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PAIGE CARRIES THE GIRL INSIDE. Paige would've liked to clean Kai up in her room but she didn't want to bother the bloodied girl. She brings Kai into the bathroom and sits her up on the toilet with her back leaning against the sink.

Paige has never cleaned wounds this bad up before but she knew they could get infected if not cleaned with alcohol. Paige grabs the rubbing alcohol and a hand towel to clean up the blood and wounds.

She starts off by getting one of the hand towels wet just to get the crusty blood off of the girls face. Kai groans at the cold feeling on her hot body. Paige wipes the blood lightly. Kai yawns and leans into the blondes touch.

Paige holds the girl up with her body while pouring alcohol onto the towel. Paige rubs the girl's knuckles making her wince at the sting. Paige gives a small sorry and continues cleaning up the wound. "How'd you learn to fight like that?" Paige asks, not expecting an answer from the drunk and beaten girl.

"I used to be in a gang, I guess." She answers making Paige reel back in shock. "You used to be in a gang." Paige speaks, making sure she heard the girl right.

"Southside Slades." Kai brings her hand up to her neck pulling her hair to the side revealing the sword going through an 'S' behind her ear. "It's not something I like to talk about. It's what gave me hypersomnia. My brothers taught me how to fight when I was thirteen." Kai says while Paige continues to clean the blood up.

Paige nods, surprised at how much she didn't know about Kai. "My father was the leader of the gang, my brothers were his right hand men. And I was his princess— as he would call me. I watched my brothers get killed in front of me." Kai confesses with tears coming down.

"I got addicted to drugs and alcohol soon after, all while doing sports. I was a mess. I had to leave, so I left and I haven't looked back since." Kai finishes wiping her tears, smearing some blood on her cheeks. Paige was the most focused she's ever been.

"I'm proud of you." Paige speaks and puts a strand of hair behind Kai's ear looking at the tattoo. Kai gives a tight smile to Paige and wraps her arms around her neck. Paige wraps her arms around the brunettes waist and carries her to the bed having cleaned her all up. Paige sets the girl on the bed and hands her some clothes to change into.

"I have to start bringing some clothes over." Kai jokes as she changes into the comfy clothes provided by the blonde. Paige laughs and changes as well. "Please don't leave me alone tonight." Kai speaks softly knowing she's gonna have a nightmare about her brothers because of the fight.

Paige obliges and crawls into the bed with her. Paige hesitates but Kai throws her arms around the blonde, feeling like a little kid with her protective brothers again.


Paige wakes up as a weight shifts upon her making her groan. Kai had migrated over the night and was now on top of the blonde. Paige looks at the girls bruised face, the eye having turned purple over night, the cut on the lip crusting over but would split back open soon.

Paige grabs the girls knuckles, them being in the same condition as her face but worse. Kai barely took any hits, having blocked the punches the other girl gave. Meaning her hands looked the worse between her face and knuckles. Kai yawns and realizes she's on top of Paige, "I'm sorry." She apologizes and rolls off.

Paige laughs at the girl, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, my head hurts and I just wanna sleep." She answers while closing her eyes intending to go back to sleep. "I'll bring you back something eat and some painkillers."

Kai nods and dozes off again while Paige heads out. Paige walks into the dining hall where some of her friends were. "How is she?" KK asks. Paige shrugs not wanting to say anything wrong without the girls permission.

"You can ask her later." Paige says before leaving the hall and back to her dorm room. "Kai, wake up."

"Bueckers?" She says groggily wiping her eyes before moaning at the pain in her hands and face. "Yeah, you have a pretty nasty bruise on your face." Paige speaks while setting the plate down and turning the light on.

Kai snaps her eyes shut at the harsh light. Paige grabs her hand and puts the pills in her hand. Kai takes the pills with no water, it almost getting stuck in her throat. Kai gets the food slowly, being tired, hungover, and in pain.

Kai finishes eating and lays back down, wanting to sleep for thirty days straight. Paige opens the door hearing knocking come, it was KK, Aubrey, Azzi, and Caroline. Paige goes against her better judgment and lets them in.

"Oh, Kai. Are you okay?" Caroline asks sitting on the bed. The other girls laugh at her. "I'm fine, Car." Kai says sitting up slightly. Kai looks at the time seeing that they were gonna be late for practice if they don't leave soon.

She goes to get up but the girls force her to stay in bed, "we have practice." Kai says and the girls laugh at her determination. "You have to sleep, you need it." Paige says. Kai nods softly and lays back down while the others get ready. "Get some sleep, we'll be back soon."

Kai falls back asleep for who knows how long but is awoken by the sound of the door opening. "How was practice?"

Paige shrugs, it being okay. "I should probably get up." Kai says and forces her body to wake up. Kai goes to stand, her legs giving out for a second before she regains her footing.

Paige gives her a pointed look but Kai doesn't pay attention to the look. "Okay, I'm going to my room and sleeping for like five ever."

"Five ever?" Paige questions, never hearing that before. "Yeah, it's like a thing I say. It means it's gonna be longer than forever." She explains and Paige nods before Kai leaves the blonde in her room.


Kai applies Neosporin to her lip and knuckles to make them not scar, though Kai kinda wanted the lip to scar. It would make her look badass but decided against it.


liked by paigebueckers, azzi35, and 13,726 others.

throwback pictures have my heart.

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The bruising on Kai's face had gone down, but still very visible even under makeup. But it was the best she could do without wincing every time she beat her face with the beauty blender. Kai puts her stuff on the bus as the next away game was already here and it was in Paige's home state.

Kai sits next to Paige, as she did the previous time when they were traveling. Paige doesn't pay any mind to Kai when she ends up falling asleep against her again. The process is the same on the plane, Paige almost having to carry the girl off this time.

They make it to the hotel with no problems, Kai on the same floor as the others but her own room. Kai crashes out on her bed as soon as she gets herself situated. Kai groans at the multiple knocks at her door, she doesn't even think of seeing who it was.

It was the UConn players, what a shock! They walk in with food, pizza. Kai groans and immediately grabs a box and opens it up seeing a plain pepperoni pizza. Kai takes two bites out of it before all the girls were even in the room.

"Hungry?" KK teases as Kai finishes the slice almost as quickly as she grabbed it. Kai scowls at the girl who grabs a slice for herself. Paige, who originally planned to sit next to Kai, opted out to sit on the floor even though there was plenty of room for her on the bed.

Kai grabs another piece of pizza, it being a taco pizza. The girls sat and talked among each other before deciding they should have a sleepover in Kai's room, as if they didn't already plan this already.

The girls fall asleep quickly, having not slept on the ride to Minnesota. Kai was wide awake. "You awake?" Paige questions without getting up. "Yep. I slept on the ride here."

Paige gets up and takes the spot next to Kai. "Do you remember what you told me the other day?" Paige whispers and Kai nods slowly.

"You're so strong, I can't imagine losing Drew." Paige speaks into the silence. Kai sighs, "your brother seems sweet." She says, thinking nothing of it.

"Drew talks about you, actually. He loves seeing pictures of me." Paige informs her with a slight laugh. Kai smiles and gives a small laugh as well. "I'd love to meet him someday."

Paige smirks getting the perfect idea, "he's gonna be at the game tomorrow, you can meet him then." She says. Kai nods with a big smile at the thought of meeting Paige's little brother.

"Wanna go swimming?" Kai asks mischievously. The pool was closed but sometimes it's okay to break the rules. "We didn't bring swimsuits." Paige says, Kai rolls her eyes.

"We have shorts and a bra."


Kai dips her foot in the water, retracting it from the harsh coldness of it. Paige watches as Kai puts one foot in to get used to the water. Paige rolls her eyes and pushes the girl in, thankful that they were by the deep end. Kai yelps as she falls into the water.

Paige laughs but stops when Kai comes up from the water with playful hatred in her eyes. Paige starts jogging away to put distance between them. Kai walks fast, not wanting to slip, "Bueckers, I'm going to kill you." Kai threatens making Paige give a loud laugh.

"It's not funny!" She says with a gasp. Paige continues laughing, stopping to catch her breath from laughing so much. Kai gains on her and was able to push the blonde into the water.

Kai jumps in after and pops her head up. Paige comes up as well and starts splashing Kai.

Kai shrieks and starts splashing back as well. They swim around and after a while they move to the hot tub. "I like hanging out with you." Kai admits.

Paige smiles at the floor, "I like hanging with you, too." Kai blushes softly.

Paige moves closer to Kai. Her breath hitches in her throat as the blonde moves to her side. "I would like to hangout more." Paige says in a whisper.

Kai bites her lip slowly, "we can do that."

Paige smirks and starts to lean in, wanting to kiss the girl in front of her. Their lips were so close together, "hey!" They break apart seeing a security guard outside of the pool room.

They climb out of the hot tub with haste and grab two towels to wrap themselves in as they run through the hallways to Paige's room.

"I can't believe we almost got caught." Kai speaks while covering her mouth to laugh. Paige laughs with a nod.


The girls were hyped waiting for the game to start. Kai was at the sidelines with her camera, not taking her eyes off the blonde hooper who was talking with old teammates. Kai felt a surge of emotion go through her at this interaction.

She brushes it off as the starting lineups get announced. Kai takes picture after picture, not realizing that her camera was focused on the blonde player.

Kai sets her camera down and rubs her eyes to give her a second to focus on all the players. The camera starts getting pictures of all the girls, making Kai sigh.

She didn't know what she'd do if she only had pictures of one player. It would definitely be suspicious. The first half goes by quick, with UConn having a three point lead.

Kai makes eye contact with Paige before she heads to the locker room, 'good job' she mouths. Paige nods and gives a wink before jogging off to the locker room.

Kai watches the game through her lens, cheering on her team while simultaneously taking pictures of the girls blocking, shooting, running, and everything else. Making sure to get some shots of the bench for the injured players and backups.

She knew what it was like to be on the sidelines and not get any pictures. The game runs smoothly after the second half, UConn winning with 62 points.

Kai puts her bags away on the bus making the driver promise to not let anyone touch her cameras. The driver nods with a laugh.

She goes back into the gym to see Paige waiting with her little brother who was bouncing up and down excited to see Kai. Kai sighs getting ready to meet the little boy. "Drew, this is Kai." Paige says motioning to the brunette.

Drew smiles and says 'hi.' Kai bends down to his height, which wasn't that difficult for the girl. "I've heard you like my pictures." Kai says and Drew nods shyly.

"Well, maybe one day I'll be taking pictures of you on the court, or field. Whatever you decide to do, I'll take pictures of." Kai says, crossing over her heart.


aww how sweet is she

i love paige and drew
the cutest siblings ever fr

anyways, don't forget to vote and comment!!

i love reading the comments !!!

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