Chapter Eleven

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TW: mentions of ptsd and shet

so im procrastinating like a 🅱️oss rn but in all seriousness idk what to write but dOnt worry i know how im gonna end it

(there may only be around five-seven chapters left depending on what i wanna include in the story)

Jared's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open as I stared at the blank wall for a few seconds before turning my head and seeing my boyfriend, sleeping peacefully. A huge contrast to his mood yesterday. I had an idea of what was going on, but I wasn't gonna push it. For all I know, he could be experiencing PTSD, and I wouldn't be surprised. During his panic, he seemed dazed, like he was remembering something. Don't think I didn't notice how weirdly uncomfortable and seemingly terrified he would get whenever he saw a treehouse or something as small as a rope or a piece of duck tape.

I admired the way that he looked in his unconscious state. How his eyes were so softly closed, how his lips were parted slightly, and how adorably messy his hair was. That's not creepy, right? Yeah. That's not creepy. I felt him stir slightly, still holding me tightly in his grasp. His eyes barely opened while he spoke. "G'morning" he said with a yawn. I flicked his head slightly, a smile creeping onto my face. He muttered something that sounded like 'asshole' before yawning again. I only smiled brighter, holding in fits of laughter, as I've never heard Evan curse in my entire life.

Out of no where, I heard someone speak. Without a doubt, no questions asked, Connor was hiding in this room. "Morning, sleeping beauty." The tall boy said loudly from below us. I grabbed a pillow and threw it over Evan's head to wherever his voice seemed closest, which somehow managed to be directly in Connor's face. He quickly sat up. "Excuse me?" He might've tried to be frightening, but when you can only see half his head poking out from the side of a bed, it just looks absolutely hilarious.

He ducked down at grabbed the pillow and tried to throw it at me, but it hit Evan directly in the head, which caused him to make an unexplainable noise as he threw it back at him. I grabbed another pillow and tossed it directly at Connor, which missed him by a long shot, but I didn't care. "Begone, thot." He said, making an x with his fingers and putting it directly in my face. Evan snickered loudly before purposefully rolling himself out of the bed and onto the floor, Connor having to roll out of the way before he got hit.

Becoming a human burrito with a blanket, all he managed out was "help" as his whole body became completely covered in rolled-up blanket, including his head, with his toes sticking out the bottom. We all burst into fits of laughter before Heidi quietly opened the door and peered around the room at us, seeing her son and giving a concerned look, rolling her eyes at the almost literal cinnamon roll laying across the floor. She quickly left the room. I got up and pushed him a bit with the tips of my fingers, rolling him a few centimetres away, which he squeaked at. I smirked and continued to push him around the room, noticing Connor trying not to laugh while he's recording.

"Dude, are you high?" I asked Evan. I pulled the blanket down from his face. "No, m' tired." He said quickly, unwrapping himself from the blanket. He rubbed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair, standing up. Only then he seemed to notice Connor. "Why are you filming me?" He asked, blocking the lenses with his hand. Connor sighed and stopped recording, putting his phone in his pocket.

We got up and left the room, all three of us trying to fit through the doorway before Evan gave the solid argument of 'this is my house, tall ass' which caused Connor to mumble something completely inaudible. We all walked down the stairs to see Heidi sitting at the table picking at her plate of scrambled eggs (Connor saw the eggs and immediately scrunched up his nose, obviously not liking eggs) while Brooke and Chloe were both sitting unnaturally on the couch. I noticed that Brooke and Evan looked very alike, looking much like their mother, while Chloe looked similar to their father. I had only seen their father a few times, and with Evan's reaction to him coming to visit, I didn't want to meet him again.

Brooke noticed me and waved. "Hi Jared!" She said, smiling brightly. I smiled and waved back at her. She's taken a huge liking to me since I've been with Evan, or probably since I came out I guess. Chloe looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile, which I returned. Heidi looked up at us as well. She looked really tired- she had noticeable bags under her eyes and she looked as if she was gonna fall asleep any second. I tilted my head slightly. "Heidi, you can go to sleep if you want. We'll be fine." I said. She gave me a small smile and went back to poking at her food. It looked as though she had stayed in that chair for the whole night. Given her current predicament, I wouldn't be surprised.

~timeskip brought to you by Michael's ultrathicc legs~

Connor, Evan and I sat down on the couch, watching Guardians Of The Galaxy. I sighed. "Evan, can I ask you a really, really personal question?" I said quickly. The two beside me looked at me strangely. "I guess so." Evan said, shrugging his shoulders. I took a deep breath. "Do you want to talk about what's been happening with... y-your father?" I finally asked. His whole face went red, and he wiped his hands on his shirt multiple times. "N-Not... not t-too much though, o-okay?" He stated nervously. I nodded. He took a huge, shaky breath. "The truth is, my father was never nice to any of us. He would kick us. Hit us. Punch us. And... well... he did w-worse things to me-" my breath got caught in my throat. That little- "I would usually escape out the window, go into a treehouse that used to be beside my house. B-but... that was destroyed eventually as well. It was burned down, and nobody knows how it happened." He paused. "I don't know what Brooke and Chloe had to endure. Well, not completely. All I know is that they were too young at the time to understand. I was only eight when I finally realized what was happening. That was the same year he... yeah."

I stared at him blankly, eyes wide, before jumping on top of him and peppering his face with kisses. Connor chuckled. "Alright, you two. That's enou- Jared? Evan? Hello? gUYS?" Evan only giggled when he realized that I wouldn't stop. After a few minutes, I resorted to hugging him tightly. Really tightly. Like a koala.

"Jared, you have to go home now. Can you let go?" I muffled my face into his chest and made a noise of disapproval. His hand ruffled my hair as he managed to tug my small body off of him. "Hmph." I crossed my arms and made a pouty face. Connor only mocked me while Evan resorted to, almost literally, dragging me out the door. "Come on. Jeremy'll be worried." I looked up at him, smirking slightly. "But he texted me only a few minutes ago that he was about to go over to Michael's house to give him a blo-" "WOOOAAAH OKAY." Connor yelled, cutting me off and pushing me out the door the rest of the way.

I snickered whilst the other two only rolled their eyes. "See you later..." I tapped Connor's elbow. "Tall acorn, and..." then I tapped Evan's forehead. "Moderately tall acorn." Before they could react, I ran down the driveway and onto the sidewalk, finally going home after a day and a half. Nearly.

i forget who gave me the idea for the "tall acorn and moderately tall acorn" thing hold up

okAy i think it was @cassieinthebathroom but i could be mistaken

ANNYWAYS HOMOS I have a presentation due on Monday and I have 0% done help me

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