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PRACTICE DRAGGED ON FOR THE PLAYERS. They had ended at 12:30 PM and Kai wasn't even close to being done. But they decided to stay around and chill in her office while she works.

The girls order food being hungry, offering some bites to Kai who gladly takes a bite of each persons food. "How much longer?" Inês groans out, tired of being in the office.

Kai laughs, "no one is keeping you guys here." She says matter of factly. Paige laughs as the other girls mock her earning a playful glare from Kai. Some of the girls left saying they would come over to Kai's later. Paige, Azzi, and Caroline stayed behind chilling on the couch. Kai works for the next hour trying to wrap up the pictures from the games.

It was now 3:45 PM and they were all leaving the gym. Kai and the others head into her dorm room, everyone else already there. "I regret giving you guys keys to my dorm room." Kai speaks and sets her bag down on the floor next to the desk. Kai goes onto her bed, kicking KK over. "Girl boo."

Paige laughs and climbs on top of KK, smothering her. KK groans and pushes Paige onto Kai who gives an oomph sound. Kai laughs, it coming out hoarsely with the weight on top of her.

Paige shifts her body to lay on the side of Kai instead of on top of her before the team gets bored. "Let's play truth or dare and/or drink!" Nika says and they agree.

"Truth or dare?" Nika starts off asking Azzi. Azzi thinks about it before answering with truth. The game goes around with some of them choosing dare but mostly truth.

"Kai, truth or dare?" KK asks with a smirk, "dare." She answers. KK gives a cruel smirk to Paige before giving the dare.

"I dare you to kiss Caroline." The room goes silent. Kai nods and slides off her bed, having to pass Paige who wanted to stop her from kissing her teammate. Kai smiles at Caroline, "you don't have to do this if you don't want to." She says in her ear. Caroline reassured her that it was fine.

Kai grabs Caroline's chin and leans in connecting their lips. Caroline is frozen in place not having kissed a girl before. Kai didn't take offense to it and pushs her tongue in between her lips and Caroline starts kissing back.

Kai stops kissing her leaving Caroline blushing and swollen lips, "well I don't know if Car is straight anymore." Aubrey jokes as Kai goes back to her bed, Paige putting some distance between them. She was jealous over someone kissing Kai. Kai wasn't even hers.


"Hey, you okay?" Kai asks Paige who was being quiet the whole night. Paige nods. She wasn't actually okay but wasn't going to tell them that. "Was Caroline a good kisser?" Paige questions, whispering it just for Kai to hear. Kai smiles and leans into Paige's ear, "not really. She was frozen in place for most of it." Kai admits making them laugh silently.

"I don't think she's ever kissed a girl before." Paige whispers backs in her ear, tickling Kai. "I can tell. It was like kissing my bedroom wall from when I was a teenager." Kai admits and Paige bursts out laughing at the confession. The girls look at the two in confusion but brush it off.

"I'm tired." Kai says softly to Paige, too nice to kick the players out of her room. Paige nods, "guys, we have a meeting early morning tomorrow." Paige announces, it not being true but the girls buying it and going back to their dorms leaving Paige and Kai.

"Thanks. I swear I'm too nice sometimes. I try and make everyone happy." She says twirling the bottoms of her hair in her fingers. "It's okay, I get how that is." Paige comforts her.

Kai smiles and leans her head on Paige's shoulder. "Can we play basketball again?" Kai wonders and Paige smiles and nods, grabbing her hand and leading them to the gym.

Paige grabs a rack of basketballs and starts to shoot them, every one of them going in flawlessly. Kai rolls her eyes and goes to shoot.

The ball hugs the rim and goes out and onto the floor. Kai groans, "it's hard."

Paige laughs and retrieves the ball. "No it's not, you just haven't played for many years like I have." Paige says giving Kai a sort of backhanded compliment. "Gee thanks!" Kai says sarcastically, grabbing the ball from Paige and shooting with horrible form to add onto her 'thank you.'

Surprisingly, it goes in. Kai runs around the gym in excitement making Paige laugh and hold her hand up for a high five. Kai gives her a high five and their hands clasp together. Paige keeps their hands together and turns Kai towards the basket. Paige moves Kai's hands on the ball and gives a demonstration of form for the girl.

Kai nods and follows her instructions, making a perfect three point shot. "Holy shit!" Kai yells and jumps into Paige's arm. Paige holds the girl as she laughs. Kai hops down and does the same thing again, it making it in as well.

"I can shoot a basketball!" Paige smiles at the girls happiness, wanting nothing more to make her happy and happy over and over again. Kai keeps shooting, the ball going in most of the time but other times being a massive air ball.

"Can we do this more?" Kai asks and Paige nods eagerly.


Kai walks into the common area of the gym seeing the girls watching the tv screen of Fortnite. Currently Aubrey and KK were playing duos. "Kai! Can you play?" Caroline asks happily, Kai shakes her head remembering how bad she sucks at shooting games. "Caroline has a crush!!!" Inês teases making the girl blush, "no I don't!" She denies and hides her face in her hands. Kai walks past the girls, Aubrey and KK yelling at her for going in front of the tv.

Kai rushes by and into her office. She didn't actually have anything to do today with having finished yesterday but it was like a second home to her now. "We going to the bar tonight, wanna come?" Aubrey asks, poking her head in the office.

"Yeah, what time are we gonna be going?" Kai ponders while checking the batteries of her cameras as they have a game soon. "Uhh, around 10 PM." Kai nods and Aubrey goes back to the common area probably going to play the game again.

Kai puts some of her batteries on the chargers and locks up her office. Kai grabs a bagel from the counter and puts it in the toaster. "So, if you had to date one person on the team, who would you date?" KK asks Kai while walking up to her. Kai laughs and shakes her head. "I am so not answering that."

KK groans and begs her to tell her, "no!" She smiles while spreading cream cheese on the bagel. "Okay. Who would you not let your son or daughter date on the team?" KK questions, subject changing slightly.

"Nika or Jana." She answers taking a bite out of the bagel. KK nods and goes on to terrorize the next person. "So you'd let your offspring date me?" Paige challenges while rounding the corner, scaring Kai.

"Maybe. Depends on how you treat them." She responds and cleans her mess up. Paige gives an eyebrow raise, "braid my hair?" Kai nods and Paige sits down. "Just two French braids, please."

Kai gets to work, not doing all the gel and shit. She finishes it within ten minutes, having done them over a million times. Paige was gonna wear the braids for the day and take it out so her hair will be wavy for tonight.

The rest of the day goes fast, Kai ends up getting alone in her room for once. Leaving her room at 9:50 PM. Heading to the club with Aubrey. "Ready to get turnt?!" She yells excitedly and Kai jogs and hops in the car. They were going to a new place this time.

For basketball players, they go out a lot. Kai sings along to the music playing over the speakers in the car just as she pulls into the parking lot of the new place. There was no bouncer and they'd get IDed at the bar if anything. They were the last two to arrive and everyone had a drink already.

Kai walks up to the bar to order, "can I get a Moscow mule please?" She asks with a smile. The bartender laughs, "imma need to see some ID."

Kai fishes out her ID and hands it to the guy, "no way you're 26." He says in disbelief making the other girls choke on their drinks. "You're 26?"

Kai looks surprised at the players, "yes? I thought you guys knew that!" She says with fake heartbreak. "We thought you were like 22 at most!" They defend making Kai pout in admiration at the girls.

"I do not look that young." She denies and the guy hands the girl her ID back with the Moscow mule. Kai gives a quick 'thanks' before being bombarded with questions from the players.

"It's not that big of a deal!" She laughs as she downs the rest of the drink and walks out to the floor to dance. Some of the girls follow with their drinks, not wanting to leave them unattended.

Paige was still at the bar, not sure how she missed how much older Kai was to her. It was only a small difference but she originally thought it was like a year or a couple of months. Paige sips her drink and watches Kai dance with KK and Inês.

Paige thought she looked so happy and beautiful in club lighting, it was probably the alcohol that made her brain all fuzzy. Kai was dancing all around the floor not paying much attention to her surroundings, accidentally knocking into a girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She apologizes immediately and tries to go back to dancing but the girl wasn't having it. "What the fuck is your problem, bitch?" She sassed making Kai reel back to her. "Dude, I said I was sorry. It was an accident." Kai explains but clearly it wasn't good enough for the angry drunk girl.

The drunk pushes Kai forcefully, Kai stumbles back and whips her head up to the girl. Kai knew that if the police were called, she'd be in the clear as it would be portrayed as self defense. Kai reels her hand back and punches the girl straight in the jaw. The girl doesn't take this lightly and they get into a bad fist fight.

Kai was bleeding from her nose, her cheek bleeding, and a cut on her lip. The other girl had a black eye forming already and blood out of her mouth. "Paige!" Azzi yells and Paige just realized the fight that had broken out in the middle of the floor.

Kai was getting the upper hand on the girl despite being the smaller one. She had quite a powerful punch. The girl was close to unconscious, from the alcohol and/or the beating. Paige grabs Kai by the arm and drags her away and outside.

Kai is brought back to reality at the harsh wind stroking her cheek. "What happened?" She asks, touching her nose and seeing crimson on her fingers. Her knuckles were split open and bleeding.

"P, I don't feel good." Kai says before passing out and almost hitting the concrete. Paige swoops in and scoops the girl into her arms and orders an Uber to take them back to the dorm room to get her cleaned up.


sorry it's so short yall !!!

love you all

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