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side note before I start this is where POVS come into play so it may  seem a little different, but I still hope you enjoy. Love you all!

Aphmau POV

Its been 4 years after the Journey to Meteli with Garroth had happened, it was the last time I saw him. I woke up next to the walls of O'Khasis with a soft blanket covering me. I was left with only a small child's blanket to know that the trip actually happened, well their was something else, but he's more of-

"Hey! What are you doing!" Shouted a male voice with a slight crack in the voice. I turn to see Laurence running towards me with stacks of food in his arms. "He's coming!" Behind him the butcher as tall as 7 feet burst out through the ali way with his broad muscles scraping against the walls and a sense to kill in his eyes.

"Laurence what did you do?!" I shouted toward the light haired brunette as I sprinted along with him.

"Getting good food for once! Not my fault you always bring back bread!!"

Yes, he's a bit... Obnoxious. Ever since Garroth set him free instead of beheading the dumb boy, he ended up being stuck with me those 2 years ago. He picky, a pervert, and to be honest rude, but besides that I guess he's good company.

"You dumby! Everyone knows not to rob the butchers shop! I thought it would be obvious that you'll be chopped up!" Geez Aphmau! This isn't the time to lecture him right now! "Follow me!"

I darted around the corner Laurence on my tale alone with the angry butcher then jumped on a woman's market stand and on top of the small building next to it. Laurence now beside me still holding all of the food he had stole the man ran beside the building that he toward over. The next house was to high to jump so without hesitation I jumped through the window onto someone's bed waking them up in a rage. They yelled as me and Laurence jump out the next window and climb on top  of the neighbors roof.

"Irene... What close one..." Laurence exhaled. That's when I wacked him upside the head.

"Idiot! You could have gotten us killed!" I scolded making the boy almost drop his food. Not a second later we began to laugh. He got away with it with a huge risk and we now had enough food to last us the week. "Lets head back."


We both sat upon a house with a small tent made, that is what we called home. The people who lived in the uboad never checked their roof so we made it ours. Laurence and I were eating the meats Laurence decided to steal when a group of guards set up a stage and stood on it and spoke.

" People of O'Khasis... On behalf of Prince Garroth a ball will be held as a welcoming party to lady Nicole for their betrothal and all commoners are invited."

The townspeople gasped with excitement while I  could only spit out my food out the word 'Betrothal.' I coughed and lost the wrest of what the guard said. "W-What!?" I stuttered out holding my aching chest from the coughing.

"Do you want to go?" Laurence asked curiously with a hint of fear from thinking of going to that horrifying place again.

"I'm thinking about it..." I ended up saying bluntly before jumping down from the house and running off. I didn't know why I was so upset but all I could do was run.

~~~ Garroths POV ~~~

I stared at the plethora of foods blankly covering my face with a black robe so people did not know my identity. I was now 15 and time has come for my betrothal to this so called, "Lady Nicole." The woman I would refuse to love, but marry for this whole city to save them from any war. The only thing I could think about was...


"Hey kid! Are you going to buy somethin' or stare at my merchandise!" The tall butcher yelled quite angrily.

"Oh Um.. Yes sir." I say snapping out of my small trance and buying some random selection of food. He seemed as if he was robbed.. huh.

I heard my head guard speaking about the ball and I could only exhale nervously. Although it won't be worth it I need to find Aphmau, for a certain plan I have in my mind.

All of a sudden I feel a tug on my cloak. I turn to see a young boy holding what seems to be his little brother. They were thin, bruised, and dirty. With upset faces. "S-Sir." I smiled and handed them my basket full of food and pulled down my hood with an index finger to my mouth. Their eyes widened in surprise and large grins spread across their faces as they hugged me and thanked me. I nodded and puled my hood over my head and left.

My thoughts wondered off as I walked along and I ended up in an abandon part of town. Great how am I supposed to find Aphmau now? "Oof!"  Suddenly I found myself on the ground with a girl on top of me.

"I am so sorry!" She said loud and quick as she rolled off of me and onto her feet. She extended her hand to me and I took the offer and she pulled me up with a great force. She seemed to stare at me in shock after words. "G-Garroth!?"

"Aphmau!" Losing control of myself I took her into my arms. She remained stiff even when I let her go. "Aphmau?"

SLAP! I felt pain at the right side of my face before she embraced me into a tight hug. "DAMMIT GARROTH! I THOUT I'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" She shouted with a saddened tone. "Why did you leave me there!"

"I only wanted to keep you safe." Is all I could say as I held her close to me.

"How would that protect me Garroth! Why would it help!?"

"Cause if they new that I loved you, they'd kill you!" The words spilled from my mouth, and I covered my mouth from saying any more. I looked down to see Aphmau looking up at me. Her golden eyes sparkled and tears streamed down her face. We gazed into each others eyes. Minutes went by with silence and the next thing you know our lips met for the first time. Her toes extended and my hand on her neck. The kiss I've always wanted. We stayed like that for a minute more before guards were yelling my name. "Come to the ball on Sunday, I have a maid that can set you up and I'll take care of the wrest, please just come.." I whispered to her and she nodded slightly before I gave a small shoo with my hand and she took off. Then I walked towards the worried voices of my guards.

Everything was now settled, and Aphmau would be the daughter of the Lord of Phoenix Drop, and know one would know.


Hello everyone! Yes this chapter is much longer! Its a celebration for 1k Views! Thank you so much I'm literally crying right now! Now what do all think comes next? Let me know in the comments, and if you enjoyed then go ahead and star this chapter! If your new here and would like to see more! Why not follow and see the other content I make that you will enjoy! I love you all and I'll see you next time!


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