CHAPTER NINE, unsaid emily

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Jasper asked Julie out the night of the party at her house and she, of course, said yes. He was so relieved that she felt the same way because he doesn't know what he would have done if she didn't. They had a movie date later that night at Jasper's house, having a 'High School Musical' movie marathon. Well, they wouldn't really call it a date since they had movie nights all the time. They were planning on taking things slow and planned on having an actual real date next weekend. But for this movie night they built a blanket fort in his room and watched the movies in there. They both ended up falling asleep halfway through the third movie though with their arms wrapped around each other.

The next day of school Jasper and Julie were walking down the hallway, holding hands. Casual display of affection wasn't new to them, but now that they were a couple, it was kind of awkward at first. Jasper and Julie didn't realize how popular they have gotten until random students went over to them to ask for a selfie between classes. And like right now, two freshmen they've never spoken to asked if they could get a selfie. The two teens weren't used to this kind of attention at all.

"I don't know why you guys want these, but okay." Julie laughed awkwardly and Jasper chuckled, looking at her with an amused smile. After they took the selfies with the two teens, the two teens left.

"Can I get a selfie too?" A familiar voice teased, and they both looked over to see Nick walking over to them.

"I have to check with security." Julie glances at Jasper with raised eyebrows. "Security, what's the verdict?"

Jasper looks at Nick, pretending to act intimidatingly. "Yeah." He then smiles. "I think we're available for another selfie."

Nick laughs. "Yeah, you guys laugh, but after last night's performance it's pretty clear: you guys are gonna blow up."

Julie scoffs. "It was just a garage party. Don't go all crazy on us."

Nick smiles slightly and then notices they're holding hands. "I notice you guys finally got together." His smile widens. "Congrats."

Jasper and Julie share a shy smile with each other before they both look at him with a smile. "Thanks."

"And, um, sorry I couldn't stay for the whole thing." Nick apologizes. "I had a ton of homework."

"It's fine." Julie assures him and Jasper nods in agreement. "Thanks for coming."

Nick shrugs and smiles a bit. "Thanks for inviting me."

Julie nods and awkwardly smiles. "Yeah, uh, see you around?"

"Yeah." Nick waved at the couple and walked down the hallway.

"There's my favorite couple!" Flynn said excitedly, walking over to her best friends with a grin on her face. "I'm so happy you guys are finally together."

Jasper and Julie smiles at her and speak in unison. "Thanks."

After exchanging a look with Jasper, Julie looks back at Flynn with a small smile. "And we wouldn't call each other a couple yet." She shrugs. "I mean, we haven't even asked each other to be boyfriend and girlfriend yet." She looks at Jasper with a fond expression. "But that's okay 'cause we're just taking things slow." Jasper smiled at her and squeezed her hand gently in response.

"Awe!" Flynn smiles widely at them. "Well, you guys are still my favorite OTP. And you're the most watchable duet-ers I've ever watched."

"But it's not just singing." Julie argues. "When we write, we're drawing from the same pain." She glances at Jasper with a soft smile on her face and he smiles back at her. "We both know how it feels like to not have a parent."

"Luke knows what that feels like too." Jasper adds. "That's probably why the three of us write well together. Since we all know what it's like to not have a parent."

"Do not make me cry." Flynn shakes her head, trying her best to hold back tears. "I'm having a really good eyeliner day." Jasper shook his head, looking at her with an amused smile.

"It's just...Luke's hurting so much." Julie frowns, glancing at Jasper. "I wish we could help him." Jasper nodded in agreement and squeezed her hand. He did feel bad for Luke. He kind of understood how he felt. Not being able to talk to your parents. At least Luke could be with them even if they didn't know it. Jasper's parents seemed like they didn't even want to be around him.

Flynn's face lights up when she thinks of an idea. "Maybe you guys could write him a song! That would make him feel better!"

Jasper looks at her with a grin. "Flynn, that's a great idea."

"Yeah," Julie agrees, an excited smile tugging on her lips. "Flynn, you're a genius!" She turned around, beginning to walk down the hallway to the exit and pulled Jasper with her.

Jasper chuckles and jogs to catch up with her, glancing over his shoulder at Flynn with an awkward smile. "Okay, guess we're going now."

"Wait, you guys still have class!" Flynn reminded them.

"Right." Julie apologetically smiles at Jasper for pulling him with her and they both turn back around to walk down the hallway to their shared class. "Like I said, genius!"


Julie came up with the idea of getting the song Luke wrote for his mom and showing it to his parents somehow. After saying different ways of how they could do that, Jasper suggested for them to go to Luke's parent's house and give them the song. So that's where they are right now.

"I hope this isn't a bad idea." Jasper muttered.

"Yeah, me too." Julie nervously spoke, hesitating to ring the door bell. Jasper noticed someone out of the corner of his eye and he turned to that direction, his eyes widening when he suddenly saw Luke standing in front of the door.

He knew Julie saw him too because she exclaims, "Luke!" looking at him with surprise.

Luke faces the two teens with furrowed eyebrows and Jasper grimaces upon hearing how mad he sounded. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Okay, look." Julie raises her hands in defense. "We...We just wanted to know more about you, you know, just curious..."

"And so we came here on your birthday last week." Jasper blurted out, sheepishly smiling when Luke looked at him with hurt.

Luke between the two with a look that was a combination of anger and embarrassment. "You guys were spying on me?" Jasper and Julie stare at the ground with guilty looks on their faces. Luke looks at Julie with a frown. "Even after all your speeches about boundaries? You were spying on me?"

"I know." Julie sighed, looking at him apologetically.

"Luke, can you blame us for wanting to know more about you?" Jasper asks softly. "I mean, we barely knew anything about you. And now we're worried about you because you seemed to be more sad and even distant lately." 

Luke looks away, shaking his head. "You guys don't have to worry about me."

"But we will," Jasper argues. "'Cause we're your friends and friends worry about each other." He sympathetically smiles at Luke. "And we both understand what it's like to want to talk to someone you love and you can't." He frowns, feeling a dull ache in his chest when he thinks about his parents. "Trust me, I know."

Luke glances at him with sympathy in his eyes. He looks at Julie, who sends him a sympathetic smile. "Yeah, I feel that way every day." Julie admitted.

Luke sighs, glancing at the front door with a longing look. "I don't even know what I would say to her, even if she could hear me."

"Yes, you do." Julie tells him. "You've already said it."

When Luke looks at her with confusion, Jasper says, "Do you trust us?"

Luke stared at the two teens for a few seconds and in response, he reached forward to ring the doorbell. He moved to stand off to the side by them while the two teens stand in front of the door. A few seconds later the red colored door opened, revealing a man with glasses who looked like an older version of Luke.

Luke's dad looks at the two teens with a polite smile. "Hello. Can I help you?"

"Hi. I'm Julie." Julie greets. She points at Jasper. "And this is Jasper." 

Jasper smiles and waves slightly at Luke's dad. "We found out that you had a son name Luke, is that correct?"

Luke's dad glances at him and nods, his lips curling into a smile at the mention of his son. "Yes, that's right. And who are you two exactly?"

"Jasper Peters." Jasper responded.

"Julie Molina." Julie smiled.

Luke's dad's furrows his eyebrows, glancing at Jasper. "Why does that last name sound familiar?"

Jasper smiles a bit. "Reggie Peters is my brother," He pauses for a moment before quickly adding. "Not biological of course since his parents adopted me," He smiles and nods. "But yeah, he's my brother. And he was in a band with your son."

Julie nods. "Your son's band used to play in my family's garage." She pulls out a piece of paper from her back pocket of her jeans. "We, uh, we came across this song that he wrote and figured you might be interested?" 

Luke's dad looks speechless as he looks at the music sheet in Julie's hand. "Um..." He smiles. "Well, yes. Uh, please...Please come in." He steps to the side to give room for the two teens to walk in. "I'm...I'm Mitch."

"Nice to meet you." Julie smiled, walking inside first.

Jasper followed her, but he stopped when he noticed Luke wasn't inside yet. He glanced behind him to see Luke standing at the door, looking hesitant to go inside. He locked eyes with Luke, smiling at him and gesturing with a nod of his head for Luke to come inside. Luke smiled slightly, walking inside and Jasper closed the door. He walked over to where Julie now was in the living room area with Mitch. 

"Can I, um, get you two anything?" Mitch asked.

"Oh, no. I'm good. Thank you." Julie answered.

"Yeah, I'm good too," Jasper sends a small smile to Mitch. "But thanks." 

Julie notices some picture frames on one of the tables, her lips forming into a smile. "Is this your son?" Jasper stood beside her to look at the picture, smiling upon seeing a young Luke in the picture.

"Yeah," Mitch smiles at the picture. "That's Luke. When he was two."

"Do you have any other children?" Julie questioned.

Mitch shakes his head. "No."

Jasper's attention is brought over to the right when he hears footsteps and Luke's mom walks over to her husband with a smile on her face. "Did I hear the doorbell?"

"Hi, hon." Mitch smiles at her. "Um," He glances at Jasper and Julie. "This is Jasper and Julie."

Luke's mom smiles at the two teens. "Hello, Jasper, Julie." Jasper and Julie smile back at her. Emily notices the colorful sweater she wore and her smile widens. "Oh, that's a beautiful sweater."

"Thanks." Julie glances at the sweater she wore with a soft smile. "It's my mom's."

"Julie lives in the house where Luke and the band rehearsed. And Jasper is related to Reggie." Mitch informs Emily to let her know the two teens knew about Luke. "Julie was just telling me they found a song that Luke wrote." 

Julie glances at the music sheet she held with furrowed eyebrows. "It's about a girl named Emily?"

A shocked expression forms on Luke's parent's faces. "Oh." Luke's mom spoke with shocked laced in her voice and a look of disbelief was on her face. "Emily..." Mitch whispered, looking at his wife with surprise. 

"I'm Emily." Emily introduced herself, looking stunned about the fact her son wrote a song for her. Jasper shared a smile with Julie before they both looked at Emily.

"Then I think your son may have written this song for you." Julie handed Emily the piece of paper.

"Oh." Emily's eyes get teary as she unfolded the paper with shaky hands and her husband wrapped his arms around her while they read the song.

By the time the couple were done reading the song, they both were crying, and Jasper and Julie had tears in their eyes. Whether they knew that Luke's parents could hear him singing the song the whole time they were reading it was unknown to them, but it was such a heartbreaking song that it brought tears to their own eyes. Jasper glanced back at Luke to check if he was okay, noticing that he had been crying. He mouthed to him 'are you okay' and Luke nodded, sending him a small smile in response. Jasper smiled a bit and glanced back at Luke's parents.

Emily sniffles, holding the paper close to her. "Thank you."

"You...You have no idea." Mitch sniffled, smiling at the two teens.

"We write music in the same room that he did," Julie explains. "And we can tell you it is a magical, happy place."

Mitch and Emily smile at her. "That's so nice to know." Mitch commented.

"He was only seventeen when he..." Jasper sniffles, stumbling over his words. He couldn't bring himself to say the word 'died'. "Not a lot of people are born with natural talent, but it was clear he was, and he was born to become a musician."

Julie nods in agreement. "Not many people find what they're born to do, but Luke did." She smiles. "He was lucky."

Emily takes ahold of Julie's hand, smiling at the curly-haired girl and Jasper. "It was so nice to meet you both."

Jasper and Julie nod in agreement, both teens smiling back at Emily. "It was nice to meet you too." The teens responded.

They left the house, noticing that Luke had disappeared. Jasper assumed Luke might be outside, but he wasn't there.

"Where do you think he went?" Julie asked, glancing at Jasper with furrowed eyebrows.

"Maybe back at the garage." Jasper shrugs. He looks at Julie with a smile, intertwining their hands together. "But I think we did a good thing."

"Yeah," Julie squeezes his hand gently, smiling back at him. "We did." 


Jasper went back to his house while Julie went back to her house. He wasn't surprised to see a note on the kitchen table, saying that his parents were on a business trip. He wasn't for sure if he even believed it.  After he had some dinner, he got ready for bed and was now currently sitting on his bed, watching the tv show 'friends' on the tv hooked on the wall in front of where his bed is. 

"So," He jumps, startled by the sudden voice and the sudden weight on his bed. He sighs with relief when he looks over to left to see Reggie sitting beside him. Reggie looks at him with a small smile. "How did it go with giving the song to Luke's parents?"

"It was good." Jasper smiles. "I'm glad we got to do that for them. Hopefully that helped bring some peace to his parents and even to Luke."

"That's great!" Reggie grins. He smiles teasingly at him, changing the subject. "So, I heard from Luke that you and Julie are together. How's that going?"

Jasper feels his face heat up at the mention of the fact he's in a relationship with Julie. "It's only been a day," His lips curls into a smile, his heart fluttering just because he was thinking of Julie. "But it's going good." 

Reggie smiles a genuine smile this time. "I'm glad. You two are obviously meant to be." His smile suddenly faltered and Jasper looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something." Reggie looks at him with guilt. "And I feel bad me or the other guys haven't told you and Julie sooner." 

Jasper sits up straighter since he had been leaning against the headboard of his bed. Concern fills his gaze as he looks at his brother. "What is it?"

"So, we finally figured out what our unfinished business is." Reggie replies. "It's playing at The Orpheum."

"The show that you never got to play when you were alive." Jasper realized.

Reggie nods. "Exactly." Then all of a sudden he stumbled and leaned over, groaning in pain as he held onto his right side. 

Jasper turns to face him with wide eyes and reaches his hands out as if he was trying to help Reggie somehow, but then pulls away upon remembering he can't touch Reggie. He was completely panicking now and you could hear the panic laced in his voice. "What-What the heck was that?" He frowns. "I know you guys had these jolts, but I didn't think they were this bad." 

"When we went to that ghost club, the night we missed the dance, we met this powerful ghost who put some kind of curse on us. And these jolts we have keep getting stronger." Reggie answers, looking at his brother with an apologetic look in his eyes. "The bad thing is-"

"There's something worse than what's already happening to you guys?" Jasper interrupted, staring at him with disbelief. His mind was racing with so many thoughts and his heartbeat felt like it was pounding out of his chest. He couldn't believe this was happening. He thought that ghosts couldn't get hurt since they're already dead, but apparently he's wrong.

Reggie frowns. "Yeah. If we don't do what he says, then the jolts we keep getting will kill us."

"B-But you're already dead." Jasper stuttered.

"We won't exist anymore if we don't do what he says." Reggie explained.

Jasper's eyes widen and he nods, speaking in an urgent tone. "Okay, then yeah, definitely do what he says."

Reggie shakes his head, looking at him with sad eyes. "But he wants us to join his house band forever."

"And if you play The Orpheum you can cross over." Jasper speaks in realization, his lips forming into a frown. He always knew that the boys would have to crossover eventually, but now that it was possibly going to happen soon, he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want them to leave. Tears start to build up in Jasper's eyes. "So, you guys only have three choices. Cross over, be forced to play music forever or become nonexistent by those jolts."

Reggie sighs sadly. "Yep."

Jasper scoffs and shakes his head, sitting in a crisscross position. He puts his head in his hands, leaning his elbows on his knees. "This-This is just crazy." Reggie frowned at his brother, wishing that he could comfort him somehow. He just decided on leaving, not knowing what to say or do. 


Jasper went over to Julie's house after he got a text with her asking if he could come over. He found her sitting on her bed, drawing in her notebook. 

"Knock knock." Jasper spoke instead of knocking on the door, smiling softly at Julie when she glanced at him with a small smile.

"Hi, Jas." Julie greeted, scooting over to give him room so he can sit beside her on the edge of her bed. The way they were sitting made their shoulders touch but neither of them minded it. Jasper glanced at the drawing she drew, raising his eyebrows. 

"Interesting drawing." He commented, confused as to why she drew an explosion above her name and his name.

Julie chuckles quietly. "Thanks." She glances at him with a frown. "I'm guessing you were told the news of what the phantoms have to do?"

"Yep." Jasper sighs. He counts on his fingers as he lists off what the choices the phantoms had. "It's either crossover, play in a houseband for eternity, or be destroyed by jolts."

"It sucks." Julie complains. "I wish things were better for the phantoms." With a frown, she leaned her head on Jasper's shoulder.

"Yeah, me too." Jasper agreed, ignoring the butterflies swarming in his stomach when Julie leaned her head on his shoulder. He sighed and leaned his head on top of hers.

A few moments later footsteps approaching could be heard and someone knocked on the door. "I got your text." Flynn explains, smiling at the couple once she opened the door and walked in. "Awe, you guys are so cute." The couple blushes and lifts their head off of each other, sitting up straighter. "Sorry," Flynn smiles teasingly at her. "I embarrassed you."

Julie chuckles. "Don't come too close." She frowns, looking at Flynn sadly. "Anyone we seem to care about disappears." Jasper sighed sadly at the thought of never getting to see his brother again.

Flynn points at the couple with a stern look on her face. "You two can't get rid of me." She smiles. "I'm like the crazy glue of best friends."

"You got the crazy part right." Jasper joked.

 Flynn looks at him with a playful stern expression. "Watch it, Jas." Jasper chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully in response.

Julie sighs, frowning at Jasper. "I just don't understand why everything has to go wrong right when our life starts to get good. Everything great happens and then bam!" She looked at Flynn, showing her drawing of the explosion above her name and Jasper's name to Flynn while Jasper made the explosion gesture and made an explosion noise for dramatic effect.

"I seriously don't know why all of this is happening to either of you," Flynn points at the drawing and smiles slightly. "But that's gonna be a great album cover one day."

Jasper chuckles as Julie rolls her eyes playfully and sets her notebook back on her lap. Flynn bends down beside the open chest that belonged to Julie's mom and picks up the sweater Julie had on earlier. "You don't have to do that." Julie assured Flynn when she caught the dark-skinned girl folding the sweater.

"I know," Flynn rolls her eyes and smiles at Julie. "But I get to check out all your mom's cool stuff." She sets the folded sweater into the chest. "Woah." She pulls out a white t-shirt and she shows the shirt to Jasper and Julie. Jasper's eyes widen when he saw what it said. In fancy black font read 'sunset curve' and the shirt was bedazzled around the name. "Did you know this was in here?" Flynn asked Julie.

Julie scoffs, shaking her head. "What the heck?"

Flynn furrows her eyebrows with confusion. "How do you think she got it?"

Julie furrows her eyebrows. "I don't know...But the phantoms said they didn't know my mom. Why would they lie?"

"Maybe they didn't." Flynn stands up, her eyes widening in realization. "Maybe she knew them. She could be a fan!"

Julie shrugs. "I mean, Sunset Curve was playing the Hollywood club scene around then."

"And they got good enough to be able to play at The Orpheum." Jasper adds, glancing at Julie with a small smile. "So, it's possible your mom could've been a fan."

"Oh my gosh. What if you were right?" Flynn said to Julie, excitement laced in her tone "What if the guys are connected to your mom? You know, through music or something."

Jasper and Julie exchange a confused expression. "Because she bought their t-shirt?" Julie inquired, glancing at Flynn along with Jasper.

Flynn smiles and nods. "Think about it. They were the ones who manna play music again. Maybe she knew they could help you." 

"So, you mean to tell me that my mom is somewhere out there planning all this?" Julie questions. "If she wanted me to play music again, why wouldn't she just tell me herself?"

"Maybe she didn't have the power to do that." Jasper suggested.

Flynn nods in agreement. "Maybe she has to do it another way." She holds up the Sunset Curve t-shirt. "You know, through signs. You've been through these clothes how many times and haven't found this t-shirt? Why now?"

"She does have a point." Jasper nods, glancing at Julie with a smile. "I mean, you could've found that shirt at any other time, but it was found now after everything that has happened with the phantoms. So, maybe it is a sign from your mom."

"Yes," Flynn points at him in a sign of agreement. "I agree." Julie rolls her eyes at the two and shakes her head. Flynn smiles at Julie. "It's not over, Julie!"

"Really?" Julie looks at Jasper and Flynn in disbelief. "'Signs'?"

"You're in a ghost band." Flynn reminded her.

"And my brother is a ghost." Jasper adds. He chuckles. "Anything is possible by now."

"Exactly." Flynn nods in agreement. "It's a crazy world."

Julie tilts her head to the side as she thinks. "Look, you guys are gonna loose them no matter what." Flynn continues. "And it sucks. But they helped bring you back to life," She said to Julie and glance at Jasper. "And they helped you be confident." She looks at the two teens with a smile. "Now it's your guy's turn to help them." Jasper could feel himself starting to get teary eyes the more Flynn speaks and when he glanced at Julie, he saw the same was happening to her. Flynn looks at them with sympathetic expression. "They have to cross over. Let them go."

Jasper and Julie exchange a look. They both knew Flynn was right. They needed to help the boys play at the Orpheum to get them to cross over so they don't have to play in a houseband for eternity or be destroyed by those jolts.


"Wow, who died?" Jasper joked when he and Julie walked into the garage and he saw how sad the phantoms looked. Reggie was sat on a chair, leaning against his bass that he was aimlessly playing, Luke laid on the ground in front of the couch with his head rested on the couch and Alex laid on the couch trying to balance his drumstick on his nose. 

Julie sighs. "Snap out of it!" She yelled, gaining the phantom's attention. She startled Alex so much that he fell off the couch and dropped the drumstick that he had tried to balance on his nose. 

"Jeez, I think you broke Alex." Reggie remarked.

Jasper waves a dismissive hand. "He'll be fine."

"Do you guys want to cross over or what?" Julie asks as Luke helps Alex back on the couch. When the phantoms didn't reply to her, she claps her hands and shouts, "Get it together!"

Luke shakes his head. "They're never gonna let us play The Orpheum."

"We're nobody." Alex added.

"We're less than nobody." Reggie corrects. "We have no bodies." Luke snapped his fingers in Reggie's direction as if that was his way of agreeing with him.

"Yeah, well, moping around isn't gonna get you guys to play the Orpheum." Jasper voiced, crossing his arms.

"Someone once told me that you don't ask for permission." Luke chuckles lightly and smiles. "You book gigs by doing." Julie continued.

Reggie smiles proudly. "That was me."

Julie shakes his head. "No, it wasn't."

Luke looks at Reggie with furrowed eyebrows. "No, it wasn't."

Jasper sympathetically smiles at Reggie. "I wasn't there when it was said, but I'm pretty sure you weren't the one who said it."

"Yes, it was." Reggie muttered, earning a chuckle from Jasper.

"This isn't over." Julie continues. "We were brought together for a reason: to help each other."

"Yeah, but like Luke said, people don't just play the Orpheum because they want to." Alex voiced.

"Yeah," Jasper smirks and crosses his arms. "But you're not people." 

A/N just rewatching unsaid emily made me tear up, the song is so sad but so good. 

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