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Ten thought he'd be living with a good life. Omegas weren't always the most respectable gender in the hierarchy. They were always seen as home makers, always been for alphas and betas to breed with. They are rarely loved and cherished. But Ten meant the world for an alpha once.

He had a boyfriend, a very loving one to be specific. The alpha would treat the omega like a king. The omega would always go first in his priorities. It went on for seven years, to be exact. Ten thought he was the one within that time frame.

Ten gave himself to the alpha, mindlessly. He was in need of 'help' that time. He just wanted him and didn't care about anything. Although they were so in love, Ten thought they'd be together for more years to come.

But the omega ended up being alone.

He didn't know what went wrong. The alpha just suddenly disappeared in a snap. To this day, he would still ask himself why. What exactly went wrong? Was it because he already gave himself? Did he find someone new that's why the alpha couldn't bond with him? Or was it because Ten told him he was pregnant?

His boyfriend felt like a dream. He was almost too good to be true.

He's still hoping for him to come back. Atleast, just to see his child, their son. But years have passed, there was no sign of him. He felt grief but all he has now was hatred. Ten suddenly thought how he was able to love a guy like him. He was just like any alpha.

Alphas are going to be alphas.


Ten spreads his arms wide to catch and hug River, his seven-year old son, that just came out of the classroom he was in. He smiled widely at him and placed a kiss ontop of the little prince's head.

"How was class?" the omega asked, gently removing the backpack that the boy has.

"Great! Three stars again today, papa!" River held up his arm that has stamped stars on the back of his palm.

Ten ruffled the boy's head, "Ah, that's my baby! You really got the brains--"

"--From uncle Yongie!"

The omega was taken aback and frowned at Taeyong, an omega, who suddenly appeared beside him. River giggled at his uncle's remark.

"You can go ahead and play, baby," Ten told River, pointing at Blue, a Lee-Jung baby, who was at the slide, "There's Lue, go and play with him. We'll go home later."

The boy nodded, smiling back at his father, before he went towards his childhood friend. Ten just watched him go, sitting beside Taeyong.

"So...?" Taeyong started.

Ten hummed.

"How's Daegu?"

Right when River finished grade 1, Ten decided to move out of Seoul. He didn't want to stay at a place that was traumatic for him. He wanted move on and have his own life, not prioritize his anger. Taeyong offered him to go to Daegu, where he and his family are currently living in. Ten didn't think twice and went for it. It's been a week since they moved.

Although River missed the old place, he was glad to be with Blue again. He's still adjusting, Ten could tell but they're better off like this. The place's new and quite peaceful. He still needs to look for a job soon. His current savings won't last and he doesn't want to get a stupid loan.

"It's been nice. I would want to look around someday," Ten answered.

Taeyong nodded, "I can tour you and River around. We'll have a family lunch this weekend. How's that sound?"

"Well, I still need to look for a job."

"I can refer you to Jaehyun. His company must be looking for employees right now. Just tell me."

The omega chuckled, "You help too much, Taeyongie."

"I just want you to have a good life here," his friend said, "You've been beating up your ass at Seoul for Riv. Since you moved out of that hellhole, I want you guys to live differently around here. Wasn't River getting bullied back there too?"

Ten smiled, "I really appreciate it. Thanks. I will try to apply to be a helper here first so I could just be looking out for River better. But if my luck's out, I'll try and apply at Jaehyun's."

Taeyong nodded, "Alright...Have you thought about finding a mate soon?"

"About that, River's the only thing I care right now. I don't really want to have an alpha who just wants to breed."

The omega laughed, "Surely, not all alphas want that."

"You just got lucky!" Ten exclaimed, talking about Jaehyun, Taeyong's alpha.

The mated omega chuckled, "You will too. I know it."

After a few minutes, Ten called River so they could go home. Taeyong goes home as well with Blue when Jaehyun arrived shortly. Ten was offered a ride but he politely declined his friend and went on for a walk instead. Their apartment's near anyway, it's not far, like Taeyong's. He has his collar and pills on anyway.

"Are you hungry already? Do you want to buy anything for lunch, Riv?" Ten asked, carrying his son.

River shook his head, "I'm fine with anything, papa."

They stayed quiet for a bit, appreciating the quiet atmosphere along the street. The sun was still up, it was just about lunch time. Shortly, they arrived at their building, greeting the kind landlord and went up to the next floor where they are currently staying. Ten placed River down and grabbed the keys in his pocket.


"Hm?" the omega hummed while unlocking the door.

"My classmates are asking why I only have one papa."

Ten looked back, "Why did they ask you?"

"I drew a picture of my family. I drew you and me, then they asked why I have one papa. I don't understand them. Don't they have one papa too?" River asked clueless.

The omega sighed. He opened the door and smiled sadly at his son, "Let's go inside first. I still need to cook lunch."

The boy nodded and skipped his way into their room. Ten's smile faded. Well, he knew River would ask that someday. He's been bullied for once because of that. Honestly, he doesn't have an excuse for that. He'll tell the boy that he gave birth just by himself? That would be funny of him.

The omega comes in and closed the door. He saw River pulling his socks off and obediently putting his bag in their bedroom. Ten sighed.

"Riv, baby, come here to papa please."

River went towards the omega and hugged his legs. Ten carried him and lets him sit on the counter while the omega cooks lunch.

"You have another papa, to be clear with you," Ten said straight to the point.

The boy hummed, swinging his tiny legs off the counter, "Where is he?"


"When will he come back?" River gasped excitingly, "Can I see him, papa? When can we meet him?"

Ten just saw himself on River, excited to see the person who will never bother to give him a reason why he disappeared. The omega looked away from his son as he hummed.

"He's in...heaven, River. We can't see him anymore."

If ever he'll end up in that place. Ten doubted.

The boy became upset. He pouted and got a chuckle from his father. Ten combed River's hair back.

"Don't worry. You have me anyway, right?" The omega said.

River then put up a wide smile, nodding at his papa's remark. He hugged him as another response, Ten hugging him back. The omega will be the only parent River needs. He'll stand up alone for his son.

Who needs that prick anyway?

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