CHAPTER ONE, three ghosts

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Jasper wouldn't call himself lucky, but he guesses he could have it worse. He lets out a sigh when he hears a door slam which meant his parents are angry about something again. He never knows what they're angry about and sometimes he doesn't want to know. When he tried asking or try to help resolve the argument everything is somehow his fault and they get angry at him.

Jasper was currently in his bedroom, laying on his bed. All of his lights are off beside the LED lights that surround his ceiling which are a blue color. He reached beside him, pressing play so he can continue to listen to the music he was listening to through his headphones. He closed his eyes, fiddling with the string of his headphones. 

Music always helped calm him down and block out any noise. He had paused the music that was playing to check and see if his parents were done fighting. He decided on listening to it more just because he wanted to. He opened his eyes a few minutes later when his phone started ringing. He picked it up and answers the call when he sees it's Julie calling him.

"Hey, Jules. What's up?"

"Okay, you're gonna think I'm crazy about what I'm gonna say next, but just listen to me. Please." Julie spoke in a frantic tone.

Jasper raises his eyebrows, curious as to what she was going to say and slightly concern as to why she sounded so frantic. "Okay. I'm listening."

"You're brother and his friends are in my mom's studio." Julie told him.

His eyes grew wide at hearing that. How was that possible? Reggie and his friends are dead and have been for twenty-five years. "Are you serious?" Jasper asks her, moving to a sitting position on his bed. "Jules, I hope you know their dead."

"Well, I know that now!" Julie exclaims, causing him to flinch since he wasn't expecting her to raise her voice. "Just come over and help me figure out what to do, Jas. They're freaking me out."

"Okay, okay, just calm down." Jasper gets off of his bed, moving to grab his skateboard. "I'm on my way."

"Thank you." Julie said with relief.

"Yeah, no problem." He hung up the call and went over to one of the windows in his bedroom.

He climbs out onto a big tree that was nearby. He lands on the ground while holding his skateboard and puts his phone in his pocket while he goes over to the sidewalk. Once he put his skateboard on the sidewalk, he started skating to Julie's house.

A few minutes later he gets to Julie's house and skates over to the garage. He gets off of his skateboard and picks it up. He notices one of the garage doors are open and so he walks in. A surprised expression is on his face when he sees the familiar three boys standing in front of Julie. "Wow, Jules, you really weren't lying."

At hearing his voice, the boys turn around to look at him, the three of them looking at Jasper with confusion. Julie looks at Jasper with a 'duh' expression as she dramatically outstretches her arms. "Why would I lie about this?!"

"Yeah, good point." Jasper awkwardly points at her. He narrows his eyes when he saw the cross decoration she held. "Why do you have that?"

"For protection!" Julie defended herself.

"Okay." Jasper slowly said, nodding his head, his eyes gazing over at the three boys.

He remembers seeing a picture of the three boys when he was cleaning stuff in the attic one time. It was a CD booklet that was in a CD of the band 'Sunset Curve' he found. He then remembered from talking to his parents about his brother that he and his friends were in a band called 'Sunset Curve'. His parents didn't say much about Reggie or his friends. They just said he was in 'Sunset Curve', he focused more on the band, and hung out with the band more than them. Jasper wasn't really surprised to hear that considering the fact that their parents aren't the greatest. If Jasper was in a band he would be hanging out with them a lot more than being home.

There were four boys shown on the cover of the CD booklet which had the titles of all the songs in the CD. He knew that only three members of the band had died. He doesn't know what happened to the fourth member of the band. He had also found a polaroid picture of the three boys that are in the garage with the stuff of what he assumed was Reggie's in the attic. He looked at each of the boys. The one with the pink hoodie he remembered being Alex, the drummer of the band. His brother, Reggie, was the bassist of the band. And the boy wearing the denim jacket was the lead singer of the band was Luke.

"You-You're my brother." Jasper couldn't stop himself from blurting out what he just said, pointing at the leather jacket wearing boy.

Reggie and his friends look at him with confusion. "Uh, I don't think so." Reggie chuckles, shaking his head. "Last I checked I was an only child."

Jasper nods. "Yes, you are." The brothers then went on back and forth with Reggie saying 'no, i'm not' and Jasper saying, 'yes, you are' until Alex had enough of it and interrupted them.

"Okay, this could go on for awhile. So, just stop."

"Fine." Jasper grumbled, staring at the ground. Reggie fiddled with his hands, which was something he did when he was nervous, looking at Jasper with curiosity. He was starting to wonder maybe Jasper is right. He doesn't know why someone would lie about being your brother and he doesn't think Jasper would be someone to lie about that.

Luke looks at Alex with furrowed eyebrows. "I thought Reggie is an only child."

"Yeah," Reggie outstretches his arms dramatically, turning to look at his friends with furrowed eyebrows. "I thought that too."

"I need to talk to you." Julie walked over to Jasper, grabbing his arm, and pulled him outside.

"Please explain to me how and why my brother and his friends are in your mom's studio looking the same age they did when they died?" Jasper said to Julie, turning to face her while they stood a few inches away from the garage.

"I was cleaning out the garage and I found an old CD in my mom's stuff." Julie explains. "It looked interesting so I put it in. Rock music starts playing and then I heard screaming and they," She dramatically gestures to the three boys back in the garage who were looking around the place. "Appeared out of thin air!"

"This sounds like the start of a horror movie." Jasper muttered, wincing when Julie flicked his head.

"This is real life, Jas." Julie flicks his forehead, not that harshly but still hard enough it made him wince. "Not everything is like a movie."

"First, ow." Jasper comments, sending her a small glare for flicking him. "And second, how are we really for sure that they are who they say they are?" He gestures to Reggie as he stutters. "I-I mean, even though that boy looks like my brother, he could just be my brother's doppelganger."

"Okay," Julie crosses her arms. "Then who are the other boys with him?"

"Alex and Luke." Jasper replies. "I remember seeing them in a picture with Reggie when I was cleaning out the attic one day." He shakes his head, crossing his arms with a confused look on his face. "It just-It doesn't make any sense that they're here as ghosts."

"Okay," Julie nods. "Also ghosts aren't real."

"It's obvious that they're ghosts." Jasper remarks, rolling his eyes. "I mean, what else would they be?"

"No idea." Julie mumbles, shaking her head. "This is all just crazy." She walked back into the garage, followed by Jasper as she got her phone out of her pocket.

"What is that?" Luke points at Julie's phone, leaning forward a bit to see what Julie was doing. "What are you doing?"

"It's my phone." Julie responds, holding the cross decoration out in front of her at the three boys. "No, stop talking to them. They aren't real." She said to herself, shaking her head. "There's no such thing as cute ghosts."

Jasper rolled his eyes, his lips forming into a pout. And she said ghosts aren't real when she just called the three boys in front of them ghosts.

Reggie crosses his arms with a smirk on his lips as he looks at Julie. "Oh, think we're cute?"

Julie looks at him with narrowed eyes and then looks back at her phone. The blonde leans towards Julie, looking at her phone. "Who you calling?"

"I'm googling Sunset Swerve." Julie replied, looking back at the three boys.

"Sunset Curve!" The three boys corrected her and Reggie even made a curve gesture as he spoke.

Jasper looks over Julie's shoulder at the article she's looking at. His eyes grow wide while he skims over the article. There was a picture of Reggie and his friends and another boy and the title of the article read 'Sunset Curve: A Hollywood Tragedy'. As he skims over the article more, he wasn't that surprised to find out they died twenty-five years ago since he already knew that. But looking at Julie he saw that she was surprised.

"Woah. There is a Sunset Curve." Julie nods, looking back at the boys. "You did die. But not last night."

The three ghosts look at her with confusion and then look at Jasper with wide eyes at what he says next. "Yeah, you died twenty-five years ago."

"What? No, no, no, no. T-That's impossible." Reggie stutters, shaking his head. He looks at his friends, pointing at Alex. "After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex cried."

Alex looks at him with offense, speaking in a high-pitched voice. "Well...I don't think..." He speaks normally as he continues. "I think we were all pretty upset, okay."

Jasper wasn't really for sure what to think of this situation. It was his first time dealing with Julie, same goes for Julie. Three ghosts were standing in front of him and Julie. It was just crazy that they aren't dreaming and that this was real.

Luke nods. "But that was just for like an hour. We just showed up here."

"Look." Julie shows them the article on her phone. "This is what my phone told me. And Jasper already knew 'cause he is his brother." She gestured with a nod of her head to Reggie.

"Us being brothers is not possible." Reggie gestures to himself and Jasper with a look of disbelief on his face. "We look nothing alike!"

"I was adopted." Jasper informed him.

Reggie nods in realization. "Oh, that makes sense."

"See? You died in 1995." Julie said to Reggie and his friends while they look at her phone. "When you were seventeen. It is now 2020."

"So, this is the future?" Reggie asked with wide eyes, glancing around the studio while Julie put her phone back in her pocket.

"Yep." Jasper nodded.

"Wait. So...So, it has been twenty-five years." Jasper raises his eyebrows when Alex started to get teary eyed. Alex looks at his friends with wide eyes. "I have been crying for twenty-five years? How is that possible?"

"Well," Reggie shrugs. "You're a very emotional person."

Alex shakes his head, denying what Reggie said even though it was obvious that he is an emotional person. "I am not!"

No one noticed that Carlos, Julie's little brother, had walked over to the garage. "Thought you were afraid to come out here."

Everyone looks towards the open doors where they see Julie's little brother walk over to them. The three boys step to the side as he walks over to Jasper and Julie, standing in front of them. "Oh, hey Jasper." Carlos waved at Jasper and Jasper waved back at him.

"Did she tell you about her ghost friend?" Carlos questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah." Jasper nodded.

"How does he look? Is he hideous?" Carlos looked back at Julie.

Alex chuckles, looking at Reggie with amusement. "He can see you."

Julie immediately looks at him with wide eyes. "No, he can't."

Jasper's eyes widened and Julie looked back at him with a panic expression after realizing what that she just talked to the boys in front of her brother.

Carlos looks around him and looks back at Julie with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"

"Uh," Julie shakes her head, looking back at Carlos. "What do want?"

"A normal sister, for starters." Carlos answers. "Stop being weird and come eat."

When he leaves, Julie looks at Alex with confusion. "He couldn't see you."

Alex nods. "Yeah. I mean, that's...Usually how ghosts work."

"Okay," Jasper looks at him with raised eyebrows. "Then why can we see you guys?"

"Don't know." Alex replied, shaking his head.

Julie sighs. "Look, I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave." She went to leave but stops when Luke spoke.

"But wait we...We didn't get your name."

Julie turns back around to face him. "It's Julie."

"Cool. I-I'm Luke," Luke introduces himself, not knowing Julie already knew him and the other two thanks to Jasper. He goes to step toward Julie, staying where he is when Julie raises the cross decoration at him. "By the way. And this is-" He gestured to Reggie who introduced himself.

"Reggie." Reggie smiles. "I'm Reggie."

"And-" Luke pointed at Alex.

"Hey. Alex. How's it going?" Alex waved.

"Ba-da." Luke awkwardly said, gesturing at his friends while doing jazz hands. He smiled at Julie and Jasper, who both stare at them with a blank expression.

"Okay?" Julie shrugged her shoulders and starts walking back to her house.

Reggie turns to his friends with a smile. "Julie seems nice."

Groaning, Alex shakes his head at Reggie. "I better get going." Jasper spoke, looking at his watch on his wrist. He wanted to be back before his parents realized he was gone.

He looks back at the boys with a smile. "It was nice meeting you guys. And sorry about Julie, it's just been a tough day for her."

"It was nice meeting you too." Reggie smiles at him. "It's so cool I have a brother."

Jasper chuckles a bit, his smile widening as he nods. "Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna go now." He then sets his skateboard on the ground. He got on his skateboard and starts skating down the driveway after he waved goodbye to Reggie and his friends.

A/N here's the first chapter! i love jasper, he's the best

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