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The next day Julie had texted him, letting him know that she sang and played the piano for the first time in a few years that morning. Jasper was so proud of her because he knew how hard it was for her.

Once Jasper finished getting ready he skateboards to the school. He hooks his skateboard onto his backpack and goes to where he meets up with Flynn and Julie. Julie had told him the plan about confronting Mrs. Harrison and tell her what happen and see if she will let Julie back in the music program.

"Believe me, I think it's wonderful that you sang again." Mrs. Harrison tells Julie as she sets out music sheets on music stands. "But it's too late."

"Please," Jasper speaks up, looking at Mrs. Harrison with a pleading expression. "Just hear her play."

Flynn nods in agreement. "Yeah, I mean, you know she's amazing."

"It wouldn't matter." Mrs. Harrison shakes her head, sending an apologetic expression to the three teens. "A new student starts tomorrow."

Jasper and the girls sigh at hearing that.

"You know there's-"

"Only a few spots left." Julie interrupts Mrs. Harrison while she nods. "And if I don't participate I'm out. I know."

"I did everything I could to keep you hear this year." Mrs. Harrison said to Julie, walking over to stand in front of the three teens. "But Principal Lessa was very clear that yesterday was your last chance. You'll have to reapply next semester. I'm really sorry."

Julie sighs and as the bell rings for class to start. Jasper wrapped his arms around his best friends since he was standing between them, and they wrapped their arms back around him. Then they all walked out of the music room.


Jasper skateboarded home after school, not surprised to see that his parents weren't home since they were normally home late. When he got to his room, he was surprised to see Reggie holding onto one of his old bass guitars.

"Reggie? What are you doing here? And-And how can you hold that?" Jasper asked him, looking at him with surprise as he set his skateboard near his door. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his fast beating heart. He was so shocked to see Reggie suddenly in his room. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to his brother being there and being able to teleport everywhere. 

Reggie turns to him with a smile. "Oh, uh, I wanted to see where you and our parents lived now since I found out a little bit ago that our old house got turned into a bike shack."

Jasper nods and sets his backpack by his desk on the floor. "Yeah. They decided to get a bigger place."

Reggie nods, glancing back at the black bass he held with a small smile. "I'm surprised you have my old bass."

Jasper shrugs. "Yeah, I kind of begged mom and dad to not throw out all of your stuff that meant a lot to you." He smiles slightly. "I wanted to keep it for memories, I guess."

Reggie smiles a bit at hearing that, thinking it was nice that Jasper did something like that for him even though Jasper never met him. "Thank you."

Jasper nods. "You're welcome." He points at Reggie, narrowing his eyes at him. "By the way, you never answered any of my questions."

Reggie's eyes widen in realization and he nods. "Oh, right. Well, we normally can't pick up anything, but our instruments are easy for us to pick up. Luke said it might be 'cause they're attached to our souls." He shrugs. "I don't really know."

"Okay," Jasper drags out the word, moving to sit on his bed. "I guess that makes sense."

"I'm glad you're not freaking out about me being in here 'cause Julie was not happy with us being in her room." Reggie chuckled nervously, remembering how Julie yelled at him and the boys for being in her room without permission.

"I don't really care." Jasper admits. He shakes his head, looking at Reggie in disbelief. "I still can't believe that you guys are actually here. As ghosts."

"We can't believe it either." Reggie comments. "It's crazy." His eyes widen when he remembers something he, Alex, and Luke were talking about earlier. "Oh! Instead of the word ghosts, Alex thought it would be cooler if we were called musician spirits." He smiles. "I think it's kinda cooler than the word ghosts as well. So he wanted to make sure that you and Julie knew to call us musician spirits instead of ghosts."

Jasper chuckles and nods. "Okay, good to know."

"So, do you know how to play?" Reggie questioned after a moment of silence fell between them. He gestured to the bass he held with a nod of his head and Jasper shook his head.

"No, not really." Jasper answers. "I never know what I'm doing when I play around on it."

"I could teach you." Reggie offered.

Jasper looks at him with surprise. "Really?"

A grin tugs on Reggie's lips as he nods. "Yeah!" He falters a bit and quickly adds, "I-I mean, if you want me to teach you I will. It's up to you." He didn't want to force Jasper to do something if he didn't want to do it, but he hoped he did because he wanted to spend time with his brother.

"It would be great if you could teach me, Reg." Jasper told him, his lips forming into a grin. He had to admit he wouldn't mind spending some time with his brother. He never met him until recently so this would be a great way to get to know him more.


It has been a few hours now and Jasper was enjoying spending time with Reggie. He got to know much more about him and he let Reggie know more about himself as well. Jasper lost count at how long it has been since Reggie has been teaching him to play bass, but he thinks he finally got the hang of it. 

"Okay, so is this it?" He asked, playing the chords Reggie told him to play. He was playing on Reggie's old bass while Reggie had the one he currently uses.

"Yeah!" Reggie smiles proudly and nods. "Yeah, that's it. Now you know and hopefully remember all of the notes to play on the bass." 

Jasper smiles at Reggie. "Thanks, Reg. I had fun. And it was great getting to know you better as well."


Jasper lets out a surprised yelp when he suddenly heard a different voice other than his or Reggie's, almost dropping the bass he held. He quickly catches it, looking over to his left, and was surprised to see Alex and Luke standing in his room. "What are you guys doing here?"

Luke sends him a small smile. "We wanted to tell you that we're gonna help Julie get back into the music program tomorrow by playing this song Bright I wrote at the Spirit Assembly and she wants you to help her with it."

"Actually, Julie wanted us to let him know that." Alex corrected him, earning an eye roll from Luke. 

Jasper chuckles, his lips tugging into a smile as he nods. "Yeah, I'll be there." 


The next day of school Jasper is standing in the gym off to the side, watching Dirty Candy preform at the Spirt Assembly. Jasper had spent the night before practicing the song Bright he was gonna preform with Julie and the other boys that day. He had to admit the song was really good. Luke had asked him to be the rhythm guitarist for the band, knowing the song will sound better with a rhythm guitarist. And so he had gave Jasper a chord sheet that used to be used by Bobby, the other band member of 'Sunset Curve'.

Jasper glanced over his shoulder when he heard the doors open, and his lips curved upwards when he saw his best friends walk in. "Hey, guys." He greeted, waving at them and Flynn waved at him. 

Flynn and Julie stands beside Jasper, watching Dirty Candy. Crossing her arms, Flynn scoffs. "Look who spent all of her daddy's money on costumes and on Katy Perry's choreographer."

"Well, it paid off." Julie commented and Jasper nodded in agreement. He looked to his left when he heard movement, his eyes widening when he saw his brother, Alex, and Luke were there. 

He guesses that Julie noticed they arrived as well and she didn't seem happy about it either. "What are you guys doing here?"

Luke smiles. "We wanna see you stick to the man." He looks back at his friends. "Isn't that right, boys?"

Jasper chuckles lightly at seeing the awestruck expression on Reggie's face as he watches Dirty Candy preform. "Man, I miss high school." 

Jasper glances back at the boys after watching Dirty Candy preform for a bit, chuckling when he saw Alex was copying some of the moves the girls were doing. Alex then bumped into Luke and Luke was quick to get him to stop.

"Thank you, thank you!" Carrie waves at the cheering crowd. "Don't forget to check out my new YouTube video. Oh, and go Bobcats!" 

Once Dirty Candy leaves, Principal Lessa and Mrs. Harrison walks over to stand in front of the stands, facing the students. "Thank you, Dirty Candy." Principal Lessa said. 

"Now's your chance." Flynn points out to Julie and Julie looks at her with a nervous expression. Flynn just smiles at her. "Go talk to her." She playfully elbows Julie. "See you in music class." She walked over to the stands and sat on the bottom step. 

Jasper looks back at Principal Lessa and Mrs. Harrison when he heard Principal Lessa said they had some announcements. He looks at Reggie when he speaks. "What are you waiting for? This is your time." 

"Yeah," Alex nods, looking at Julie. "You look really nervous. Like yack in a bowl nervous."

Jasper sends him a small glare. "You're not helping, Alex." His eyes softened as he looked at Julie while she talked. He noticed how nervous she sounded and acted which made him frown. He remembered when she was so confident with preforming.

Julie shakes her head. "I just don't think I had enough time to work on the song."

Luke looks at her. "I wouldn't have given you the song if I didn't think you were gonna rock it." He points at the keyboard on stage. "Now, there's a piano on that stage with your name on it." 

Julie bit her lower lip, staring at the keyboard nervously. "I don't know if I can..."

"Hey, Jules," Jasper got her attention, looking at her with a reassuring smile. "I'll be with you the whole time, alright? Just focus on one thing or one person if you get nervous while singing." 

Julie nods and walks over to the stage along with her. He gets a microphone and its stand from on the side of the stage. He sets it on the right side of the stage across from where the keyboard was set up and went over to where he set his electric guitar case at backstage that was open. He picked up his black and red electric guitar. 

Jasper had to admit, he was beyond nervous to play in front of the whole school. Like so nervous he's surprised he hasn't dropped his guitar yet. He's going to swallow those nerves and help his best friend out because that's the kind of person he is. 

Julie plays a few chords, but stops. She glanced over at Jasper with a nervous expression.

He knew she could see he was nervous as well, there was no way he could hide that from her. He did the best to give her an encouraging smile. "Take a deep breath, Jules. You're gonna do great." He reassured her. He guessed that worked because she nodded and started playing the beginning of the song.

Julie nervously glances over where the three boys stood before looking back at the keyboard. Looking out at the gym, Jasper noticed that everyone was leaving the stands. When Julie sings the first verse and keeps going, Jasper looks back at her with a proud smile. "Sometimes I think I'm falling down. I wanna cry, I'm calling out for one more try, to feel alive."

Jasper looks at everyone, his lips curling upwards when he saw they were staying and actually moved closer to the stage to watch. "And when I feel lost and alone I know that I can make it home. Fight through the dark and find the spark." Jasper starts playing his guitar at the right moment he's supposed to join the song, playing the rhythmatic chords on the electric guitar that would perfectly go along with the main chords Luke would play. "Life is a risk, but I will take it. Close my eyes and jump. Together I think that we can make it. Come on, let's run."

At the chorus, Alex, Luke, and Reggie poof on the stage while playing their instruments, surprising everyone, including Julie. Jasper guesses that she didn't know they were going to help her out. Julie looks back at the three ghosts with surprise, but a smile was quick to form on her face.

She gets up, grabbing her mic and walks over to the middle of the stage, standing beside Jasper as Jasper sings along with her. "And rise through the night, you and I. We will fight to shine together. Bright forever.

Julie glances at Jasper with a surprised expression. Jasper just smiles back at her while shrugging his shoulders. Julie couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips. "And rise through the night, you and I. We will fight to shine together. Bright forever.

The two look at each other with wide eyes after looking at the crowd again, seeing that the crowd could see the three ghosts. Jasper noticed the boys looked surprised everyone could see them too, but they seemed happy about it. 

Julie looks at Luke with wide eyes. "Uh, is this really happening?" 

Luke grins. "Just go with it."

He moves over to his microphone when it gets to his part of the song. The crowd cheers a bit for him as he sings. "In times that I, doubted myself. I felt like I needed some help. Stuck in my head, with nothing left."

Jasper looks at the crowd, smirking when he saw Carrie looked very upset with this happening. He glances over his right shoulder as he plays his electric guitar, smiling at seeing Julie jamming out with Reggie and then turned to smile at Alex. Jasper's smile widened when she turned to him with a big smile on her face.

"I feel something, around me now. So unclear, lifting me out. I found the ground. I'm marching on.

Jasper backs up closer to where Alex's drum set is when Reggie moves over to share a mic with Luke. He was a bit surprised at how good of a voice Reggie had when he starts singing with Luke. He grins at the crowd who starts cheering louder as the two boys sang. "Life is a risk, but we will take it. Close my eyes and jump. Together I think that we can make it. Come on, let's run.

As Reggie moves back to his microphone, he shares a smile with Jasper. Jasper goes back to his microphone while Julie stands beside him again, singing along with him and Luke for the chorus. "And rise through the night, you and I. We will fight to shine together. Bright forever."

Jasper steps on the platform Alex's drum set is on the same time Reggie does, but on the opposite side. They face each other with grins. At the beginning of the next lyrics only Julie and Luke sing, Jasper and Reggie jump off the lift at the same time which made the crowd cheer louder. "And rise through the night, you and I. We will fight to shine together. Bright forever."

At this part of the song, Reggie moves over to play the keyboard which formed a smile on Jasper's face. He remembered Reggie telling him that he can somewhat play the keyboard. What he didn't like was that Luke and Julie are now sharing Julie's microphone, but the crowd seemed to like it because they cheered a bit louder when Luke starts to sing. "In times that I, doubted myself. I felt like I needed some help. Stuck in my head, with nothing left."

His lips form in a pout as he watches them, mentally scolding himself for wanting to be Luke at the moment. He shouldn't be jealous of Luke. Luke and Julie don't barely know each other and Luke's a ghost. But Luke is really talented and good looking. Jasper was beginning to worry that his best friend could possibly fall for Luke instead of him.

Luke and Julie were now right beside each other and leaning down a bit. "And when I feel lost and I alone I know that I can make it home." Alex noticed the upset expression on Jasper's face from his place at his drum set. When Jasper looked his way, Alex raised his eyebrows at him in question, his way of asking if he was okay. Jasper just nodded and forced a smile.

"Fight through the dark and find the spark." Julie does something that no one thought she would do, she walked right through Luke, belting out the word 'Spark'. The crowd goes wild after seeing and hearing her sing like that. Luke moves over to his microphone while Jasper does the same. 

Jasper sings along with Luke while Alex and Reggie does the backup vocals by repeating some of the words Jasper and Luke sing. "And rise (rise) through the night (through the night) you and I (you and I) we will fight to shine together."

"Shine together." Julie repeated.

"Bright forever." The boys sing and Julie repeats it. "Bright forever."

"And rise (rise) through the night (through the night) you and I (you and I),"

Julie joins the boys on singing the last part of the song. "We will fight to shine together. Bright forever.

A/N here is the second episode! i'm already loving the trio of jasper, julie & flynn

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