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Aphmau POV

When I felt his lips against mine it was as if I had a rude awakening. The boy who saved me from slavery and became my only friend, stayed with me even if it wasn't person to person, and took me on wild journeys was the man I've loved all along. I felt like a mess and the worse thing about it was the dance was today. I had to go, to give him one last goodbye so he would not cause peril to O'Khasis or Scalswind and marry the woman he's supposed to love. Even if it hurt me.

"Hey Aph Check this out!" I heard a familiar voice say. I quickly wiped my tears and turned to see Laurance holding an old tattered tuxedo. "Some dumb guy decided to throw it- Aphmau are you ok?!" He immediately ran over to me and wiped unnoticed tears from my eyes.

"Y-Yeah I'm its just... Garroth."

His eyes widened at his name as he placed a hand on my shoulder and said with a caring smile. " Explain. I'm here." 

Everything was then spilling out of my mouth, and Laurance stayed the whole way through listening intently and when I was done he hugged me and said. "Well if this is your last chance to see him go to the ball and tell him how you feel!" It was confident and when he pulled away showed me a big smile. " I'll be right there!" He grabbed the tux he dropped then shooed me to go off. I smiled back with a sense of hope and when I took off a said a simple,

"Thank you, Laurance.."


I searched around the courtyard of Garroths castle confused on where exactly where I was supposed to go. It was practically a garden maze. Heck maybe it was! I was trapped in a crowd of people wanting to join in a dance and flowers of all kinds that I could only admire and try not to stomp over them from people shoving through.

"Ms. Aphmau yes?" I heard a voice from behind me say sweetly. I turn to see An older woman around her early 40's. She had sleek brown hair mixed with silver tied back into a messy bun. She wore the regular maid uniform that almost perfectly fit her pale body. Her bright green eyes stare at me contently before I slowly nodded and she answered. "My, My young mistress these clothes aren't proper for a ball. Please allow me to escort you to a changing room so I can fix you up."


"There you go young mistress!" The maid said with glee.

I turn around to face the mirror to see someone I've never seen before. A lilac dress. My favorite color.. The frizzles on the bottom. And even a small crown.. I was, Stunning! I couldn't believe that the person in front of me was actually me!

"W-Wow!" Is all I said as I continued to look in awe.

"There is only one last touch."  She turns me to face her and hands me a masquerade mask that was a darker purple with flower designs engraved on its sides. "Its best you hide your identity Milady. If the people new who you were, it would be a travesty." She slides the mask over my eyes then continues. "Now Lady Aphmau of Phoenix Drop. Its about time you arrive before your late."

Of Phoenix Drop huh? Catchy...

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