Chapter XXII

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I woke up in the hobbits house Kili laying next to me, his arm wrapped around my torso. The sun shining onto me through an open window. Kili and I decided to spend a day in Hobbiton. I was forbidden to be in wolf form, of course I detested I hated walking on my elf legs it was horrible, but my hearing was flicking all over the place I could hear a Nazgul riding in to Hobbiton, no one but me was aware.

I changed into my wolf form and bolted after the Nazgul, my paws pounding heavily on the ground Kili running after me. My eyes and ears trained on my target, my tongue hung out the left side of my mouth. The Nazgul was stood there in front of me, I bowed down my front half, the hackles rising on my back and my lips lifting up over my teeth. It's horse reared up, I wasn't going to back down and it looked my opposition wouldn't either.

We began circling each other, I was still pressed low to the ground my teeth bared. I wasn't going to allow this monster to hurt me or my family. It soon charged that was when I leapt and attempted to tear it from its horse by the beast reared up and kicked me back, I hit a tree but I leapt up again shaking my head and ran at it again this time managing to pull it down.

The Nazgul hit the ground before standing and squaring up to me. Kili stood at the side lines worried something was going to happen to me. I'm a fighter I'll pull through this, the creature lifted its sword and narrowly missed my shoulder. I huffed in laughter at its pathetic attempts. It remained silent and turned its head to the side before it began to attack me again, it charged but I danced out of the way nimbly on my paws. It grunted in disappointment. "You shall not be shedding blood today." I snarled stamping my paws into the ground. 

It began to stare and realised it was attempting to reach into my mind. I shook my head. "I don't think so." I snarled. It only laughed and attempted to attack me again but i reared up and pushed it to the ground, pushing my claws into its shoulders. It began to squeal high pitched and began to disintegrate into a black smoke leaving nothing but rags behind. I looked at Kili, he was smiling at me. I threw my head back and howled proudly.

He ran over and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Don't ever do that again!" He exclaimed. I shook my huge head and blinked at him. "Now no more fighting." He added gently poking me on the nose softly. I just whined and nodded reluctantly, then changed back into my normal form and we continued on with our day like nothing had happened at all. We were sat on a river bank as Bilbo told us the story of his town folk.

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