Chapter Twelve

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A/N - I don't know how bad it is when you have your binder on for too long and I know I shouldn't have tried to write a chapter on it but heere we go apparently

Jared's P.O.V

After around twenty minutes of walking, I reached the driveway. For the past day, I've felt my chest become more and more compressed and uncomfortable, but at this point it felt as if it was crushing my lungs. I knocked on the front door of my house before Jeremy opens it a few seconds later. "Woah, dude, you okay?" He asked. I seemed to only then realize how heavily I was breathing. I felt my knees go weak as I clutched my clothed binder, running to the bathroom. I fell to my knees, desperately trying to catch my breath, with no prevail.

Jeremy quickly arrived behind me at the bathroom door. I heard (and slightly saw out of the corner of my eye) him dialing someone on his phone as soon as he saw the current state I was in. He started talking to the person frantically and quickly. "Evan, you need to get over here as fast as possible. S-something's wrong with Jared." I heard small mumbling on the other line. I could still barely breathe, and I felt too weak to even attempt to try and get my binder off of my chest.

A very painful five minutes went by before I heard a car pull into the driveway, someone quickly opening the door and dashing towards the bathroom where Jeremy was standing in front of. I knew it was Evan as soon as I heard the car pull up. Heidi probably drove him though, Evan is too anxious to drive. "Oh my god, Jare..." Evan said with wide eyes, picking me up and placing me on the counter. I felt his hands quickly sliding off my shirt as I heard Jeremy walk away and close the door. I knew Evan enough to trust him with what he was doing though.

I looked away self-consciously as I felt him pull off my binder slowly and cautiously, as to not do it improperly. Still breathing heavily and rigidly, I took my shaking hands and cupped his face, quickly kissing him to distract him from my body. He pulled away, a bit too quickly. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern dripping from his voice. I nodded. He gave me a small smile before pulling me into a soft hug, as to not hurt me even more than I already was hurt from the compressing object I was wearing only a minute before. I rested my head on his shoulder and let myself enjoy the feeling of being embraced by my boyfriend. Probably the best feeling in the world if you ask me.

After a solid minute of comfortable silence, wrapped around each other, I spoke up. "Evan?" I called quietly. "Yeah?" "Why do you love me? Even with all of..." I gestured to my uncovered chest. "...This." He pulled away and looked me in the eye. "Jared, I could care less if you have a body of the opposite gender. You're still my boyfriend, and I've loved you since I first saw you." I looked down at the floor, but he pushed my chin up with his finger and gave me a sad smile. "I don't want you feeling bad about yourself like that. You're the best boyfriend I could've ever asked for, and nothing that you claim will change that." Tears pricked my eyes at that, and I smiled at him. He stepped away and took off his sweater, giving it to me.

I slipped on the oversized hoodie and slid myself off the counter slowly. Evan looked very red in the face. "What?" I asked, giggling. "Does me wearing your sweater fluster you?" He frantically shook his head "N-nO" he responded, voice cracking slightly. I took his hand and pulled him out of the bathroom with me. "I think we have some waffles in the freezer. Wanna have some? Because I'm hungry." I said, crossing my arms and pouting my lips slightly after saying that I was hungry. Evan snorted. "Jared, you're always hungry." He said, sitting down on the couch. I sat beside him horizontally and laid my head in his lap, enjoying the feeling of him playing with my hair.

A couple minutes of silence occurred before I heard noises coming from upstairs. Bang. I shot up. Was Jeremy okay? Or did something fall? Evan seemed to notice how on-edge I was about the sound, especially after what happened the day our parents found out. "Jared, I'm sure he's fine." Speaking of parents, our mother has been only a little bit uncomfortable with the whole LGBT thing, but she's getting better, and she's using correct pronouns. That's one good thing that came out of the huge issue.

My question about if Jeremy was okay was soon answered with;

"aAh, M-Michael! Faster!"

Evan and I slowly turned our heads towards each other, giving knowing glances, before laughing hysterically.

This was going to make for a fun breakfast conversation.

861 words- short, I know.

yay, some fluff for once. i needed this after watching End Game. i mean it wasnt that sad but i cried a lot i should shut up now-

peace out you beautiful sinners

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