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Jackson wasn't sure when he fell asleep, but he did.
Right next to her.
Through the night he couldn't pin point when, but he felt her shuffle towards him, laying her head on his chest, as he found his own arms wrapping around her securing her place next to him. It felt right to hold her, as though she was made to be in his arms. Like the missing piece to the jigsaw puzzle.
But when he looked at her half way through the night he saw no peace on her face, her eyebrows tensed as she pushed away from his arms, tossing and turning before thrashing, her body violently shuddering  as she begged for the apparition in her mind to spare the others, her screams becoming more painful to listen to as he grasped her arms sitting up slightly as he tried to call her name out in attempts to get through to her, he pulled her back into his arms, whispering softly in her ear, he felt himself on edge as he waited for her to calm down, but he did eventually feel her slump against him, too tired to the point where her body shut itself off completely, giving her the peace that she deserved.

He woke in the morning before she did the sun peaking through the blinds. His eyes looked down to see her, a small smile ghosting his features as he watched her. She snuggled closer to his form, her arms wrapping around his torso loosely, one of her legs over his form. He repositioned his arms as he watched her. She looked so peaceful in his arms, her features relaxed the complete opposite to the side he saw yesterday. He was so concerned, he was scared of losing her. The way she fainted, the way her eyes rolled backwards. It scared him. He was scared to lose her. He couldn't and wouldn't lose her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her form pulling her closer. He never felt so protective over someone. He was never this scared to lose anyone. Not even Youngji. He felt his heartbeat quicken as she shifted a final time, her lotus like eyes opening as she rubbed them cutely, causing him to smile. He watched as the realisation dawned on her features at the position she was in, her eyes locking with his as they widened. "Good morning." He whispered huskily. She shot up, jumping away from him. She grabbed the covers taking them with her as he watched her brush her hair out of her face. He smirked slightly sitting up before getting out of bed. He handed her a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Wear this, the bathroom is that way, there's a toothbrush in the cabinet by the sink. I'll meet you downstairs." Not waiting for her response he left her to freshen up, going into the main bathroom to freshen up himself. Ten minutes later he ran downstairs to the kitchen making some tea and breakfast for both of them, remembering that she didn't like coffee. He heard footsteps causing him to turn, watching her come down in shorts and his t-shirt, her hair tied into a high ponytail her figure hidden by the way his t-shirt hung from her form, but she still managed to look beautiful, ethereal like. She smiled at him, as she sat on the breakfast stools, he handed her the tea as she sipped on it, eyes closing as the warm fluid that hit her throat, savouring the taste. Her eyes met his again, she could see the anger returning in his eyes, the frustration but above all the concern. She sighed placing her cup down as he placed a plate in front of her. In silence they ate, Jackson refusing to make eye contact. "This is really good, thank you." She said, her smile quickly falling as she watched him turn away from her. She sipped on her tea. "Why are you so mad?" She questioned, unaware at the bomb she had just set off. "Why am I mad?..." he swerved. "Oh I don't know maybe because you collapsed yesterday in front of everyone, I am mad because your not taking care of yourself. What would have happened if it was worse Irene. Your a doctor, you should know that your health is not a joke, yet I hear from Wendy that you haven't been home in three days and are not eating properly. I am mad because your so adamant to look after everyone else but you can't or won't look after yourself." She watched the concern and worry loom in his eyes, swirling and twirling as he turned away from her. She knew he was right. And her heart warmed at his words. No one cared for her well-being besides the girls but even then they weren't always able to keep an eye on her busy with their own hectic schedules, the feeling felt foreign,but she liked it. She stood up walking up to him, as his back remained turned away from her, her hands wrapping around him as she rested her head on his back. This was the first form of contact they both really had with the other. They were both hesitant to initiate some form of intimate contact but Irene knew that this was right time. It felt right. She smiled as his head turned to her. "Your right. I'm sorry." She felt him sigh, turning to her. "I'm not trying to overstep my place or anything Irene. You know the last thing I want to do is hurt you or make you uncomfortable but seeing you like that yesterday...I don't ever want to see that again. Please take care of yourself." She smiled nodding up at him, as he pulled her into a hug. They stayed like that for two minutes, enjoying being in each other's arms before breaking apart. "Let's do something today."  She said smiling as he looked at her "And what do you have in mind?" He said smirking at her.

When he asked her what she wanted to do today, this was not what he had anticipated. She grabbed his hand smiling as she ran up to the guy at the desk, he looked up to her, a big smile gracing his features as he recognised Irene "Hey Irene. It's been awhile." "It sure has." "You want the private shooting zones?" "Yeah if that's possible." He nodded leading her to the back, as the man shook hands with Jackson. "Nice to meet you." He said smiling, his grip strong as Jackson took the signal, or rather the warning. "Hey don't be like that." Said Irene as she took Jackson's hand away, grasping it tightly in her own as she smiled to the man. "Oh so it is like that then?" The man asked teasingly. He turned to Jackson "Your the first she's brought here. You must be special, because this is where she comes when she's pissed off and about to chop someone's head off." Irene dropped her hand from his punching the man slightly "Shhhhh don't expose me." She laughed as the man hugged her a final time before leaving Irene and Jackson alone. "You know when you said let's do something. I did not expect you to say let's do this." She laughed. "Lesson number one hubby-to-be...never underestimate me ever." He held his hands up in mock surrender, as she laughed. They took the guns looking at each other as they loaded their gun. "I see your in practice." He commented, noticing her technique. "Yeah I come when I'm about to kill someone." "I don't know whether that's a joke or if your being serious." She moved around him, patting his chest as she did "And you will never know." His mouth opened slightly in shock as she opened the other door, leading to the private columns. He stood next to her, as they looked at each other. "Okay, lets make a bet to make this interesting." She said. "Awww your cute babe, thinking your gonna win." He moved squeezing her cheeks as she slapped his hands away, punching him hard in the shoulder. "Ow." "I told you not to underestimate me." He shook his head. "What do you want to bet on then wifey." "Okay if I win, you have to pay for lunch and if you win I'll pay." He nodded his head as the two turned around taking their respective guns in their hands. Fifteen minutes later when they were out of ammo. Jackson and Irene looked at each other smirking. They walked in to get their sheets, inspecting the others sheet, as Irene's face brightened up as she jumped up and down pointing at him. "No I want a re match." She laughed "Your a loser, accept it." "No rematch." She laughed. "I want Italian. Come on." She grabbed his hand interlocking her fingers with his as she pulled him out laughing as he began laughing with her. "Your good." She shrugged her shoulders. "Why don't you believe it when someone compliments you?" He said pulling her to a stand still. She looked to the side avoiding his eyes as he gently pulled her chin up. "Hey talk to me." She sighed. "Because it's lies. I'm not good enough." She turned to walk away only for him to grab her hand and pull her back causing her to stumble into his chest. "No what you said is the complete opposite from the truth." "Jackson stop." "No...why do you always sell yourself short-" "BECAUSE THIS HAS BEEN THE STORY OF MY LIFE!" She screamed. "Ever since my mum died, I've been a burden to my father who already had a family. He married my mum cheated on her, and caused her to commit suicide but I was always the one trying to prove myself to him. I was never good enough in his eyes because I was the left overs that he didn't want to acknowledge. I am the add on extension to that family, they use and abuse me and play me to their rhythm knowing that ultimately my weakness is the need for love that will always make me comply to their shit. Your asking why I don't believe anyone's compliments or that I am good enough? Well it's because I've been told my entire life that I'm not." She pushed away from him turning around only for his arms to wrap around her. "I'm sorry." He whispered as he felt her breathing steady, her arms wrapping around his torso as he felt his shirt dampen by her tears. He looked down as she buried her head in his chest in attempts to hide. His heart constricting as he remembered the words Wendy had said one of the days when he was waiting for Irene. She told him that Irene never cried, and if she did it meant that she either had enough or that it was her way of opening up and trusting the other person. He looked down at her again, grabbing her arms and creating a small distance. He wiped her tears, kissing her forehead as she closed her eyes smiling slightly. "Your amazing Irene, it's fine that they never said it to you, it's their fault for not seeing your worth but I'm telling you, and I will tell you every day until that habit breaks." Her eyes searched his seeing nothing but sincerity. She smiled as he grabbed her hand. "Now about that Italian." He watched as her smile returned as they walked around before eating. They reached sitting down in the restaurant, engaging in brief conversation. After a half an hour of laughter and conversation they heard a commotion. Jackson and Irene looked on at the scene of five men coming onto two women. Jackson looked as Irene moved to stand, he grabbed her hand, standing as he pushed her back in her chair, "I'll handle it, wait here okay." She moved to protest and he could see it on her face but with one look she nodded sighing as he smiled caressing her cheek as he walked up to the scene. "I think the ladies said no." He spoke out, the five men turning to him as he watched them. "And you are....what the protector of women." Jackson shook his head, laughing mockingly. "I have a pledge to protect the old, the children, and the women of this country." The men laughed at him as Irene watched tensed. They swung at Jackson who easily dodged. For a good ten minutes he managed to keep them away but as he engaged with two others he failed to notice the knife that was coming in his direction. Irene however saw it, running forward, grabbing the mans wrist and dislocating it causing his to scream and fall to the floor with the amount of pressure she placed on one point. Jackson turned seeing her as she engaged with the other one, easily flooring him. He smirked proudly as he finished of the two that kept him occupied watching them bolt for the door. He watched as one of them moved to grab Irene, he intercepted pushing him back. "Don't you dare touch her." He seethed watching him scurry in fear as Irene kicked one in the ass as he ran, or rather stumbled for the door. He laughed, wrapping an arm around her. "That's my girl." She smiled leaning on his shoulder, as she moved out his arms, assessing for any damage "Are you hurt? Does it hurt anywhere? What about your injury?" I swear I'm gonna go and kill them..." he grabbed by her waist "Relax I'm fine..." he shook his head "Always the doctor." "Hey this doctor just saved your ass." "Probably because you haven't seen this ass yet." She looked at him eyes widening as she punched him causing him to laugh. "Shameless." "Only for you." He said winking at her. They heard laughter from behind them as they turned seeing the two girls they protected. "You guys are so cute." She said laughing before continuing "Thank you as well." Jackson nodded as Irene studied the other girl in concern. The other girl signalled her to come, Irene watching as she stood only to topple forward, collapsing to the floor. Irene crashed to the floor with her immediately checking for a pulse which was almost non existent. She turned to Jackson. "Call an ambulance." She watched as he nodded making the call as Irene set to work. She was handed a first aid kit, starting CPR in attempts to reawaken the girls heart, she used the defibrillator retrieving the heart beats as the ambulance people arrived moments later wheeling the girl away with her friend following. The paramedic talking to Irene as she stood. "It's shock I think, that what I got from basic assessment, she should be fine." The paramedic thanked her as she stood, applause erupting as she took of her gloves. She smiled softly as she looked Into Jackson's awaiting eyes. He grabbed her hand and purse handing it to her. "Your amazing." He stated looking at her as she tiptoed planting a kiss on his cheek before moving. He smiled as they continued to walk.

Suddenly Jackson's phone went off, causing him to stop as he picked up the phone. "Hey Dad...yeah.....ummm yeah....I'm with her right now...oh....yeah....yeah I'll tell her....yeah okay...bye." She watched as Jackson hung up the phone. "Our families are meeting today, we have to go." She sighed as nodded. "Can you drop me off home I need to change." "What wrong with what your wearing?" He asked, confused. She looked gorgeous, she always did. "You'll know when you meet my family." He sighed "Is it okay if I come with you? I have a suit in my car anyway. Can I change at yours?" She nodded as the two reached his car reaching home twenty minutes later. Irene opened the door sighing as she moved to get ready. She was not prepared for this.

Authors note:
Hey hope you like this one. Let me know what you think. Lots of love.

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