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PAIGE GROANS AT THE GORE. "Oh my god, it's not even scary!" Kai says pausing Ginger Snaps. "How can you just sit there and not squirm at that?" Paige asks with disbelief. "Gosh I'm gonna be sick." She adds on as Kai had paused on a bloody scene.

Kai laughs as she resumes the movie, "we can watch Barbie if that'll make you feel better." She says with a fake pout. Paige rolls her eyes and grabs the remote out of Kai's hands.

Kai gasps and tries to grab the remote back, Paige holding it out of her reach which wasn't hard. "Holy fuck, you have long arms!" Kai shouts as she keeps trying to grab it. Paige laughs as she holds it even higher. Kai smirks before diving for the midsection of the blonde.

Kai starts to tickle the girl and her arms come down to start protecting her stomach. Kai snatches the remote out of her hands and holds onto it for dear life. "We are finishing Ginger Snaps!" Kai declares as she forces Paige to lay down. Paige rolls her eyes but focuses on the movie.

She tried to focus— but couldn't stop thinking about Kai's hands on her stomach and then pushing her down on the bed. Paige groans as she remembers she still has her braids in. "Braids?" Paige questions, pointing to her head. Kai nods and starts to take it down.

Paige sighs feeling relief wash over her body. Kai rolls her eyes at their 'argument' earlier about head massages. Kai brushes it off and starts rubbing the top of Paige's head. Paige leans into the girls touch, getting sleepy from how good it felt. Paige moans making Kai stop massaging her head, "don't be weird."

Paige laughs as Kai finishes up relaxing the blondes head. Kai shoves Paige's head forward and moves back as she was done massaging her head. "No, keep doing it. It feels good." Paige begs. Kai rolls her eyes and makes a come here motion. Paige gets up and lays on top of Kai while she rubs her fingers through her hair.

The movie was forgotten as Paige fell asleep while Kai was playing with her hair and Kai falling asleep shortly after. Paige yawns, stretching her neck from sleeping in a weird position.

Paige grabs her phone seeing that it was 7:24 AM. Way too early for the blonde. Kai shifts, opening one eye. "What time is it?" She asks.

"It's early, we can go back to sleep." Paige says putting her phone back down, "and I'm the one with hyperinsomnia." Kai retorts and grabs her own phone to check the time.

"Yeah, we have stuff planned today." Kai says, getting out of the bed. Immediately shivering at the coldness of the hotel room. "It's freezing!" She points out, she was still wearing a sweatshirt but her legs were covered in goosebumps.

"See, this is why we should go back to sleep." Paige sasses back. Kai rolls her eyes and picks out an outfit before heading into the bathroom to get ready. Paige lays on the bed scrolling on her phone, waiting for Kai to get done.

"Okay, what do you think?" Kai asks coming out of the bathroom in a striped mini dress that was orange and teal. Paige looks up from her phone, jaw dropping immediately.

"Yeah, looks fine." Paige puts simply, going back to scrolling on her phone trying to be nonchalant. (istg if any of you comment 6'5 nonchalant dreadhead, im deleting this story 🙄)

Kai shrugs and pulls on Paige's leg to get her up and out of bed, "go get ready." Kai says and points to the bathroom. Paige mocks her before grabbing an outfit and getting ready herself.


liked by katemartin, azzi35, paigebueckers, and 17,426 others.

i thought huskies liked cold weather 🤔

📍 cayman islands

katemartin: hawks can handle the heat ;)
kaislade: let's test it out then

nika.muhl: 😍😍
liked by kaislade

kamoreaarnold: bow bow bow

paigebueckers: pic credits

caitlinclark22: 🔥

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Kai smiles at the comment from Kate before KK's loud voice filled the room. "Okay, so boom. Kai, give a fit check." KK says, setting her phone up to be in front of Kai.

Kai shows off her outfit and tells the camera where she got it from. KK pushes Kai out of the way, bringing Paige into frame. Kai couldn't help but take a camera with them as they explore the island.

Kai takes pictures of the land, as well as her team who kept photobombing her pictures. "So, what's first on the agenda?" Aubrey asks as Kai is the only one that actually knows what they are gonna be doing.

"Well, we're going to the crystal caves!" Kai announces. The girls get excited as they load up the bus to go to the caves. The girls do karaoke and dance on the bus. The bus comes to the place and the girls leave the bus.

Kai grabs her camera and starts taking pictures of everything she thought was photography worthy. She tells some of the girls to pose and takes pictures for the memories. They were the only group for the tour as there was 15 of them.

"This is so cool." Inês says with wide eyes, looking all around. There was crystals hanging and coming up from the ground. They spend over an hour in the caves before heading back to the hotel.



we're going to the beach, be in the lobby at 2 pm!

ooo exciting!!

let's build sandcastles!

i agree with aubs

okay, we can do that lol

Kai grabs her mesh dress, not wanting to just walk around in her bikini. "Paige, are you ready?" Kai asks, fixing her hair in the mirror that was outside of the bathroom.

Paige comes out of the bathroom signaling that she was ready. They head back down to the lobby and everyone gets back on the bus. The girls couldn't contain their excitement, not waiting for the bus to be in park before rushing out and onto the sandy beach.

Kai sets down some towels and lays down to tan. "You are not going to just lay there." Jana says and grabs her hand pulling her towards the water. "Jana!" Kai yells as the cold water hits her feet. Kai shivers as her feet get used to the cold water.

Jana goes in deeper, having been in the water already. "Come on!" She shouts with a wave of her hand. Kai shuffles towards her. Jana rolls her eyes and starts splashing the water. Kai gasps and retracts into her body at the cold water.

Kai huffs and runs into the water before tackling Jana down. They play fight in the water, "yo, let's play volleyball!" Ice yells getting the attention of the two.

Kai and Jana play on the same team, with Paige and Inês. Ice, KK, Aubrey, and Nika on the other team. Kai laughs as she hits the ball into the air, Jana setting it up and Inês going in for a spike but getting blocked by Ice and Aubrey.

Azzi watches and cheers on from the sidelines because of her injury, "just letting y'all know, if Azzi was able to play you would be screwed." Kai says, trash talking the others. Azzi laughs, blowing a kiss to the brunette. Kai pretends to catch it and holds it to her heart.

Ice gets a spike, hitting Kai on the head. "Ow!" She laughs as she holds her head. They continue to play volleyball, not keeping score. Just having fun and enjoying time together.

"I have sand everywhere." Aubrey says shaking her body, letting sand off her body. Kai smiles and nods agreeing with her. Kai groans as her stomach rumbles. She grabs her phone seeing it was almost 5 PM. "Alright, let's get back to the hotel. I'm starving!"


liked by 17,829 people.


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The court was emptier compared to the other games this season. The game starts off good, 2 minutes in and no one has scored. Kai didn't know if that was a good or bad thing but it's still anyone's game.

Paige makes the first shot for UConn, coming down hard from three defenders and gets up gingerly, limping. Kai bites her lip in worry as she gets swapped out, Kai was gonna ask her if she was okay but was too focused on getting the shots she needed.

Paige ends up going back in after just a few minutes on the bench. Kai makes a note in the back of her head to check up on the blonde as the first quarter comes to an end with UCLA winning.

"Yes Aubdog!" Kai shouts as she watches the game through her camera just before UCLA calls a timeout. The second quarter comes to an end and UConn is doing much better than when first quarter ended.

The girls head off to the locker room for the halftime while Kai stays out on the floor, switching around her cameras and lenses. The game continues after the half.

UCLA comes out hot, shooting three's after three's. Kai groans setting her camera down watching her team get scored on by the other team. Kai wipes her hands on her legs, transferring the sweat to her legs. Kai didn't realize how stressful basketball is until her team is losing.

The bus ride back to the hotel was silent. The loss really weighing on the huskies spirit. Kai would try and cheer them up but she also felt the loss of it as well.

The girls head to their rooms with their heads hung low. Kai is slow with getting unloaded from the bus, not wanting to face the defeated Paige in their room. Kai heads up to their room, Paige was lying on her bed. Not changed, she just flopped onto the bed.

"You played good, P." Kai says, dropping her bags next to her bed. "That isn't good enough." Paige snarks out taking her defeat out on the photographer. Kai sighs, not wanting to cause an argument between the two of them. "You still have tomorrow." Kai says before they head to bed for a much needed rest after the stressful game.


Kai wakes up with an idea in mind to cheer up the blonde player. Kai gets a little bit ready just to go down to the lobby. She heads down to the lobby, where breakfast was being served.

Kai loads up a plate of food that Paige likes before heading back up to the room. Kai unlocks the door and sets the plate on the table, "Bueckers, I brought you some food." Kai says gently, waking the girl up.

Paige nods and gets out of bed and grabs the plate. Kai smiles as the girl eats the food, "thank you." Paige says softly, finishing up her plate. Kai nods and gets ready for their next game.

"We have an impromptu practice." Paige tells Kai, "the game is when?" Kai questions. "7:30 PM."

Kai nods, not realizing that it was that late in the day. Kai goes back to her bed and scrolls on her phone while Paige gets ready for their practice. Kai decides to get up and get ready to go to the practice too, she has nothing else to do.

Kai watches as the girls get their ass handed to them by Geno. Kai feels bad about it but she wasn't a coach, she didn't know the first thing about teaching basketball. Let alone playing it.

Kai hopes that they won't be too tired to play their game at 100% tonight. The players practically collapse after their practice. "Get some rest, you still have a game to win tonight." Kai reminds them and they all groan at her.

The girls get hype for this game wanting a quick redemption. Kai watches as the girls jump around the locker room to a hype song, one that Kai didn't know the name of.

The game starts soon after that, Kai groaning watching Paige get a back to back foul. 'Don't foul out.' Kai mouths to Paige, Paige laughs and mocks her before focusing back in on the game.

The quarter ends with UConn in the lead. The next quarter goes smoothly with no problem. It was halftime and UConn was up by 5.

UConn ends up winning the game with 71 points, just what they needed to bring their spark back. They all load back up onto the bus and head back to the hotel.

They stop and grab some pizza before hanging out in the lobby. "Great job out there tonight, ladies!" Kai says with a big smile on her face. The girls give the media director a hug as they start eating their victory pizza.


kate - bolded
kai - italics


wassup, you busy?

mmm not really, why? what's up?

nothing, im just bored

you're bored? and you decided to call me?

okay it ain't even that funny, i can hear you laughing

oh shush, it is funny

is not!

is too!

"Kai! Get over here!" Inês says.

i gotta go, i'll talk to you later money martin

Kai ends the call and goes back to the team, "who were you talking to?" Azzi asks. "No one," Kai says and grabs a slice of pizza.

"You played great tonight." Kai says putting emphasis on 'great.' Paige smirks and nods. "Thank you."


Kai sighs as she uploads picture after picture from the previous games. Her phone buzzes and it was a picture from Kate Martin on Snapchat. She smirks and opens the photo, Kate was shirtless and taking a mirror pic.

Kai sends a picture of her computer with text 'my favorite part of photography!' Kate opens it and slides up with a 'haha'

The team didn't have practice for the next few days because of fall break, Kai gets an idea in her head.

im coming to iowa for fall break :)
liked by kate martin


mwah 🤍

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