he was denying this all.

Pain shot through my chest and it began to tighten, cutting off my breathing. Suddenly, my knees begin to buckle. Dryness filled my mouth. My breathing hitched as I struggled to escape the void that had pulled me inside. No. My fingers begin to claw at my chest, wanting to rip out my heart and end it once and for all.

I distanced myself from his figure but as I stepped forward, I could feel my weight pushing me backwards. Snapping my head all around, I observed the ground moving and coming at me. Where's my dagger? I have to protect myself. Who will protect me? No. I can't show weakness. Especially to Sebastion.

I extended my hands infront of my disappearing vision. The nails of my hands were painted a deep black. Was this death?

Craving the hands of peaceful death, I gave myself away. The last I heard was my name being called and then falling forward into Sebastion, my head hitting his warm chest. At once, his both hands fell on my waist trying to balance my shaking self. "Savannah?" It was a gentle whisper before I completely closed my eyes and fell into an oblivion of lost and broken souls.

Sebastion Myers will be my redemption, this was my last thought.

A.n: I've been pulling all nighters because I'm literally too stressed about IGCSES. I hate the month August, holidays are coming to an end. I haven't done shit in past three months and it's so tiring.

Anyway, how was this chapter? What do you think happened with Savannah? Also, you're supposed to hate Savannah at first but I'm really hoping that you will sympathize for her after three more flashabck scenes.

sidqwe your comments are really encouraging! 💖

What are your expectations for the next chapter? In the next question, I'm planning on adding more of their scenes together. Do vote and give your feedback on it!

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